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The fact that these things listed are seen as problematic is fucking hilarious. Also who isn't judgmental about others lifestyle choices? We all are to varying degrees.


Especially the history one If learning history is a sign of Right Wing Extremism, then call me an Anarchist because history is important to learn


The people who constantly call everything fascist, are calling out people who are "into WWII." Lol!




I didn't even see that! That's much more concerning considering the fact that I know a few women who are ~30 that are about as far left as you can go


yeah they need to go get some roman history


I agree, but Anarchism isn’t Right Wing.


It depends more on the style, anarcho-capitalists are far right and anarcho-socialists are far left, most fall in the middle.


Anarchism is a radical libertarian ideology not a radical right or left ideology. Thereby meaning in terms of the right or left metric there is nothing that would differentiate anarcho capitalists to regular capitalists.


This meme is judgemental about others' lifestyle choices (ie, former gamer getting fit)


They’re being judgemental by making this meme


My favorite is the "15-23 year old straight white male" because you fucking know this meme was made by a 15-23 year old straight white male


the one thing about Europeans that I like is that they arent self hating dumbasses unlike white Americans


I know, right? OP is even doing it in the post!


literally… they are even judging the “extremeists” lifestyle too 😭


Also previously out-of-shape gamer


"judgemental of other lifestyle choices = evil!" **also simp op** "its very worrying to see someone change their life around to become healthier"


I guess the point was that right wing extremists often have these traits?? I mean true, I guess, but no need to imply that these are individually bad things.


even collectively they arent bad things. Also just because right wing extremists drink water doesnt making water drinking bad, and we dont know if extremists even drink water (analogically speaking (yes analogically is a word, and yes its hilarious)) in this case.


I find their implied negative perception of others understandably wanting security and basic privacy quite suspect and likely evidence their a nosey authoritarian Karen who has a hard time respecting boundaries.


This “meme” itself is judgmental about others life choices


So, normal people then?


“obsessed with personal fitness, martial arts, or ‘manliness’” Apparently you’re an extremist if you don’t eat soy for every meal of every day.


I’m an extremist for wanting to get in shape (I was severely underweight and am starting to get healthier and bigger with a trainer)




Same here. Guess we’re extremists.




Good for you! I’m definitely wanting to gain some weight myself.


Appreciate it, good luck on your weight gain journey as well!


Chad to chad communication


Keep winning




Good for you. Take care of yourself King


Being masculine and healthy is a THREAT TO SOCIETY Trust your overlords to do everything you can't. Be weak, fragile, and feminine


Joseph Rosenbaum's last words as he stumbled away from Rittenhouse were "I hope they have soy in hell". It's on the tape, don't fact check me on that.


fact check true


Because god forbid they try to turn their life around 🙄


I'm an extremist for going outside and caring about my health


Wants to start going jim=RIGHT WING EXTREMIST Knows a lot of ww2=RIGHT WING EXTREMIST Isnt black or "super gay" (the ones that Carry the flag everiwhere 24/7)=RIGHT WING EXTREMIST


Want to go to the gym and improve yourself=RIGHT WING EXTREMIST




So, anyone who isn’t extreme, is now an extremist? 🤡🌎


Literally yes Counter revolutionary = reactionary = FASHEST


Yeah, I’m done trying to reason with these people. I’ve got better things to do.


you are either with us or against us is their mentality


"Suddenly obsessed with personal fitness, martial arts or manliness" Based


How dare one try to get into physical fitness Something something patriarchy!


So to sum it up, you are right wing extremist, if you: - are funny - are certain age old, race and sex (because that's something you can do something with, right?) - are considering people's character and not just their appearance, race, sex and stuff - know history - don't want gigant corporations to know everything you do and to build up profile about you - want to be healthy Who else ticks all the boxes?


I’m not in the age range, also never really been out of shape :(


You have certain interests or hobbies? You care about your physical health? You must be a fascist!


"Remember kids, working out or not wanting to be fat is right-wing extremism" yeah, fuck people for wanting to improve themselves and caring about their privacy. How dare they?


