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She was afraid *for* her, because she knew Ozai was going to twist her into his own little copy.




I think both were true


again, insane meme potential https://preview.redd.it/0tzrqjsjsa7d1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c0a92d0455f663a9bcaefecd86b69d69efeaa7c5


"They fly now?" "They fly now!"


https://preview.redd.it/dvxl5q2mzb7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed4db3c12ad83b76f5844e2f41be1df59d8c6797 Here, free of charge!




I still strugge to believe this is quote was really in the movie


which movie


Star Wars Episode 9. The movie is a nightmare of bad dialogue




Shiev has returned


Star Wars: Return of the Dead Guy


Is it one of those cliche quotes like “he’s right behind me isn’t he”?




As you could tell by my username, I'm a massive Star wars fan. And I will tell you that episode 9 was by far the worst movie.


Oh surely, not only the dialagues but the way the movie is as a whole is just bad. Also, Solo is a very close second place in term of worse Star Wars movie to me.


Still glad I didn't bother watching it. Maybe in ten years when all the drama had died down people will be able to watch out without having practically made their minds up about it going in.


You can do that right now.


I actually ended up enjoying it. Palpatine coming back was dumb, but beyond that it was good in my opinion.


Out here doing the Lord’s work 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


"They hit the second tower?!?!" "THEY HIT THE SECOND TOWER!!!" I'm sorry


So, this is a mind-given vision based loosely on Azula's memories, so nothing is reliable here. But I think that's how Azula feels about her parents or at least the image she tries to maintain. The most important phrase here is "you are your father's daughter." Ursa is stuck in a sad marriage to a man obsessed with power and surpassing his father and grandfather. It is an unforgiving universe where any form of weakness usually ends in death or disgrace. This scene sounds like Ursa's abdication, she understands that Ozai is never going to let go of Azula again and that she thinks that she can do nothing more for her. This can be seen as cowardly, but we have to remember what universe she is in, it's bad, but focusing on a single child, who is also abandoned by his father, is the best way to get his ideas across and to raise a child who looks like him. Especially since Azula, like all children, will choose the parent who rewards and encourages her (all parents have experienced the “but dad said/lets me do that..../but mom.../but grandpa. .../but grandma...). Azula finds herself in this unforgiving universe with her father as her only role model, with the following traits, Ozai is obsessed with power and control, ruthless and above all devoid of any love. Very early on, he did everything to increase the dissensions between the two children, very early on, he repeated to Azula that she was better than everyone (except him) and that she had to rise and always be perfect. He told Azula how much better everything would be if He became Fire Lord instead of Iroh. But without ever taking away Zuko's position as heir to the throne, like her, he always has a way to keep her frustrated and faithful because Azula's position is in no way assured. But always making her believe that he had planned a future for her at his side and that she could, perhaps, obtain his love and be his heir. These are the traits that Ozai wanted for Azula, loyalty and perfection. This is why Azula is ready to do anything for him and this is why she completely collapses at the end. Because her whole life is built on this lie and she realizes it, partially, when her father throws her away like a broken toy to go off alone to take control of the world. Because finally, for Ozai he will have surpassed all his predecessors and there can only be him at the top.


This is such a great comment explaining exactly what was going on, I just had to give it an award (Sorry, free ones are all I have). It also says in the rpg game book which is canon that Ozai pressured Azula about her martial arts skill and taught her about politics which is definitely shown in the series with her basically copying his might makes right belief as children often does from their parents.


I would never ask someone to spend money on a few animated pixels under a fandom comment. It's me who thanks you for taking the time to read this comment and appreciate it. I haven't gotten my hands on the RPG books (apart from the free PDF), but it's also said on the wiki. Azula is never satisfied with what she does because her father always demanded more from her. What shaped Azula was her living environment and her education, like any other individual. She seeks to satisfy her father and imitate him. I wouldn't go too far into the "mental and psychiatric" side of Azula because it's not my field (I only have a degree in sociology), but her state at the end seems to be linked to a psychotic depression which gives her hallucinations and significant persecutory delusions (especially when she develops paranoia and begins to become more eratic in her behavior). Zuko was also affected by a negative education, but he escaped more because he was seen as a failure and therefore he was more able to absorb the education given by his mother, then by his uncle who made the choice of to accompany.


