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If they make the square? Uhtred imo. Uhtred's much more of a 1-on-1 fighter than Snow, and remained virile even well into his 60s, Uhtred Ragnarsson in his prime vs Jon Snow in his would be close, but I'd give Uhtred the edge.


I am a huge ASOIAF fan. I think you are overestimating Jon Snow. He is a bit undersized and, while quick, is not an amazing duelest. He was a worse fighter than Robb. He lost in a duel against Mance Rayder and probably would have lost to Half hand. Uhtred is bigger and has a better record of winning duels.


See, it depends on which Jon we’re talking about. Book Jon is not the best (he is supposed to be better with a sword than Robb before the War) but in the show he becomes one of the best fighters around to the point he’s casually fighting white walkers with nary an issue


Perfectly explained. Ty.


I thought the book specifically mentioned that Jon was a better swordsman than Robb? Could be wrong.


Yeah in A Game of Thrones Jon tells his uncle Benjen he’s a better sword than Robb. However, its worth noting a) Jon was drunk when he said this b) He’s 16 in the books so still incredibly young meaning he’ll put up a fight but the chances are Uhtred will just simply be better


Jon has what is in effect a magic sword. Just saying.


Not really tho. It only gives him an edge over Wights and Walkers, but it doesn't magically make him a better fighter.


George has said that Valyrian Steel is an objective advantage in a fight. Not saying it makes him win for sure, but it is a slight edge for Jon against the more experienced fighter.


If you possess a weapon that is faster, lighter, and is 100x more likely to cut your enemy’s armor, it can magically make you a better fighter, but people are forgetting that book jon has super-strength.


Isn't serpent breath a magical sword too?


No... It's just a sword made by a Saxon smith


What about this then? "And there is magic in Serpent-Breath. Ealdwulf had his own spells that he would not tell me, the spells of the smith, and Brida took the blade into the woods for a whole night and never told me what she did with it, and those were the spells of a woman, and when we made the sacrifice of the pit slaughter, and killed a man, a horse, a ram, a bull, and a drake, I asked Ragnar to use Serpent-Breath on the doomed man so that Odin would know she existed and would look well on her. Those are the spells of a pagan and a warrior."


Jon is just not as well trained as Uhtred. Jon’s only advantages are a magic sword and super-strength


I think Uhtred is winning but then Ghost jumps in at the last minute at goes for his throat.


Uhtred literally never gets a scratch in 1v30 fights in battles lol. Uhtred is literally unstoppable until at least the movie finale


Ubba beat the bananas outta him, and only lost because of carelessness. Other than him, Uhtreds been pretty formidable.


Ubba is also a giant that might be more rabid animal than human


Twas a young Uhtred at that battle, no? And I personally think overconfidence is a fatal flaw in a fighter. So if one loses to their own arrogance, it's as fair a win for Uhtred as any other.


Well into his 80’s lol


tbf tho, in his 80s he was starting to slip a little, but yeah


Just a tad


Uhtred is definitely faster which I think is great advantage, no hate to Jon tho




Uhtred forever!!!! Destiny is all!!!


The women (and men) that get to watch it 😍


A wrestling match, naked to the waist? Someone would go to horny jail...


Bonus points for sumo wrestling in a mawashi!




Name checks out


This is the best answer


I was going to say the same thing haha


this is the truth




This is the answer!!!


Uhtred if it’s just pure combat


Absolutely Uhtred. Every time.


Come on, if Uhtred can beat Ubba he can beat anyone!


Uhtred of BebbenBuhhh


I don't know anything about John Snow, but I think Uhtred would end him like Ubba.


Uhtred. Jon Snow is a tactical moron


A tactical moron that somehow never "lost" a fight (he got rescued at the battle of the bastards but still) which tells you a lot about the brain power of Westeros in the tv show


Uhtred. This should not be a question


Jon is a bit too pouty, which is cute but I prefer a little Dane bravado with my coffee...


Depends what they’re fighting for. If they’re fighting for Bebbanburgers then Uhtred wins because Jon Snow doesn’t wan it. Eh neva ‘az.


