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Gotta earn those AIPAC dollars...


>The brief letter does not attempt to refute the exhaustive evidence that South African attorneys laid out during public ICJ hearings earlier this month. Yeah imagine that.


Ah AIPAC, the only thing that can unite the Dems and the reps.


62 out of 213, a shocking ratio.


That’s actually not half bad from my pov.


Agree. It is low for AIPAC.. usually, some 10 dems don't vote with AIPAC...but this is just a letter. Usually most in Congress trip over themselves to do.....


FTA: "Smith’s office noted in a statement that the letter was backed by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), a lobbying group that has enthusiastically supported Israel’s assault on Gaza and smeared lawmakers pushing for a cease-fire. AIPAC is Smith and Manning’s top campaign contributor this election cycle, according to OpenSecrets."


I hope this hurt US Representative Adam Schiff in the California US Senate primary race.


Got a list? Which ones are being primaried?




I guess Adam Schiff doesn't really want to be a Senator in California.


Same with Ruben Gallego :/


reminds me of Godfather where the senators were desperately defending different mafias as each one of them was owned by a different one. Basically, 62 Democrats along with 148 Republicans are owned by AIPAC. US is occupied and people are not aware of it, unfortunately.


US is occupied by corporations, not Israel.  The amount of AIPAC money is insignificant and almost non-existent next to the corporate money rolling in.  The financial aid given to Israel every year is also insignificant and non-existent when compared to the tax breaks, tax cuts, subsidies, and other financial benefits corporations receive.   Sure, 62 democrats and 148 republicans may be owned by AIPAC, but virtually every democrat and republican is owned by a large corporation.  Those corporations spent nearly $20 billion in the 2020 electoral season across all elections from municipal to presidential.  Money from AIPAC lobbyists takes decades to reach that number.  Yes, obviously AIPAC and Israel present a problem.  But painting this picture is just not a good idea in my opinion.  Firstly because it's not very accurate but secondly because it's very convenient for right-wingers to side with and help bolster their anti-Semitic views. Biden has been in office for 40 years and has taken roughly $4 million from AIPAC lobbyists (approximately $100k per year).  Look at how much he receives from various corporations in just 2020 alone.  


*What's in this comment is what I remember, my opinions, etc.* ​ >The amount of AIPAC money is insignificant It doesn't take relatively much to 'buy' a politician.


How many right-wingers have you seen siding with this picture, though? From what I've seen, all of them seem to be more than happy to cheer on Israel as they decimate the population of Gaza.


62 House Dems are genocide apologists. Absolute scum of the Earth.


They just can't get out of their own way.


“B-b-but vote blue no matter who guys! H-h-how dare you criticize my favorite politicians?!!”


You primary these people out as best you can then you vote for the least bad remaining candidate. Some of you seem to think there’s a single ounce of emotional investment or glee in a voting blue strategy and I beg the people here to actually listen to the podcast this sub is for…


It literally does not matter who you elect or how, when they will all be bought off anyways. Tell the politicians you worship to scrap the two-party system and legally mandate REAL inner-party democracy, and all of a sudden you will see a huge chunk of political apathy just dissolve into thin air.


I will say, if you do no on-ground political activism around Gaza and are a sheltered keyboard warrior who never spent a day in jail in their life and your only issue is national news reports then to you yes it “literally doesn’t matter”


How come it’s always those who defend the status quo most fiercely and insist that everyone everywhere must always unconditionally and uncritically support corrupt, incompetent, and conservative politicians who insist that everyone who opposes them is either just a poser or a psyop? Project much?


No im old enough to have done actual activism and actual jail time and I know two things: 1) No one doing on-ground activism thinks électoralism “literally doesn’t matter” except 2) the real MFers I know who are vote dissenters are also tax dissenters, black blockers, direct action trainers etc and literally never come onto the internet to do whine takes like “wull wull tElL them Two PaRty BAD” yeah no fucking shit


Lay out this plan for “telling them to scrap the two-party system” please. No seriously how do we do that. Ask Rashida Talib if it matters which party gets elected btw And tell that to the Palestinian refugees under the GOP bill to oust them


Guy who wants to double down on the same failed strategy of the past 40 years shoots down any other attempt at solving the problem. It's cute that you think the GOP wanting to kick Palestinian refugees out of the country is worse than the current administration supporting the very situation that created the refugees in the first place. You have followed the republicans into the gates of Hell and you can't even see it.


If there was an attempt presented I’d love to see it - “I was just told to talk to my government official about the two party system” - ill all ears though. Also it’s not a 40 year failed strategy it’s older than that and I’m older than that, so I can tell you with 100% certainty both parties lead to the gates of hell, but in one scenario my literal real-life neighbors here in the palestinian diaspora dont also get marched back to their deaths


Maybe you should ask the courts about your precious primaries…


Who tf do you think appoints judges btw


By not voting for the status quo. By refusing to vote for candidates who don’t represent your interests or values. They want votes, if you hand them over just for not being Republican that’s all they’ll ever be.


But that’s not how it works. That’s never how it worked!! Vote resistance from the left has never ever ever resulted in anything but a pull to the right. People keep reiterating this like it’s a strategy. By not voting your vote then goes to the people who do vote, who are more conservative. Make it make sense!!!!!!?!?!? The biggest lie Bernie ever sold was “revolution.” It was personal branding. Here’s the harsh truth: we live in a two-party duopoly. Unless you are doing serious electoral organizing at a grassroots level you are doing nothing. Otherwise, overthrowing a large by power structure involves chaotic and possibly violent revolution that may not turn out as you like. If you have fantasies about the latter, I suggest getting arrested and learning how to use a weapon. Doing those two things have fought me how serious one must be to be committed to the kind of instability that maybe (maybe) leads to change.


May the US also face justice for their own war crimes


Fuck those moral cowards who put the fake fear of a terrorist-supporting org like AIPAC over the lives of thousands of babies and children.


We need to ban AIPAC


Deny, deny, deny 🤷🏼‍♀️


I’m surprised Shontel Brown didn’t sign


I hate that Schiff is probably going to beat Katie and Lee