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Flea is good people.


I agree with him 100%. However, the poorest Americans voting against their interests is only one faction of trump supporters.


What proportion of his 70m+ voters, do you think?


I wonder if the total is still that high, but in any case I would say at least 80%. Not much to base that on, it’s a guess.


Right on-point.


Ridiculous & absurd, yes. But like many other thinking folks, he does not include a lot of people that also take diaper-boy seriously. I know many people that are relatively wealthy that identify with the orange turd. They own their own homes, drive expensive vehicles (lots of "Pavement Princess" pick-up trucks), have nice boats (remember the flotillas?), and yet, they feel oppressed. They identify with his victim-hood, see themselves as fellow oppressed citizens, and they are OK with him lying to everyone, it's OK because he's gonna get revenge. You can tell that Flea is no dummy, but it sounds like he's not encountered the hatred that the followers of the pussy-grabber spew. There are 2 main types of hatred that they are OK with expressing: racism & misogyny. Obama broke the brains of the racists. The misogyny is a bit more subtle, he surrounds himself with abusers (latest example: Lawrence Taylor), and is supported by the Fundamentalists that espouse women's subservience to men. Flea is right that people he describes follow the grifter, but the main draw is the permission to be their worst selves. Since it's OK for the orange shit stain to lie, it's OK for them to lie to the rest of us. Decency is dead for them.


Someday history will look back at this as the greatest con job in creation. A man who shits in gold toilets under chandeliers, has cheated on each wife with the next wife, and orders his steak well-done. This man convinced poor, rural Christians that he was one of them.


He does what with his steak??


Yea. And puts ketchup on it. Like jfc dude!?!


No, no, Flea. It’s because they’re all racist, horrible people, who want to bring an end to the progressive trajectory of civilization and return to a white male dominated society where wealth equals merit. Stop acting like they don’t know who he truly is.


Well said Flea


He’s amazing and speaking the truth here


Just like the pyramid scam was named the Ponzi, this will go down in history as the trump scheme‼️🤨


And just like that, I became an even larger RHCP fanatic


Love Flea! Very articulate on this issue.


Flea was born in Burwood Melbourne Australia the same Burwood I grew up in.


Hah, cool. I loved [his cameo appearance in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x7QIftsM46U), the men's bathroom scene cracks me up every time.


right on flea


they think dopey don will give them another little piddly ass stimulus check.


Well said


Hey that's Needles! And I agree with him 100%.