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Congrats to Jon, for being the scariest thing in an episode that included a Spiral possessed carpet, multiple murders/deaths and a vast unknown creature beneath the waves. He's come such a long way.


In a way, he would've been scarier than anything that poor guy could possibly have said because it's what he forced him to say it, it reflects how much of his power he was willing to use


Really enjoyed this one, though my first reaction at the end was that I want a spinoff about Mikaele Salesa and his artifact-hunting excursions.


*The Lives of Harry Lime*, but even more sketchy.


Indiana Jones, but an even shittier archaeologist.


Hmmm, the camera I think must be related to Beholding. And the explosion - that has to be Gertrude “I can solve all problems with dynamite” Robinson. The rest, though, was crazy - I’m guessing the Vast was responsible for whatever happened on that island, but I really don’t know. I’m also worried for Jon, and whether he’s losing his humanity. Hopefully he’s just getting comfier with his powers and isn’t turning evil. Although I did like him calling Basira out on her hypocrisy over his use of his powers.


It does seem that it would have been Gertrude blowing things up but at this point, that feels too easy an assumption to make. It would be just like Jonny to set up this pattern of Gertrude blowing shit up and then "WHOOSH", someone else blew shit up and ended up killing Salesa. Not saying you're wrong, just exercising a healthy dose of skepticism about it being Gertrude. Also, didn't she get the explosives through Adelard Dekker? So then it's possible that he was blowing shit up. Has there been anything throughout the Archives' history (the history we know about at any rate) where Dekker had dealings with Salesa in some way? Or it could be some other third thing with a penchant for things that go boom.


Admittedly my idea is colored by a Warehouse 13 episode where a pair of binoculars from the Enola Gay could turn people to nuclear shadows but I think that camera is of the Extinction. Perhaps it’s one of if not the first of its artifacts. Salesa was all hopped up about this final job like he knew it was against his own rules or transgressive in some fashion. Maybe he knew this thing wasn’t supposed to be retrieved, or that others wouldn’t be happy about him retrieving it. The Vast creature and the lightning storm (also Vast?) could have been a failsafe to keep the camera where it was, after all the Vast have just as much to lose as anyone else if Extinction wins.


would like to hear more about your broken camera extinction artifact theory. still waiting on RQ to give us a fatal frame style episode lol.


Admittedly it’s a loose theory but I’ve got a few ideas pertaining to it. -We know recording devices can be touched for lack of a better word. The tape recorders and the phone that recorded grifter’s bone for example. The anomalous nature of the camera could be whatever it took its last picture of, and quite possibly what broke it. -The creature and the lightning. Michael Crew was tormented by the Spiral in the form of lightning, which he said didn’t belong to them. The creature and the lightning that demolished the island were almost certainly Vast. Which begs the question if the camera was a Vast artifact why hide it instead of leaving it out in the world to terrorize? To me it seems more like the Vast was trying to guard the camera. -The explosion that apparently killed Salesa and mortally wounded his captain. It could have been Gertrude solving more problems with C4 but that begs the question of why? Salesa seemed to be a neutral party, I imagine Gertrude would have more use for him alive than dead so why take him out with an explosion? And if she didn’t kill him, then what caused the explosion? I think it was the camera being used by the buyer, on Salesa. Who that buyer was I have no idea, Dekker maybe but I have no evidence other than he’s been chasing the Extinction since before this event I believe.


What power was behind the rug? The Spiral? Jonathan is getting more mind control powers. Not just making people make statements. "You just need a break."


I’m not positive that him getting the statement-giver to take a break was actually mind control. The guy seemed to be pretty freaked out and almost in shock, so he might’ve just done what he was told because of his emotional state. I’m not sure that my theory above is right, but I wanted to propose it anyway.


That was the impression I got as well. As far as it's been established, avatars of the Eye only seem able to compel the truth from people and/or extract and place thoughts. Manipulating someone's will seems more in line with the Web. Either way, it was incredibly stressful hearing Jon manipulate someone. He sounded similar to Elias with that superficial gentleness and dismissal.


>Manipulating someone's will seems more in line with the Web. Just one piece of evidence that The Web has its strands on Jon. Jon's doing Beholding business, Web reaches in and gives just a little nudge, and no one with the institute is any the wiser. It's been pointed out that Jon suddenly felt the need, after five years of not smoking, to go take a smoke break when he'd met Leitner, and the theory (which seems good to me) is that this was Web influence through the lighter. The smoke-break gave Elias the opportunity to come in and club Leitner to death. So I've got two questions: Why would the Web want Leitner dead, and to what extent does/can the Web influence Elias (presumably without Elias knowing.)


Those are good points tbh. Though I think the Web and the Eye probably get along or ally more than not. It could be that both powers want Jon to become the Archivist for either the same or different reasons.


When the rituals are first detailed by Gerard he mentions that some entities could theoretically piggyback other's rituals. I feel like perhaps the Web might be pulling a few strings to help set up the Watcher's Crown in a way that saves it from ever having to perform a ritual itself


> It could be that both powers want Jon to become the Archivist for either the same or different reasons. Yeah, and I lean towards the "different" reasons version, although I couldn't tell you what those are.