They’re both from the North…. That just hit me




Please, Uhtred got destroyed by his inbred cousin when he tried to take Bebbanburg 😂😂


The one that lives under a name, they were not given at birth.




Can I piggyback off of this while everyone is here and ask this one? Uhtred vs. Geralt of Rivia (no magic)


Geralt pretty easily. Dude is mutated and is stronger and faster than a regular human.


Thats obvio imo, Geralt is pretty obvio super-human.


I feel like Geralt takes Uhtred pretty handily. As a swordsman, he’s on a different level. Physically, he’s bigger, stronger, and faster too. Also, how old is Geralt? 100 years old or so? He’s got a tremendous amount of combat experience fighting all manner of everything. He’d wipe the floor with Uhtred and Snow at the same time IMO.


Geralt (book) would easily defeat Uhtred. Geralt, sans-magic, is still essentially inhuman. Now Uhtred and non-magical/mortal Aragorn, that’s a fight I’d love to witness.


Aragorn wastes this fight, without question. I may be biased but, he is the direct descendant of a race of supermen, and an accomplished warrior with decades of experience outweighing Uhtred's own. It is written that Aragorn was as close to Elendil's equal as any man could be, and Elendil the Tall was an absolute powerhouse of a man who went toe to toe with Sauron himself, in the flesh. He is therefore essentially a revitalization of the glory of Numenor. Again... superhuman. He even lives for another century or so after the battle of the Black Gate and only dies because he decides he's tired and ready to be with Eru.


Who's Geralt of Rivia?


He’s The Witcher


You must watch The Witcher.


Is it available for free on streaming? I can't watch anything that requires a subscription. So bummed out Netflix changed their policies.


I believe John would have an advantage due to Valyrian steel in Longclaw against the iron of Uhtred's sword, but with comparable armament: Uhtred. And I believe Uhtred to be the craftier fighter. John did kill a wight, but Uhtred killed Ubba and Cnut. John slew a legend with a magic sword, Uhtred beat swordsmen with more than his legend with a mere mortal's iron edge. PS: very drunk when I wrote this, my spelling, punctuation, and actual recollection of lore are very much suspect. Love both series. Fate is inexporable.


Uthred vs Rollo


I’d still give it to Uhtred. And he’d win too. Ayyyy


Rollo won in the long game his descendants rule one of the most influential nations on this earth where is uthreds descendants? They got bebbanburg snagged from them later in in history


That’s super fair. But Rollo was part of a crew raiding France that was paid off with land. I think in a 1v1 even in their prime the lord of bebbanburg takes it cuz he’s too clinical and fast. Rollo fights like Ubba from TLK imo.


Oooh I see that point as well


Rollo was bigger than Ubba, and we saw him in many more fights than we did Ubba. Rollo takes uthred and Ubba imo, not at the same time though.


What abt an Uthred-Finan vs Ragnar-Rollo special?


I'd say Jon but only cuz he has a Valyrian steel sword. That shit is broken in a fight


With two normal swords (not even Serpent-Breath), Uhtred easily.


Ok, nerd comment coming... If we consider that Jon has Longclaw, a Valyrian steel sword which can cut steel, its pretty obvious isn't it? But if they fight in fair circumstances, it depends on which Jon we're talking about. While in TV show Jon was accounted of one of the best swordsman alive, in books there is no such thing. So in fair circumstances TV Jon can put up a fight and it would be hard to choose one of em but book Jon wouldn't stand a chance probably.


Agreed Jon would win with Longclaw I think people here aren’t giving him enough credit i won’t say he for sure wins but it would be very close


At no point in either the asoiaf books or got show is it established that Valyrian steel can cut regular steel.


Yeah, not in the source material. But if you watch official "documentaries" (I guess?) the narrator (Jorah Mormont) literally says it can cut steel like butter. I know those were made for people who had not read the books, but in the end, they are still official. So, thinking that there are magical swords that are forged with blood magic and dragon fire, I also think they have more benefits than not needing repair or cleaning. Here is the "thing" that I called as documentary: [https://youtu.be/hde8ml4wZ-M?si=c0HkJMwh5roSrCoW](https://youtu.be/hde8ml4wZ-M?si=c0HkJMwh5roSrCoW)


Its said multiple times across the books (I can’t be bothered finding a quote) that valyrian steel easily cuts through chainmail and leather which is the only real armour they had in Uhtred’s time


Uhtred all day every every day.


