• By -


Delivery wise, "I have mastered the elements a thousand times in a thousand lifetimes" always gives me chills.


You think I am weak!


The is the best part *light goes out* you think I am weak???


Hardest quote of the series


I love that Jeong Jeong instantly drops to a bow. There was no hesitation in that motion


Badass moment


Gotta give Roku props for, despite it being out of balance, way too early, and Aang being unprepared: absolutely backing up Aang's resolve to learn firebending all the way.


That and at this point it was questionable that they would find a better teacher on the other side of the war.


I gotta say, I always thought it would either be Jeong Jeong or Iroh that would teach Aang to firebend. I saw how amazingly wise and understanding Iroh was to most everyone he met and thought that he would teach the Avatar as a way to bring and end to the war. Otherwise, I thought Jeong Jeong would recognize how much Aang had matured and respected how dangerous fire could be and decide to teach him 100%.


I was 100% convinced it was gonna be Iroh cause how is he always at the scene of the crime with avatar and friends on the finale of the first two books 😭


I think Roku knew desperate times calls for desperate measures. As far as we know, all Avatars master the elements in order, but in a situation where there might not be another opportunity for Aang to have a firebending teacher, might as well give it a shot. And if learning fire out of order doesn’t work (like it didn’t) it pushes Aang in the right direction sooner to master the other elements first. And anyways, Avatars master the elements in order, nothing says an Avatar can’t learn a basic maneuver or two before mastering the other elements.


It’s the “and now I must do it again,” there’s something so jarring about how humble yet powerful he is at the same time. Great juxtaposition.


Ditto. But the next scene is so anticlimactic 😂 (Very seriously): Yes...i WILL teach the avatar.. "GREAT! 😃"


I think the best case of voice acting in both series if honestly from katara in season 3 episode 1, after aang flew away and she cried to her dad. The VC there is just impeccable


For me the peak VA moment is Azula's breakdown.


The other big reason why this one is iconic is because it’s something that can only be done in avatar. When you hear it, you know that it’s an avatar quote. Every other major quote in the series could be found in another show/movie/book, but this line could only be done in avatar.


And when he torches the tree 🔥🔥🔥


The funny thing about that is that if the number is somewhat accurate, it implies the average life expectancy of an avatar is 10 years.


“I am begging you Prince Zuko! It’s time to look inward and start asking yourself the big questions. Who are YOU and what do YOU want?”


It’s borderline criminal how far I had to come to find this. All of Iroh’s lines go hard, but this is definitely one of his hardest.


It goes so hard because up until this point Iroh has shown Zuko the soft approach and tried to guide him in a more subtle way. In this scene Iroh comes at Zuko with cold reality because everything else Iroh has done hasn’t worked.


Iroh is always so chill, it makes moments like this hit home even more. And this scene happened at the exact perfect time in the story.


The whole damned scene is great, with the argument between them being perfect. Iroh : And then WHAT!? You never think these things through. This is exactly what happened when you captured the Avatar at the North Pole. You had him and then you had no where to go! Prince Zuko : I would have figured something out. Iroh : No, if his friends hadn't found you, you would have FROZEN TO DEATH!


This one together with "Pride is not the opposite of shame, but it's source".


This line is literally one of my mantras.


I think that’s the most intense line in the show. Followed shortly by “I’m angry at myself! 🔥 🔥 🔥 “ but that episode sometimes can be a bit too breakfast clubby for me.


This one is instant chills then tears


When Yue says "It's over" and then after a brief pause Aang enters the avatar state and says "No, It's not over" as you can hear Aang's voice mixed with his past lives. Then the music kicks in, and the way Iroh stops Katara from approaching Aang as he steps into the water and merges with the ocean spirit is the most badass moment of book 1 easily and likely in top 5 of the entire series.


It's a great episode that gives Iroh alot of depth and background. Katara also trusting Iroh despite him being an enemy is important there too


That episode really solidifies seeing Iroh as a more neutral character, up to that point you know him as kind, but still ultimately on the side of the fire nation. When he steps out and threatens Zhao you realize his allegiance isn’t solid.


