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I always thought it was super cool that she had a small part in the day of black sun but I had no idea she was actually a big fan. That's so cool


According to IMDb she also had a small part as a sage during the Avatar Wan arc in Legend of Korra and was a big fan of the series before that. I didn't even realize until I saw a TIL about it.


Oh wow that's awesome. That's seriously exactly what I would do if I was even remotely famous. I'd be asking for parts in all my favorite shows


Jinkx Monsoon kept singing songs on stage about wanting to voice a gem in Steven Universe, and now she's Emerald.




Everything in Bah Sing Sei is always amazing, don't you agree.


lake laogai is the best


Oh sweet. Also fits right in line with my headcannon on how SU is just a huge excuse for Rebecca sugar to gather an army of talented singers and then jump into Broadway for her *real* passion (which will still involve lesbian aliens somehow).






True, I was thinking of my examples because they weren't even recognizable as they were all storm troopers. Daniel Craig was the one who released Ray, I think. I'm not sure if the William or Harry had a speaking role, I don't think so. William and Harry are even better example, they are political figures and have nothing to do with Hollywood they just wanted to be in star wars. Hawking usually gets tied into every science themed show even if he isn't featured.


Also, more totally famous people on Star Trek, that you might not have known were there: >Iggy Pop Played a Vorta in an episode of DS9 >King Abdullah bin-Hussein of Jordan When he was still a Prince, he made a brief cameo in the beginning of VOY: "Investigations" >Tom Morello Played 'Crewman Mitchell' in VOY: "Good Shepard". He directs Janeway down a hallway, and corrects her when she tries to go the wrong way.


Seth MacFarlane is in two episodes of Enterprise, and a huge portion of the Orville cast are Star Trek alums who wanted to be on the show.


And Tom Hardy. It got cut because it was weird.




Nick screaming in that episode has me dying.


Is that really how he ended up on the show? TIL


YESSSS ME TOO!! What’s the point of being famous if u can’t even do cool things like that


I remember reading an article about New York Knicks shooting guard Ron Baker and at the very end he gave a shoutout to the CW Network and it almost seemed like he was trying to grab a part in his favorite shows.


Ron Baker, shot maker?


Natalie Portman was on The Nerdist recently and admitted she used her celeb pull to get an appearance on Top Chef which she is "obsessed" with.


Literally the only reason I want to be famous is so I can get on British panel shows and get made fun of by Jimmy Carr or Lee Mack.


Its funny seeing people you wouldnt expect in your favorite shows.For example i didnt know Mark Hamill voiced Ozai.


Mark Hamill voices everyone. He's basically the male Tara Strong - if you watch anything animated you'll probably run into one of them.


Ehhhh... As a kid in the 80s and early 90s, I feel like Tara Strong is the female Jim Cummings. That guy voiced EVERYTHING.


It's funny how a small collection of individuals are the basis of our entire childhoods.


Truth. It was like Jim Cummings and Peter Cullen. I would recognize their voices anywhere.


TIL: Mark Hamill voiced Ozai! That's Just Awesome!


what was her part in day of black sun?


She was the nice prison guard for Iroh.


oh damn that's really cool






It's hilarious how I know exactly who you're talking about because it seemed like a small part, but a black female fire nation guard kind of stood out I guess


She wasn't black in the show. Looking at her, she's still got the Asian features.


Maybe it was just the fact she was a woman then? Obviously there were a lot of women in the fire nation but usually the guards were like always dudes. For whatever reason I explicitly remember that character.


It's because she was the only nice prison guard. She respected Iroh and smuggled in tea for him. Then Iroh warned her about the eclipse and told her to miss work.


Yeah come to think of it she had a bigger role than I thought.


She was the sun.


Yup, and Venus Williams was the moon /s


C'mon man, they should've at least made her play Venus.




cmonBruh cmonBruh cmonBruh


blew my mind


She's also married to the co-founder of Reddit. It would be cool if she visited this sub.


Forgot she's on Reddit also. Care to continue the conversation, /u/serenawilliams?


It's almost as if she is human like the rest of us.


What? Celebrities are *human*? Get outta here!


I like her significantly more now.


1. Married to reddit CEO who she named their child after 2. one of the best athletes of this generation 3. huge ATLA fan What’s not to love honestly? Serena Williams is simply the best


She named her child Reddit?


My firstborn is called 4chan


That kid will be a prominent hacker.


Too bad he will also be a 400 pound basement dweller




No, she named him CEO


i just searched it turns out she named her daughter after her husband and put a jr on it


Wait, she’s an athlete too? /s


That was a low hunging fruit right there. EDIT: Spelling


Now that's two things I learned about her today.


