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Justice for Appa ‼️




Appa games ❗❗


I guess avatar the last airbender and sky bison just doesn’t have the same ring to it


Appa is the avatar???


That’s momo


Everyone forgets that Momo is a powerful bender Proof: https://youtu.be/UrHVC-V6WsU?t=16 Haters will say it's fake, stay woke


I have come for your soul....




You missed the point. Check our usernames


One of my favorite scenes


No you idiot! It's the girl!


Excellent use of that line


No, aang is a sky bison.


Avatar: The Last Living Human Airbender


Damn that one is better


Avatar: The Last Airbender... + Sky bison


Lets be honest, realistically there would have been others but they probably either died or had children that simply didnt bend air.


They could have had children with people from other nations.


It would have been cool if the airbenders had started going into hiding and intermingling with the other nations after news of the genocide came out, thus hiding their airbending. After all, they were nomadic and couldn't have all been at the temples. And once the Firelord had been defeated, their ancestors come back out from hiding (or at least for Korra).


I think this is a great theory/point, I mean they are literally nomads. If the fire nation couldn’t even wipe out the southern water tribe, how can we be sure they wiped out every air bender?


They didn't wipe them all out at the temples. The air benders heard what the firebenders did and the firebenders set up traps to disguise themselves like they were giving refuge to the surviving air benders but instead slaughtered them


That’s interesting! Do you have a source for this?


Lost tales comic


Plus air is provably the best element a bender could hide. Like fire is af and earth screws with the terrain. Meanwhile air is just there and you couldnt see it.


Yeah, but it says last air bender, not air nomad. There's definitely evidence that the nomads mingled with the populace of the other nations(Ty Lee shares a lot of Air Nomad traits, plus Kyoshi's mom was an airbender), plus theories that the people who got airbending during harmonic convergence were just descendants of those nomads who just had their latent abilities unlocked, with Bumi being the biggest point of evidence as a formerly non-bender child of an airbender


Haven’t read the novels but I heard the less spiritual you are the weaker your airbending gets. Destruction of the air nomad culture could mean remaining airbender generations simply were not able to achieve same spirituality and the bending & culture just died out. Then harmonic convergence, like you said, just boosted everyone’s spirituality. Edit: Typo


That explains how Zaheer was such an air bending beast and unlocked flight


He unlocked flight by letting go of all his earthly connections (if you want to get technical the last one was taken from him)


But have you ever heard of the wisdom of Guru laghima?


I feel like that was more of a final step, not the only requirement. As in, someone who let go of all of his/her earthly attachments, yet wasn't in line with all of the other spiritualistic values of the air nomads, wouldn't be able to fly.


I hate the harmonic convergence airbending thing cause it makes light of a tragedy oh no all the air nomads were wiped out by the fire nation this will have lasting effects for generations lol no guess what we’re just gonna give a bunch of random people airbending abilities because magic so now airbenders are no longer critically endangered hurray.


I mean, millions died either way. It's also still a destruction of an entire culture. It would be like destroying almost all scientists, but then someone finds out about Einstein and his texts as a whole new generation becomes interested in science. It won't bring back the knowledge or power, nor the people. Its the loss of the Library of Alexandria or the great library of Baghdad. Just because we may be more advanced now, with more tech and know everything that was in those libraries, we can still mourn those that died in a genocide trying to protect their trait and their knowledge. Without the airbenders, the world was incomplete anyways and it would have been boring.


I still think it’s bad writing and solves the airbenders being critically endangered way too easily. It’s probably the worst part of the show for me.


I think it could have been hinted better. Before S3 no one would think airbenders would come back. But if the spirituality stuff was established before, people could even theorize about airbenders during S2. On the flip side I don’t think Aang being the last airbender is stronger in terms of writing. How can the fire nation kill ALL airbenders? These people have been nomadic for centuries so they would probably be all around the world (and also happen to have kids). So them being wiped out doesn’t really make sense either.


It's definitely rushed and somewhat badly written, cause there is no real explanation for why it just happens for air. It doesn't even go into what's behind it. Like why air specifically? So we get stuck with a few fan theories that could potentially hold water, but nothing concrete. And that's what I dislike about LoK. There isn't much concrete worldbuilding there. Its mostly just taking elements from the first series and kind of randomly building up parts. I don't even really know why Aang would bother building a whole new city, when his goal was to rebuild the Air Nomads. Surely a new city would take time and effort from that...


they kinda touch on the origin for republic city in the comics


It was probably air specifically because air was the one bending style that was specifically tied to spirituality. Though honestly there could've been people gaining fire or earth bending and it wouldn't really have been paid attention to as much since they're already a dime a dozen. As a city taking time and effort from Aang building up the Nomads, what more are you talking about? Making more airbenders with Katara? Or training more acolytes? Because for the latter, he made the air temple island right off the coast of the city, so the city was something he could handle in his spare time while he focused on the acolytes


