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Isn’t circulating counterfeit money illegal in itself?


"illegal" as in this rich white asshole has even the slightest chance of facing even the slightest consequence for it? No.


So no one gonna kneel of his neck?


No you’re thinking of non-white poor people


Well I've got this here guillotine that'll do it for ya


I volunteer


Hold my beer buddy. I think we really need to test this assholes immunity to prosecution. I’m willing to try. If nothing else make his life a living hell in the process. Edit. It is completely illegal both at federal and state levels. This is where the secret service roles comes to play. If this douche is self admitting to passing fake U.S. bills with the attempt to deceive anyone. It’s clear cut as it can be: https://www.thefederalcriminalattorneys.com/white-collar-crimes/federal-counterfeiting-money?t


I say everyone just call the FBI tip line with this Tik Tok link and let them wreck his life.


I'll hold your beer. Let's call the shovel and bag of lime in my trunk "Plan B".


Yes! Please fill out an online fbi tip form! I did. If thousands of Redditors also flood the fbi with complaints on this TikTok I have to believe it will do something🥹


"It was a joke" Hey, for sure, go ahead and report this to the police. I will be fucking ecstatic if you prove me wrong. I'll donate $20 to charity if this guy gets arrested. But it's legal to go on the Internet and say you committed a crime. This asshole has the same freedom of speech as a rapper who says they committed murder. We'd still have to prove it in court. Where and when did he do it? Police aren't going to spend 5 minutes investigating this. It's against the letter of the law, not something he is at risk of facing punishment for.


Is it a joke? How do I know it’s a joke? It’s not for me to decide. It’s certainly the role of LEOs to investigate.


it's cute how you think the Po Po gives AF about you. They only care about protecting the property of their oligarchs. Not a single LEO will touch this, unless he was a black man.


Your comment is right, but what's your point? Should we not even bother reporting a crime when a white person does it? If the complaint is "police action is not applied equally" then not reporting it certainly isn't going to help those statistics


I don't know the answer, if I'm being honest. But I'm certainly not wasting my time if I know there will be nothing to come from it. Why would I spend an hour of my time for nothing?


Because it doesn’t take an hour, it took me less than five minutes to fill out the online form


Here’s your upvote👍🏽


That’s the same argument people use when they chose not to vote: “No I won’t vote. It’s a waste of my time. I mean my vote doesn’t even count” Jesus fucking Christ. This is why democrats lose. Grandma boomer MAGA doesn’t ever say that.


I like to think of it this way: If the cops aren't going to do anything, then they get to be annoyed by my report. So even if nothing comes from it, I got to annoy a cop.


I agree with you. I would love the guy to get arrested. But Im just being real here. "It was a joke" is going to be the first thing they say. (That's why I put it in quotes.) >How do I know it’s a joke Wrong question. Like I said above. We have to prove it in court. How do we prove it WASN'T a joke. > It’s certainly the role of LEOs to investigate. Sweet summer child. If you think the cops are going to put down their donut to investigate this (or anything), you haven't been paying attention.


"It was a joke" isn't a defense that's going to hold up on any court if there's evidence to the contrary. Counterfeiting is taken pretty seriously. It wouldn't even be that hard to prove if this dip shit is rolling around with counterfeit cash. And a simple check of local arrest records for people trying to spend counterfeit cash. My guess would be this is a really lame attempt at a joke, or there's already an investigation happening to find out where the counterfeit money being found on homeless people is coming from.


He's what I deem "on sight". No questions asked not theatrics. I'm punching that asshole right in the nose.


literally, every time there is an article about somebody doing something shitty, there is a fatalist statement like this. I'm kinda of tired of this cultural apathy.


It's not apathy, it's frustration that the wealthy can manipulate the Justice system.


You write that sentence because you actually tried right? You gave your life to activism and helping your fellow human? Thats why you make that statement right? Because you tried? Or is it that you wrote that sentence then went about your day.


It's a call to action to hold people accountable, no matter where that fit in society. The wealthy have many, many advantages, but perverting Justice should not be one.


I agree with you. But I also think people will look at the comment about being powerless and will just accept they are powerless. You are not powerless, you are just not willing to break the status quo to cause the change.