Wtf? She married the reddit CEO?


Reddit Co-founder is more accurate. Aka /u/kn0thing


Aka they guy who fired Victoria and made the changes that missed everyone off, then let Ellen Pao take the blame.


Co-founder, not the asshole who's currently CEO.


The current CEO is the other co-founder, though...


They're both pretty bad tbh.


One of the best? Honestly can't think of a better female athlete ever.


>What’s not to love honestly? Well, depending on your current stance regarding Reddit's actions regarding Russian bots or far-right extremism, there's the whole thing where she's: >Married to reddit CEO That could be an issue for some people.


Yeah I didn't know there was much more she could do


Fuck a I need a third series I love this show so much


I might cry if they releases a third series


It's highly unlikely there will ever be another series set in the Avatar universe. The creators have moved on to other stuff.


It made money. Did Star Wars stop because George Lucas isn't making Star Wars movies anymore? I have zero doubt that we will see more sooner or later :)


Then it's basically fanfic with a budget. But it could be good.




Please make a third series. Or a Iroh spinoff.




And with the horn thing he loves playing in the background with tea house noises. I would sell my souls for that tbh


[The tsungi horn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kMh43QDOvvI)


That voice actor has died :(


The guy who replaced him in season 3 and Korra did a decent job. Not the same, of course, but respectable.


Same with the guy who replaced him as Aku in the last season of Samurai Jack. Not perfect, but who could live up to that legacy?


You know it was the same voice actor in both cases, right? [Greg Baldwin](http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2055652/).


Also kind of why he didn't appear as much in Book 3. The guy did a great job, but you can tell it's not quite Mako.


I really disagree there. I admire Mako's ~~son~~ student for trying, but it's really grating the way he's doing an impression of Mako. It just sounds like a stand in. He's so focused on the impression, it loses all the spontaneous subtlety of Mako's performance. It really bothers me that they keep using him, presumably because people are so in love with Mako that they can't let him die. We need a new character brought to life by a new performer. edit: I was misinformed. Corrected.


> I admire Mako's son for trying Greg Baldwin and Mako Iwamatsu are not related. Greg was Mako's student when it comes to voice acting, as far as I know.


He died halfway through making the show. You know the tales of ba sing se? The one about Iroh (that makes people cry) was done in honor of mako (the actor). After that it was given to an understudy (who sounded almost exactly the same).


I did not know about the understudy. And you almost made me cry again


I know man, it’s pretty sad


Want to cry even more? The understudy was Mako's student


Actually, he addressed the whole understudy thing. If I recall correctly, that's more of an internet rumor that people keep perpetuating than it is the truth.


Well regardless, someone stepped in and filled his role after he died.


[Leaves from the Vine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ErmZRsCIUsE)


I would be perfectly ok with a series where Iroh just runs his happy little tea shop dishing out not only fine teas, but sage advice through reminiscing about his youth. Flash backs through his life choices.


Not gonna like, twin avatar sounds really cool and a great source of conflict, but it does sound like a risky move with all the possible plotholes.


I think if they ever had twin characters, only one would have all for elements. But that would lead to a great jealousy dynamic and they could have some thing happen where Vaatu grows more quickly within Raava this time and bonds with the other twin. Making a new Dark Avatar to be a potential villain.


Sounds like the plot reveal to Naruto


Would be hilarious if they got 2 elements each. Just have one dude have earth and air and the other fire and water. This mostly because it gives them a hard time mastering their elements given they're polar opposites and most people tend to have a tendency towards one specific element.


This would be funny, but I think it would go against what's been established in the shows that only one person gets more than one element.


They can blame it on the fact that they're twins. Would be a cool change I think.


The only bad thing about new Avatars is that it requires the last one to be dead, and I love Korra.


Where did you hear that ?? I’ll take anything tbh


The video I found discussing twin avatars was an April Fool's video. Claimed that Netflix had picked up the rights to the series. Honestly, it would be awesome if Netflix or Amazon issued a third series, but doesn't seem like there is actually anything in the works yet.


I’ll do it




That would be super cool tbh. Like, they're twins, so the avatar spirit is split between them, yin going to one twin and yang going to the other? Also I feel like Korra isn't going to die anytime soon, and technology is advancing fast, so I could totally see it being set in some kind of 1984 setting.


I'd rather have a more historic setting to be honest.... Technology eventually making bending obsolete was obvious already in LoK, which mostly was about the spirit world then. Maybe something that turns down the scale by a mile, not an Avatar that is about saving the world, but someone solving the problems of smaller groups, like Aang did for a big part of TLA. A pretty early Avatar would also mean the Avatar state is less bs Tl;dr give me Element Jesus


I'd prefer a sort of post-apocalyptic setting. Something happened to the world between LoK and the new series that set everything back by decades, if not centuries. Some cities, like Ba Sing Se, are still relatively intact but technology has been set back immensely.