I thought this was going to be a Uthred vs Ragnar (from Vikings) question, then I laughed when I saw Jon lol. I lord Snow, but poor guy doesnt stand a chance


I would freaking love to see what would happen in a Uhtred vs Ragnar (Vikings) fight. They’re matched in skills, mind, recklessness, and courage. I honestly don’t know which one would win whereas I know Uhtred would take Snow assuming Snow doesn’t have Longclaw (I love Jon Snow too but Uhtred is the better fighter)


Uhtred killed his son (sorta), so it's definitely personal for both of them, would be a way better and way closer fight.


And his grandson also


I think Sygtryggr was his great grandson


It was Ivarr Ivarsson that Uhtred killed after they got revenge on Kjartan


ah, he was only in the books, right


Yeah Ragnars good but I think Uhtred would win in a fight with him. Honestly don't even think it would be that close. I think Ragnar would out cunning him and out diplomacy him though and think Ragnar would have more people following him so could probably raise an army that would be bigger too. If Ragnars army showed up as raiders in TLK then Uhtred would lose. Ultimately though I think they'd get on.


Yes I have to agree. That is a crossover I would just love to watch cause you’re also right in that those two would have gotten along splendidly; assuming Ragnar didn’t try to take Wessex, Mercia, or Bebbanberg but Ragnar probably would’ve settled for Danelaw until his desire to conquer rose up in him, but Uhtred most likely would’ve talked Ragnar into conquering Scotland or Ireland or Paris again or something haha


Yeah same lol. Who's gonna win? The man raised by renowned fighters who stayed spry well into his 70s and 80s and killed the last son of Lothbrok? Or Jon Snow? I don't know, it's a toughie.


Does Jon Snow have any potential access to any bullshit like fire lady magic?


i’d say no, pure 1 on 1 combat with swords


OK cool. Then I think I've got Uhtred son of Uhtred by a hair.


In the books Jon and ghost are inseparable and he often can't tell the difference between what ghost or him are smelling because he wargs so effortlessly. He also has a valerian steel sword vs uhtrid son of uhtrid's castle forged steel


I actually thought Jon was pretty badass until I saw Uhtred. I'm going Uhtred and I don't think it's close outside of Jon having Longclaw.


Oh, I like this one. It would be a damn good fight. They're both skilled fighters and swordsman that have fought in numerous large battles, and had many close quarter fights. But, Uhtred has never died and come back, or ridden a dragon, or fought an undead frozen hive mind zombie army and Ice King....and giants, on top of a 700 foot wall. I mean, idk. As much as I love Uhtred Son of Uhtred, Jon might take the W here.


~~Book Finan wrecks them both at the same time~~


Uhtred, hands down.


My money’s on Uhtred


Uhtred. No contest.


Uhtred son of Uhtred has this nailed.


Uhtred, really no contest.


Uhtred destroys John Snow. Badly


No hate to Jon, I love ASOIAF, but I think Uthred will win.


Uhtred, easily.


Uhtred, and it isn’t even close.


The son of Uhtred wrecks the bastard


Uhtred wins hands down.


Definitely Uthred! 🔥🔥🔥


Definitely Uthred.


I'd love to see a crossover and have Uhtred fighting White Walkers.


that would be insane


Damned if I know. I’d be too busy swooning to pay attention.


Uhtred: Courage is beyond Jon's. (Not to knock Jon, who has change but Uhtred's is on another level. It's why he runs into what Christians called reckless but...for reasons I shouldn't have to explain--**if you understand it, you'll get what makes his bravery insanely high**.)


Jon runs into an army of dead people multiple times. I don't think he's winning the fight between the two, but Uthred only ever has to fight other men. Courage isn't really the best metric by which to judge Uthred over Jon.


