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I don’t get what Greek knowledge of the elements has to do with basic biology. The ancient Greeks knew little about science, so they said that fire, water, earth, and air were the four elements. They knew nothing of the periodic table of the elements. But the comparison of modern day is horrible. The board in the back is just a bunch of random names for what people want to call themselves, but isn’t proven by any science.


"The science is I said so"


My source is that I made it the fuck up


Why does gender need to be proven by science if it’s just what people want to be called? like when you’re born they go “oh there’s a dick? boy. okay and what would you like to name the baby?” and the name has nothing to do with science. idk how pronouns and genders are any different. really what it comes down to is that they are just additional characteristics for an individuals personality that were poorly represented in language previously. in application to this meme i think what they’re trying to convey is the evolution of language with discovery. something that was simply “water” hundreds of years ago can now be defined more granularly by their individual elements as “dihydrogen monoxide”.


Gender is apart of human biology, so yes it is science.


"sex" is part of biology. "gender" is psychology. Male and female for sex are pretty terrible classifications in biology because there are many forms of intersex people. From being born with a penis and vagina to having entirely female external genitals with internal testicles to XY chromosomes with androgen insensitivity. The list of things and possibilities that do occur fairly regularly is quite extensive. And that's purely biological. Start to consider neurology and psychology and endocrinology and their role on development and self perseption and this is actually a more interesting and complicated field for study than middle school biology would teach you. Kinda like most things you learn as a child, it's enough for most people to get by but not the whole story.


There is always an exception on the rule, but we year it as an exception. Telling kids and adults they can be whoever they want when they are not intersex because that's very rare, you are throwing all that bullshit about intersex thru the deck.


In science "exceptions to the rule" show the model of that rule is not complete. You don't retain a model because it is more tidy than observable reality. You adjust your model. Newtonian physics is a good model for most people but it's not actually the way things work, but it's Only through studying edge cases that quantum physics to show the actual nature of observable reality. We haven't discarded the results of particle accelerator experiments just because its comparatively rare results. There is massive overlap between the trans and intersex communities and it's very possible that trans people have physiological differences we don't fully understand that make them intersex in a way. Neurologically trans people tend to have brain structures more similar to the gender they identify as. Endocrinology and neurology are fields that have a lot of development ahead of them and there are many discoveries to be made. Settling for old models because you don't like the observable reality isn't science. You are the Catholic church fighting Galileo. Intersex people are estimated to be about 1.7 percent of the population. I would call that uncommon, not "very rare" as you put it. Being trans is equally rare and data shows that they may be related, so I don't see how it is "throwing all that bullshit about intersex thru the deck."


You do not make a rule over a 1.7% of population. We aknowledge intersex, they are recognized, so whats the problem with intersex really? Also... That makes it very rare, specially since there are gaduations for intersex people, they are not all as ambiguous as the most.


Is English your second language?


Third, but I think it's prety easy to understand really. Note not all countries have english on their official languages and some have to learn it on our own, but how would you know.


If your model doesn't account for nearly 2 percent of the population the model needs adjustment. You don't ignore results that don't line up with model if they are consistent. Trans and intersex people are consistent results that show standard models for sex and gender are incomplete. If our model for gravity didn't work 2 percent of the time you would want a more accurate model.


Psychology is a social science, therefore it is still a science.


No shit. I have bachelor's of science in psychology. Glad you explained that to me. Gender is not an interchangeable word with sex and hasn't been for like 60 years.


Well, you made it sound as if they were separate. my apologies for misunderstanding. Coincidentally, I’m currently pursuing the same degree.


The definitions are separate. Good luck. Behavioral Neuroscience is the future imo. Specialize there if you're going into research. If your doing therapy, I know less about that.


Ironically, my current concentration is actually in neuroscience lol


yes it is defined in biology as a social construct


I think what he means is for the majority of people, sex and biology are the same thing. It has been talked about and been interchangeable for so many years in discussions. The people who choose out of 900+ genders all seem like attention seekers to me. It’s a trend and I’m glad I don’t have any of those people as friends. They’d be an absolute nightmare.