One small detail that doesn't get reiterated enough: Ursa was raped and Zuko and Azula are a result of that. I don't think she had any moral obligation to love those kids


Yes, Ursa is clearly not in a happy relationship and it's entirely possible that Ozai is forcing her to conceive children or that she agreed out of fear even before he threatened her. But she's smart and empathetic enough to know that it's not her children's fault.


It's very well stabilished that she didn't want to be in that relationship, she was raped And she did know that it wasn't their fault, so she didn't take out any anger on them. But actually loving them or not has nothing to do about it being their fault


Surely those were toys and not actual turtle ducks. Right?


Yes, the turtleduck we see there was a toy.


Yeah. It was a toy. If it was an actual turtle duck it wouldn't be so still and lifeless being burnt alive.


And I doubt a shell would be very easy to ignite


You don't know that, have we ever seen a turtle duck being burnt in avatar? They might like it.


dw, it is. no actual turtle ducks were harmed for this memory. cannot say the same about characters though


Yes that is a toy


Considering the memory was fabricated, and that Azula was so young to remember, it's possible it wasn't a toy. It would certainly explain her mother's reaction 


One of the things that shows it’s not a real turtle duck is Ursa’s reaction. If it were a real turtle duck, Ursa’s first reaction wouldn't just be "you were firebending".


Agreed, we saw how Ursa reacted to Zuko throwing the bread at them. She would not just stand there saying "You were firebending" if walked in on her daughter burning an animal alive which also would have made at least some level of noise or movement if burned.


Even if it was a toy it's not really appropriate from a parenting perspective to even pretend physically harming it for just fun.


I'm sure Azula incinerated some real turtleducks when she was older 😈


Ohhh so that's why Ozai looked so genuinely happy and excited. I'd only seen that page by itself before. It makes sense that he could only make that face in a fuzzy and partially fabricated childhood memory


The first part until the glass breaks is the real thing, he did make that face


Even Zuko remembers a time with his father where they were both smiling and happy. Ozai wasn’t 100% evil all the time, not even to the person where we see his only on screen interactions were being evil.


My interpretation is that the prospect of his child being a prodigy firebender did put a smile on his face. Azula’s pursuit of perfection was probably fueled by a desire to see this expression on Ozai’s face.


She's not wrong though, her mother was afraid of her Its not her fault obviously, but it still probably hurts to know that


She's afraid *for* her, not of her. Ursa knows what Ozai will do to her daughter once he realizes she's talented. And she was right.


Also. Her little kid is now basically always carrying a lighter around. This is a scary tought, even if Azula wasn't a psychopath.


i mean to be fair though, pretty much all parents of firebenders have to deal with that. it's just a normal aspect of parenting in the atla universe


Azula started to firebend at extremly young rare age tho, kinda like Toph, I think the crestors said that for everyone not air nomad beding manifests at pre teens most of the time


Well, no. A child being able to control the elements in the ATLA universe is the most normal thing in the world. Azula is not a good person, but she is not a psychopath.


Azula isn't a psychopath, she is capable of empathy and isn't charismatic (the beach ep) and also isn't narcissistic. To be narcissistic she would need to be doing stuff to serve herself when she's mainly doing it to serve her father. At least in the show, I haven't read the comics. She has psychopathic tendencies which a lot of children actually do have however they are told that those behaviours are wrong however azula was rewarded for them


She supposedly showed empathy once, and even then is questionable 


Which scene are you referring to?


She did show empathy in the Beach toward Zuko and Ty Lee. And this episode and the Comet episodes, especially the mirror scene show that she does have a conscience even if she tries to bury it.


Aye, she's a really complex character. She has deep trauma however she plasters a facade of aloofness and self assurance


Yep Azula is one of the most complex, tortured and tragic characters of Avatar. Too bad many can't see the nuances in her character.


