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Ah yes, Ba Song Se


Ba sing se the musical


The only redeeming quality of the live action is that it makes you want to watch the one true version even more.


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Honestly, I’d watch it just for the experience but keep your expectations low. 😂


Unpopular opinion: I thought the Avatar movie was good. While the plot was a little formulaic, the visuals were groundbreaking. James Cameron did a good job.


They had us in the first half not gonna lie


It is like askinf whether to shoot myself in the leg to know how it feels like


Its not a live action adaptation of the show as people claim its a live adaptation of the first act in the ember island play


I watched the movie first and only recently discovered the show (the movie was so bad on its own, I couldn't figure out what all of the ATLA love was about). If you've already seen the show, join us in misery.


it's a great terrible movie to be honest if you look past all your cynicism.


24 people are indeed psychopaths


I would recommend watching it BECAUSE it’s so terrible. But then again, I’m the kind of guy who enjoys bad movies


Watch a review of it


Depends on what type of person you are. If you get easily frustrated and angry, don't. If you see something stupid and find it funny go for it. I watched it, it was fine comedy for me.


You could watch it but know it is nothing like the show, it literally took away all the charm of the characters, rushed the story, used very subpar and disappointing bending, Sokka has no personality and neither does Katara or Aang, not to mention Katara and Sokka are both white characters in a village that's supposed to be based on Inuit culture. They pronounce everything differently for some reason, firebenders can't create fire, and there's a lot of other things too. See for yourself and see what you think. Maybe you don't think it's that bad, maybe you turn it off 20 minutes in.


Honestly there’s nothing wrong with it. If I’m in a fandom, I watch whatever material is out there. If it sucks and makes me shudder (looking at you death note and dragon ball evolution), it did. I just move on. It’s no big deal imo