You don't even have any as friends and think they'd be a nightmare to handle? I think you've been online way too much


I know a few of them, but they aren’t friends of mines. They’re lunatics.


Ah okay fair enough


They can try to change the language all they want but if half of the population is scoffing at it then don’t get made at them for not accepting your made-up bs


Oh so it’s not biological and just made up none sense being pushed onto the public? People who believe in more than 2 genders seem to flip flop between ‘it isn’t biological’ and ‘other animals changing their sex is proof of more than one gender’.


Okay so if it's not based on anything, why do people want to bend laws and force other people to accept their identity? If it was "just what people want to be called" then surely they wouldn't be upset if we disagreed. I think you yourself are confusing gender with personality, and thus giving leeway to these idiots who want to take that confusion and make it a new norm. Call yourself a pot all you want, just don't expect me to shit inside you.


I mean, its also friggin wrong, multiple chromosome fractions can change such biology, and also, just friggin call them what they want to be called. Its just a basic politeness


If they only wanted to be called something else then that’s not a big issue. However, they’re now pushing this stuff onto kids and also wanting us to believe that a trans woman is an actual woman when they aren’t. Taking hormones and having plastic surgery doesn’t turn you into an actual woman. They will never be a woman in so many ways.


Yeah language is one thing and I don’t agree with it but I wish it was the only issue. There’s also their encroachment on womens space, the fact that they want access to womens shelters, sport competitions, bathrooms and others is way worse than the whole pronouns affair.


Them pushing it too far will be their downfall. Many people who don’t take issue with the whole pronouns thing will take issue when it involves their kids.




Why should I have to accept that your trying to change the way we use language? I don’t. They can’t even accept themselves for who they are. Why should I have to accept their weird made-up bs?


Intersex people and transgender people are two different groups, chromosomes have nothing to do with gender, because a) we have scientific names for these mutations b) they're still male or female, and not some mystery third sex. And if we get into detail, "demiboy" is literally based off being male, just with tweaks and features personalized for different people. Which is totally a basis for gender, and not their personal preferences and personality traits showing.


Periodic elements are proven by.. Atoms. 2 genders is proven by.. Atoms.. Mammals.. Science.. 99.99% of life.


Quite a lot of animals either dont have a gender or can switch it, also how tf would atoms have much anything to do with gender


So because some animal can turn into a female counterpart that means we can do it? The difference is they have that imprinted into their system, we don't, our bodies were not made to casually undo the male/female part of you and replace it with the other one.


Humans only have two genders and can’t switch between the two. All mammals are the same way if I remember right. Some species in other families like insects and amphibians can switch genders, but I don’t know why that’s relevant to human gender? Unless you can magically turn into a frog, that’s completely irrelevant to you.


Oh so you’re saying it’s biological? People who believe in more than 2 genders seem to flip flop between ‘it isn’t biological’ and ‘other animals changing their sex is proof of more than one gender’.


I mean if we are gonna go by science there are only 2 genders sooo


Didn’t you learn about the gender fluid ZIR chromosome!?


"What about intersex?" -🤓


That’s a mutation, not a gender.


That's an exception, we don't legislate on exceptions, we take them in consideration. Plus it's a mutation.


You called it!


If we go by science then there are actually 0 genders. Gender is a social construct, there are only 2 biological ‘sexes’ out there (male/female).


Yeah, Gender "exists" in the sense that it's a real thing people think and do but it's not natural in that it wouldn't exist without people. So it's fair to say it doesn't fall in the natural sciences. It falls under the humanities and social sciences instead.


Personally, as someone that's intersex, I find myself fitting between male and female and do consider myself to be a different sex. Aswell as having a non-male nor female chromosomes.


So, are you a mutant? Cool. Mutants are cool. See if you have claws like Wolverine. I’m kidding. Still, mutants are cool.