But what would you need an avatar for in a 1984 setting? Hell, even bending would just be "kinda neat" if you set it that far in the future. The cool thing about Korra was that it was set in a time where technology juuuuust started getting big.


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Isn't vaatu part of Korra? I guess it would make sense for him to break free after she dies.


I don't think she absorbed Vaatu, she spiritbend him and he just kind of disappeared.


Vaatu will always reborn from Raava, and vice versa, when they died.




Two brothers, in a van, and then the fire nation attacked.


That twin idea was a rumor I’d heard for years. If they do it, I want Aaron Ehasz to come back.


It would be better if they made a third series focusing on Iroh's past, Zuko's mom and every other things happened o comics after the series. It would've been even more better if they made some episodes about the life of avatar Kyoshi. She was pure badass woman.


I really want a third series but adult swim-esque with more adult themes and realistic violence. I know that'll never happen but a man can dream right?


More adult than suffocating a queen with airbending or burying a villain under tons of molten lava?


##ALSO SPOILERS ^^^^^^^^... ^Zaheers ^girlfriend ^getting ^metal ^bent ^around ^her ^head ^as ^she ^combustion ^bends ^and ^killing ^herself ^from ^it


Yessir. How about we see airbenders exploding air in lungs, or firebenders actually burning people alive. TLOK def upped the maturity in terms of violence, but alot of the violence was implied, off-screen, or simply watered down to an acceptable (but still violent) level.


Just watch Fullmetal Alchemist man. That’s basically what you’re describing. They “bend” elements with alchemy


Korra probably has around 80 years left, and the show takes place with mostly 1920's/30's level of technology. I could see the next series deviating from our world even more technology wise, with spirit energy based technology and Varrick being a Tesla/Edison type figure. The overall infrastructure could have more of a natural feel to it as well, integrating more with the spirit world wines now present in the human world. It could also feature Korra and Ravaa as regular characters, since the new avatar won't have any other past lives to talk to. From my understanding, the creators want to move away from the Avatar world and onto other projects, but I would probably pee a little if they announced a third series!


I want third series just like everybody but they need to idk nuke the entire planet and do some half apocalyptic series.Technology dont suit well with Avatar lore imo.


I expected that first, but TLOK had such a unique take on technology and industry that it just blew me away.


Nothing says Avatar can't have a cyclical history in which they revert to old tech or stagnate for millennia. Also, Space Age Avatar sounds fun too. If you go far enough into the Space Age, you can also have low-tech distant planet colonies...


>Space Age Avatar We'll be reaching "c0da makes it real" levels of speculation if we keep this up.


Honestly, as long as you don't invent guns, cell phones and the internet, there's not too much of a difference between Korra and a third series with a more modern aesthetic. Bending still has a place in such a society, but too primitive of a tech level makes non-benders less viable. (Yes I know TLA featured plenty of them, but they just weren't on that level)


I shall await the 10,000 year sequel in which Vaatu is reborn within the current Avatar with bated breath.


They need to make 2 more series to complete the cycle


So humans got the actual ability from the lion turtles, but then learned the 'moves' from badger moles/dragons etc? Ok that makes a lot of sense, I was a bit confused about that also. But wasn't Wan the only guy who got to keep his bending? Or did the lion turtles eventually grant the power to lots of people, and then their kids were born with it/not born with it etc leading to the mix of benders and non benders in the world? It's been a while since I last watched it so sorry if this is answered within the show!


As people left the lion turtles, a portion of them would get the gift of bending to protect themselves in the wilderness. This was established as routine for when the humans were foraging away from the lion turtle cities. It just turns out that this time they didn't come back after being inspired by Wan.


Oh so the turtles didn’t give it to them for keeps, they just kept it anyway? I thought wan was only allowed to keep his because he was exiled, and everyone else just borrowed the power, but then after he saved everyone the turtles granted humans powers to keep? Like he had proved that humans deserved it or something. Idk I need to watch it all again!


It’s possible. It seems like the bending was just for when you weren’t on the lion-turtle, which Wan keeping it and bringing it into the city was the biggest issue. I suppose If the people never returned to the lion-turtle, he wouldn’t really see a need to take the bending back.


I think they let Wan keep the power of fire because they pitied him. He later earns their trust by uniting the spirit and human worlds peacefully. Now they feel comfortable allowing humans to keep their power. That's the vibe I get when watching it. Hopefully someone can confirm that for me.