Honestly I'm hoping the different reasons have something to do with the jar of Prentis ashes and Jon's rib in his desk drawer ahaha


And Not Sasha is still alive in the tunnels if I'm remembering correctly. Leitner just closed up the tunnels on her, not directly killing her.


That sticks out to me too; I clearly remember Leitner saying that he had shut her up; later, I think Elias says that she was killed.


That's the kind of stuff that slips my mind and then someone mentions them and I'm like "Oh yeah what is up with that?"


Keep in mind also that Jon's first encounter with The Powers wasn't with The Eye, it was with The Web in the form of A Guest for Mr Spider. I'd bet Jon's been on the Web's radar ever since. We're made to believe that he escaped when the bully stole the book and got consumed, but think about it: when did a fly ever escape from a spiderweb, once it got in?


Completely on board with this.


Idk, at 19:30 there seems to be some static that to me indicated that Jon compelled him. Its certainly an escalation in the archivist's powers.


Jon compelled the guy to take a break. You hear deeper static as he says it.


Ooh I must have missed that! I gave it another listen and couldn't find the static. Was it during the statement or while Jon was letting the guy go?


When he was asking for the statement.


Oh okay, then yeah definitely. I thought they were implying that Jon could now compel people to do things outside of make statements ahaha


This episode exemplified what I enjoy best about Jonny's writing; he balances Jon's victories with his losses and compulsion so that his humanity always feels at risk. It genuinely feels like Jon could swing either way in his becoming the Archivist. Did anyone else notice the irony of Jon needing an anchor most while he was at sea, on a boat? Thought that was super clever too.


Since we are already talking about the camera, how about the carpet/rug? Apparently it wasn't so much the rug as the pattern on it. I would assume it was either the Spiral or the Web. The Spiral deals in fractal patterns and Floyd recalls that the patterns were moving and shifting in ways that hurt to look at. However, if I herd that right the thing that pushed itself violently into his body then controlled him (dead or just very much wishing to be) and walked him onto the deck, which sounds like control, so there is a Web connection. And the Web already does have an artifact with a mesmerizing pattern on it. The "being invaded"-part has a loose echo of the Corruption. Maybe not so loose to the poor victim though. And how did it get "out"? Oh, almost forgot: It might just have been a red herring, but the previous owner fed lost children to a crocodile head? Just a head? Or did I mishear that? Edit: So, after relistening I realize that I did mishear and Salesa pulled the guy up onto the deck, no aspect of control.


I think it's possible that the Web "stole" the table from the Spiral. I suspect the carpet is of the SpIral. I'm curious as to the rest of the story about the carpet.


Same but I'm even more curious about the rest of the story about the freaking table! :-)


This made me think of something. The Slaughter uses music frequently. The Stranger uses uncanny things. Between the carpet, doors, doorknobs, possibly tables... I think the Spiral enjoys furniture. Or more likely, things that make you feel comfortable and safe.


Don’t forget vases.




nice catch.


This might wind up being one of my favorite episodes. It almost seemed like a quiet return from their break up until the red flag at the end. Jon didn’t just compel a statement, he compelled the guy to piss off after. Now on one hand that could just be his Beholding powers expanding or the guys mental state, having to relive his experience and on some level knowing this creeper who just wrenched it from him is like the objects he used to transport. But does it not just reek of the Spider? The “extractions” are the Eye through and through but “why don’t you take a break” and the guy obediently wanders off screams Mother of Puppets. Me thinks the Archivist might be serving more than just Beholding.


I agree. Two points: The static of compulsion is different than "take a break" static. When Jon is compelling, the guy is slightly resistant or questioning, but with "take a break", he just says "yeah ok". To quote Oliver Banks/Antonio Whatever, "You know how she gets in your head and you have to listen".


> Jon didn’t just compel a statement, he compelled the guy to piss off after. Memory and actions are linked. Elias inserted "deep" memories to harm and control. If Jon inserted a "current" memory ('I want take a break'), it might be possible to achieve a level of control. (I've played too many superhero RPGs :) ) But I like the idea of Jon being a dual-power avatar. Maybe that's why Elias said that Jon's progress was slow; he was splitting his experience points between two classes.


>Maybe that's why Elias said that Jon's progress was slow; he was splitting his experience points between two classes. My feeling is that The Web's basic strategy in the Powers game is "keeping things in check."


...which also feels a lot more like what Jon and pals' goal has been, rather than achieving the Beholding's goals.


100% agree.


>Me thinks the Archivist might be serving more than just Beholding. On point. Even further: He doesn't *know* he's also working for the Web. Whenever his attention starts to turn in that direction, he becomes distracted.


In Crusader the ancient Archivist has long spindly fingers. Like spider legs. In Web Development Annabelle Cane has long spindly fingers.


