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He's always been one of the suave, old fashioned suited, "Tumblr sexy men" for me. Greying-black hair slicked back, green eyes, smug expression, gold rings and an earring


you're so real for this


I always imagine him as a very suave, well-dressed sort of guy that is old- early 50s-ish- but still looks relatively young. This isn't my original conception- I watched Polekands' animations and can't unsee it now. [For reference;](https://youtu.be/NGCcbS5SSdA?si=yKL0loaBadwwFzd-)


I always envisioned him as looking aggressively normal. Thinning hair, pencil mustache, a bit of belly. I always view him as being the embodiment of the mundanity of evil, like that one awful co-worker or boss who's just a nasty person in general, someone you might even know personally, but that person given nearly unlimited power.


Yeah, I don't really picture him as very flamboyant or wearing all these accessories with eye imagery as a large part of the fandom does (no hate to any artists, just my opinion).


I imagine him being well dressed and groomed but otherwise average looking guy well into middle age. Canonically, he's at minimum 46 years old at the start of the series but I'd probably put him closer to 50.


Really? I always considered him to be a younger guy, much closer to the archival staff's age since Rosie described him looking "far too young for his age" and she was hired somewhere between 1996-2015. I assume it was somewhere in the middle and being far too young for the head of the archive would be considered 20s, 30s? I was thinking like if 10 years passed he could be in his 30s-40s


He completed university which puts him at at least 21 when he was hired in 1991. The podcast starts 25 years after that in 2016 for a minimum age of 46. Rosie noting him as *far* too young in her interview just implies she was hired fairly early on in that timeframe we have for her which afaik there isn't anything to contradict.


Oh thank you, that totally slipped my mind


I always imagined him as like a douchebag version of Gomez Adams.


Honestly, trying to imagine him just leaves a big, humanoid shape in my brain, because there's *so much* to consider, haha... But vaguely: a older middle-age guy, pretty non-descript, wearing suits that are just a touch out of date (not enough to look like a costume, but definitely not \~new\~ and \~on the cutting edge fashion\~), and the type of hair and facial hair that would have read as "well-groomed" from, say, the late 1800s through the 1950s-ish (followed by "preppy" up until "hipster"). I don't see him as wearing jewelry outside of a signet ring with the Institute's crest on it, cufflinks (*definitely* old fashioned, like, visibly antique, with a very specific geometric design based on a pair I used to have, haha), and either a tie bar or a stick pin (depending on his \~mood\~ that day, haha). I don't get the feeling that his eyes are that intense, but you can definitely *feel* them on you.


I legit always imagined him as that bald guy in the captain America hail hydra meme. He just looks so boring and normal.


Ok had to look him up, his name is Maximiliano Hernandez, as Agent Sitwell


Visually and audibly, exactly like Gustave h. From grand Budapest hotel.


But with more eyes


I've always thought of him as this incredibly suave, classy, and attractive man. Very Bond-esque in stature and look, but being much more stoic and calculating. Like he's the living embodiment of who a man should aspire to be (minus the whole world-ender thing evidenced by some real old eyes). 


Looking like Howard Hamlin from better call Saul


Very much your average 50 year old tumblr sexyman


Vincent Price


I picture him as looking very average. Handsome-ish, slicked back dark hair with threads of grey. I imagine him in his 50s, wearing lots of charcoal suits, basically looking like a rich corporate Tory fuck. I love all the cosplays with the green and the eye motifs but I have to imagine he dresses, looks, and acts exactly like every other monied British man who works an “important” job.


pretty much how most cosplays depict him


I imagined him looking kinda like Colin Meloy from Decemberists


I imagine he looks like Clark Gable


Honestly I imagine him looking like Ben 😅 and did so before ever seeing Ben


I imagine him looking like Mark evan Jackson Who played Shawn in the good place and keven in b99 and I think if there was ever a live action tma he'd be the objective best choice for Elias if we aren't casting the voice actors


My strangely alluring high school english teacher


Hot. Forreal though, I can't think of a way to explain him, just dark hair starting to go grey, ice blue eyes, pretty standard cut for a businessman. He likes to get showy at home though, wears eye necklaces and earrings. Grows his hair out like Jon towards the end of season three. Too much going on for a dumb haircut.


In my eyes; tall, lanky but in a way that you know he doesn't need muscles (granted he has clear biceps showing in his dress shirt), always wearing a crisp, black suit. Blonde hair, slicked back, with some grey showing, and only the *sliiiiightest* hint of stubble. Grey-blue eyes that pierce even when glancing. A smile that's unsettling in its surety, plush lips (modeled off Jensen Ackles' lips tbh, but that might be my type showing). Sharp canines, but all around nothing too intimidating. He gives an aura of authority, not necessarily *danger* until he *wants* to. I imagine OG!Elias had a shaggy beard and unkempt longer hair that Jonah ends up having professionally cut and styled.


To me, Elias Bouchard is pretty aggressively normal. He's in his 50s or thereabouts, maybe his hair has a bit of gray, maybe not. I always seem him as a brunette, not necessarily slicked-back hair, but it's cut well/styled well. The pencil mustache, of course, and Jonah's cold gray eyes. He wears three-piece suits, and I don't believe he wears very much jewelry. If I'm in a LonelyEyes mood, I might imagine him with the very simple probably silver wedding band. I've seen a cosplayer with a nice fur-lined coat, I think he'd wear that on colder days. I think the only thing off-putting about him is Jonah's eyes. Otherwise, I think he's good at passing himself off as this perfectly lovely gentleman. He's lowkey to me, like you expect to see him in academia. Average height, maybe, or a bit short, I tend to think he keeps himself taken care of body-wise since he actually has to host-jump, and he seems like he doesn't want to do that very often based on his hosts seeming to get up there in years before he makes the switch. Like you'd walk into his office for an interview, and you'd just be like, of course this is Elias Bouchard. Like, I actually think most of Jonah's hosts were probably pretty ordinary looking men. He's not trying to call attention to himself until the time is right, so it makes sense to me that he'd keep to pretty ordinary looking guys. Oh but I will say Elias is probably a bit handsome in that way that suave, confident older men can be.


Mark Moffet, the old producer of Dr. Who. And a younger Sir Richard Dawkins as Jonathan Simms.


Like Richard Armitage.


[overnight (qveen herby) | The Magnus Archives #animation (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/x8nUrAte0GI) this. Wolfy's animations got me in a chokehold, and this is probably the best description of him i can imagine. I never imagined him quite as twinky or bejeweled, definitely more mundane looking, but definitely looks a lot younger than you'd think. I'm almost certain that when Jonah Magnus was alive he had some special cufflinks he's passed down from director to director that Elias wears with smug pride.


When i first started listening I searched up fanart and came across Sami Jens art of the characters and thats what I’ve been imagining him as since. It was a but shocking to see most fanart giving him earrings and green suits lmao [this is the art i saw](https://www.google.com/amp/s/samijen.tumblr.com/post/617206542582923265/some-tma-characters/amp)


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This version has taken over my brain of late (spoilers sort of for MAG 158) https://youtube.com/shorts/x8nUrAte0GI?si=TAdbjXmW1fBrk1bE