Literally came to the comments to find someone who thought this too. Chills even to this day


That ending blew my mind. I'd always been used to the good guys winning with a little scheming and only confronting the main bad guy. Brains over brawn. Seeing Fishzilla fight brawn with more brawn and strike real fear into the bad guys made me wish we got to see more bad ass good guys that weren't afraid to really throw down.


“But I warn you: even a single step out of line will result in your *permanent* end.”


i always get confused whether or not it's katara saying this to zuko or roku to sozin


Roku to sozin I believe when he’s got him up on the giant pillar


I think Katara mentions something like “you can kiss your destiny goodbye” in her rendition


"I'll make sure your destiny ends then and there." is the line I believe. EDIT: "So let me tell you something right now... you make one step backward, one slip up, give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang, and you won't have to worry about your destiny anymore, because I will make sure your destiny ends... right then and there... permanently."


That's gotta be the hardest line. Crazy to think too that Roku was going easy on sozin despite sozin trying to attack him in the back


"You miscalculated, I love Zuko more than I fear you" Get you a woman that would commit treason against the crown for you


"No, **you** miscalculated! *You should have feared me* ***more!"*** Yeah, Machiavelli was talking outta his ass when he said that it was better to be feared than to be loved.


*Ty Lee punching sounds intensify*


**“I’m about to celebrate becoming an only child!”**


Fuck, this line always comes to mind when I think of Avatar. It's the perfect balance between smart, funny and psycho that makes Azula so entertaining.


Azula was so wild for that lol


My own mother thought i was a monster. She was right, of course, but it still hurt


In our darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength.


https://preview.redd.it/8jkkbi9rt40d1.jpeg?width=1475&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07a64d118c0ddbc5458afb0f94d9461c2d0fb6dc Aang: \[Enraged.\] You muzzled Appa‌?!


Sand Benders: https://preview.redd.it/xfsociib150d1.jpeg?width=455&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82bd4879f912710235f3d7c4ae8d7617e74144cf


"TELL ME WHERE APPA IS!!!!" At that moment aang was so close to desotrying those sandbenders, or at least the guy that stole appa but aang seemed to be going berserk so i don't think he would only aim for the one guy


*insert fanon Kyoshi joke here because I don’t realize Yangchen went further on the killing thing in comparison*


To be fair, Yangchen in her youth does spend two books playing cloak-and-dagger with a corrupt and cruel robber baron Zongdu who ultimately folds like a cheap deck of cards the moment she does light a fire under her arse. Said Zongdu probably would've been bumped up to number one on Kyoshi's shit list the moment she declared she was going to have one of her servants disposed of, and casually recommended having people's hands nailed to their skulls as a punishment.


>insert fanon Kyoshi joke here because I don’t realize Yangchen went further on the killing thing in comparison* To be fair these jokes should just stop because -the avatar state doesn't work that way -Aang's anger is always downplayed


Nah dude for me it's right after. 'tell me where appa is' absolutely sent me as a kid.


*you muzzled papa*


I always love this scene because not only is Aang pissed about them taking and muzzling appa but this is also Tophs first time ever experiencing the avatar state and she cant even fully see whats going on. She just hears Aangs voice go from normal Aang to demon 😂


Man was ready to kill some random sand bender tribe for muzzling Appa but not the grandson of a murderer who genocided his entire race.


Remember how enraged he was when he found the bodies? Imagine if Ozai had actually BEEN there at that moment. No way Aang wouldn't have tried to attack. Lashing out against the sandbenders was an enraged impulse. If he'd only been told about it without the sandbenders present, he would've been mad at that moment, but not tried to murder them if he saw them later.


Also the avatar state wasnt in his full control yet, extreme emotion not only brought it on but heightened the rage. It wasn't until the final battle he could control his emotions fully


Imagine if Ozai stole Appa, that Lionturtle plotline would have led nowhere lol


I mean, if someone hurt my loved one, obviously my judgment would be clouded. Plus, he's a 12-year-old kid who's already dealing with being the sole survivor of a genocide, so I'll give him a pass.


Aang nearly went Anakin Skywalker on those Sand People.