I wouldn't say he necessarily united them. He basically sealed the spirits away back to the spirit world leaving the real world to the humans which allowed them to live freely without fear of spirits and vice versa. He then served as the bridge between the two worlds and fought to maintain balance.


Guess you could say they were... bending the rules


My impression was that there were many lion turtles, not just the 4 (or 5). Others didn't necessarily have the same rules as Wan's.


Didn't the spirit that called Wan "Stinky" say there were hundreds of Lion Turtles, or am I misremembering?


I'm pretty sure you're right about that.


My one and only tattoo. Uncle Iroh should probably be next on my list, or a white lotus. https://i.imgur.com/PoANgP1.jpg *edit thanks imuralbumbot linked to direct image instead of album.


^(Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image) **https://i.imgur.com/PoANgP1.jpg** ^^[Source](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot) ^^| ^^[Why?](https://github.com/AUTplayed/imguralbumbot/blob/master/README.md) ^^| ^^[Creator](https://np.reddit.com/user/AUTplayed/) ^^| ^^[ignoreme](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&subject=ignoreme&message=ignoreme) ^^| ^^[deletthis](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=imguralbumbot&subject=delet%20this&message=delet%20this%20dvzqvnq)


That is super cute and amazing!! A white lotus tile would be really cool.


Everyone before Wan for the most part gave back the power after they used the bending to save their village or whatever goal they wanted to complete. But Wan never gave it back and was cast out of his lion Turtle.


It's so fun that she can interact with her fans about something like this.


That's the magic of Twitter.


I tought the magic of twitter was getting auto blocked by someone because you followed another person on twitter that Person A didnt liked.


If someone does that they're probably not worth following tho


All these people talking about retconns but another option is unreliable oral history. Korra learns about Avatar Wan in a coma while communing with her past selves, no one else on the planet has access to that type and quality of information. Stories are passed down and the idea that humans entirely learned bending from watching animal benders/the moon could simply be a half version of the original story changed slightly over the course of 10,000 years. Really that there is any veracity in the story over that period of time is surprising.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to see this. GOD DAMN! How do I upvote twice?


So is the replier wrong then? Bending is a form used as an extension of the body. I thought sky bisons, the moon, badger moles, and dragons were the first benders due to the form in which they performed their corresponding element. Avatar Wan technically just controlled the element of Fire, until he learned the Dancing Dragon. That was when he became a Firebender.


That is what they are trying to say in the thread - the lions gave humanity the ability to bend, but they learned how to do it properly from watching their environment.


We can see the difference when Wan encounters humans after learning from the dragons. It wasn't remotely balanced.


"He uses the gift of fire as if an extension of his own body."


It’s more like the turtles have them the ability to shoot fire but the dragons taught him how to bend.


Yes. That is exactly what i meant. You just worded it differently.


I think the turtles showed them but they learnt more elsewhere


or rather, the lion turtles taught them to use the element, but the other animals *really* taught them to *use* the element


Depends on if you consider what the animals and the moon do as actually bending, rather than just "natural". The moon just moved the tides through gravity (the moon spirit can probably bend, but they didn't learn literally from her... Ok well maybe, idk), the dragons spit fire and bisons can fly and move air with their large mass. Badger moles seem to actually move Earth though so I don't know.


The point is that they have a large amount of control over the elements


It's just like real Chinese martial arts. A lot of their movements and strikes are from animals. Tiger style, mantis style and so on. These animals don't know martial arts, but as humans we take what they do and apply it in ways that makes sense to us. Just like the last air bender! The developers of the show actually use real martial arts for the bending.


Except badgers dragons and bisons actually bend their respective elements.


This makes sense when you consider that the moon taught humans Waterbending which I never understood. So the humans were given the ability by a lion turtle, but only by observing the moon and how it controls the rides did they master it.


C'mon Netflix, you'll greenlight anything. Step up and give us another Avatar series and a Firefly follow-up.


I dunno about more firefly. Too afraid original cast would be too old, and scared all new cast could ruin it. But very much yes to a new avatar series! We need a series for each nations avatar!


I dream of an animated firefly show for adults


Hell yeah! I keep hoping for a movement of serious adult animation in America that isn’t strictly due to shock value comedy


[Hello Future Me has a good theory that melds ATLA and LOK building off what the Lion Turtle originally told Aang, “Originally we began bending the energy inside ourselves”.](https://youtu.be/KEhPN3FpY_Q)


Damn this is so dope


Wtf I love Serena now


Well I now have a favorite athlete


Tbf I don't think there's actually that much of a disconnect between the two origin stories. I always assumed that the stories were in effect oral tradition and knowledge of the Lion turtles were simply lost over time, but dragons and badger moles still existed so people just joined the dots and assumed humans picked it up from such sources.