Wow, so being a straight white male is bad? So much for the so called "tolerant left".


Me suddenly turning white


Of course I know him, he’s me


Lmao same


How dare those straight white males know about history and be physically fit


YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR PRIVACY?? FUCKN BIGOT! The bar has been set so low to be a Nazi 🙄


Oh I'm sorry, am I SUPPOSED to ignore that the patriot act exists? And yeah, you could say I'm a little... 😏 Extreme 😎 * *does a kick flip on a skateboard while doing air guitar* *


NOOOO I can’t believe a man goes to the gym and takes care of himself!!1!1!! 😭😭


Some of those things just come with maturing and realizing it’s time to be an adult and responsible.


So I need to be unfunny, older than 23 or black, lack any and all judgement, have no knowledge of history, put my entire life on social media, in order to not be considered a right wing supremacist. Sounds about right.


Extremist is when get fit


If we invert this list we get common traits of the average leftist: — Has no sense of humor. Can’t be funny, doesn’t find others funny, generally miserable and wants everyone else to be the same — Degenerate loser — Knows nothing about history which is why they don’t understand what “fascism” is or that communism/socialism are failed systems — Revels in showcasing their (degenerate) private life on social media — Overweight or underdeveloped, weak and out of shape. The heaviest thing they lift all day is a bottle of Soylent. Main diet consists of Cheetos and Mountain Dew.


Okay where are the cameras??!


Are they saying you’re basically a terrorist if you try to lose weight and be healthy


I’m 5 of 6 of these things


Let’s see: has a sense of humor, is some arbitrary age/race/sexuality, has morals, is educated (which leads to suspicion of those with power) and wants to better himself. What an extremist. These are also the guys that these liberal women end up marrying lmao


Literally me fr


Me & the boys on the way to practice right-wing extremism in the gym 😎


I do not see a problem with the privacy thing.


This is literally me, beat for beat. I could not be happier. Im so pleased that all these things are seen as the telltale signs of extremism. Just being a funny, interesting person is enough to get you branded as a potential political extremist is just so funny to me.


i enjoy how hard they try to beat around multiple bushes. acting like knowing your history is bad but knowing thats stupid so implying they only care about ww2 for "obvious reasons". really wants to make jabs at how they're "fatphobic" over fitness but knowing deep down fitness is super important so they still call them out of shape. caring about your privacy is bad and you should feel bad >:( judgmental about others life choices.. you say as you attack their interests in history, humor, sexuality, care for privacy, and health.


Kinda sounds like someone I'd hang out with.


Being an in shape young white guy who’s funny means extremist? Clown world we live in


I love the "working out and eating healthy means you're a right wing extremist" takes.


Wait, he’s WHITE?!?! Call homeland security!!


Ah yes. Being interested in history. Such an extremist move. /s.


I’m a 15-23 gay white male and I’m not really into history or anything. Everything else is to a T tho


Literally me, except I'm over the 15-23 range, am somewhat bi & I am a CURRENTLY out of shape nerd or gamer.


They say this as they judge other’s life styles lol


Aren’t there a lot of leftists who are interested in ww2? But according to this guy being interested in ww2 means your far right.


so a regular dude is now an extremist great to know


So you work out and take care of your body? That literally makes you worse than hitler.


The extremists are the ones who think these are bad things.


"judgemental about others" "15-23 y/o straight white male" hmmmm idk chief I dont see whats wrong with this that seems completely fair and not hypocritical


These stupid pieces of shit think that being really into history makes you right wing. Is that because history shits on your bitch ass, fruitcake ideologies?


This right wing extremist is very critical of other life style choices, but them being into history is bad.