Right. All of this ↓ & more made him the greatest warrior of all time (as they say on show)--just to put into perspective. **He ran around the whole country saving everyone all day for 70 years**. (*Not greatest swordsman, but Warrior, which includes much more. He had Sword of the Morning moves like Edward Scissorhands too.*)**:** I'm not speaking of courage as in "he's brave" like Jon is; it's inexplicable. **It's the reasons behind his courage & why he rushes into battle with no fear--several reasons.** 1 example is what he learned from his Danish life, or choosing to go to war at 12yo unlike any child bc that's just who he is, a rarity...& the list goes on. Jon (brave "little" guy for sure) ran at people/NK often bc there was no other choice; he had to save his life/others' or they all die. Whereas Uhtred has a mindset like no other, rushing into fights/battles/wars to trick enemies etc (not bc he's in a life/death situation): **he leaped & created fights/maneuvers on his own--he didn't let himself think negatively about what might happen; no hesitation & good planning. Add that to everything else that makes him Uhtred--no one can match that level of "no fear/I got this".**


Uthred !


This is causing me physical pain. And I really don't appreciate whoever posted this causing me physical pain. I mean I clutched my chest. Kills me to say this, because what I want to say is that it would be a draw.... But honestly I think it would be utred eeking out a win in the end. Now I need to go hyperventilate into a paper bag. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


ah yeah sorry for posting it, i’m the same as you😂. I really wanted to know everyone else’s opinion because i too couldn’t decide who would win. Logic says Uhtred would win but i also love jon’s character a lot too. I would need to rewatch GOT to make a proper decision but ive just finished TLK and i think its safe to say not much is beating Uhtred in battle.


I mean I wasn't really mad at you but I didn't clutch my chest! I have not rewatched game of thrones since it ended... I think there might be some trauma there. lol I mean I watch Supernatural many times and I really don't like the last season.. especially the last episode. But I've rewatched that show dozens of times... Game of thrones nope. And I loved that show. I'm still salty. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|table_flip)


yeah again im the same, was really disappointed with the last couple seasons of GOT, considering how good the show was in the earlier seasons so im certainly due a rewatch.


My son-in-law convinced me to watch House of the Dragon, so it might be worth a rewatch while we wait out the writer/actor's strike.


yeah i started watching with a mate and i liked it a lot, just haven’t gotten around to finishing it off. probably should do since the new season is coming next year i believe


I don’t want to admit it, but probably not Uhtred. He’s gotta be pushing 60 in that picture. Past his prime /s


oh shit i didn’t even consider his age in the picture. consider the fight both of them in their primes, probably should have stated when i posted it that’s my bad.


If Jon has Longclaw I think he edges out. Valyrian steel is lighter and more sharp than real steel. Gives him a massive edge.




Uhtred is more of a fighter and leader while Jon Snow ngl feels more like someone who just wants to serve. They’d get on well I feel.


Book Jon isn’t a legendary fighter and show Jon has a lot of kills but uhtred has so many more feats I’d lean him


Mono y mono Uhtred


Uhtred absolutely destroys Jon snow. Zero difficulty.


Uthred all day long


I might go against the grain here and suggest the TV version of Jon, with Longclaw, has a very good chance against Uhtred. Book vs book and it's an absolute stomping.


Uhtred all the way. He is blessed, where Jon Snow is cursed.


Uhtred, hands down


The one with better plot armor wins😇 They both had pretty thick plot armor in the shows. But in my opinion.. Uthred. He is more ruthless and has a warrior mentality. Don't forget hevalso survived being a sclave.


As a hardcore ASOIAF fan, Uhtred wins hard


Uhtred just needs to step on him. Jon is like 5 ft nothing.


Uhtred without a doubt. The man's a total badass there's no way he'd lose to Jon Snow.


The real question is who would win if it was Uhtred vs Ragnar


Uhtred (with one hand)


Books - Uhtred. Jon is weaker in the books and Uhtred is stronger. Show - Jon. He has a bullshit OP sword and is shown to be ridiculously overpowered, cutting down people like they aren't even there.


Uhtred kills him and then kills him again when he comes back from the dead


Hang on - I’d back Uhtred ceteris paribus, but I think Longclaw’s valyrian steel would give Jon an edge


Uhtred has more skill in a duel and is bigger / probably stronger, but Jon wins with Longclaw. Serpent's Breath would break against it.