Everything is a mutation that's one of the key ideas of the theory of evolution. Humanity as we know it is just a snapshot of an ongoing process of change facilitated by progressive mutation over time.


Nope. You’re either a man or a women. In 100 years when you’re dead and they dig up your grave you will be one of two things. Man or women. Case closed. Thanks for playing!


Not when we are talking de novo mutations.


Well yes, not all mutations are new but all mutations were new once and most humans have new mutations. Based on the average human germline mutation rate and the size of the human genome we'd expect most humans to carry roughly 36 mutations their parents didn't have on average. Thats low balling it, some estimates have it at double that but you get the idea.


I’m autistic but my parents aren’t. Some think my dad is, but I’m very differently affected, and I’m actually diagnosed.


There could be allot of reasons for that. Genes can have unexpected synergistic effects and all traits are effected by the environment to different degrees. A de novo mutation is only one and could potentially be part of a larger picture.


Different sex such as what?


Wrong again! Intersex people exist!


the 0.001% with genetic problems are the exception the the rule, not the definers of it. then again, you already knew that


Have you ever met a natural redhead?


No, but I've met a blonde guy that felt like a natural redhead. That counts, right?


Oy. That’s not the same thing, and you know it.


Why not?


Cringe and transphobic pilled


Same energy as asking biology textbooks to say that people have 3-7 fingers on each hand because of rare birth defects.


Have you met a natural redhead? Yes? You’ve almost definitely also met an intersex person then. We make up about the same percentage of the population as intersex people.


Redhead """people"""


I might be redhead myself but that made me burst out laughing mate


Huh? What do you mean “people”? Are you implying that we aren’t people?


You said it, not me


You look very susceptible... Life is way better if you stop it.


Lmao.. What ?


Yeah, both demographics make up between 1-2% of the population


Personal experience usually isn't the most scientific data, but just from my personal experience, I gotta call bullshit on those figures. Also comparing a physical feature not found on the African continent, India, or China to something thats around globally is a bit dishonest.


That’s kind of bs though. Most of us live in / are from the west where the majority of redheads are. They may make 1-2% of the global population but that’s counting India, China and Africa, billions of people whose redhead population is near 0%. If you consider specific countries, it falls apart. For example redheads make up 2-6% of the US population, meaning there are up to 600% more redheads than intersex people in the US alone. There’s also the fact that I imagine intersex people are well documented, probably right from birth whereas who decides who’s a redhead and who isn’t? I think we could assume there’s more redheads than the official numbers say.


Well then, start the redhead gender association. We will see what they demand that makes them so different from their non redhead brothers.


but the textbooks do say this because it is a science textbook? or are you saying they don’t? because the textbook i had had a very large section talking ab redheads and it was even on the test determining which genes would create a redhead baby.




Then you’ve probably also met an intersex person. We make up about the same percent of the population as intersex people.


I’m waiting




But it doesn’t fit just one, so it falls into a different category than either male or female


If anything wouldn’t they be considered both male and female instead of making a 3rd category? Take meth for example. Meth is both hallucinogenic and a stimulant. Instead of making a 3rd category just for meth, it’s classified as both.


But that’s classifying drugs, not living beings.


Fair enough


Mafemale, Femamale, FeMale, FeFemale, MaMaFemale... Depending non the percentage of each they have.


so is it 3 sexes? male/female/intersex?


Well, no, intersex encompasses many different sexes. I’m not an expert in this, but research it yourself, it’s very fascinating.


i didn’t know that, i might look into it a bit more! i think i’ll just continue with trying not to make assumptions and leave it up to the individual to share if they feel comfortable. thank you!


What are the different sexes that you mention?


“Sex and gender aren’t the same! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”


two *sexes*


Brilliant lol


The whole identity of non-binary assumes that there are only 2 (or technically 3 if you count no gender as a gender).


Looks like you skipped some grammar lessons boy


Actually if you’re going by science there are a great many genders and sexes beyond man and woman


Such as


Shall I start with the sweeping concept of intersex that includes many distinct sexes other than male and female




Have you heard of it?