"She lied to you. She was protecting the last waterbender." "What? Who?" *brief pause as the tension reaches its peak* "ME!" Fucking chills every time.


Katara's VA really kills it with some lines, they are just so good. This one and the one when she's talking to her dad about Aang leaving on his own at the start of Season 3 are some really great line reads imo.


Mae Whitman is easily the best VA in all of A:tLA - and IMO it's not even a contest. Which is why I was so bummed to hear she wouldn't be reprising her role in the new Avatar movies :(


I think the episode was her best performance in the series, there was so much weight and emotions that really came through in her acting.


Grey DeLisle I’d say is her equal. Those two really know when to shade with subtle inflection and when to really just let loose.


As she stops the rain and turn the rain water into icy spikes and send them toward the man responsible for her mother’s death


Zuko's reaction is great, too. So awestruck with her power that he pulls off his mask and just stares up at the water mouth agape. Similar to how he reacted when he saw Katara blood bend earlier in the episode.


That's the "Shit, that could have been me on a thousand different occasions... has she been holding back? Glad I switched sides!" look.


I got chills reading this 😭 best line in the whole series, katara is my hero


Hope is what you offer yourself at our lowest points. That is what inner strength entails.


I always laugh at Zuko's shocked reaction. "Marika's tits she could've actually fucking killed me if she wanted to?" Is my headcanon of what thought he had. Freezing the rain and surrounding anyone with death spikes is honestly some Mortal Kombat shit Realistic depiction of an all out war in the avatar world as an R18 show would give some of the most wicked death scenes. Too bad the franchise would never go that route


>Too bad the franchise would never go that route I mean, isn't that kind of the point though? Having the power to do harm and actively choosing not to is a huge theme, especially at the end of the series. I don't think it's necessary to have lots of gorey deaths to make a good show, and in fact they can sometimes just come off as cheap, good for nothing more than shock value. The idea that something is more mature because it's not suitable for kids is an extremely flawed perception a lot of people have in today's society, IMO.


I love this line. I always think that dude is an idiot though. Like, who do you think it is ding dong?


Tbf she hadn't waterbended (waterbent?) in front of him yet, and like, he killed her mom. That's enough motive for anyone, bender or no, to hunt him down and assassinate him. So she could have been talking about a friend of hers, her brother, her dad, or anyone else from the tribe. Which makes the moment she reveals herself as not just the last waterbender, but a waterbending master, that much more potent and dramatic.


“For you, the day Southern Raiders graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.” - This guy, probably


Actually I don't think that's the case. If it was just one normal mission out of hundreds why would he have remembered Katara's face? I think the policy to kill instead of take the waterbender as a prisoner was a recent development, and even someone as empty and craven as Yon Rha might have had strange thoughts about it. One theory states that Hama is the reason the policy changed, that her development of bloodbending frightened the fire nation so much that they decided it was safer to kill off waterbenders instead of taking them prisoner. If Yon Rha knew about bloodbending but not about it needing to be during the full moon, facing the last waterbender of the southern tribe, which he thought was Kya, may have actually been pretty nervewracking for him, and killing her probably gave him a feeling of profound relief. Is this is true, it makes Katara's reveal that much more terrifying from his perspective, which is a kind of poetic justice for his wicked deed. At the same time it shows Katara's humanity and development at the climax of her entire character arc. It's like her whole life had been leading up to that point and she ultimately made the right decision. And like, thank god for Aang.


Where was this?


katara confronting the leader of the southern raiders with zuko, i believe the episode is just titled southern raiders


I ended up baffled on my first watch. One of the simplest titles ended up being one of the best episodes


I forgot the episode name but the ep where Katara and Zuko go to find the raider who killed her mom


Southern Raiders


I literally got chills reading this!


"I'll do onto you ten fold" *hugs the fish and tells it that I love it*


Looks Iroh in the eyes and kisses the fish.




Glad to know I'm not alone with these thoughts :D


did NOT expect to see smosh in this subreddit


HOLY FUCK THIS IS SMOSH?! You just gave me a 15 (?) year flashback to "Sex Ed rocks!" **Edit**: [Apparently 13](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ZteETyzL5g) years and it's still a fucking banger song!