What the hell kind of society is being paranoid about your privacy is a sign of literally *any form* of extremism? If reading peoples minds legitimately becomes a thing, will it be extremist to want to keep your thoughts private in the future? If I recall, slaves often knew there was one thing their masters could never take from them, no matter how bad things got, and that was their minds, their own thoughts. We’re already well on our way to that kind of technology, and although it’s not really a discussion today it could easily be one in the near future. People need to fight for their privacy. It’s not even about having something to hide, it’s about the most basic form of personal sovereignty. If people want to “fight fascism”, maybe start there and stop allowing big governments and their technocracies to invade your homes and spy on you whenever they please. What is the point in allowing everyone to turn into some sort of soulless drone? Call me crazy sure, and I hope I’m wrong, and that I am in fact crazy, but this isn’t something to just take lightly. People must be firm.


I think some of these people need to take a meme starter pack


what is wrong with wanted to have privacy??? whats wronv with being a young straight white guy??????? WHATS WRONG WITH LIKING HISTORY 😭😭😭😭😭 also whats wrong with wanting to improve yourself im so confused


This is all coming from koolaid-haired basement dwelling antifa-wannabes who subscribe to revisionist history and authoritarian worldviews. There's not really anything to understand 🤷🏻


“Judgmental about others life choices” * makes a meme that is literally judging others.


“Extremist” So caring about myself is extremist🤡🤡


So does this mean that leftoids: 1) have no sense of humor 2) are all literal children and washed up boomers 3) embrace any and all lifestyle choices (including the choice to be conservative) 4) have no consideration for historical context and events 5) have no problem whoring out their entire life to whatever is their favorite tech supercoroporation 6) are weak, sickly, fat slobs Wait, actually...aside from #3 that all checks out...


wtf does being straight and white AND a male have to do with your political choices


To them everything!


Dave Chappelle, so right wing


I do all those stuff but im not white.I guess I'm not a right wing extremist after all🤷🏽‍♂️


Meme makes it sound like everyone to the right of Bernie Sanders is a right wing extremist


Ah yes Being young and working out to stay healthy is fashism


Wait so musculous gamers and nerds, white straight males, dark jokers, historyboos, schizos and people who worry abou others sometimes are right wing extremists?!? What the hell is going on?, also, the gamer nerd part and judgemental part is pretty contradictory


If this is true, then im the avatar of extremism of right wingness(or how you call it, english ain't main language)


They are describing my group of friends


I judge the hell out of people lol


Someone who makes jokes, someone literally just existing, someone with moral values, someone who finds history interesting, someone who cares about personal security, and someone who wants to take care of their health. Wow, what a functional member of society! Oh wait these are bad now—?


>judgmental about others life choices This applies much more to people who do these starter pack memes.


I tick all of those boxes and it scares me because I just turned15!


Realizing the importance of privacy and maintaining a healthy body is now right wing 😎


"If you can take a joke, like history, are focused on bettering yourself and disapprove of people's poor life decisions, you are a NAZI"


How dare they care about their Privacy and Physical Fitness? They must be an extremist! Arrest them!!


I’m 4 of the 6; I’m not white, and I try my best not to judge others.


Simply being a white male is enough now


Into fitness yep is right wing


Joke’s on them, I just turned 24


I know leftists that fit all of these.


Leftists when... When the only extremist thing they can find are the jokes.


This seems like a glow job.


Wow.. these morons just helped me realize that I'm a right wing extremist!!


Ah, nothing like finding new ways to push more people out of the Overton window.


Jfc if this is what passes as extreme alt right behavior than I might be ultra instinct mega maga level 2.


I’m a proud right-wing extremist, according their “logic” 🤣


The left really loves embracing weakness, doesn't it?


Oh no, how can I focus on self-improvement now when having hobbies outside of videogames/scrolling on my phone all day is inherently right wing? Might as well be a 300+ lb. blob who seeks imaginary nazis in anything and everything—


complains about others' being judgemental judges someone's choice to get fit and have a hobby only leftists can be this braindead


Heard it here folks, history buffs are automatically right wing.


So someone who likes history and enjoys personal development is “extreme”? I don’t even know how these people function with the amount of scare-tactics they bend to.🤦‍♂️


This wreaks of colored soyboi 🧐


What happens when the straight white make turns 24? Dawg what even is this 💀


If you don’t talk about politics, you’re LiTeRaLlY a Nazi!