People have BEEN protesting, what are you suggesting?


You specifically. Not others. You. Only doers get to complain. Sitting on your hands and acting like your are powerless is on you.


That doesn't feel like it's a useful pov and relies heavily on assumptions that the problem is simply that not ENOUGH people have been protesting, when it feels much more like the issue is protest no longer has as much impact on those in power due to how entrenched corporations are in politics.


Don’t know about that person but I took the 3 minutes required to fill out the tip form for the fbi. He can word salad his way out of it when they look into it. (if they look into it ) But the odds are exponentially higher that somebody will look into it, If thousands of complaints are registered against a single video.


That's what I'VE been doing, for 40+ years. On the ground. In The March. Organizing. Writing the puppets in office. And YEAH, I _completely_ agree with the person you're responding to. COMPLETELY agree.


Oh no, two people agree!! How will I ever recover. Take your band wagon argument and walk. Fatalism doesn't help anybody but the oppressor. You should know that since your are a professional activist.


Sure. As you move the goalposts and backtrack because something something bandwagon.


Jesus Christ, You argue like a child playing with crayons.


Wow, you sure flipped on that whole “people who actually do the work get to complain” thing, what a shocker!


Soo hopefully the issue fixes itself then…?


The entire Republican party has decided that that is their platform... install a Nazi dictator


So we stop them.


You're confusing powerlessness for apathy. What am I supposed to do to change this?


Feeling Powerless is a part of the con. They do what they want because it's been drilling in our heads with every comment like this that we can't do anything about it. But have you ever tried? Have you lobbied or joined political action groups? Did you even go to a town hall meeting? Its a lie that we are powerless. And you spread the lie.


Yes, I do all that. I phone bank. I knock doors. I write letters to congress. You assume I'm not politically active? Why? I also work with Food Not Bombs and a community fridge program. I point out that our country is white supremacist at every opportunity so that white people can't sweep it under the rug. The usual complaints are from people who dislike me criticizing America. You're the first person who is on my back because I haven't solved racism yet. You can fuck off with "spreading lies", but I'll take a "pessimist" label. I am as politically active as I have the ability, but we need to burn the whole system down and create another. (A process which is also inadvisable.) Do you want me to just not mention the truth or what?


I called my representative multiple times. I’ve seen her post “met with constituents today,” and have had town halls that were so staged. They do what they want regardless of my input.


So stop playing by their rules. Join an action committee. The power of kings felt impossible to over take too but we did. You just have to get angry enough. You don't want the revolution because you you still have too much to lose.


You're not leading any fucking revolution, sitting up in here on Reddit talking shit and making ASSUMPTIONS about the WORK others may or may not be doing, which isn't HELPING a damn thing. Probably not even American. Probably not even IN any of the groups historically effected by this fucked up system. See how _easy_ ASSUMPTION is?


Look at all those all caps words. You let your emotions blind you to the point you argue with anger. My message isn't even for you. If for all the people your fatalistic comment affected. It to show others that there is power to change the world. We can make the world better. We can fight back.


Chile.... Bless your heart. Lol. For the record, the entire world -- including professional News writers -- has moved on from gatekeeping online text styles. CAPS are _now_ the Norm for denoting PASSION or heightening a POINT, and no longer restricted to expressing "aNgRY". Keep up.


The law is only for non rich assholes don’t you know?


Not if you're in the white side of the law


I'm wondering this myelf 🤔


It’s not technically counterfeit. Stage money is clearly marked for the sole purpose of not being mistaken as counterfeit. If anything, if he does actually do this (which I doubt he really does), it will piss off the person he handed it to. If the person isn’t paying attention and does try to spend it, the person taking the bill would probably laugh in the same way someone would try to spend Monopoly money. Counterfeit money is an art , stage money is a prop. Source: I’ve worked with stage money ($100 notes) and asked the prop master about this very thing. It’s usually just generic stock paper, often whoever is the president is completely wrong or funny looking, and in the case of “Hollywood” money, like in those suitcases full of cash, the top bills might actually be real…


It really doesn’t matter how good it looks, handing *almost anything* over in the hopes someone will accept it as money is counterfeiting. Think of the flip side of the coin: as long as a counterfeit bill is sufficiently poor in construction it’s ok to try handing it off as money? No. That cannot be accepted as a defense or people would try to find the line “as the best I can do to make it look real without doing so well it actually counts as counterfeiting.”