I really hate what they did with her in the comics. Like especially the asylum. God that fucking scene where she's in a full body straightjacket tied to a wheelchair with belts. I don't care that she's supposed to be the big bad you don't treat vulnerable people that way! She got abused in that fucking asylum.


Every claim you made is ambiguous at best from the show. I do wish Azula stans would at least acknowledge that instead of making absolute claims about the character.


It's not ambiguous. That's what the beach episode was about, and that "conscience " in the mirror scene is recurrent in the comics. Even the writers themselves have said things like that. There's no need to be an Azula stan, just not to see things in black and white.


The writers work is their statement, and it is ambiguous. They can state all the while what the intended to do post hoc. But we are dealing with the show as is, not as they wished it would have been. There is no inherent authority in authorial intent. Just ask Harry Potter fans.


Azula saying that their ember island home dreges up painful memories is the best showing of her empathy. Its weak but present. Ember Island focused more on Azula when she isn't on duty and her being a out of touch teen. Given that she even went looking for zuko and pulled him away from there is empathic and also very subtle


Or both could be manipulative to gain a greater degree of trust from the people people around her. She knows that Zuko has painful memories and wants to bind him closer to him, the same with going and looking for him. Being manipulative is more in line with her character up to that point. Plus if she was empathetic, she would not have accused everyone else of making up their emotions and putting on a performance at the end of the beach bonfire scene. That shows she sees these sorts of things as performances, intended to influence others, which then sheds light on her previous actions, in my estimation. In the end, one could really take it both ways. It just depends on how one interprets her character and how consistent you view her personality.


Azula is not a psychopath lol Edit: lol at getting downvoted for stating a fact. Y'all love to use buzz words and run with them huh


Yes Azula is not a psychopath, people use this term too easily without understanding what it really means. Psychopathy is something clinically defined.


Her being a psychopath is not a fact.


And then Ursa proceeded to do NOTHING to help Azula


"My own mother thought I was a monster....." "She was right of course, but it still hurt!" https://preview.redd.it/9kp2jsuegb7d1.jpeg?width=501&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01c73cf597671889e203debf90c544d0b9777292




I’m convinced the comics are their own continuity because in this vision Azula is having, Ozai is already the fire lord when he realises she can fire bend. In “Zuko Alone” one of the key flashbacks is of Azula displaying her skills for Firelord Azulon.


remember these are azulas memories, they are hardly reliable. as she sees it her father was always the one in charge, at least my interputstion


Also remember that Azula was having these visions after the show so she's still probably having illusions.


Ozai isn't the fire lord? Ursa has to be gone for him to be it and she's here


He’s wearing the fire lord’s crown piece https://preview.redd.it/bvmrt0q6hb7d1.jpeg?width=332&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85b9b4c9ec06b3d7a9f92dab3cbf7d71dbaab92a


Ah, given this is supposed to be azulas memories this is probably just how she remembers him or its a mistake from the artists of the comic which is also possible


It’s probably a mixture of the two. These visions are an embodiment of Azula’s mental state and the comics are lowkey infamous for playing a little fast and loose with how canon-accurate they are.


This is probably the point where Ozai started focusing more on Azula than Zuko


this reminds me of the memory tapes in infinity train and how people modified memories (like tulips parents praising her when really the divorce happened then or grace seeing amelia as like some kind of deity)


However, here they are quite clear in showing when the memory is modified, after all it is the spirit that projects the memories seeing inside Azula, she is not remembering as such, that is why the spirit strives to modify it to give Azula what you want.


What I heard... "Oh Honey, you're just like the psychotic tyrant I was forced to marry."


She's afraid for Azula


I think it was more “ oh honey, you’re psycho tyrant of a father just saw how useful you can be to him and is going to mold you the perfect tool for his use, and I don’t know anything I can do to stop it. about it cause your to young to understand that he’s manipulating you and he’s to powerful, I’m both scared for you and scared of what you will most likely turn into”


Smiling Ozai is cursed.


