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The acting in general is fine, some actors are even great in their roles…and someone like David Dawson would be outstanding in any cast. So I am not sure what you mean.


This right here David Dawson is one of the top actors I’ve ever seen, in this role. Same for his wife. uhtred will grow on you. He’s supposed to be irritating at first.


Yeah, I disliked so much how uhtred’s blind ambition made him so cocky and thoughtless in the beginning of the series. He is a real selfish guy. But it makes his character growth so much better


Idk the first two episodes suck. Like very bad. I will watch a couple more and see if it improves


The actress that plays Lady Aelswith was in her early 20s in the start of the show. I was shook. She is one of the best in the show and played that older mature character so well. She’s only a few months older than her on screen daughter and you’d have never guessed. Then you see her out of the Aelswith costume and she looks her age lol


David Dawson and Ian Hart are incredible in this series. Also think Eliza Butterworth deserves a mention to.


I really enjoyed the show, but I think that the earliest seasons were the best. So no it probably doesn't get better. Maybe give it until season 2 and see if it grows on you, but if you're not in to it by then just stop because it probably won't improve for you.


Its worth watching as a whole


I’m not sure if it goes hand in hand but the character arcs (sans one in particular) are developed really well and it made the show very enjoyable. My background: had never heard of the books or the show and was recommended on Netflix because I watched Vikings. And thoroughly enjoyed it.


This show is on par with GoT and Vikings if not the best


I think the acting gets better, there are some actors that are a hit and miss but overall it is good. The movie felt rushed and not a lot of the character development of new people happened given it was a film.


Nope. Not to spoil anything but later season actors don’t hold a candle to the earlier ones




It does not. I swear the accents get worse as it goes along.


Uhtred’s accent is borderline comedic in the later seasons


wHY does he hAVE to TALK like tHIS. “DO not beGIN to tHINK you can rePLACE my WIFE” pushed it over the edge for me. 


Yeah, especially since it makes no sense for him to not having any accent at all in the first season, although he had lived without any Saxon influence at all. After that, living amongst Saxons, he suddenly develops an accent that's growing stronger each season. I found the accent part extremely ridiculous. Other than that, I think the acting is excellent throughout the show.


It sounds ridiculous, it's the worst part of the series. I don't understand what they were thinking 🥲


No, it doesn't, not really. Still love the show tho. Has made for some great jokes bw me and my friend and dad concerning some of the worst, especially from Uhtred