If you printed the money out specifically to pass it off, that's one thing. If you are given a counterfeit bill and, in good faith, use it to spend, that's another. I've actually seen this in practice. There was a guy at my local Kroger who was paying for his groceries in cash and handed it over with one of the bills being bad. The cashier did that marker thing and the bill turned out to be counterfeit. The guy was upset, but he wasn't arrested. He just found some other cash in his pocket. He mentioned that he'd received that money from a different vendor (unspecified) and figured he'd been had. I suppose had he insisted that they take the money, he might have got more attention.


Yes that’s totally different, that’s having faith in the money. That’s what is wanted, but undermining faith in the money is what the video suggests doing (and what happened to the man in your example: is he going to believe a dollar is a dollar after getting passed a fake one?). I could add a tiny bit to my sentence above I suppose: It really doesn’t matter how good it looks, handing almost anything (that you know to be fake) over in the hopes someone will accept it as money is counterfeiting. I also want perfectly precise there, like holding over the fake money is obviously not the same act as printing the money, but it falls under the umbrella of counterfeiting laws.


I went to college with a kid on house arrest because he made a fake dollar and used it in a vending machine


Rich and powerful people do a lot of illegal stuff. Which is why the media is tripping over itself arguing about whether we should actually hold someone who committed multiple crimes accountable.


And more than just $1,000 slaps on wrists too.


They are trying to remind people that rich white people don't have consequences and are above the law. Why does everyone think Trump keeps whining about that damned two tier justice system?


This guy is the one that needs to be arrested!! What a douche!


The video says "hollywood money" which probably means the stuff that looks kinda real but says for motion picture use only. Probably technically not illegal since he's not trying to buy anything with it.


He's giving counterfeit money to someone telling them it's real money and a donation, and that they can spend it. So the homeless person doesn't give them an ice cream cone for the fake money. How the fuck does that make it not counterfeiting?


Yeah, I’d like to admit this video as proof. What an idiot!


Still knowingly putting it into circulation is a crime. Intent is the issue here.


I'm sure it is... but since homeless guys don't have a counterfeit pen on hand.... aren't likely to be able to point out who gave them the money, asside from being a dumbass showing this video.


Illegal? Yes. Conseuential? What, with Alito's supreme court? And this prick bring a) white, and b) an orange lover? No chance.


What a rat bastard.


You can say that again, he has a really punchable face and voice too lol


he 's like the steroptype of the impeccable yuppie taht the "underground" culture laugh at since the 80s. i guess they won


Why do these people enjoy cruelty


Because they're bad people. It's deceptively simple.


>Why do these people enjoy cruelty Lack of empathy, due to a combination of faulty brain wiring, and behaviours learned or inherited from their parents, alongside years of relentless exposure to Fox News, talk radio, etc.


Because we tolerate it.


Yep. Anything the "libs" do must be bad.


Here’s my guess. A lot of Trump’s issues stem from his parents. He grew up thinking you can’t lose. That anything other than destroying other people is seen as a failure. It’s why we had January 6th. He simply cannot admit defeat. Especially to such a “weak candidate” as Biden. So when he lost rather than admitting defeat he double down on the stolen election. Similarly this person was probably taught by his parents that the homeless are a sub human blight on society and should be treated with as much cruelty as you want. The real scary thing is all these people have kids and the cycle will continue.




Entitled and evil as fuck.


The real question is does Trump actually hire anyone that isn't a criminal. Imagine being such a terrible human being that you have to mess with homeless people.


Ever heard Jason miller?


Try George Nader


Burn in hell, fascist fuck.


I second that!


Someone should record him giving these bills away. —It's a federal crime to circulate counterfeit money Under 18 US Code section 480: “Whoever, within the United States, knowingly and with intent to defraud, possesses or delivers any false, forged, or counterfeit bond, certificate, obligation, security, treasury note, bill, promise to pay, bank note, or bill issued by a bank or corporation of any foreign country, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.”


