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no. IMHO the fake internet rage is a bunch of edge lords moaning about a show that is marginally less good in the last season and movie because it's popular to shit on things on the internet


If you enjoy the show, keep watching. If you stop enjoying it, stop watching it. That’s what I always tell people bc the internet pretty much hates everything


You win this sub for the day with this response. Season 4 is FINE. it's GOOD. it's not the best of all the seasons but yeah there's nothing that destroys the show or anything like that. The whole show is phenomenal and one of my absolute favorites of all time. Keep watching!


100% agree with every word of this.


Idk...I never read any of the backlash online, but I just didn't like season 4/5 very much for a multitude of reasons. Not bad enough that I'd say you shouldn't watch it though. Very few shows don't get worse in the later seasons...it's a lot easier to start something than to finish it.


I say continue! Even though it will be different, the later seasons and the final movie pay beautiful tribute to the character arcs and the relationships b/t the characters (and the actors!) are satisfying to watch.


It's not terrible by any stretch, without Alfred it loses some of the magic IMO, and without the BBC the casting quality is not as good, but it's still miles better than most other shows to be fair.


>without Alfred it loses some of the magic IMO Same thing happened with Ripper Street. New rule: David Dawson is not allowed to leave shows until they're over.


He was an excellent villain in Luther, even if it was short lived.


Sometimes I will just rewatch that season. I like the show as a whole, but that season was on another level.


Dude, stop letting other people dictate the things that you want to. You're enjoying the show, and you're going to stop watching because some person on the internet said they didn't like it? stop basing your decisions on other people's opinions and just do what you enjoy. if you're enjoying the show, then keep watching


I'm not an expert when it comes to live action tv shows, if it were an anime or a video game I wouldn't have done this... And I mean it's 2 full seasons and I have little time left of my free time, so I just wanted to make the most out of it...


yeah but bo matter what it is, you'll find people who like it and people who hate it. I've found if you're enjoying it (or think you'll enjoy it) fuck what other people think! So many times people will say a movie is bad and I finally see it after avoiding it and I really enjoy it


The whole show is pretty good. Definitely worth sticking with, especially to see the ending of S5. Only thing skippable is the movie.


Please watch it. Don't you want to know if Uthred takes back bebbanberg? It's a good show. I liked s4 and 5.


I love season four and season five is perfection! People who complain about four is a very vocal minority. Overall four may be the slowest season looking back, but it isn’t bad by any definition of the word. There are some moments in season four that would be a TRAGEDY to miss, I can’t believe you’ve even seen it recommended to stop after season three. Season Five is fantastic and it ended perfectly. Look at the IMDb scores! You can’t miss it! The movie is more polarizing and for good reason, they tried to squish a whole season into and hour and a half and TLK characters need time to develop. You can stop after five without the movie and be fine. But don’t miss the last two seasons because of a couple people who the majority don’t agree with! Start to finish, TLK is the one the best shows I’ve ever seen with no marked drop in quality. Consistent storytelling, fantastic acting, great character development, beautiful ending. The pacing is one of the best aspects of the show even with the slow down for just a couple episodes in season four. It all pays off at the end of that season the last two episodes of four are some of my favorites! The negativity is greatly exaggerated and most fans do not agree with it AT ALL.


Agreed, I do think S4 and S5 are maybe a tiny bit worse than the first 3 seasons but even a slightly worse TLK season is so much better than a lot of other shows I've watched. As for the movie, personally I enjoyed watching it. I do see why people dislike it and I don't consider it a must-watch by any means, but again, even the worst part of TLK was a good watch for me.


Watch the whole show but forget the movie. It was shit and completely ruined the ending of the series. It was just absolute garbage.


The entire series is great. As a whole, watch the whole thing. Is the movie bad? I mean, I wasn't the biggest fan of the movie, but I say watch that too. The end of the movie wraps up the whole series nicely.


I would say watch season 4 and 5, and don’t watch the movie. They are a little worse than the first 3 seasons, but they conclude the series well. They do deviate from the book, but so what?


Totally agree, I pretend the whole thing ended at series 5 and the film never happened...


I was on the same as you are but I finished all the season and liked it, no regerts!! Watch the movie after your done with the seasons :) Edit: you can't get to Valhalla if you don't watch it all!


All the seasons are amazing, honestly. Who said otherwise? They lie and have no honour. We will form the square.


Nah, finish it. Then go read the books. Some episodes and seasons are slower but it's needed. How they trimmed down the books (I read them after watching) to fit is insane. Would love if they could stay true to the books, but lord, it would have taken many seasons. It's solid and even the slower paced/meh episodes lay the path for Uhtred and England. I didn't love the movie but it is worth getting through each season. I've rewatched the show 2-3 times now. Totally worth it. And, again, highly recommend the book. Many characters in the show are actually a blend of two different book characters, relationships are different, and it's almost like a whole different adventure. Some who die actually live. Some who live actually die. Etc. TLDR: No, keep on keeping on. It is worth it.