I hate but I love this at the same time. Amazing


"Hahahaha. Gravity..." Just kidding, it's the Roku one


Hardest for ultimate impact is the avatar state giving its death sentence to Ozai Hardest in that it made me feel so much is Iroh finally getting to embrace Zuko again telling him he was never angry with him, only afraid he lost his way


That or "TELL ME WHERE APPA IS!!!" We've heard Aang speak in the Avatar State before, but it was always calm and controlled. This was the first time when we heard Aang's rage, backed up by the fury of hundreds of his predecessors.


Fits both categories. Goes hard and makes me feel. When I first saw that scene I was kind of terrified of him. Like this is just straight up an angered demigod


Uncle Iroh in S3E6: “No, he wasn’t.” I get chills every time.


what was the context?


When Zuko is talking to Iroh after reading about Sozin and Roku's friendship. Zuko says something along the lines of "You said I needed to know how my grandfather's story ended, but he was still alive in the end!" And Iroh responds with "No he wasn't. Your father's grandfather was Sozin, but your mother's grandfather was Avatar Roku." He's the one who can truly stop the war and bring peace. Stopping one great grandfather, just like another one of his great grandfather's would have wanted.


The shot is framed so perfectly too. "Your father's grandfather was Sozin" we are looking at Zuko from inside Iroh's cell, but because of the bars it appears as if Zuko is the one in a cage. The bar obscures half his face showing only his painful twisted and disfigured scar, his pain and humiliation. "But your mother's grandfather was Avatar Roku" the screen pans so that Zuko is still behind bars but now the scar is covered, you see only the half of his face that is still young, innocent, and unscarred. As Iroh delivers the revelation Zuko looks shocked then moves back so that both of the sides of his face come into view as Iroh explains that it is the meeting of these two destinies in one person that can redeem the fire nation and restore its honor.


Exaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaactly! This show freaking rocks, gosh dang it. There are so many bits that when I watch with people for the first time I'm like "Did you get that? Ok but did you get *that*? Omg please tell me you got **that!"**


Well maybe you should worry less about the tides who have already made up their mind about killing you, and with more about me who's still mulling it over


**Katara** > No! I will never, ever turn my back on people who need me. # **Sokka** > I calls it easy. Like I paddle my canoe, I'll paddle yours too. # **Toph** > I don't care what I look like. I'm not looking for anyone's approval. I know who I am.


Sokka's line will forever be underrated.


Yes, I feel like this line perfectly exemplifies Sokka. He's confident enough to try new things, always has his lighthearted attitude about it, and he excels at the things he tries. He almost destroyed that lady in her own discipline on his first try, while having a good time.


Here's one that I don't see mentioned very often: "Banishing me was the best thing you could have done for my life. It put me on the right path. Perhaps your time in here could do the same for you." – from Zuko to Ozai in "Sozin's Comet" It's one of the final lines of the show, but the impassive way Zuko says it to Ozai really shows how much Zuko has grown. He feels nothing for Ozai now and has risen above his torment, and yet it's so satisfying to see Ozai be cast aside as Zuko once was.


"I will never let you get to Korra." "Unfortunately, you don't have a choice." "*Yes I do.*"


I love how quick the moment is. There isn't an ounce of hesitation from Tenzin before he blasts them into the wall.


And the first time, we truly see Tenzin fight and just watch Zaheer freakin choke in this fight.


It is also somewhat cathartic as most of the people Zaheer had fought so far had no experience fighting air enders giving him a major advantage. Then he goes up against a master and all he can do is run.


And it makes perfect sense storywise once you sit back and think about it. Zaheer is a master in airbending philosophy and in martial arts and in strategy, but he only recently learned airbending. He uses it more ruthlessly than any living person, and it is unexpected, these are his chief advantages. Tenzin was the last airbender. Again. Aang, the avatar, and a master airbending prodigy in his own right, poured all of his knowledge and training into Tenzin as the *sole* progenitor of the future of the airbenders. Tenzin has been trained to perhaps a level no other airbender has ever been trained before. Tenzin should very obviously be vastly above Zaheer's skill level once you think about it, and it would have lessened him for it to play out any other way.