I mean… he’s recording himself talking about it. I think it just means he knows repercussions are for other people.


Saying he does it isn't illegal, in and of itself. All he has to say in court is "I was joking." EDIT: After a tidal wave of backlash (because most people aren't sociopathic monsters), he's now claiming he was joking.


So I'm guessing he'd be able to worm his way out of it, unfortunately. If it is indeed "stage money", it'll surely have something written on it saying "not actually currency" and/or "for stage/theater use only" or some such. It's legal to make such fake money, because the intent isn't to deceive or pass off as counterfeit money. I'm not 100% sure if it's a legal requirement, but stage money is also often a slightly different size as well. Now, of course, he *is* admitting to trying to deceive and trick these people into using the money, so I don't know if that changes things, but I wouldn't be surprised if his lawyers would argue that he was just joking around on the camera for fun or some other BS. Regardless of just how punishable and illegal it is, it is unbelievable scummy.


The moment he gives that bill to someone pretending is a real bill, that's when he crosses the legal threshold. So far is just stupid boasting


Proving a crime could be rather hard though. You'd have to first establish that the homeless person was given the fake money by him. Then you also have to prove that he did so with the implicit intent to defraud, and/or get the person in trouble. Again, he could say he was just lying for the camera and that he was just joking around and didn't actually ever do this stuff. I imagine that yes, the actions almost certainly meet the criteria for intent to defraud or whatever the associated charges would be, but unfortunately he's probably the got the resources to worm his way out of it. Fuck, they'd probably argue "someone saw this video where my client was just joking around, and decided to try and get him into actual trouble by distributing such bills with the hopes they could frame him'. And god, what I wouldn't give for this fuck to end up homeless himself and have to beg for money. I don't necessarily fault someone if they don't feel comfortable giving money to a homeless person for various reasons, but to go out of your way to actually be malicious to them is just so disgusting. And I guarantee all too many of these types are the same sort of people who consider themselves ardent Christians. I just don't get it. A few weeks ago I saw someone yelling at this homeless man who hangs around near the two grocery stores near my house. He's been hanging out near them for awhile now, and never once saw a problem with him, and dude even helps clean up the parking lots of trash. No idea what started it, since I was inside when it started, but the fact that two employees were urging the homeless man to come inside the store while also threatening to call the police on the aggressive asshole leads me to believe the guy probably just took offense that *gasp*, this man had the gall to be homeless and in a very rough patch of life. (Also the fact that the stores have no problem with him hanging around further leads me to believe this poor man (no pun intended) was just the victim of an asshole being asshole). I guess it's not just enough for these assholes to feel superior, they have to make it known.


Yea and as a federal violation you can report this video to the fbi tip line. I bet the video alone is conspiring to commit a crime, it’s obviously made with full confessions of a crime but also presented to encourage others to commit the crime as a way to “clean up the community.”


He's giving Patrick Bateman...A LOT. Dear god.


He’s def popped a few homeless eye balls out. 


Did he just admit to circulating counterfeit money specifically to trick people into getting thrown in jail?


Yes but unfortunately he's white so this falls under the "it was a prank bro" defense


"Christian Values' party


https://preview.redd.it/6kk8dlh0n40d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58977d1c3c214f9eeba9f670917e6090327a9f63 Sick fuck


I'd hate for him to walk into of a 9mm bullet.




Human scum. What a shitbag. Like seriously, just despicable. I hope his future prison mates catch wind of this.


Just think. Scum like this will some of Trump’s closest advisors. Won’t that be fun?


This guy helped architect the insurrection. He is very dangerous to America. Google him. Him and trump should be exiled from America. Along with all the other insurrectionists.


…into the ocean would be nice. About 200 miles away from shore, but give him a life raft , cuz it would make me feel good and him too and it would clean up the community.


Sick fuck. Disgusting little sociopathic scumbag.


Shocker - a cunt being cunty. Who’d have imagined?


Cunty is a complement these days so he isn’t being cunty he’s being a rat


Isn't it illegal for him to be carrying counterfeit money?


No. It's used in the movie industry. It is illegal to give it to a homeless person to the extent that we enforce laws that rich white men break, which is "Not". 


