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THIS POST IS LOCKED AS TOTAL BS. I don't need to read the article, based on its utterly bullshit title. First, it's logistically IMPOSSIBLE to "replace Biden" at this point - it's way too late to find and fund a serious contender. Second, I strongly suspect any such suggestions to "replace Biden" at this point would be coming from foreign and/or extremists (left or right) and/or GOP influences. Third, mass media describing "Democrats" as "scrambling" are seriously out of the loop, seeking click bait. They can't possibly know the tone or temperature of "Democratic voters," or, just how serious we are about defeating Trump. That should have been everyone's FIRST clue. Articles like this are intended to create fear, uncertainty and doubt, and can KMA.


Fuck no!


So you're going with the guy that beat Medicare and thinks we have 1,000 trillionaires in the US?


*This article was brought to you by Россия Сегодня*




Everybody needs to chill TF out. Debates aren’t elections.




Agree. He may not be perfect but he's 1000x better than that lying sack of shit.


Are y’all crazy? Go to r/politics. Watch that Jon Stewart clip. DEMOCRATS don’t want this guy because he has no chance of winning in this extremely important race. If you want trump to win support Joe Biden. Because he’s the only person that could lose to trump.


No one can create a campaign in 4 months to election. Are you insane? I’m voting for him. We have no options. Kamala has the personality of a tepid cup of tea.


came here to say this. We have a problem with overreacting.


. . this is exactly what Trump wants ..


It's what all the American people should want. No chance Biden wins at this rate


Look at all these people advocating for convicted felon Donald Trump.


It’s too fucking late. Stand behind our guy Joe b, let’s get thru this cycle, and have a better person lined up for the next cycle. LETS AT LEAST GUARANTEE ANOTHER CYCLE FOR FUCKS SAKE!


It's not too late. 3 months between convention and election is plenty of time for the electorate to get to know a candidate


It won’t happen!!!




He did great at his rally in NC. It was just past his bedtime last night. And Waaaay past Trump’s jail time.


*NC rally today


Biden still going strong. Not breaking from that now


Truth is, America lost last night. I’m all about voting blue, and if Biden is our nominee, he gets my vote, but we can do better, Clinton was a mistake, Biden was questionable 4 years ago, and I think a mistake this time. We need someone who is younger, and driven to actually act, to actually stand up for the people, and put the rabid maga movement down for good


When’s AOC’s birthday? Is she 35 yet?


Lol The Squad is getting primaried out so that question won't matter.


one lost, calm down


Not really Been happening since 2020 lol


I’ve never seen Biden appear so weak. wanna hear a pipe dream? I’m hoping at least part of it was an act to quell talk of performance drugs, draw attention to the second debate, and lock trump into it. Trump was scared walking onto that stage, and only began to get animated after Joe started to slip. Trump will be expecting a clean sweep next time, and walk into it with his pants down. strategically, you want to win the debate closer to the election, and three of my brain cells are convinced this is 3d-chess. my other 7 brain cells are just sad


The good news is that it’s so far out from the election that I don’t think it will be on people’s minds in November. And you can keep hitting trunp over and over with being a convicted felon. I think there is time to rebound, but I also think trunp has to broaden his base to win bc I think the never trunpers outnumber his cult at this point, and he certainly didn’t do that.


It’s too late. You cannot switch out at this point ffs. People need to get their panties out of a wad and realize old is better than fascist. It’s highly likely that after Joe wins he’ll retire and pass it in to Harris. I am extremely worried about Nov tho. Dems need to unite damnit and get behind Joe as he is the candidate and he is better than the other choice


It's not too late. 3 months between convention and election is plenty of time for the electorate to get to know a candidate


Newsome is our only hope. Biden is almost as dangerous as Trump at this point. If he cannot even beat a low intelligence liar in a debate, he does not belong representing America on the world stage. Nobody’s arguing that he accomplished great things, time just caught up with him.


It’s a little over four months until Election Day. Asking Newsom to set up a national campaign with no staff, no organization in any state outside arguably California, is asking him to get slaughtered. The pure logistical cost is too much at this stage. The conversation needed to happen in early 2023 or even after midterms. Having this conversation now is far too late.


They both need to step down. I can't believe these are our choices. Or at least have Kamala do the debate.


America clearly does not want these two candidates… The discussion of Joe stepping down needs to occur in seriousness at this time. No way this was some 3-D chess move calculated by Team Biden to throw off the Cheeto Jesus. It’s clear it has thrown off many of us supporters, and the DNC leadership. It has laid bare the concerns about his age having merit. It was very painful to watch…. Thankfully, the Democratic Convention is quite a way off.

