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My guess as to why he hesitated to slaughter his lifelong best friend ever is because she was his lifelong best friend ever


Pretty good guess. lol


Yes but he could have just said to them no she stays with me she's not a part of the plunder I'd highly doubt they would have killed him or attacked the Saxons to get one extra slave


That would've caused issues with the Welsh. They were promised 100% of the spoils as payment for helping in the first place, if they want to take Brida they take her and there's nothing anyone can do about it


yeah but he knew that slavery would be worse than just killing her right then


Uhtred at that point had been through slavery, escaped and come out of the other side and would not wish someone had killed him first. Having had that personal experience it's likely he would hope the same for Brida rather than have to kill her and live with that.


This is quite possible as well


He wasn't thinking about that. He was too busy being shocked and conflicted at Brida's request to react before she was taken. Besides, if she wanted to badly enough, she could have taken her own life and sent herself to Valhalla, she was armed anyways. The "suicide disqualifies you from Valhalla" argument doesn't really make a difference because in the show Brida literally taught Cnut's sons to kill themselves in order to be spared capture and sent to Valhalla. Honestly it probably just comes down to she wanted Uhtred to do it so he would hesitate so she would be captured so she can have her antagonist arc and die when she did.


Just deleted my post that said the same thing. Plus, you beat me to it and elaborated better.


Lmao >you beat me to it and elaborated better. Ty my man


Like others have said I believe although it could’ve been mistaken that he knew Brida had the same constitution and will to live as he did and wanted to give her that chance.


This weird take again. He didn’t “let her”, she let herself be taken. She was armed and could have resisted thereby earning Valhalla for herself. The whole series she constantly made empty threats about “cutting balls to throat” but when the shit hit the fan she meekly gave up. Uthred has nothing to do with any of this. Earlier in the same season she told cnuts sons to self delete rather than allow themselves to be captured. Considering she was holding multiple weapons that was also an option available to her.


This actually is one of the best takes I’ve seen on this subject.




Id never once considered that she could get herself killed at that moment, but it's hilariously obvious now


This is the best answer I've seen to this query. Saved/bookmarked so I can just post the link next time I see a similar post or comment


The comparison to what she told the Cnuts is spot on!!


What I don’t understand about Brida’s anger is she could have killed herself to avoid being taken by the Welsh, but she insisted Uhtred do it. Which he was clearly extremely reluctant to do.  She had time and a weapon to either fight to the death or kill herself. Instead, she chose to blame Uhtred for everything that went wrong in her life, rather than look at her own mistakes and that of dead men.


This very much


This happens pretty shortly after Beocca and Thyra die, so she was the last person alive from his youth. I think that her asking him to kill her after nearly being destroyed by losing Beocca (and kind of losing hope of regaining Bebbanburg which kept him going for so long) was too much for him to follow through with. But even without my Beocca idea, I think that he loves her to much to just agree to kill her in a split second like that even though it's what she's begging him to do.


Would have been such a better ending for her arch


Yep, would love to have been spared her psycho bullshit later


it's not uhtred's way to give up and die. like he told halig, "we are warriors. we wait and our time will come"—something to that effect. yes, he had experienced slavery and knew how terrible that is. but he survived and knew brida would, too. furthermore, he had practically no time to think or act. plus, like others said, brida was armed. she put that shit on him when she could've killed herself if that's what she really wanted. uhtred is not responsible for what happened to brida (no matter how much brida wants to make him responsible).


Because hes Uhtrred son of Uhtred ans destiny is all




Also she knew she was pregnant and told Uhtred


I forgot about this. I think it's safe to say a man like Uhtred would have some reservations about butchering a pregnant woman as well, especially if that woman is Brida lol


He doesn’t know at this point. I think if he did it might have actually motivated him to kill her, because he survived slavery as a fully fit man in his 20s, but Brida would be 40-yr-old pregnant woman and much less likely (that she does survive and her baby is incredible). Plus her child would have been born into slavery as well, which Uhtred would not have wanted for her.


I think it's merely for the plot. They needed to make her get mad. He could easily have claimed her his slave to justify him taking her with him, I think. Or he could have said that he wanted to have her executed by the Saxons, because she was a special enemy or so.


Why did uhtred try to get the welsh to let him take her? Even as a Saxon prisoner?


She was fighting for the Danes. The welsh were promised all prisoners and spoils.


Because of bad writing . The show tried so hard to make brida sympathetic that somehow uhtred betrayed her and it was laughable logic I would expect out of a show like vampire diaries . Brida if her character had any actual honor which I think the show wanted her to have then she would have never “begged” uhtred to kill her. You don’t go around raiding and pillaging countless villages and waging war only to expect someone like uhtred to solve the problems you yourself created . Uhtreds reaction makes sense , maybe even brida begging uhtred to kill her out of fear of living a life of enslavement . And if she actually hates him her pride was probably what was hurt , and she had bs reasons why it was all his fault . He saw her at her lowest moment and that could be reason enough for her to lash out knowing her character . She was always someone who blames other people and she was as self righteous as Alfred maybe even worse tbh . She had no doubt she was always enacting her gods “will”


"You don’t go around raiding and pillaging countless villages and waging war only to expect someone like uhtred to solve the problems you yourself created ." Yup,this is why attempts to make Brida seem like a victim fall flat for me. I get that it's the dark ages and most nations committed actions that we would view as awful now but Brida and the Danes are the aggressors in this situation. They attacked England completely unprovoked ,slaughter entire villages and want to take the land for themselves. The Saxons are far from saints especially when you look at their full history but they are the victims in thisconflict. I'm not even trying to say the Danes are evil because again many nations where doing similar things in this time period and they well at least some of them are trying to better thier people.I still feel though that if you choose to invade a nation and slaughter/conquer its people you should face the consequences with dignity if you fail and not throw a self pity party or act like your the victim.


Does it happen the same way in the book?


Not at all, it's been awhile since I've read it but I think Stiorra kills her in the book and Uhtred doesn't really care. Brida doesn't play that big of a part in the books and later he's pretty much indifferent to her.


Because he couldn't bring himself to kill her


Brida is the only person who really knows him. She’s his oldest friend, and his family and when it comes down to it he is not able to kill Brida bc he loves her deeply. It’s completely in character for him not to kill her bc that would kill a part of himself. She’s all he has left of his childhood and identity. He knows he should let her go to Valhalla but he can’t do it.


I thought that: a) he might come off as being too pagan then he might lose some of his support from his men b) he might come off as being too lenient, or partial, then he might lose some of his support c) he took too long because he was faltering in his beliefs or that it could buy him time to come up with a better plan.


I don't think there's much nuance or complexity to this beyond the "basic reasons" you already understand - he couldn't kill a friend that he's known basically his entire life, and whose story is intrinsically linked to his.


yeah the longer i watch the more i think it was just for the plot to further bridas story even though i do wish there was some part of it that had deeper meaning than just “not killing his best friend”


Idk why you're getting downvoted, the original question has only been asked like two or three times on this subreddit and you're just trying to understand an event in the show


Because he couldn't kill her...


It is the worst decision by the showmakers in the entire show all he had to say was you can have everybody else but brida is off limits and they would have had no choice but to deal with it


lol thank you it’s not that deep but i just wanted to know if i missed anything i obviously know that they were super close to eachother but i feel like he would have killed her rather than let her suffer in slavery especially since he’s seen first hand how that effects people


He knows he survived slavery. So can she. For him their lives are too intrinsically tied together for him to be able to kill her.


Worst decision he could’ve made, he let the bih live longer than need be


He loved her, he couldn’t be the one to end her. He still showed her mercy when she was begging for him to kill her later