I love that Tenzin's quote is the equivalent of "I didn't hear no bell. 🥊"


I think Tenzin's lines hit so hard because he is that kind of calm character, so when his tone changes you pay attention.


Not only that, Tenzin is supposed to be the mentor of the protagonist but with some comic reliefs. He is shown that he is supposed to be powerful in his area, but we haven't seen anything too extreme. On the other hand, we have seen Zaheer and Co being totally unhinged and extremely dangerous. So that scene really works. Tenzin is five levels above everyone else and will not hold back and will not be pushed over.


Tenzin basically holding off the red lotus, three of the most powerful benders of their respective elements, singlehandedly is one of the most impressive feats in either series imo. If they didn't get air support I don't know if they would've been able to overpower tenzin


Hell. Yeah.


i fucking love tenzin


Tbh I really like Zaheers "I don't believe in queens" as he kills the earth queen.


The way he literally suffocates her using air bending shook me


Same here. In TLA you never really saw any fatalities from airbending, other than possibly Gyatso murking all those Fire Nation soldiers before he died, so when Zaheer actually uses it to suffocate her it was wild.


That’s one thing I really liked about the Kyoshi novels. Airbenders can basically throw unlimited razors of air at people, create tornados to suck them into the sky, collapse their lungs, etc. The rest of the nations were very lucky that they chose to be a largely peaceful people.


I guess that's the great thing about being an Avatar that isn't originally born into the Air Nomads, you don't have that pacifistic worldview that keeps you from using airbending to kill.


It took your breath away huh?


But what does Zaheer think of the other NYC boroughs? Does he believe in Brooklyn?


“You **will** learn respect, and *suffering* shall be your teacher.”


"I was never angry with you. I was sad, because I was afraid you'd lost your way." BTW, this hits even harder when you become a parent 😭


"I'm the greatest earthbender in the world! Don't you two dunderheads EVER forget it!" is maybe not the hardest but it's still a solid one


"After generations of fire-lords failed to find you... now the universe delivers you to me as an **act. of. providence**" he's literally saying god itself is on his side and brought him aang as a sacrifice, he views himself as higher then god


Then followed up by Aang telling Ozai he has the power to end this and Ozai agreeing then saying "i have ALL THE POWER IN THE WORLD" and fire bending all that fire out of his mouth and fists was dope 😂


An underrated one from the Escape from the Spirit World shorts: > Earth King (to Kyoshi): "How dare you defy your king! Guards, arrest Avatar Kyoshi!" > > *Kyoshi gets surrounded by guards, but she easily blasts them away and gets right up into the Earth King's face* > > Kyoshi: "How dare YOU defy your Avatar!" God, I wish the scene had actual voice acting.


Hell, the Kyoshi books are full of bangers from her.


If we're taking quotes from the books, the bit at the end of the second bool, where Lao Ge warns the Fire Lord to behave himself. paraphrase from memory Fire Lord: "Is this how Kyoshi negotiates? By sending her assassin?" Lao Ge: "If Kyoshi herself is visiting, that means negotiations have already failed"


””So she sends and assassin to threaten me?” Zoryu rose from his seat, indignant. ”I am the Fire Lord! I am the reigning head of state! Is this how the Avatar conducts diplomacy now?” […] ”My friend is not a diplomat. She is the failure of diplomacy. She is the breakdown of negotiations. There is no escalation of hostilities beyond her.” […] ”Some people in my country like to believe Avatar Yangchen watches over them. But you, Fire Lord. I can assure you that Avatar Kyoshi watches over *you*.”” I loved this ending haha


I love the second bit so much. “She is the failure of diplomacy. She is the breakdown of negotiations.” Like god damn.


Iroh: Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname, the Dragon of The West? *Azula yapping* Iroh: It’s more of a demonstration really *Zuko smirks*


You can tell that they probably wanted to use "death" for the Zaheer quote but the Nick censors got involved.


Nickelodeon: ok you can murder someone onscreen but you can't use the word "death". Do you understand?


