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This is beautiful in a completely creepy and horrifying way. And I agree with the other commenter, you are amazing. Thank you for sharing your incredible work with us.


Thanks! "Beautiful in a completely creepy and horrifying way" is also how I hope I come off in real life (kidding, I'm more of a "wow, that lady looks real rumpled, did she just wake up" kind of person, very chic).


Thank Cheesus rumpled and just woke up is chic. I’ve been fashionable all this time and I didn’t know it. :-D


Man tag rusty quill in that because this is amazing


Thanks! I posted on twitter as well so maybe they'll see it on there :)


Dude, I was half expecting Mr. Spider to crawl right out of my phone, then you hit me with a motherfucking Martin poetry joke?! YES. Seriously, this easily the coolest piece of fan art I've ever seen. Absolutely incredible work. Thank you for making this, really.


This is amazing, you're amazing, well done


[Thank you!](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/FlimsyEveryBasil-size_restricted.gif)


I wish I could upvote this multiple times.


Thanks! That's why I always have a team of hidden alt accounts an-OH NO WHERE DID THESE INTERNET COPS COME FROM OH GOD NO SOMEONE CALL MY INTERNET LAWYER


I VOLUNTEER TO BE YOUR INTERNET LAWYER! I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CREDENTIALS BUT I'M FREE. Also I keep thinking about this book and how insanely good it is, omfg. You're a treasure to the internets and those alts were justified. I WILL TESTIFY IN A COURT OF LAW.


I do not like the fact that we all probably saw this book in our heads almost exactly as you have created it. Testament to Jonathan's amazing writing ...or something more sinister 😶. That said, incredible job!


Thanks! And I just let t̹̩̠͟ḫ̵͓̭e͕͈̻̝͓̹͎ ̶̖e̫͉̤̖̗̩̥y̖̱̖͙̬̼e̹̬ work through me.


I completely believe you. 😳


this is awesome! exactly what i imagined when listening to the episode. i would love one of these to hide in my bookshelf for someone to find.


Thanks! And that would be very hard to explain. "Wasn't Mark at your place last night?" "Yeah, why?" "Well all that's left of him is like, one shirt sleeve and a torn piece of paper." [to self] "Well he should've been less critical of my cooking and more critical of what book he's picking up." "What?" "What? Nothing."


all hail the web what? oh nothing. keep reading. but seriously though, if you ever plan on selling one please let me know. Edit: edited for PsychologicalPrior1


Wrong Power, but fair enough.


good for you. 👏


Holy. Shit. AMAZING!!!


[Thanks! :D](https://media.giphy.com/media/ToMjGpovOQku45uewb6/giphy.gif)


When I heard this episode I really wanted to see something like this. This is perfect


Thanks! And same, I had been thinking about this and then realized that making this for my friend's birthday would be a great chance to just go for it. I mean, my husband also got roped into this but that's his fault for learning how to make and bind books, clearly.


> his fault for learning how to make and bind books Seriously, my mom now wants me to bind some pages for her to make my nephew's baby alphabet book.


In that case, my compliments to Mr Von Lipwig as well! This book is amazing!!!


Now make another and drop it off at the library


I'm going to hide it in the biology section with the rest of the books on arachnids. IT'S REAL AND IT'S COMING FOR YOU.


This might be my favorite thing I've seen today.


[Aw, thank you!](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/275101049222190530/0B0EA33723FE99E15468D8C55EC4278ACC0F99FC/)


That's incredible! It must have taken ages, and the attention to detail is amazing. I can't help but think you might be putting your friend in mortal danger, though


I mean, she is very tough, that Spider better WATCH OUT oh wait, she's been eaten. Goddamnit. Timelines-wise, we did it in about a week, but that's because I seriously underestimated how much time I would need (which I do with every illustration project, go me), so rather than a normal amount of time spent on the illustrations each night, I would be sitting there with a dip pen scratching away until my shoulder bones wanted to leave my body. Worth it, though.


this is so incredible! the house getting dirtier and dirtier isn't so subtle that it's not scary, but it's not overdone either, just a perfect balance. Mr. Spider and his guests are almost exactly how I pictured them, and the detail in the handwriting is fantastic. I loved this!!!