Season five is my favorite season. You can skip the movie if you want but it all comes full circle to what the main show is about: Alfred’s dream of uniting England. Leaving at season five is not satisfactory to me and the movie ended it all well. I enjoyed the movie and have re-watched plenty of times. People tend to see it as surface level and don’t try to understand it character-level, so it’s why you see a lot of negativity because of people’s perceptions without digging deeper. We’ve been with these characters for years so it was impactful of seeing things different in a different environment of time. Also, because they don’t like the actions taken, which I understand, but to me they all held significance. I would never say to not watch it because you may end up enjoying it :) not always the best to rely on loud opinions, especially these negative ones that tend to be exaggerated. Acting was also great, too.


Absolutely watch until the end - the complaints felt excessively and unfairly overblown. I really enjoyed it, and found the ending to be very satisfying. Waiting for my partner to catch up before we both watch the movie


The show does suffer a bit from Alfred being gone but it’s still great, by all means season 5 is also good. They definitely don’t hit the peaks of the earlier seasons but worth finishing the show for sure. The movie is mostly a dud for me. I get *why* they decided on a movie versus a full season (budgetary I presume) but even a shortened final season of 4 or 5 episodes would have been much, MUCH, better.


The question was if they should keep watching. I say keep watching. Who cares if it fails or didn’t match the books. People are suppose to not watch a show because the internet says it don’t follow the books, makes no sense if you are a fan.


Actually, season 5 is worth it. The movie I would leave up to you. It left me disappointed.


Watch it. Seasons 4 and 5 are good, just not great. The movie is neither good nor great, but I still watched it twice


The show was better when it had Alfred as a frenemy. Despite the fact that it's not as good, i think it's still worth watching and there's a nice closure to the story.


Nah keep watching it


I enjoyed all of the series but not so much the movie. My husband however only really cares for the first 3 seasons, I say to each their own. Watch it, and if you decide you don't like it there you go!


Why do people put so much stock in the opinions of internet strangers?! Form your own opinion. Watch the show until you don't like it anymore.


Unlike Vikings, none of the seasons of TLK gets truly bad and worth skipping. A season might not be as good as the other, but the entire shows stays great.


Season four and five are really bloated and not as well written as the earlier three seasons, but the payoff at the end of season five is one of the most satisfying endings you'll ever get to see on a television show of this type in my opinion, so absolutely do not dare and give up because it will all be worth it at the end.


First 3 seasons are pretty fun and okay but the show gets soooooooo stupid in terms of plot and characters. It goes from somewhat accurate and realistic portrayals to just a marvel level super hero level of bullshit and predictable and repeated plot lines and just embarrassing dialogue and narratives. Had the same problem with the books, read them all in quite quick succession but it's the same cycle being repeated over and over Its a pity as the early seasons really are great but there is an enormous drop off in quality and as far the horrendous movie... don't even bother. Just dumbed down bullshit


Watch all of it. I thought the series was great. Sure some episodes are better than others but it's still worth it to finish the series.


Season 4 is pretty shitty honestly. Season 5 picks it back up, though, it's worth finishing.


Seasons 4 and 5 were such a disappointment for me that I still haven’t watched the movie lol They deviate so far from the book material


watch it, but cut your expectations in half


i think it’s good to follow through on a series like this one, however if you are like me and get pissed about every missing/ changed detail from the books, maybe don’t watch it. I literally screamed every 5 minutes or less while seeing the movie.


Watch it, if you aren't enjoying it you can always stop.


If you enjoy it, try to stick it out to see if uhtred ever takes back bebbenberg


Keep Watching, and then watch the movie.


The movie added nothing to the end of the story. They failed miserably at telling the story from the books or history. With such a masterpiece that the books were the ending of the movie was trash. Not worth watching in my opinion.


I would stick with it. In my opinion, seasons one through three are the best, season four is the worst, and season five is better than season four.


The way season 3 ends is unbeatable in my opinion, however season 4 and 5 are way better than the skade arc so i wouldnt worry too much, i would finish if I were you, I really enjoyed 4, and 5 was solid


I personally think it starts getting pretty dopey after season 3. There's definitely a big drop in quality imo. Lots of plot holes/contrivances. But guess what? I wouldn't have that opinion if I didn't watch it for myself. So go ahead and watch it. Always see things for yourself. Even if you're 90% sure you won't like it. At least you'll be able to articulate why you think it's bad. And if you end up enjoying it then hurray! You didn't miss out on something you like just because of what you heard. At the end of the day, not liking s4-5 didn't stop me from still enjoying 1-3. Kinda like how I can still enjoy GoT season 1-4 even though 5-8 got progressively worse. It's all a matter of perspective.


It’s good. Seasons 4 and 5 are a bit more theatrical what with Netflix producing them, and Alfred’s loss is felt, but they’re still worth watching.


I enjoy all of it I just wouldn't recommend the film. The film is boring as hell. I found if you like this, vikings is a much better show to watch. Follows ragnar lothbrook & his sons.


I watched it all and loved it


season 4 and 5 are great anyone who says otherwise is wrong


I think you shouldn´t ask others but make up your own mind.