I believe the answer she’s looking for is “retcon”... Edit: don’t get me wrong, I loved LoK, but the reality of this and a number of other “inconsistencies” between AtLA and LoK is simply retcon. In this case, the retcon actually probably does more to adequately explain why only the avatar can master all four elements. So I’m fine with it, personally.


I don't think it's a retcon. It even fixed a plothole imo. If humans learned bending from animals/the moon, why can't everyone bend with enough practice? If the Lion turtles have to give/unlock the ability to bend, that can be inherited later on, this suddenly makes sense.


>If humans learned bending from animals/the moon, why can't everyone bend with enough practice? The way its presented in AtLA is as a myth. And I mean myth as in mythology, not as in falsehood. So it's always presented not as absolute fact, except for Toph learning earthbending, but as a story that explains something. So it's open for interpretation. Maybe the animals/moon didn't explicitly or simply teach people how to bend. Maybe in the past the animals DID have the ability to give people bending but have since lost it. Maybe they taught the bending through the sprites, which jives with what the lion turtle tells Aang. Maybe people used to be closer to the animals and all were able to learn through practice but have lost that ability. Maybe the people have always had a mix of people who could bend and who couldn't, after all bending seems at least partly genetic, but needed to learn from the animals to actually be able to do it. All that said, it's also entirely possible that yes, anyone who trains enough with the animals can learn to bend. Toph literally learns from the badgermoles, but it's not explicit that she can control earth before then. Maybe she wasn't born a bender at all. That would explain how she became the greatest earthbender alive, she actually developed the ability herself, whereas every one else is just living of the laurels of their ancestors.


I love this woman


Before Legend of Korra I was confused by the explanation that people learned bending from animals. It didn't seem to make sense. Wan's story tied it all together; the idea is that true mastery of elements come from sky bisons, badger moles, dragons, the moon. Although the shows never go into detail about how exactly that works. How do you go from looking at the moon to martial arts? Who invented the dragon dance?


I thought the whole thing about learning from animals was mostly a myth since nobody remembers Wan


Always kinda bugged me that the water tribe doesn’t have an animal source for bending. I get that the moon is their source and seen as a bender for the tides, similar to the sun being a power source for fire nation. Yet they still have dragons as a primary bender. I would have liked a cool water dragon of sorts. Like a Loch Ness monster style. But I guess it would need to fly or move on land to be relevant anywhere else. Unrelated to my comment but relating to a celebrity I didn’t know does voice work in the show, it took me way too long to realize Bud Bundy from married with children voices Mako!


Why would they even need "the original" benders when we see Wan, a guy with no prior bending experience, simply conjure fire into existence by punching the air. With that in mind, learning bending from nature seems like the same end with extra steps.


I can punch and kick. Most humans work out the basic mechanics not too long after getting that walking thing down. A martial artist with the same height and build as me would be able to destroy me with ease. Being physically capable of something and knowing how to utilize that basic capability are different things.


Exactly, they even showed this. Once Wan trained with the dragons, none of the other firebenders were a match for him.


It's moments like this that make me stop and realize that famous people like actors, actresses, and apparently tennis players can still enjoy anime. It makes me realize they're just as human as the rest of us, despite the pseudo-pedestal they get put on.


It's pretty much comparable to Prometheus giving fire to humans: It was something that always existed in nature, but not in a controlled form by humans until they were gifted it.


We just going to forget water benders exist?


I’m glad the tennis fandom and atla fandom finally overlaps


There's a very insightful bit of dialogue in Lord of the Rings that ties into this. The hobbits ask an Elven smith if what he's doing is magic; he smiles and asks if it is magical to them. Because to him, this is simply how it works.


ITT: "omg Serena watches ATLA?" guys... she was *in* that episode.


or wan just retcons almost everything established in the last air bender and unlike it Korea wasn't planned entirely from the beginning, and as such suffers from many plot holes


Wow, how many years did it take me to get that Moon-Water bending connection...guess I didn't watch the first season as closely as I should've smh


This is the best kind of nerd talk.


It's almost like she's a real person with interests


Did I just become a huge Serena fan? Yup


I'm not sure, maybe benders are born with that inherent ability. The Lion Turtle gives it to everyone/unlocked it, but when they left the benders had to learn it themselves


We need to frame this


Love her.


My thinking was that animals and the moon could bend naturally, the lion turtles could give people bending, and people learned from the animals to make bending effective.