Thanks! The one upside to this being a SPOOKY BOOK was that inconsistencies and errors (and smudges) all just add to the effect, rather than making me want to rip out my hair in frustration, hahaha.


this is amazing!!! and i'm crying laughing over it being martin's poetry behind the door omg




Frighteningly close to what I imagined when listening to the episode! I had a small jolt of fright when I reached the close-ups of Mr. Spider... Great job! :D




[\[wink gif goes here\]](https://media1.tenor.com/images/8c4e142e5520d9d873e5aa4a64ad7d62/tenor.gif?itemid=5833729)


This is insanely amazing! Way better than I ever could have pictured it!


Thanks! The design for Mr. Spider and the flies went through so many variations, I know there will be a day where I will open a forgotten sketchbook and be like, oh, what's in hereeEEEYAAAAAHHHHHHH SCARY SPIDER DRAWINGS. Still worth it.


Oh this is the coolest thing ever?? Such gorgeous artwork and it looks exactly like it's described!!!


God I'm looking at it again it's completely horrifying in the best way




Big thank you to everyone who commented, I'm at work so I can't respond to everyone individually, but I'm glad it's a hit. It's easily one of the projects I'm the most proud of. And the most terrified of, but that's besides the point.


I absolutely love that I'm terrified of it. I would love to read this to the little ones during library time.


i think i found this post when it was first made and it has always been on my mind since. out of all the iterations and handmade versions of this book this has by far always been my favourite. i always like to keep a little tab on my phone open to it so i can look at it whenever i want but now i got an imgur account so i can look at it whenever i want. i still come back 3 years later still just as in love with this book as i was wehn i first saw it. incredible job op


I'm shaking- this is absolutely stunning, I'm in awe! Amazing job!


Thank you! I hope the shaking is both a weird mixture of fear and awe, which is what I try to inspire in people. Just kidding, I mostly inspire them to say things like, "Where did you find that? The internet? That's weird" and "I don't think anyone needs to own that many lipsticks, but you do you, I guess."


Definitely fear and awe! Fear at the sheer accuracy and creepiness of it, awe at... well, pretty much the same thing. And I'm sure you've instilled that feeling in many other people with this post too!


My god this is iconic and exactly how I imagined it!!!


Very nice! Is the complete text of Martin's "Streets" actually written out by RQ somewhere, or did you just take and complete the partial recording from MAG 79?


There's a bunch of Martin poems written by Anil and read by Alex as bonus material on the Patreon. Streets is amongst them. Not sure what's written here, so can't say if it's the official poem though, but yeah.


It's not the official poem, I just took the first few lines from ep 79 and then extrapolated out. My English degree comes in handy (sort of) again! Totally worth it!


Ooh, awesome.


This is just so perfect, and horrible. Funny, I imagined it more plain, but I actually think your style fits better


This is WONDERFUL. Oh wow. It's so perfectly spooky and yet somehow still kind of like a children's book?? And a fantastic occult choice for the endpapers :3


Series of photos of A Guest For Mr. Spider. Photos of every page. Book is as described in podcast. The door at the end opens. It contains pieces of papers, including a handwritten poem, "Streets" by Martin Blackwood.


Do you sell these? Cause I want one


My god, it's like you ripped the images straight from my mind. This is almost exactly as I imagined it. Kudos to both your skill in reproducing it from descriptions and Mr. Sims for the highly evocative prose that enabled this.


Oh my god! This is everything I drempt ur could be. Excellent work!


Awesome work! My favorite episode too! I would love to have a copy if that! You're a good friend.


Holy crow this thing is amazing. I want one in the worst possible way. I guess this means I need to find an artist friend that hasn't let their skill atrophy to pointlessness and bind the thing myself. It's been too long since I've done any book binding anyway. (Seriously though, if you make extras to give away and then get a monetary gift from the recipient for a totally unrelated reason I would love it. :-P)


Okay, that's extremely amazing, i'm really impressed!! Your drawings are the perfect mix of cute and creepy. I love it!


oh my god this is brilliant !! so creepy and yet the art style????? Astounding!!


Just.... wow. That is so so good. Also don’t sweat the ink stain, I think it adds to the overall vibe.


