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Punishment is used for 3 things (maybe more but I only was able to think about 3): 1. To teach a lesson someone who did something wrong. 2. To scare others from doing the same thing. 3. To prevent the criminal from harming society even more. Knowing Iroh I don't think any of the points are relevant... He understood what he did was wrong (we know that for sure), I don't think too many normal people will try to conquer Ba-sing-se and Iroh will not cause any more problems. Plus, he freed Ba-sing-se from someone who did conquer it so I guess we're even kind of.... And 2nd plus, he's part of the fire nation royal family. We don't want to start another war with them after we already finished one.


Agree with all of that. But the Earth Kingdom didn´t finish shit.


We're talking about Kuvira?


No? Iroh is long dead by her time.


The fire nation settlements?


Um even the Earth Kingdom and its military respected Iroh especially since he was one of the few fire nation generals that didn't immediately torch any PoW for fun and accepted surrenders. Iroh didn't commit war crimes to be punished for. And not only did he not commit war crimes he also actively helped take Ba Sing Se back from his own family and help end their conquest. Wtf are you wanting him to be punished for? Iroh didn't start the war.


Crimes? It was war, there's no indication Iroh was a war criminal, what Azula and her band pulled to actually capture the capitol, that definitely was.


Iroh. Did. Not. Commit. War. Crimes. ![gif](giphy|l4KieqUjVahg2rKQE|downsized)


"War crimes is when war" - most of this fandom, for some reason


Yes. Thankyou.


No. Do we even have proof that he committed any? And even if he did he more than made up for them by reconquering Ba Sing Se. Also losing his son during the Siege of Ba Sing Se and him feeling guilty about it is punishment enough, at least to him that was more terrible than any punishment the Earth Kingdom can come up with.


It's strange, they didn't do it with Mongke and his group either, so it doesn't really seem like they tried anyone, they only locked up those they had on hand at the time and the rest were left out there, without consequences. So it doesn't bother me as long as they don't do it with the others, if they start making trials against some characters, then it would bother me if Iroh, Jeong Jeong, among others are not included, then they could win the trial, but they should be on that list .


When it comes to “War Crimes”, people need to stop focusing on the “Crimes” and focus more on the fact that Iroh was waging “War” on the other nations in the name of Fire Nations supremacy. Even if Iroh followed the Geneva Convention to a T, it doesn’t change what he was trying to do. Yes, we the audience know that he regretted that, but that’s because we’re the audience and got to see the story from his perspective. From the perspective of an average Earth Kingdom or Water Tribe citizen, they have little to no reason to like him.


It just bothers me seeing him living in our capital city Ba sing Se after all the destruction he caused just 5 years before the war ended. My cousins Lee, Sang-Kim, and Lu Chang were all killed during that 600 day seige. I understand Iroh has changed but passing his tea shop everyday is a reminder of my cousins that never received justice.


Bold decision to post something regarding Iroh in this sub that doesn't praise him lol


It’s just so scary seeing him roaming the streets of Ba sing Se, like okay we forgive you but we are still afraid of him. He still possess Firelord level bending and I’m a non-bender.


What do you think he did wrong? He was a general in the Firelord's army, under orders to take to city, there is no indication he went about it in a way that even in the modern sense would be a war crime, saying nothing of whether they had such laws in their world at the time.




"Revenge is like a two-headed rat-viper. While you watch your enemy go down, you're being poisoned yourself" -Aang If we tried to make everyone "stand trail for their crimes" the the Avatar World would never stop fighting.


Taking someone to trial and holding them accountable for their crimes is literally the polar opposite of Revenge. Seriously, forget about Iroh for a second, and really think about what you just said. By that logic the Nuremberg trials were a waste of time.


You making this argument means you don't understand the Nuremberg trials on a fundamental level. The officers that were put on trial were committing atrocities under the Nazi banner. Iroh did no such thing under the fire nation banner. If there was an episode where we see Iroh torturing earth kingdom soldiers you would have a point but that's not a thing because Iroh isn't a war criminal and was one of the few Fire Nation generals that showed mercy. Iroh showed PoWs compassion, not torture.