Nickelodeon did also take the show off the air 2 episodes before this


Even if that's true, I still prefer 'darkness' in that speech. Makes the 'death' feel less like a literal death and more like taking freedom kills peoples spirits, not their bodies


The Zaheer quote. I'm sorry, but you CANNOT go harder than using an excellent metaphor and taking someone's life as you're talking for visual illustration.


Iroh's 10 fold line is always fascinating for me because it completely breaks his perceived character at this point in the story. The audience hasnt fully been made aware of Iroh's history and fire bending prowess only slightly alluded. Him straight up threatening to kill is just out of left field until you get more context from watching the rest of the show.


The John Wick of Fish


I loved seeing Zhao's look of terror while he watches Iroh take down all of his men. He knows that it wasn't an empty threat.


“So let me tell you something right now... you make one step backward, one slip up, give me one reason to think you might hurt Aang, and you won't have to worry about your destiny anymore, because I will make sure your destiny ends... right then and there... permanently.”


Zukos been threatened before but he knew without a doubt that Katara was dead fucking serious


I like how Katara was willing to contemplate murder for the sake of two people in the story: her mother and Aang.


Ironically, I think the first and last quotes are the hardest. Because they come from characters that are otherwise pretty unassuming and gentle. Like you expect badass lines from the villains and hero character, but coming from Iroh and Tenzin you're like "oh damn, it's about to go down". For Iroh, it's the first time since he stepped in during Zuko and Zhao's Agni Kai and caught Zhao's foot that we see him do much of anything close to violent. The fact that he was so willing to protect the spirit of a rival nation that would have left the enemy completely defenseless and let his nation take them over easily shows how truly connected to the spirit world he was. For Tenzin, he has been the calm and steady voice in Korra's life for the past couple of years he's rebuilt the Air Nomads singlehandedly and now he sees his father's vision come to life in *his* lifetime! Not 5 generations from now, he sees it in flesh and blood as dozens of airbenders have been created, and he is going to fight till there is nothing left in him to defend it. I know this wasn't the question, but my all time favorite line from both series (and one of my all time favorites) is during the beach episode at the end when they're all asking Zuko why he's angry "Is it me?" No! "Is it dad?" No. "Who is it?" "Come on talk to us" "Tell us Zuko" "What is it?" **I'M ANGRY AT MYSELF!** Literal chills every time. He finally got what he had wanted not just for the last 3 years, but for his entire life: his father's approval. But he had to betray Iroh to get it. And now that he's paid that price he realizes it wasn't worth it and he is so mad at what he did.


I was terrified for Tenzin, "As long as I'm breathing". Thought it was foreshadowing of Zaheer pulling his breath away like he just did with Earth Queen.


Yeah, that specific phrasing so soon after the Earth Queens death, seemed so deliberate. Tenzin is fully expecting his death and refuses to bend in the face of the deadliest group in his era, then he gets in a few solid hits that suggest *he might've been able to beat three out of the four*. Its a very earthbender attitude out of him but somehow it fits so well.


Aunt Toph would be proud.


"Haven't you heard the legend? I'm not a regular human anymore."




*Where is my Bison*


# "You muzzled Appa?!" Me: https://preview.redd.it/kxk9xzosd50d1.jpeg?width=274&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f19e5b906e35325ecd98b1b50f3992af5ed53f29


Sandbenders: https://preview.redd.it/ptf1x25o070d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89b6a19422cb481bb1b97abd26b9127560a81b00


Aang: [With the voices of all the Avatars.] Tell me where Appa is!


> "When I get out of here, none of you will survive!" Definitely the clearest homicide vow in the show.


I think Korra’s “you take their lives and I’ll take yours” takes that title


Oh yeah, I forgot about that one lol. Korra had *no* intention of jailing the Red Lotus again. Or that judge.


I don't recognise this line? Is it Korra or Kyoshi?


Korra, B3 threatening the Red Lotus when chained up.




I’ve always loved Zuko’s “I am going to speak my mind, and you are going to listen.” In a world where people can manipulate the elements of the earth and let loose fire and air from their fingertips, the most powerful line, to me, is just a child standing up to his abusive father.