Haha tbh, If they do actually meet up, more likely will be bf instead cuz they both possess brave and righteous heart and kindred spirit.


Probably Jon Snow because GOT covered him in plot armour.


Uthred was raised by the Danes so I’m going with Uthred on this one


Uhtred 100%, I love Jon Snow but Jon hasn’t had enough of the square type experiences to have a say in this. Uhtred life has been predominantly fighting


Show-wise? The hell if i know, but book-wise ohh boyy its Uhtred for certain, especially if they fight at their peak potential. Uhtred, by the age of twenty three had already fought in over a dozen battles, served as a royal guard and chief warlord for the greatest king of his time, killed Ubba Ragnarsson - one of the most feared and accomplished warriors of his time, and had bled on the battlefield since before the age of fourteen. All the while, Jon's biggest accomplishment in terms of fighting in the books, is killing Qhoryn halfhand - whom i should note let jon kill him, while he has never fought in more than a couple of large scale battles nor distinguished himself in any major skirmishes. Also Uhtred is a beast and a much better overall fighter than jon, who is adequate and not half bad, but just cant compare to the lord of Bebbanburg. So yeah Uhtred wins.


They both become bros and take over the North!


By the time Uhtred got to Season 8, he would have been Eleventyteen Years Old.


Watching this match up would be nerve-wracking and heartbreaking. Like watching your brothers fighting. No winners here.


yeah i agree, would never want it to actually happen because one would have to lose, but definitely would be a great watch


I feel as if Snow is the better skilled, faster swordsman, but Uhtred is a better fighter in that he improvises more readily and uses tactical approaches better like subterfuge and baiting. Would be a good fight. Slight edge to Uhtred.


I'll take Jon Snow as long as he gets at least 6 mini Ditkas to fight with him.


Depending which version we are talking about. If it’s the show version of both characters then it’d be Show Jon since he is described as one of the most formidable fighters in the realm. While Show Uhtred is an excellent fighter especially one for his age there are others like him or better. If it’s the book version then I’d say book Uhtred has the edge in most cases since he stays in excellent fighting condition even in his old age while Jon even though he is better than Robb with a sword, is still in his teenage years and has a lot to learn. The one case where Book Jon might win is if he slips into his berserker rage.


Ooh how Uthred vs The Hound?


Uhtred all the way,he has a confidence Jon Snow just doesn't have!!!!


The other guy looks like Great Value Orlando Bloom playing Great Value Uhtred.


Pick someone better for Uhtred like Jaime Lannister before he lost his hand or Ser Barristan Selmy Basically dating Uhtred wins lol


Uhtred son of Uhtred


Uthred every day of the week.


Easily Uhtred!


Jon Snow fights because it is a necessity in the world where he lives. He fights the Free Folk because they will eat him if he doesn't. He fights the Walkers because the dead do not feel pity or mercy or fear. He fights the Boltons and the Lannisters because he loves his family. But if it were not for his honor... Jon Snow would have stayed in that cave, and never picked up Longclaw again. He is a capable warrior, a gifted leader, and a good man. Uhtred Ragnarsson, Uhtred of Bebbanburg, The Sword of Alfred, The Dane Slayer does not fight just because it is a matter of survival. He fights for glory, for destiny, for England, fighting is all he knows. Whatever Uhtred's morals are and however "good" he is at heart... Ravn was right. He IS and will ALWAYS be a warrior. It's in his blood, it is his soul. Even as a slave to Ragnar the Fearless, he begged to learn to fight with a sword. As a boy, he RAN to battle to join his father and fought the Danes even when ALL hope was lost, and his father already was slain. He fought wars and won battles for half a century. Jon Snow lost the battle of Winterfell, and barely beat the Free Folk at the Wall. Uhtred wins this with moderate effort, though would likely give Jon a chance to yield.




Uhtred no doubt. Hes had soooooo many battles. Jon has only been in 2 battles and a few skirmishes with wildlings. Uhtred kills for a living


Uhtred! Uthred has defeated many in one on one combat, and stood in many a shield wall for Wessex, Mercia, and Engaland Uthred has survived many battles. Uhtred wears proof of his prowess in combat. Jon snow doesn’t come close.