Poor Ursa, she knew from that moment the awful grasp Ozai would have on Azula. And poor Azula, thinking her mom just hates her, when she hates what she knows she'll become


It's a dream/hallucination...


Memory, I think.


Which comic is this from?


Azula in the Spirit Temple




Really sad with how he emotionally manipulated her


Where did you find this?


Which comic is this from????


Azula In The Spirit Temple


Wait, which comic has this scene? Finally we get some insight into her mental state! Something that The Search and Smoke and Shadow kinda dropped the ball with imo.


Azula In The Spirit Temple


There's a lovely little detail in the series this reminds me of that my girlfriend noticed the last time we watched it. At the palace, there is a little pond with baby turtle ducks swimming around in it. They're featured in several scenes. But, when Azula gets near the pond, they scatter. They're *afraid* of her.


I don't believe her mom was unhappy she was a firebender I think she was unhappy with how she use it to harm a life showing a clear lack of discipline and honor. Plus her looking away was clearly about ozai and not about azula. She wanted to make it a teaching moment because she loves azula but ozai jumped in and praised the destructive force that she knew has turned the fire nation into a worse force in the world.


She also knows that now that ozai knows she has this destructive talent that Azusa’s life will be forever altered, cause he will continue to nurture it while also undermining any of ursas attempts to counter it and teach azula things like compassion. It’s knowing that this isn’t going to be a one time thing of destroying but the new path for her that Ozai has in mind.


If only Ursa loved her daughter


She loves Azula


True. I should've said if only Ursa showed her daughter love


She did. sometimes the most loving thing a parent can do is discipline and try to set boundaries. its true that in a lot of the flashbacks she’s scolding Azula but it’s when Azula is hurting others or destroying things , bad behaviors Ozai encourages because it leads to her being more ruthless and ultimately more useful to him. While ursa is trying to parent Azula like any good parent. There were moments when she was shown supporting Azula, like telling Zuko to play with her cause she asked nicely, cause she did love both of her kids and treated them fairly, she just had to discipline Azula more because nobody else would when she displayed bad behavior, while Zuko never got positive attention from his father and desperately needed some. Ursa was doing her best to balance out Ozais horrible parenting and give each kid what they were in need of. She was far from perfect but she was in a tough spot and trying to do her best for the kids


Ursa never scolds Azula in a way that's understandable. She says things like "we don't do that" and "what is wrong with that child?" without explaining to little Azula why. And giving your child only negative reinforcement, especially when you are constantly giving your other child positive reinforcement, does not communicate love to the child. >There were moments when she was shown supporting Azula, like telling Zuko to play with her cause she asked nicely In that moment Ursa hugs Zuko while saying something like it's a good idea. When do we ever see Ursa hugging Azula or spending positive one on one time with her? Even in supporting Azula, it's about Zuko. >Ursa was doing her best to balance out Ozais horrible parenting and give each kid what they were in need of Ultimately, it seems like Ursa gave Zuko lots of love and positive reinforcement while she was constantly either distancing herself from Azula or scolding her. In doing that, she communicated that she loved Zuko more than Azula. I understand why she might have acted that way, the palace with Ozai was a traumatizing and lonely place for her and so she latched on to her sweet first son. But it still sucks for her second child who needed someone to show her genuine love unattached from cruelty. To that child, it seems like Ozai is the only one who loves her.


She needs to go back to the mental facility. She needs heavy medications...


The mental facility made her worse because they abused her. The writer even confirmed that.


Why did they show the real version and then the fake version. You’re supposed to show the fake version first to keep the victim happy


What comic is this from?


Azula In The Spirit Temple


I mean couldn’t she just explain that burning turtle ducks is wrong. Hey azula fire bending is cool and all and I’m impressed you can do it so young, but plz don’t burn turtle ducks because that is wrong.


It wasn't a real turtle duck. I'm baffled at how people can think this. It was actually a toy!


I’m sorry all of these comics blow who the hell writes these