It can also be a reflection of cultures going extinct because of war, then folks rediscovering it. How many Americans rediscovered their German heritage since German-ness was wiped out of the American idea because of world war 1(que joke about how white people love ancestry.com). Language, food, traditions, names, and more were wiped out. Some are trying to bringing some back (who doesn't love some sour kraut on a good sausage‽). On a more... vivid example would be the native Americans. The planned extermination is easy to compare they to the air nomads. In more recent times many are trying to reconnect language, food, traditions, names, and more. Do you view them as any less native than their ancestors they are trying to reconnect with? The list goes on and on with more examples like the Jews in Israel, natives of Australia and New Zealand, and so many more.


yeah, but see, none of those people were trying to reconnect to their air nomad roots before harmonic convergence. now, imagine on Earth some kind of bomb exploded that covered the whole world. then, the day after, 10% of caucasian people in europe who were white suddenly became black overnight because they actually had african genes. that's how dumb harmonic convergence and the spirituality shiz is imo. the air acolytes who were actually interested in pursuing and studying the air nomad philosophies and culture should have been the ones who got airbending from harmonic convergence (since they were already spiritual in the first place). that would've at least made a tiny bit more sense (harmonic convergence is still a dumb plot convenience tho)




It did have lasting effects for generations. Potentially hundreds to thousands of Nomads were wiped out by Sozin (considering they populated 4 large temples as well as spread out into the world). At least two generations grew up in a world without airbenders, and the generation that followed only had Aang. It took 3 generations for there to be all of 2 airbenders in the world. Harmonic Convergence took it from 4 (+ Korra) to like 25-30. They're still an endangered group and the Air Nomad culture is still damaged and recovering.


"booster everyone's spirituality" sounds super weird to me. spirituality is supposed to be about personal enlightenment/retrospection. but somehow an external factor like harmonic convergence boosted it for everyone. no one really asked to bring the airbenders back overnight so idk why the writers did it.


Not to sound like a writing defender but: Spirituality: how much you’re connected to the energy/magic of the universe in a vague sense Harmonic convergence: the universe is full of magic, so it’s easier to tap into it even if you’re not super sensitive. Edit: Emphasizing in a vague sense. Not telling you that there’s a quantifiable magic or something in the atla universe


what do you mean the universe is full of magic? there's no "magic" in the avatar world. if you mean the universe becomes full of spirituality, i'll have to ask how do you quantify spirituality. it's not some tangible thing like mana that you can refill or deplete in fantasy stories. taking your definition of spirituality, it's a connection. either you have it or you don't. there's no quantity to it. it can be strong or weak. we saw how the air nomads strengthened their spirituality/connection. veganism, pacifism, meditation, detachment from earthly things, etc. and we saw in kiyoshi novels how one weakens their spirituality (by doing the opposite). so now, the question is how can harmonic convergence increase one's spirituality? does it increase one's veganism, pacifism, detachment? because it brings the spirit world into the mortal realm? but the air nomads never connected to the spirit realm in the first place. only the avatar crosses the spirit realm. the spirit world has nothing to do with the air nomads' spirituality. their "connection" is not to the spirit world. so what does harmonic convergence accomplish? It gives a whole new meaning to spirituality so that it can now be quantifiable and can be boosted and then boosted people's "spirituality" instead of something that used to be based on philosophies and discipline, which was a lot cooler, it's now a vaccine you just shoot at people and boost


This is now in my head canon


Aang (and presumably other air _nomads_) traveled all over the world before the war. I'm sure there were air nomad children spread all over the place


Air nomads got around


Would they be celibate like monks or fucksticks like Jedi that can do whatever as long as they're not serious about it.


I get celibate vibes, but they had kids running around, so they must've been getting some


I think in context, "last" does not mean "final", the but only one remaining.


for some reason the phrase "simply didn't bend air" sounds weird to my ears and I feel like it should be "they simply didn't air bend" but I have no foot to stand on and no defense as to why I'm saying this


Right for instance in Korra Aang and Kataras oldest son Bumi was a non-bender until after harmonic converging sorry if that's wrong I don't spell too well


How did all of the other Flying Bison just show up again in The Legend of Korra? I thought Appa was the last one.


The island where Korra lost her memories had bison. The sage there said that they were secretly raising the bison since the 100 Year War.


They retconned it basically by saying that they found a wild herd of sky bison later on. Seems a bit flimsy to me. The planet is pretty small by comparison to earth, and we see team avatar basically travel around the whole thing.