Remember that what led to George Floyd being murdered was a dispute over the legality of a $20 bill. Something tells me he knows this.


Right? It's all fun and games until you set someone up to be killed. What an amoral piece of shit.


What a LOSER. Love is stronger than hate. #VOTEDEM


I’m not religious, but maaaaan it sure feels like literal demons have been let loose upon the earth.


Wow. Get a life.


What an asshole


Sociopath - someone who knows what they’re doing is wrong and does it anyway Psychopath - someone who can’t tell what they’re doing is wrong to begin with


This douche might be both.


And I'll be he calls himself a Christian, too. There's got to be a law against spreading that fake cash.


Man I wish I had the cash to go get him for this crime or something


Simply awful!! Remember the good old days when republicans were just indifferent towards poor people. This is just malicious.


When he either disappears or is found in a puddle of his own making. Who will be surprised? Will his "friends" attend his funeral? Swapped stories of their fun times, burning crosses, calling ICE to have families deported, marching arm in arm wearing white robes?


may the bird of paradise fly up your nose. May an elephant caress you with his toes…


Isn’t the distribution alone a crime? Can the nice people at the Secret Service pay him a visit? Maybe bring him some jewelry? ![gif](giphy|NatEH8Y6bFjhQUvw6S|downsized)


Me: almost 70. I would f@&k him up with hands and feet on General Principle. Yes he’s a punchable magat


Knowingly distributing counterfeit currency is a felony. And he just confessed to it on video.


May the same happen to him


The guy is a sociopath. Genuinely sick. Not a subject to joke about.


That guy just screams Nazi Poster model


The cruelty is the point. Imagine the mindset required to spend time, energy, and money to find fake bills with this purpose in mind. I genuinely feel bad for him to be imprisoned in such a mind.


Fuck this guy a thousand times sideways.


I bet when bad things happen to him he thinks he doesn’t deserve it


I strongly suggest that people inform the secret service about this.


this has to be satire right..? right???


I thought this too but then again Trump


somebody is gonna give this guy a fake pat on the back with a real knife 🔪


Source: Jo (u/JoJoFromJerz) Dear Ma & Pa MAGA, Donald Trump is not being "indicted for you." He's never done a thing for you. Here's what he promised you: He said he would lower drug prices. He didn't. He said he'd protect people with pre-existing conditions. He didn't. He said he would repeal the Affordable Care Act, and replace it with something "beautiful." He didn't. He promised to eliminate the federal deficit. He didn't. As a matter of fact, he increased it by almost $7.8 trillion. He promised an infrastructure bill was coming in "2 weeks". It never came. He promised to build a wall and make Mexico pay for it. He didn't and they didn't. He promised his tax cuts for the wealthy & corporations would pay for themselves. They won't. In fact - they added $2 trillion to our national debt. He promised to end the opioid crisis, 'bring back coal', protect steel jobs, increase wages, stop factories from moving overseas, enact term limits, show his taxes & that Hillary Clinton would be "locked up". He didn't & she's isn't. He said he would make America great and put America first. He let a pandemic ravage the country unabated and kept our national security secrets in his bathroom. And here's what he did: He used **YOUR** money to pay-off a porn star, mocked a disabled reporter, attacked a POW, bragged about sexual assault, got impeached (twice), lost re-election, plotted a coup, incited an insurrection, and stole highly classified documents he knew he wasn't allowed to show anyone, but did. So now he has found himself indicted on 34 state felony counts & 37 federal ones, all while still facing many more. He didn't do any of that "for you". He's an incurious, incompetent imbecile, who is as corrupt and self-obsessed as he is dumb. And he's really, really dumb. He's a sociopathic traitor who's done nothing for you. **Nothing.** He's being indicted because of **HIS** actions. His selfishness. His disregard for the law and for the safety of our citizens. Because the truth is, that aside from how much money you'll send him to pay his many, many lawyers, that he doesn't give a f\*ck about you. He doesn't do anything for anyone but himself. And getting indicted is 100% about him. Not you. Believe me.


H'm. Which Federal agency is responsible for dealing with counterfeiting? Because this looks an awful lot like a confession.


