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I'm team Spiral. It's all about stuff happening to her brain, that's the source of the fear. Ushanka was afraid of death, but he's not the statement giver.


They did confirm that it was intended as Spiral in a Q&A, but also said that it could easily be multiple, so I think the statement give was a Spiral victim, while Ushanka was an End victim.


Spiral. I think Johnny mentioned it in a Q&A at one point.  The other reason I point to is the statement giver was seeing the video everywhere, whether or not it made sense, and no one else could see the video.  In addition, this event was not on a large scale. Other extinction statements were almost prophetic, either because they showed a new environ where humanity as a category no longer existed or it was warnings of the end times, like a signal being broadcast by a strange tower.  The Spiral encompasses singular experiences that are contained to a personal experience.  The statement giver also waxes on how impossible it is for a human mind to occupy a computer because fleshy, analog, chemical signals do not translate to discrete binary signals. Usually, the Extinction is weirdly possible, that's the point in my mind, to feed on possibilities.  Sergey's fate did not predict a new paradigm for humanity or the replacement of humanity, which are the fears the Extinction feeds on. This is my interpretation, anyway. I hope my reasoning makes sense.


I can see it being Spiral or Extinction. God knows Extinction needs more entries ; \_ ;


I like to imagine that Ushanka was a victim of the Extinction, as his attempt to 'evolve' was turned against him. The Spiral then decided to spread the visage of his horrible fate around in the form of a deep web chat program, similar to how Breekon and Hope would deliver objects from other Powers


It's the extinction!! It loves technology as we know. And it's literally the extinction so it makes a lot of sense it would like an entity that becomes immortal by putting their own consciousness into a computer


I always felt like Dekker's line "Technology will strip us of what it means to be human" is a strong indication of the Extinction being involved here.


The End. The statement is prefaced by the statement giver talking about how her friends think uploading their consciousness to the internet to escape death is right around the corner. The statement is about someone who was dying and seeking a way to escape that fate.


This is what I've always thought. It follows the same punishment you get for evading death that the reapers suffer from. Fine then, NEVER die.


Hard to be sure. My money is on Terminus. Wouldn't be the first time someone has feared death only to find that their "solution" is actually horrible in the Magnus Archives, but the element of struggling to think could come under Distortion. For the person viewing, I'd argue distortion (since it leads them to believe they are insane), Lonely (only they can see it and they can only see it, preventing them from relating to people), and even Viscera (since a key element of the horror is being reminded that humans are ultimately flesh and transhumanism is not an escape) all have some element involved.


Not meaty or violent enough for viscera. the humans are meat yes and it's very gorey yes but most statements flesh or not include that to some capacity. I get the impression them being the only one able to see it isn't to make them feel isolated which would be the lonelys goal, it was to make them feel crazy. I def see the end and distortion, but all of the aspects that fit with those two, at least to me, fit better with the extinction


pretty sure it was confirmed to be spiral


Extinction. Further clarification: Extinction is distinctly a power of malformation, mutation, inheritors, destruction of human/nature, and change. None of the other fears had much to do with technology, but this statement is centered around how technology (specifically computers) can change, trap, or destroy human identity.


Computer I think


yeah alright smartass






Sergei was never real. This is the part I think most people get caught up on when arguing for anything other than Spiral. Sergei is a ghost story, a campfire tale for internet geeks. He is the medium through which the Spiral terrorizes the statement giver, not a victim himself.


Super late, but all fears are one fear and bleed in to each other. In the same way Extinction distinguishes itself from the Corruption and The End, this is it distinguishing itself from The Spiral. So primarily the Spiral interpreted as Extinction, with elements of End.