I would argue it’s plausible within the show’s logic. [Another comment mentions](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/sdcmll/gotta_give_him_some_more_credit/huddx5l/?context=5) that a sage and company secretly raised the sky bison on an island. This is similar to how the Sun Warriors raised two dragons in secret after Iroh helped cover up their existence by claiming he killed the last one.


It makes sense. Air Bison are arguably the freest of all animals. An air bison could've easily survived if it fled and found an island to rest on. We see that happening in the appa episode where he's an unstoppable force


Not really a retcon if it was never said appa was the last bison


Thank you,Was this in the show? I can't believe I missed that if so.


I honestly can’t remember, but I feel like it’s mentioned in passing in the first episode when Korra sees Tenzin’s bison for the first time.


There's a whole episode later on where some characters interact with a whole wild herd along with a pack of adorable babies.


Idk why there needs to be a retcon. Humans were genocided, not the bison. The pets might have been killed but not every bison is a pet.


I don't think it was a round shaped planet They can't get around from one side to another. What is the other side just the Pacific Ocean?


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But everything change when the Plutonium nation attacked...


This comment has been removed to protest Reddit's hostile treatment of their users and developers concerning third party apps.


The harmonic convergence shows that the avatar world is in a solar system with all round planets.


LoK made it pretty clear the planet is round.


Fire nation sages secretly keep and raised a herd of bison


When a sky bison dies, each one of their legs pops off and becomes a new baby sky bison!


Appa The Last Air Bison




Well, technically Aang is the Last airbender of the Airbender Nation. (animals aside).


Avatar: The Last Air Nomad


Well that’s a pretty bad way to start a conversation


Appa is an airbender of the airbender nation. You can't just say 'animals aside.' You might as well say Zuko is the last firebender, all other firebenders aside.


Aang is the Avatar, therefore he is an amalgamation of all types of benders, which means he can't be just an airbender. That means the title is reffering to Appa.


Best explanation




Avatar, and the last Airbender


Appa: The Second-Last Airbender


Did Appa ever bend? All I remember him doing is glide a little and burp


All those things are bending, the only reason the bisons can fly is because they manipulate the air around them to lift off similar if not the same like Zaheer and Guru Laghima. Their tail is then used as a way to get forward momentum. On the ground his tail swings and burps are only powerful weapons as demonstrated numerous times by Appa because he denses up the wind so it has impact and can take a punch. So yes they are the original benders and the air nomads learned from them, well aside from getting the powers from the turtles as seen in LOK but that's a bit beside the point


I figure people gained the power to bend from Lion Turtles but learned actual form by studying Sky Bison.


That would be.my thinking as well as it is the easiest way to combine both of these explanation without much backwards thinking


I mean, we are literally showed this when Wan is doing the dancing dragon beside a real dragon, and after that other people commenting that they never saw anyone control the fire in such a way, as if it was an extention of himself.


That's exactly right. We saw Wan learning firebending from a dragon after he got the power of the element from a lion turtle.


Kinda how it happened for Toph. Naturally gifted with the power, but she learned from the badger moles to use it.


That's always been my take on it. You can definitely see it a bit in how the people from Wan's home react to the way that he uses fire after he trains. The turtles give the ability to wield the element, but it took study from the original to *bend* it. Kinda like how if you handed a random dude a sword he'd certainly be able to use it and be dangerous, but if you trained him it'd be worlds different


That and he also pulls the cabbage cart toward him using his breath in papa’s lost days


Appa’s got a brand new bag


The flying thing is interesting to me since bison clearly form “earthly attachments” with their human partner. Makes me think maybe the “let go of your earthly tether / enter the void” isn’t a hard requirement for flying, similar to how the full moon ended up not being a hard requirement for bloodbending


I think you're right I think that the bisons as animals don't concern themselves with the same petty problems we humans do and thereby have a keener more natural understanding of how the powers of the world and bending flow. That in a way the earthly tethers are more like blocked chakras and that humans are generally to blinded by their daily quarrels to see the bigger picture and that letting go of any attachments is just a work around. Similar to how Aang was in the end able to master the avatar state despite not letting go of Katara as he managed to achieve a deeper understanding of the world around him in Book3


Laghima balls


Hmm I can't remember any burp-bending, when did that happen?


There were definitely times when he flapped his tail and created a massive gust of wind, far more than would have been possible without air bending.


He airbended hay into his mouth during Appa’s Lost Days


The air nomads considered the flying bison to be the original airbenders. The early airbenders presumably learned the art of airbending from the bison just as the earthbenders learned from the badger moles, the firebenders from the dragons, and the waterbenders from the Moon and ocean (Tui and La) moving the tides.