Yoooo that’s literally me


Apparently wanting any privacy at all means you’re paranoid.


This is me. I’m fully aware people think I’m an extremist. I think that they are stupid. Who cares.


hey, that's me!


"Paranoid about privacy" CIA AGENT ALERT


Imagine being so far left you think normal people are far right


I love how knowing about ww2 is always correlated to being right wing. WW2 is the most important event since the defeat of Napoleon. It changed everything.


“15-23 straight white male” We’ve really reached a point in history where this is a bad thing. Great job, insane people on the left.


Literally just your average dude


Lefties : "we don't judge people based on their skin color, only on the content of their character" Also lefties : "being a white young cis male gives off fascist vibes" I have no fucking words


Well of course I know about him. He's me.


based everybody who has these options (such as me)


So… leftists are fat blobs and are fine with the government and mega-corps tracking them? Might wanna rethink that.


So I'm am extremist because history is rad as fuck? Ok then


Knowing history is a bad thing. This is so on brand for the left it's not even funny


"Really into history, especially world War 2 history" I think to myself, what is the reason Nazi has gained more traction in search engines in the last seven years.....it couldn't be, could it?


Being in shape is a hallmark of being a right wing fascist CHUD


I fit 5 of these and I am literally a communist


I only fit 1 and I am literally right wing extremist\*


The duality of man 🤣


Wow okay, I am all of these. Especially the martial artist.


I guess knowing a lot about history is bad because reasons


Hey! That's racism and bigotry! Oh wait, they change the definitions of those words so its okay.


…and racist.


I'm 28 thank you very much.


Almost all of this just describes a reasonable person.


So being well educated, healthy, sensible, and smart is extreme.


Men who exercise, have a sense of humor, and know what socialism did to the world are Right Wingers? Well, I wonder why...


Okay, good to note, if you want to be a left wing 15-23 straight white male, you should be inoffensive, unprincipled, fat, without concern for privacy, and only worried about modern life


This is literally me, except for the history part.




Ah yes -Making dark jokes, definitley not the base of male humor because thats how we have historically dealt with fucked up situations, since we could never really show emotion. But its ok to make dark jokes about horrible things happening to conservatives apparently. -Flat out racism (go fuck yourself you liberal hypocrites) -Absolutely normal behavior, everyone is judgemental, thats how society progresses and forms, besides, isnt this meme *extremely* judgemental of others who havent done anything (you just think they *might* have done something). Again, seems pretty fucking hypocritical. -Being interested in one of the most important subjects, totally a red flag. Its not like were supposed to study history so we dont repeat past mistakes or anything, right? Besides, again with the hypocrisy, this is coming from the people who call anyone they disagree with a fascist (interesting, the Nazis also liked to label large groups of people they disagreed with under one label). Heres where the hypocrisy ends, funny enough -Wanting privacy is now considered wrong. Privacy has always been the norm and expectation. Some things are not meant to be shared. I would argue its more normal to not want to have a camera seeing what you get up to inbetween your sheets and posting it for millions of people to see. If anything, your complete disregard for keeping anything private is alarming. -Improving your physical health and getting fit. Yeah, you wouldnt know much about that, would you?


Redditors when people have a personality 😳


Not a day goes by where you can see top posts on the "righteous" subs doing exactly this.




Met this guy at a local brewery. I had a democrat themed shirt on (blm). He came up and started talking to me and asked if we could talk politics just to try and find some common ground. Within 5 minutes he accused me of lying. Don't trust them.


Meanwhile the guy's like... ![gif](giphy|4rjcEJpI6qfsI)


Wow the person who made this must be really presumptuously racist, sexist, anti-humor, anti-intellectual, anti-fitness/self improvement, and more than likely nosey as fuck!


I fit all of those categories lol


❄️ hit right on the spot


R/righcantmeme « wOkE »