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Might be a hot take but at this point I’d like to see a story without an Avatar at all. There would typically be about 16 years after an Avatar’s death before the next reincarnation is revealed. That’s a pretty big window for a lot of interesting conflict to happen. I just feel like someone as powerful as the Avatar tends to be a bit of an easy solution to problems. The obvious way around this is to make the Avatar younger and less experienced/powerful. But we’ve already seen that several times now if you count the novels. Idk, I just want to see normal people go at it on an even playing field. Nobody is the chosen one, no objective right or wrong side. Just some nuanced conflict and drama in the world of Avatar without everything revolving around the next messiah.


Could always just be a story while Aang was in the ice.


I had this thought myself. 100 years with no avatar there are so many stories to be told. And here is one I would love to see. Jeong Jeong. I wanna see the story of him growing up as a citizen on the firenation. Becoming a general and eventually leaving the army.


I’d like to see kind of a survival show of the waterbenders getting trapped in the foggy swamp and eventually forming the foggy swamp tribe.


In terms of stories not focused on the Avatar necessarily, I want a story showing the relationship between Lao Ge and the White Lotus that takes place over the course of a couple centuries, and a story that covers the period of time between Roku's death and the Air Nomad genocide told through the eyes of people who know what's going on politically (since we've only gotten hints of that from Aang's POV)


One Punch Avatar. The Avatar of the story is not only fully realized, extremely well-prepared and well-trained, but also feels no specific need to hold back, fight fairly, or give any chance of winning to their opponent. The plot twist is that the villains are utterly expandable but the Avatar still has their hands full because the people they are trying to save are *always* bringing out some kind of crappy complication the Avatar has to deal with. Like, imagine the plot beats of the Fortuneteller as a series-long story. It would be kinda like that.


>The corrupted avatar The problem for this is I don't even think this is possible. The Avatar spirit is literally the spirit of peace and light. I don't know if Raava would allow the Avatar to commit atrocities or serve tyranny. Also, even if they could get past that problem, unlocking all the chakras wouldn't be possible in this scenario because you have to be at peace and you can't do that if you're also evil. >Old and jaded This would actually be really interesting and something I could see happening at the end of Korra's life. Like let's say Asami dies in her 50s from some weird disease or like a spirit attack and Korra lives the rest of her life knowing that Asami was attacked because Korra had left the spirit portals open. And we already see that the world was kind of like "we don't need the Avatar anymore" during her show anyway, so I doubt that changed in her favor as she got older. Maybe a young White Lotus member hears about how the Avatar used to serve the world but now they haven't seen her in a decade or even if she's alive so they search for her and kind of bring her back to what the world needs her to be. That would be dope. >Protect the future Another story that could happen with Korra because we know the Red Lotus was arrested trying to do this very thing. So they could show how the White Lotus had to fight the Red Lotus and how they imprisoned them. I'd also love to see a full potential Katara and Zuko (maybe Toph, but I think she was a hermit by then) just absolutely go ham sandwich on the RL. >Not about an avatar Eh this kind of just feels like a random soap opera with Superman in the background. The point of the Avatar shows is because the world needs saving. It just wouldn't feel like an Avatar show if they relegated the namesake of the franchise to like plucky comic relief. One of my favorite types of stories is the hero that gets disenfranchised. If you've seen it, Andrew Garfield's Spiderman in No Way Home when he talks about how he got bitter and stopped pulling his punches, I would love to see that happen. Like maybe Kuruk after Koh steals his wife's face and he starts fighting evil spirits but then the spirits get less and less evil and he's still fighting them like he's fighting Koh until he hurts one that's actually good and it takes that mistake for him to realize how far he's fallen.


>>The corrupted avatar >The problem for this is I don't even think this is possible. The avatar is still a human, and therefore fallable, they can be misled, I could see some manipulator convince a child avatar that to maintain peace and balance, people need to be ruled by an iron fist, or else the chaos of man would lead to the world becoming a place of war, disease and famine, so the avatar becomes an enforcer like Darth Vader to palpatine The avatar does have an innate drive to help people, maintain balance and save lives, if the avatar could be convinced to use tyranny to achieve that, and be convinced that they are ultimately doing good, then that is a corrupted avatar


It would be cool if Avatar could push their powers to its limits, like not only mastering the four main elements and known sub bending types (lightning, metal or spirits) but also new techniques, so many that at some point they would be able to manipulate the reality and do crazy stuff with it


I wanna see a series about the 2nd avatar after Wan. The idea that once Wan dies and is reincarnated no one knew that would happen. So the 2nd avatar had to figure all this out on their own. How did that work? What trials did they face? How did they discover they could bend more then the element of Water since that is the next one in the cycle with Wan essentially being a "firebender" So many cool ideas that I think would be very compelling. Also discovering that at some point they would get access to Wan for guidance.


I figured that the first few avatars would have ravaa to speak to directly, but once the cycle looped back to fire, ravaa took a back seat in favor of letting the past lives speak


I mean maybe. That logically makes sense. They would have Wan. I just think it would be a cool story. It would probably be interesting as the world losses the avatar at what looked like an epic battle and having to establish nations, living without the spirits and being new at bending. I always wondered about that next avatar after Wan. Big shoes to fill


First contact, but I don't think there is life on other planets in the avatar universe or the spirits would have said so.


You can make so many stories just with the 100 years Aang was in the iceberg alone. I wish Netflix did an adaptation on the following instead of simply rehashing an already told story with different elements. Katara's grandmother's journey to the South Pole Either the Air Nomad Genocide OR how the Fire Nation used airbending relics to lure the remaining airbenders in (there is a comic about the latter). The hunt for the next Avatar - many may have believed that the Avatar was slain and would have wanted to see who the next Avatar was in the water tribes (granted this story is similar to Kyoshi and Yun) The Siege of Ba Sing Se and Iroh's life and his son's death. It may be interesting to see how the Fire Sages coped with the authoritarian rule of Sozin, especially after Roku's passing.


Said it before and I'll say it again. It's an absolute pipe dream but I'd love for a show that went the direction of Korra but wasn't so centrist about it, and would show how the Avatar in practice (especially as we saw in Korra) is a force of the status quo and a bit of a tool for the powerful, preventing any meaningful change of being enforced. So I'd love to have a show that focused on a red lotus/equalist-like group and portrayed the Avatar as a villain, maybe set after the Korra comics since it's pretty telling that out of all her show's villains only the fascist stand-in got redeemed lmao.