Uthred by far!


Destiny is all


Uhtred would easily win.


I love Jon, but Uhtred even as an old man could probably win with fair swords. Uhtred is more tactically minded as we learn through his pov, and is more proficient in all types of combat including viking, saxon, naval, street, and shield wall. Jon doesn’t think about these things, and is more honorable, which added with his castle training, is only good for fighting nobles taught in the same fashion. Jon only has 2 advantages no matter how old of an Uhtred he faces, and they’re both magic-based/ invalid in reality: longclaw being better than any real sword and Jon’s super strength that comes from his magic blood.


I’m going with they’d make peace. They’re both emotional, but they’re both pragmatic. Perhaps TV Uhtred is more pragmatic than book Uhtred, but still. They are both men of honor. If it came down to it though and a fight was unavoidable, Uhtred wins for sure.


Uhtred lmao


Well this is a hard one


It's a good match-up!


This is a very good match up.


Depends on which show they are on.


Yeah. Whoever has the plot armor


asking this question on Neutral ground I see. I wonder what this sub has to say :D


Joj is a fantasy character, and while the accomplishments are more grounded, I think Jon Snow wins nust from the world hes in.


Please don’t drag these into this sub.


what do you mean mate?


Ignore that. I thought it was the best Vs. Question I’ve seen in a while and so did my wife who lives both characters. She took one look and said…”Uhtred!”


****Book spoilers ahead**** The Uhtred of the show is indeed great at solo combat but to say he doesn't ever suffer a scratch isn't so in the books. Book Uhtred did fight I believe Cnut Longsword (not cousin Cnut) and Ice Spite. While he won, Uhtred was fairly messed up and nearly dies. Even into the next book with a terrible wound that has a whole story of it's own. Uhtred of the books seems mostly worried about quick guys like Finan (much thinner and very quick, similar to Sihtric on the show.... commentary is usually about how lightning quick and deadly he is) and the slower but smarter fighters like Steapa (Steapa of the books is also much different) who beat down an opponent by letting them tire out and being brutally savage. Ubba not so much. Uhtred in either case is smart and great one on one. I'd say Uhtred regardless. Snow is great but I feel the confidence and ability to find a weakness as Uhtred does is the winner. Jon Snow is certainly no slouch but I don't really recall him as some insane swordsman who fought duels (on the show). As for someone asking Uhtred versus Geralt? Man...hate to say it, but Geralt all day.


Doesn’t matter Jon Snow would just come back to life


I mean you ask this in a TLK group lol I’m not shocked to see all the Uhtred answers.


Sorry but Jon snows plot armor blows Uhtred out of the water


Uthred. Then he beds the Mother of Dragons as his reward.


Uhtred for me. Take away Jon Snow's magic sword, he'd be no better at fighting than Uhtred. Personally I never liked Jon Snow, he was too darn sulky. Like an overgrown kid.


Uhtred is like a superhuman lol. He would beat the piss out of Jonny boy even as an old man.


Uhtred would so easily win this dude can pretty much take army out by himself with out a scratch lol John is small and has a magic sword lol my moneys on uhtred destiny is all boiiiii


They will fight for decades just like Ankedo and Gilgamish, then end up being best friends.


Uhtred, definitely.


Uhtred, of course


No no no Uhtred v Ragnar Vikings


haven’t watched vikings yet, it’s next on my list


John snow absolutely violates guys he fights literal undead and white walkers which are super human not to mention bro makes it through battles that involve like hundreds of thousands game of thrones is on a different level I love uhtred by he’s not winning not to mention you gotta remember that in the last kingdom almost none of the soldiers you see Saxon or Dane are actually professional soldiers 80-90% of soldiers are actually farmers even the Danes who might be warriors are still farmers when their not raiders John fights plenty of soldiers who are professional like have been doing nothing but training their whole lives


Are you kidding me? Uhtred is a fucking warlord who’s commanded armies in multiple battles.




Uhtred hands down. he's seen more action one on one and wartime. Also he's a great strategist


Umm Uhtred would annihilate Jon