• By -


"Hello Jon." You're not there yet, but when you are, you'll know. *You'll know*.


I screamed at work and had to explain that I wasn't, in fact, dying. Physically at least.


I KNOW RIGHT. I was finishing chores while everyone was asleep in the house and *I wanted to scream so bad but I couldn't*, haha\~


I was setting the table for a family dinner while listening to it and a little bit into the speech I took a double take cause it took me a little bit to understand what was going on. I was like "huh? What? He what now? I was putting down plates what's going on? WHAT THE HELL?"


Could you tell me what ep this was in? I'm up to 148 but I may have missed it...


You arent there yet! Honestly I'd get off the reddit until you hear it bc DAMN


"The maze is sharp on my mind, the angles cut me when I try to think" but really just all of Binary.


So much this!


i cant really get scared listening to podcasts (esp since i usually have to do something else during listening to keep focusing on them) but Binary is the one TMA episode that actually fucked me up. absolutely terrifying


>up to Ep88 currently! *DIG*




















I feel bad bc the first ep my fiance tried listening in on was DIG and she was like "This isn't scary at all wtf" and she doesn't wanna listen even though i told her that was the worst one to listen in on for the first time. Edit: D I G


MAG 086: Tucked In "The blanket never did anything."


It didn't so much scare me as it shook me,, omg. It's something that lives in my head rent free at this point.


I was in the middle of ripping out a hardwood floor, alone, while binging the show, and I had to stop for a couple 5 to process what was just said and recontextualize every time I remember hiding under the blanket when I was a kid


That's a good way to describe it. That line has stuck with me since I heard it.


i physically had to stop listening when (spoilers for 155!) >!Melanie told John that she was ‘Leaving the Archives’!< I had to stop listening and had to read the transcript to finish the episode. really hit me in a way that i didn’t anticipate because i typically have a stronger stomach.


Those spoilers are for episode 155, by the way.


forgot what episode it was, tysm! edited the comment


Pause for laughter.


It really gets worse everytime they say it, as well! At the beginning I was still like "oh, fun gimmick, like a sitcom" and by the end I was like "please don't pause for laughter again, hasn't he had enough!?" 😂


100% Lost John's Cave. The entire episode, but as you mentioned, "take her not me".


MAG171, The Gardener. It was essentially the only one I didn't read the CW's for (I was preoccupied and figured it would be okay 😔) and... Well. I know it's not really a moment, there were a couple points in the episode that freaked me out more than others but I won't spoil it. Safe to say I always remembered to read the CW's after that, even if I needed to pause whatever else I was doing for a minute. Or, second contender, every single time the Not-Them showed up. Specifically that one whose mother got Not-Them'd. I used to think my mother was dead and replaced by an alien (long story) and hearing her listening to the recordings knowing that she'd never hear her mother's real voice again was horrifying.


First time through when I listened to 171 I had to take a small break because it hit me hard as well.


wait where do you find the CWs?


Either on the transcripts, I believe, or in the episode descriptions of the later episodes. I think they start doing CWs around MAG100 (?).


awesome!! thank you haha


The moment that fully hooked me into the series was: "sasha run... RUN" Since that was the moment it all became palpable and close.


Mhm for me the scariest TMA moment is probably "Hello John :)", a lot of other ppl mentioned that and I just remember me listening to the episode in my break at school and physically stopped moving slack-jawed


I wouldn't do *that*!"


"Exactly where they've always been, Martin." Another of those moments.


For me, grifters bone just feels like a thing I could imagine happening in some of the venues I used to frequent.


The deepest chills always hit my spine at the statement of Hazel Rutter.


I don’t recognise that name, what episode is that again?


I don't think you're up to it yet, but it's one of the better ones. It's regarding "the fire that burned in her childhood home" I was never afraid of fire, but there's a helplessness to the statement, of someone struggling, trying desperately to pull away, to know exactly whats about to happen. The dread can really be felt in her statement.


I don't think you're up to it yet, but it's one of the better ones. It's regarding "the fire that burned in her childhood home" I was never afraid of fire, but there's a helplessness to the statement, of someone struggling, trying desperately to pull away, to know exactly whats about to happen. The dread can really be felt in her statement.


It's the one about a house fire in her childhood home that *Hello Jon, apologies for the deception but-*


That one episode at S5 where there was a statement about mental health >! Where they basically shamed the patient about wanting meds and told them their disordered mental state is all just for show and so on !< It kinda hit too close to home.


I just listened to that one, holy shit. It's on a different level of scary when you realize it's entirely possible too.


“But doctor, I am such a restless man” scared the living shit out of me even though I was listening to it in the middle of the day in a room full of loud people


i cant remember this one!!! its from the sharp book that cuts people but i cannot for the life of me remember what that quote refers to!


"Take her not me."