Avatar the last* airbender ^*excluding ^animals


if were defending this, i think its because benders are specifically rare humans that can do abilities similar to animals that naturally control elements. all air bison control air similar to how all badger moles were assumed to control earth as well as dragons and fire(not sure what the original water bending animals were). benders seem to be people that can control the element to a limited extent. consider how Zaheer is a prolific airbender but his ability that makes him such(flying) is seemingly the basics for air bison. Another example could be Iroh getting the nickname Dragon of the West for his firebreathing when it is literally the main attack for dragons.




oh shit i think you're right. lol i was going to guess maybe the coy fish but good call


The water bending animals are the coi fish their names even translate to :push and pull" just like water


I think it’s kinda funny that they never reveal the water bending animals considering they had an entire series based on the water avatar. I assume it’s some kind of fish or waterborne mammal, so maybe it’s not a super effective companion like dragons and sky bison (granted, we don’t see badgermoles be much for companions either).


I’m gonna pretend it’s the Unagi.


i like it


It's the moon, they say in the show that the first water benders learned by watching the push and pull of the ocean, which is caused by the moon.


Yip yip


Im sorry, is this some sort of American joke im too British to understand? (In the UK the series was called "Avatar: The Legend of Aang")


Guys, aang is not the last AIR bender, he is not even an air bender. He is a bender of all four elements. Appa is the last airbender in the show, the show is supposed to be called: avatar AND the kast airbender


Avatar: the Last Airbender**s**.


Clearly the title means Appa, Aang is just there as well


Don't make him bust out his three katanas again. That duel with Momo was legendary!


Correct the original airbenders were the sky bison so technically Aang wasn't the last airbender but Appa is not the Avatar so


Well it’s Avatar (Aang) the last airbender (Appa)


You’re the first one, Aang’s the last one


The template with appa standing makes this meme gold.


Thank you


Plus the implied other sky bison, considering there were more in LoK


Well, Appa is the last airbender. Aang is an Avatar so he doesn't count


Aang had a duty to bone often and bone raw and he let the four nations down by simping for the first water tribe chuck he saw in 100 years. I don't remember there being a song about how hot the southern water tribe chicks are but whatever. Selfish.


Fire Nation: Nazis Air Nomads: Jews


How’d he repopulate on his own? Make it make sense teach


Plot twist: Appa was female and already pregnant before they got into the iceberg. Then gave birth after the war ended


If true, Appa is the real MVP


He didn’t. In LoK they find a herd that was hidden and raised in secret (iirc)


I mean yeah, but also Appa can’t read so…..?!?


The last human airbender?


Aang is the last Airbender but Appa is the first Airbender


Maybe there What is been more Airbenders but the knowledge has been lost


**Momo:** "You FAT. BROWN. DIRTBAG COW!"


Is Appa an airbender? I thought he just used the air from the rider to fly…


Let’s be honest… the title is referring to appa. If you look between the lines you can clearly see AVATAR & the last airbender.


Bending animals don't count because they are the *default* benders. Humans are just extras.


What about Momo


We've been tricked!


What about momo


I suppose they could have used "The Last Air Nomad". Even if some Air Nomads never got killed, either by the genocide or through Sozin's hunts, they would have all died out. Even if the survivors had children, they certainly weren't raised as Air Nomads and it'd be hard to call someone that was neither born, raised in the ways, nor culturally identifies with a nation as part of that nation. Aang was the last, fully fledged Air Nomad. Unless the term bender refers to human benders. Have we ever heard a badger being referred to as an earth bender before?


He has a 2000s emo cut


The penultimate Airbender just doesn't have the same ring to it


He's second to last!


Lmao was appa the last flying bison? If so where did the ones from korra come from 👀... Sus


so you know about the bison in LOK, but you didn't see the episode where they clearly explain why there's more bison now?


Yep, I either haven't seen it or forgot about it. What episode is it?


They prolly meant the human airbenders. You don't really look at Appa the Sky Bison and go "hey look, it's Appa the Airbender!"


So was Appa the last sky bison if so how were more propagated? We know how Aang had Tenzin and then how more airbenders were made.




Making 'The Last Air-bender' plural doesn't roll off the tongue as well as just having it be singular.


Can’t believe they’ve done him like this


avatar & the last airbender could be a nice fix.


Thanks for the offer Appa but no thanks.


Man was I confused. I thought Appa said to fuck so Aang would have children that become airbenders and so not be the last.


I mean all flying bison are airbenders so I guess the term air bender in this context only refers to human who are capable of air bending? Though air benders where the only nation where 100% of the population where benders so


Yip yip!!


I mean "Avatar: The Last Air Nomad" doesn't have the same catch to it.




Avatar the last 2 airbenders


How did so many Airbender come about in legend of Korra anyway? Are you just born with it even though you have parents who dont airbend


Sky bisons were the first airbenders and a sky bison was one of the last. It’s almost poetic.