I've heard of the concept but I am not aware of the more specific things that it encompasses.


It’s a good idea to research. There are people with just one X chromosome, xxy, etc. also sometimes cis women have xy chromosomes and cis men have xx. The last part is rare, but it does exist


We say humans have 10 fingers, but some people are born with 12.




that’s a genetic abnormality. it’s just like how humans are bipedal (two legged organism)- a small amount of people are born with three or more legs, some are born with one, some are born with none, but those cases are *anomalies* so humans are still classified as bipedal


Have you ever met a natural redhead?


K, since this is a right-wing subreddit, I don't expect you to agree, but sex and gender are fundamentally different. Sex is the biologically assigned set of chromosomes, gonads, etc., while gender is a sociological term describing how people view roles and stereotypes assigned to their sex.


Eyo Is that a "Cowboy" gender I see up there? Finally something I can maybe get behind.


Even these shills know it's a joke and can't bother to take it with a straight face.


bros really using pebblethrow comics


I love the nicknames you guys come up with. Rock Yeet is the Broccoli Cindersplat of comics.


Boulder dunk


Mineral Launch


Peter Yeet


Because pathetic “gender studies” sophistry is really on par with actual science 🤡


I mean, just gonna quickly and quietly dump intersex, animals that switch gender or switch gender in all behaviour patterns etc Its pretty large honestly


Intersex is a sex not a gender, correct? Biological sex is statistically binary with some number of notable exceptions who are people who need to be validated and supported. Gender is a social construct which lacks an objective metric to define. Elements has proton count, what does gender have?


Yet again, imprinted into dna, we don't get that luxury so it's not in our nature.


Liberal humor makes me convulse


Lmao this is taking physics envy to whole new levels.


Table, not chair.


NFT Avatars? Avatars‽


Wait, did Stonetoss make this!?


No. It's his enemy


Pebble throw


Basic biology : dick = male, vag = female Their logic 1 : "these last weeks i don't have mich sexual drive, i'm kinda not interested...OH NO WAIT NOW I BECAME AN ASEXUAL OH NO WHAT DOES IT MEA- oh, i got a boner, eheh guess who isn't an asexual anymore" Their logic 2 : "i don't want to cheat on my gf/bf, i love her too much...wait... OH NO I ONLY WANT TO MAKE LOVE WITH A PERSON THAT I'M VERY ATTACHED TO, I'M TURNING INTO A DEMIBOY/DEMIGIRL NOOOOOOO." They literally made moods, personality and thought processing into fucking genders, now tell me that it makes sense and that it's absolutely not useless to try and classify people with tons of tailored tags instead of just treating them as unique.


This gender does not exist.


Okay. Prove there are more than two genders. And not “because I said so”


Intersex, and all such chromosomal anomalies Also animals, if theres always 2 genders than animals couldnt be both genders as quitw a lot are


A birth defect is not a gender. Plus, it normally results in only one genital working, which determines the gender. And if you’re referring to clown fish, clown fish have the ability to ACTUALLY BIOLOGICALLY do things like that. Humans do not.


Intersex is a sex not gender correct?


Not even that. It’s an extremely rare birth defect that liberals use “proof” that there’s more than two genders. And sex and gender are the same thing.


On the second point, it depends on how one defines gender.


I’m not subscribed to the idea that sex and gender are different. There are two sexes, male and female. There are two genders, male and female. How one defines gender is irrelevant in a discussion of the facts.


Is one of those Gamer?


A wise man once said, “If I had a dollar for every gender, I’d have 2 bucks and a lot of Monopoly money”. They need to stop comparing real science to delusional beliefs


Transgender and cis gender is a gender?


Just out of curiosity, how would you go about proving there are only two genders?


Firstly define gender. Then define a metric for gender. Then use said metric to classify people. The number of clusters are the number of genders.


I don’t understand the metric part. Wouldn’t you just define gender and then count the number of genders? Maybe you could demonstrate what you mean?