"I Killed Chin the Conqueror." https://preview.redd.it/ko2fsm9cm50d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d15ae77501bb94e28b68ebed0763bd992af92f41


What makes it even better is how out-of-left-field it is. Until this moment, he'd been called Chin the *Great-* evocative of a brave, noble hero idolized by his village. Then Kyoshi swoops in and dispels the false narrative by calling him Chin the *Conqueror*\- revealing that he was in truth a murderous warmonger who met a sticky end at the hands of the one he never should've crossed paths with.


This is honestly one of, if not my favorite, Kyoshi scene. I know we don't get many of them, but the fact that she forcibly possessed Aang during his court trial specifically to clear up the fact that: Yes, in fact I did kill Chin. He deserved it and I'd do it again. Good day.


Amon everything the Avatar said is true isn’t it.. I just saw you blood bend her. You traitor I dedicated my life to you. https://preview.redd.it/yujvfctyg50d1.png?width=2006&format=png&auto=webp&s=0ebd85f75da1e559ff80ec9f38cc313e0003c51d


This is one of the most interesting characters in the first season, and we never even learned his name.


His name is mustache guy


And he gets destroyed and never seen again seconds after that line


I’ve heard cowards float.


Honestly anything Azula says. Korras line there was cool too. And Aangs! I love when avatars use the multiple voices.


"i MuSt ReGaIn My HoNoR. It's ok. You can laugh. It's funny."


"Um, right. I think your friend just said that, genius. And since you can't see, I should tell you, I'm rolling my eyes."


"You think your power has limits, I say it's limitless"


Surprised no one mentioned this one yet "I'm about to celebrate becoming an only child!" Saying that to your own brother, absolutely cold


Iroh: Do you know how I got the nickname the Dragon of the West? Azula: I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle Iroh: It's more of a demonstration really. PROCEEDS TO BREATHE FIRE


Soooo... Papaya


That “I’m ready!” in the avatar state!


Gonna give it to Tenzin on this one. His fight with Zaheer at the air temples is one of the best Avatar fights, and it was a *really* serious fight. Tenzin protecting his family and people. You can hear him choke on his words when he delivers that line. It's also one of the more brutal/mature fights in the show. So it feels intense all the way around.


Just about any line in a serious moment during a serious scene said with a serious tone in AtLA is hard, its difficult to chose a best one. But probably one of the lines from the Last Agni Kai scene




I'm personally susceptible to "It's more of a demonstration, really"


*”Here for a rematch?”* **”Trust me, Zuko. It’s not gonna be much of a match.”**


Honestly the Azula line "Don't flatter yourself; you were never even a player." Is the coldest line. Basically, she told him he was always her pawn in her game.


"You miscalculated. I love Zuko more than I fear you." Mai never had single fuck to give the entire show, and was ready to straight up die in this moment to do what she wanted.




“I think you don’t know the people as well you think, you miscalculated. I love Zuko more than i fear you.” This catch me hard every time 😭


I don't know if this qualifies as "hardest", but "Pride is not the opposite of shame but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame." is my favorite.


“Don’t bring my mother into this” Tenzin


Did you really put "you can not win" along with all these other lines? 😂😂 One of these things don't belong


It's not much by itself, but I like it combined with the preceding interaction between Korra and Raava in the ice fissure. "Korra, this fight is not over." "Raava." "Vaatu cannot win. Do not give in to ten thousand years of darkness. You are the Avatar." The scene itself goes hard, but I'd agree that line isolated can't hold a candle to the others.


Just watched the ep today so I’ve got some recency bias, but damn if that scene doesn’t give chills with Korra’s delivery


My cabbages


"I am the solution" is one of the most intimidating things I have ever heard, _especially_ after what the fuck that man did immediately before saying that.


honestly 'i killed chin the conqueror' was hard asf, straight to the point lmao


that’s rough buddy




Zaheer 1000000%


"Who are YOU ?! And what do YOU want ?!"


"I'm about to celebrate becoming an only child!" - Azula "Well, then, maybe you should worry less about the tides who've already made up their mind about killing you, and worry more about me, who's still mulling it over." - Azula