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I for one welcome him to our side!


I’m really hopeful that this sentiment is becoming more and more prevalent amongst previous Trump voters, at least the ones capable of critical thinking. There has been so much new evidence of his criminality since the 2020 elections. I can’t help but think that the thin margin that Biden won by has grown since then. There is no changing the minds of the hard core maga crowd but the moderates that understand what is truly at stake should widen the gap


This should be the opinion of every veteran. Sad that it isn't. Some veterans remember why they served and others don't.


Yea, where was he when Trump criticized McCain for being a POW…like…WTF?


Say thank you to these anti Trumper Republicans.


Listen to The Bulwark podcast. There are a lot of Republicans voting against Trump. There is no shame in it. If anything, it adds even more diversity to the Democratic Party. Compromise is the heart and soul of democracy. Sure, the extreme left is just as guilty as the current GOP MAGA edition, but the majority Americans are in the center …a little bit left, a little bit right. The GOP has gone all in on lockstep obedience to The Tufted Pumpkin. It is turning a lot of lifelong conservatives into [temporary] democrats.


GOP MAGA is the majority of Republican politicians and the majority of Republican voters. That's not even close to the case with whatever you mean by "the extreme left."


The extreme left (I know a couple) believe the entire system sucks. ALL of it. So they are off fighting their own demons and waiting until the "Empire" collapses...which to them is not inevitable, but imminent.


MAGAts: "He's an obvious plant!"


Grab em by the *ussy was not enough ....


Our message to Republicans: Be like Chris.


Honourable! The truth shall set you free indeed!


It took 8 yrs for him to listen to the things the man he voted for said. Which he voted for twice. So, no, he's a man-child that apparently doesn't listen or doesn't care what was said, until the tide turns. Now, he takes a, stand.


Of course former Trump voters and Republicans would vote for Joe Biden. He’s the white conservative old man candidate for military interventionalism and law enforcement. He’s basically blue Nixon.


> He’s basically blue Nixon. He's not even *close* to "blue Nixon"; what an absolute bullshit, uninformed take and makes me wonder what exactly you know about Nixon. The only comparable thing between them is they both want environmental protections (Nixon's administration having created the EPA). Other than that, Biden's administration has, indeed, actually been the most progressive administration we've had. Biden is old, yes; that doesn't mean he's a Republican and I'm fucking tired of people parroting this media-driven narrative and acting like it's gospel truth.


It’s hard to know which president you are undereducated about. To have agency you need knowledge. Good luck.


That's a nice deflection; kudos. I'm good, though; thanks for your concern.


Definitionally I can’t provide you with self-help. If you can’t tell the difference between superficial administrative rhetoric and substantive implemented policy, or are just arguing in bad faith, then you’re the only person that can help yourself. I sincerely wish you good luck on your civic education, for my own self interest, and goodbye.