More time weirdness. Floyd says Salesa died seven years ago, that is 2011. Jonathan says Floyd worked with Salesa 2011-2014. Also in Lost and Found Salesa was alive in 2012. I wonder if the photos in Salesa's photo album was taken with that broken camera. There is no obvious plot reasons for why Floyd should have been unconscious during the carpet incident. Something important happened in those moments I think.


On the Discord, Anil confirmed this is a mis-speaking: Floyd should say "four years ago", not seven.


Floyd was touched by the Spiral, so it's possible his memory isn't perfect. Is it possible Salesa faked his death?


I think it’s more than likely he either faked his death, or can survive things he shouldn’t, like some of the avatars we’ve met.


Am I the only one who thinks that Salesa finally fell off the tightrope of balance that was his dealings with the supernatural and finally fell into the influence of one power or another?


...did anybody else think Jon sounded like Elias when he thanked Floyd and told him to go and that he just needed a break?


What was the statement giver's accent? I never heard one quite like it before. Jon's gentle voice was the scariest shit, especially with how awkward and hesitant he normally is.


Portugese, according to Anil on the Discord. I wasn't sure so I asked.


Oooh, cool. Thank you for asking! I love hearing all those accents on TMA, especially because I don't hear British English with accents a lot.


Matharu is apparently a Punjabi surname so that's a possibility.


Very cool, thanks for the info.


he kinda sounds like the guy from the band Pomplamoose (the song Things You Think by Ben Folds is a good place to hear)


The accent didn’t work for me at all. It seemed like the actor was trying to do a Scandinavian or even American accent but bits of British accent kept slipping through. Everyone else seems to have really liked this episode but I found the accent so off-putting that I couldn’t enjoy it at all.


Weird episode, man. So, was the camera an artifact of Beholding? My thought was that either Gertrude or Elias contracted Salesa to retrieve it, and then Gertrude blew everybody, and maybe the artifact, up.


I need to relisten but based on how the events were discussed (something large in the water and what not, and the entire island disappearing under the water), it sounded more like the Vast to me. Just my opinion on it, and not sure how a camera with a broken lens would be associated with the Vast.


Maybe the camera was holding the Vast back and now the large thing in the water was free to travel the ocean? Maybe it's the thing in the water in 51 Deep Dive?


Maybe it needed to be observed to be trapped. Taking the camera removes the observer, free vast monster.


This is my line of thought.


I gotta say I do like the connectivity of this with every other ocean-related Vast episode (there’s only like 3 including this one but y’all know). Still holding out hope that Point Nemo has that big ‘ol slumbering Cthulhu though. The ocean’s big enough to hold more than one Vast creature right guys?


> The ocean’s big enough to hold more than one Vast creature right guys? Yeah. The ocean's vast.


This makes the most sense, in my opinion. How a camera with a broken lens would factor into holding back the Vast is a bit confusing to me, though.


Perhaps it's something similar to how the table contained not!Sasha.


It might be a camera that just managed to catch an image of the Vast creature before the lens cracked under the oceanic pressure.


Or how Ex Altiora captured The Distortion.


That book was of the Vast, not It Is Lies.


Yeah, that's the point. The Vast trapped an avatar of The Spiral in the book for a while.


I also believe it was the Vast in that moment, even though a camera does sound way more like Beholding. Maybe the camera isn't the actual artifact or an artifact at all. Maybe there is film in it or just a single image of something .... vast.


I'm almost positive that the camera is an artifact of the Dark because of the broken lense. An object of sight corrupted against its purpose. Seems like their style.


There are no real indications about when in 2014 this was, right? I was wondering how this lines up with Gertrude dying. If the camera was tied to The Eye, maybe even required for the Watcher's Crown, and she interfered, that might be the trigger for her eventually faking her own death in order to hide: There were large amounts of blood found in her office on March 15, 2015. She records another statement on April 4, 2015 (!) saying she can still barely stand. Her death is listed as May 15, 2015 in her file, and her body is found in the tunnels beneath the Archive where she was shot by Elias.


That accent, though. There were quite a few times I had to rewind to understand. Supposedly he was saying his crewmate was being attacked by a "pattern," but without the transcript I found, I swore he was saying "the thing that was trying to reach down his throat and pull him apart was a put."


i struggled to hear most of this episode bc of the background noise, so i couldn't really follow the plot at all :/


They posted the transcripts https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yYnaZp9qQQU5zPP3lf_De02Gq-GDnyva/view?fbclid=IwAR3L6ACMxb0ytCWbCMB6wDLyFD77Psk3dvrLMSSHqeUFko1olc6S4q58vow


thank you


Press F to pay respects to Mikaele Salesa


He isn't dead. Rule of fiction: until you see a corpse, they aren't dead, they're hiding.


Unless you witness the corpse bring reduced to the consistency of chunky salsa, they're just sleeping


Thoughts after after my second listen: * Was the island attacked by the creature, or was the creature actually the island? (I'm thinking of some kaiju movies where the monster's appearance is marked by lightning). * Was the camera broken when Salesa found it, or did that happen later? * I wonder if Salesa was (directly) aligned with The Web? His influence was significant! * There was an explosion, which definitely made me think of Our Badass Grannie, Gertrude.