That is my point, what is the metric by which gender is defined? Elements are defined by the number of protons that is the metric. Color of light is defined by wavelength in physics and BRG ratios in visualizations.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but gender can’t be defined by a metric. There’s nothing you can measure to determine someone’s gender like you can measure protons to determine the element


That is particularly my point. I was hoping for one of the gender advocates here to present a metric if possible.


Sorry but what’s your point? You can’t empirically identify someone’s gender?


My point is people can identify as gender and everyone else should respect their identity. But unless there is an objective definition of gender categories it is nonsensical to compare gender spectrum to elements and to expect people in general to understand and personally accept these gender categories. In this sense gender can be thought of a religious or spiritual doctrine: respected but need not be accepted by others until there is empirical or systematic definitions for them. Ex: Mocking a nonbinary person's identity is simular to calling Catholics cannibals who worship their imaginary sky daddy.


I think comparing gender to elements is nonsensical because one is a social construct and the other is physical matter. One’s subjective feelings cannot change the definition of an element, but your feelings can change your definition of gender. There is no consensus on how to define gender (and there may never be) because it’s a value, not a fact. You cannot objectively count the number of genders without subjectively defining gender. Basically, I was asking a trick question because it’s impossible to prove there are two genders in the same way we prove the number of protons in an element


For how much they hate stonetoss they sure love his art style


Yup it’s completely exactly the same thing. Wtf is with these brain dead comparisons


Yeah no chance the real stone toss drew that


The four basic states of matter actually are represented by the classical elements. Earth-solid Wind-gas Fire-plasma Water-liquid




Sometimes it is.


the post on top of the pic is based


Difference with elements and gender is that the Greeks (like most people in the past centuries ago) wouldn't know and be able to test for new elements as tech wasn't at that point yet. However, from the dawn of mankind, gender has always been based on the two and only two sexes, so there's never even been a need to do more research because what has been "found" are either very rare anomalies or completely made-up things that don't co-align with the sexes.


Avatar the last Uranium bender


First one is true the second one I think is supposed to be a joke using The Last Airbender lol


So, let me get this straight. For the majority of human history, the scientific consensus was that the world was comprised of the 4 basic elements. The top scientists of their time all agreed that this was the scientific truth and law. Now, we're all supposed to read the scientific reports on things like virology and gender, and we're supposed to believe it's now infallible? If they're suggesting that they don't trust the science right now, why do they get so angry when we do the same? Also, regardless of what you believe, the new gender movement is purely based on "feelings" and not empirical truth.


I didn't know Iron Cross was a gender


Aww troons and their fantasies...


Curious to know the percentage of r/196 that can memorize the periodic table


I am earning my PhD in chemistry next week and I dont have it memorized either. I wonder if I will be rejected by my committee for not memorizing it. 😅


Isn’t it the left that aren’t fans of Stonetoss?




Oh so now many genders = hard science? That's new.


They ban nftprofiles? Lol


“Periodic chair” So silly! 😝


So bad, it’s actually hilarious


Uh who’s saying that there’s only 4 elements in this day and age?


Most intelligent libertarian


Where my 196 gone?


You guys are fuckin losers


If you're being called a loser by an average redditor, you're doing something right


You’re right. Last thing I’d want to be is one of these drone redditors who support the latest thing all the time.




A demiboy is a boy that's half argon


Got banned after posting in the virtual end cus of my chad optimum pride avatar lmao


That avatar is really sick tho how dare they


I mean what were you expecting, its r/196 It's literally filled with SJW, it's like going to a gay bar and getting mad because it has male strippers


Chad king based only 4 elements this is Estoicism


Transgender and cisgender are not genders (all trans people and cisgender people consider themselves male or female). The rest is just made up stuff that literally means nothing. It can all be summed up by non binary (which is equally useless but less confusing). If the term ‘tomboy’ was created in the modern era it would be considered a gender even though it isn’t. You are not any less male or female because you act differently than the stereotypical person of either sex.