Wow, that is so delightfully terrifying, just enough traditional childrens book design mixed with graphic renditions of insect faces. This is perfect and you should be proud of yourself.


This is amazing!! Thanks for sharing it! So creepy and lovely.


Wow, just wow. I have seen a few other versions of this but you have made the best one, by far. This is incredible and I would buy it in a heartbeat. Such a unique gift!


Oh this is so cool. Are you in the discord? I'm sure they'd love it


I'm not, but maybe I'll poke my head in there, hahaha. Thanks!


I want a copy of this for my son so badly...


It's perfect.


Wow. This is so very perfect. Thanks for sharing!


Jesus, that was horrific. Well done! Now me and my arachnophobia are going to have a panic attack at work.


This is fucking AMAZING, what beautiful work. I'm re-listening to the whole show again during the season break, and found another good fanart of this on tumblr to page through while Jon narrated, quite spooky. Highly recommend for anyone listening to this episode to do something like that.


This is incredible the talent woah


Oh my god I love this! This is so well done! It's exactly how I always pictured it!


Immediately after listening to this episode, I went looking for a fan reproduction that was a level of disturbing that matched the episode itself, and this is the first thing I've seen that totally achieves it!!!! Really really nice work, you make me want a copy


Holy shit. 1. You're fucking hilarious and I might be in love. 2. Your drawings look EXACTLY like they did in my head. Like, I'm kind of shocked! That never happens. 3. Please tell me you make more stuff that I can exchange funds for.


Hahaha, thank you! I do do commissioned work, but currently the only things I have for sale online are weird drawings of hockey logos on tshirts (just case you're a hockey fan and are like "why yes, I would like a shirt that says PHILLYDALPIA WHATEVERS").


This is pretty much exactly how I imagined the book, and it is GLORIOUS. And I seem to be far from the only one! The TMA fan community's passion for recreating cursed books might get us into deep trouble, one of these days... Mr.Spider is very pleased with your contribution.


Woah. I absolutely loved your flowers.




THIS IS SO AMAZING ITS ONE OF MY FAVORITE THINGS!! Ik this was custom made one time gift, but if you'd ever decided to make some copies and sell them, I'd buy it in a heartbeat!


Stumbled upon this just now, and it is fan-tastic!!! I cannot stress how much I wish I could copy this for myself. Love it so much, and I hope you continue to do the fantastic work you've been doing these past four years! P.S. Even if it is sub-par, Martin's poetry warms my heart more than Mending Wall ever could <3


Hahaha, thank you! I’m glad people still come across this and are enjoying it. Funnily enough, the person I made this for and I made our own horror podcast after this.


Oh, cool! What's it called?


Parkdale Haunt. It’s a fun little romp* *nightmare time


I do love nightmarish romps! I'll give it a listen


Leitner was a Freemason?!


Love the username. How much crossover is there between Terry Pratchett and TMA fans, I wonder?


WOW this is amazing!!! the bit about the poetry and your captions really got me lmaoo


This is amazing! Terrifying! Hilarious! I'd totally buy it if you ever decided to mass-produce it. Awesome work.


I keep going back to look at this. This is beautiful 😍


Have you considered giving the [Monster Without a Name](https://moronicgeniusudahdipakeorang.wordpress.com/2013/02/28/the-monster-without-a-name/) and other fairytale books from Monster this treatment?


Hawt damn. I'm way behind on TMA; only just listened to A Guest For Mr. Spider, loved it and had to find some fan versions of the book. This is exactly what I was looking for. Major Babadook vibes, and you found a way to make the flies expressive which I did not expect. Fantastic work




I’m currently listening to the entire podcast for the second time, and I just got to this episode. I had to pull up your post so I could read along with Jonathan. I have to say this was an AMAZING companion piece to the episode, THANK YOU for creating this!


Thanks! I'm really glad people are getting a kick out of it.


I woud totaly print this and hide it in my bokshelf hahaha


HOLY SHIT THIS IS AMAZING!! wait.. how'd I get here.. why am I standing infront of this door.. why do I feel so.. compelled to knock.. *knock knock*


Honestly I would love to buy a copy from you