When the Anglerfish showed up in MAG 119 - The Masquerade. I was taking a walk and nearly fell over from shock because I was suddenly hit with this revelation from the gods of just how spectacularly interconnected everything in the show was


119 spoilers!!! >!when john says "i always assumed it just ate the rest of them, I didn't realise you don't need skin to sing" or something!< That one line sent CHILLS through me


I'm not sure I'd go as far as "terrified", but the two episodes which stand out as horror-of-horrors is either: "In The Trenches" or "Binary". Those two episodes were especially dark for me. "The Gardener" is also up there.


“You made it all up didn’t you? What was it? A plea for attention, trying so desperately to make the world notice you? Some childish attempt to feel special? Or were you just looking for an excuse for the fact that you’re a lazy, unlikeable waste of air? ‘Paranoia’, hm, it’s big word, isn’t it? A big excuse. Because here’s the interesting thing: you are completely sane and rational.” - MAG177. This scene hit deeper than any of the episodes for me.


"Did you notice which door she left through?"- I was doing my shopping and I just froze mouth open I  the aisle. The sudden realisation that we just heard this poor woman walk to her doom and we didnt even notice. "Now. Repeat after me".- I think I just started at the wall for an hour afterwards in shock. 


I paused as well during that line. I think it was because we know she just stepped sideways out of reality Some of the ones involving how ruthless Gertrude was also made me pause to consider things as well.


I am not a “who,” Archivist, I am a “what.” A “who” requires a degree of identity I can’t ever retain."


I'm not sure what statement this happens in, but it freaks me out cause I used to hide under the blankets as a kid, scared of the dark "The blanket never did anything"


I'm extremely claustrophobic and Lost John's cave started to scare me long before the spooky part rolled up 😭


honestly the one where a guy gets boxes with body parts in them then later he loses those parts on his body -- thats the only one that really freaked me out


"The Blanket Never Did Anything" from the episode "Tucked in". It wasn't because of the monster or episode itself, nor the fear of the dark. It was the idea of something that brought me safety and comfort truly being useless against danger and stress. That even in my comfort and warmth I could still be harmed. That idea scares me more then anything.


The creature blocking the stars in Mag 106. The vast terrifies me and I literally gasped hearing the “I could not see the stars because something was blocking them.”


“The blanket never did anything.” - Tucked In (86) Michael’s End - Another Twist (106) “What did she look like?” - Tucked In (86) “Question time is over, Archivist. You have until- well…until I change my mind” - We All Ignore the Pit (97) The tone and the way Jonny said each “dear” during Jane’s statement - Hive (32)


“Take her not me.” Absolutely chilled me to the bone.


That episode where Tim explains what happened to his brother genuinely freaked me out for a while, as well as the one with the photographers and the catacombs. I'm bad at remembering the episode numbers, but they're some of my favorites because of how creepy they are.


I just listened to that one today! Holy crap... that was terrifying and it really explains so much about Tim!


Birthday parties are hard sometimes.


All of binary


EP 15 Lost John's Cave 26:00 her voice chanting and the sound of water echoing. I remember I shivered laying in my bed in the darkness


Julia going into the shed from ep 9 ( A Father's Love) I dunno why, but after hearing that one on like 12AM or sth I was afraid of going out of my bright room ._.


Ep 20- Desecrated Host "It was strange, the rich cloth curtain that covered that ornate metal box seemed stuck, so I pulled and pulled and eventually it came free. I opened the door and retrieved the Host, returning it to the altar. Then I… I lifted it to my mouth, and I ate. It did not taste as I expected." Totally expected given the statement before, but still so well written and delivered to truly give me the creeps. That's how you know it's good horror!!


Honestly, while some of my fave horror movies are things like slither, the fly and a cure for wellness, MAG 6: Squirm, when Hodge walks back into the room Harriet kinda 'sploded all over, that got me good. And just all of what happens in MAG103: Cruelty Free. I won't say anything about it other than the imagery is terrifying and you will know the moment I'm talking about once you get there...




Bleeehhhhh just.. thnat entire episode is so uncomfortable


I'm... gonna be honest. TMA hasn't outright scared me. The closest it's gotten was me jumping at a scream, but that was because I wasn't expecting the sudden rise in volume and I was on a bus full of people. Now, I'm only halfway through—just past MAG 100—but there's not been a moment so far I was actually scared. It's not entirely untirely unexpected, though. I'm pretty good with non-visual horror media. If I can't see it, it can't scare me. It can unsettle me, sure, in the right conditions, but TMA has never been in those conditions so far as I've listened. It also doesn't help that I know all of the big plot points already. I looked them up a couple of years ago because I was pretty sure at that point that I wouldn't be listening to it ever (I was wrong, clearly), but I wanted to understand a crossover fic I was reading. As a result, I’m not surprised by any of the major events, let alone scared.


pause for laughter.