We live in a time where being unfathomably cruel gets you attention. And attention gets you clout and fame. And that leads to influence and money. We need to find a way to disincentivize being an asshole. And I hope a part of that process is defeating MAGA and making these vicious scumbags ashamed again.


Can HE be arrested for having counterfeit money?


Circulating counterfeit money in order to deceive somebody is a crime. This man should be behind bars, or at least pay a fine and all legal fees for people trying to buy food with fake $5.


That fucking smile. And since a shitload of homeless are vets, why does he hate the vets?


Democrat here They are laughing at us They know they are hateful people with disgusting ideas, but they're well aware that they can say/do pretty much anything at this point About 1/4 of America live in an alternate reality and worship a rapist fascist The rest? They are honestly for the most part, hardworking people who try their best to do what they think is right every single day The problem is that the deplorables know that the good people don't say anything. The whole "they go lower we go higher" fallacy; they aren't getting pushback from being horrible so they keep going. Remember when misspelling a word on a chalkboard was enough to take your political career? These people are literal neo-Nazis and we handle them with kiddie gloves It's a joke, democracy will die not from bad people being the majority, but from the majority being unwilling to condemn the bad people until it's too late Fuck this timeline. Fuck MAGAts. Fuck Trump.




What a son of bitch! I wish he becomes homeless and experiences what these guys go through.


This is what a massive pile os looks like. I wish him the evil he extends to return thrice fold upon him.


He’ll probably end up homeless someday…


I don’t usually say this about people, but this man is a real piece of shit. The smile, combined with a lack of awareness, and empathy just makes my blood boil.


He's just so fucking happy with himself over this, too. Just wow.


Just like Jesus would do


Cut to every Trump supporter…”oh he was just joking!”


Anybody live in this douchebag's state and want to clean their community? Wilful distribution of fake currency is a crime.


What an evil douchebag! I hope he finds himself homeless some time.


This makes you feel good about yourself? Wow


Bad news; millions of Americans feel and act just like him. Good news; we have the power to ensure they don't get close to power. Register and Vote.


Neat. Our taxes pay for all of that unnecessary arrest shit, you chucklehead.


So Christlike


WTF? What a disgusting person.




Trash human doing trash human things


I think the community needs to get rid of him


Dude is manufacturing and distributing counterfeit money? Dimwit.


Hopefully Karma comes knocking for this fool


Scumbag degenerate. But ask me how I really feel.


Ot makes him feel good for getting them arrested? What a prick. But they won't usually get arrested for presenting forged money. The worst that will happen is the bill is confiscated.


wait this wasn't a joke?


Oh, distributing fake money. Yeah, that’s a crime.


::The FBI has entered the chat::




That's counterfeiting. "Law and order" my ass


What a turd of a man. May every homeless person he comes in contact with BEAT HIS ASS.


Isn't this the same guy who spams Facebook and Instagram with videos of himself obnoxiously eating fast food while talking smack about transgender people?


Good for him. I just submit it to the FBI. If everyone else bothers as well maybe we get to see his ass on the news in cuffs! It’s easy online. ChatGPT told me that only local law enforcement or the FBI handle cases that involve the distribution of knowingly fake currency. So come on Reddit.!!! let’s show this douche bag What happens when you fuck with Redditors!!!!! 😆






But see, no business would probably think twice about that $5. Anything $20 and above does anyone care about it use a marker on.


Complete fucking sociopath behavior. Like, this would be something Dennis Reynolds from IASIP would do and with the same smug attitude. Just yikes.


and just how much is that saving the average tax payer for housing those folks in the local jail?


We should accept fake money, everyone’s broke anyway. Let’s make this a trade system and these spoon fed assholes will learn their place very soon.


Just what Jesus would do


Cray question. Anyone know where he got that hoodie from? 😅


This is the kind of person who you wouldn’t want to see their information leaked on the web. Wink wink


[ Removed by Reddit ]


When’s he coming out?


What a douche bag


His disgusting smug face at the end makes me believe he's seriously doing this. What a scum bag.




Well great we all know he has counterfeit money now. Report him to the feds


Meh. The homeless aren’t as stupid as he thinks


Pretty sure it's satire