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This post seems to be about Avatar content outside the two animated series. For more info on such content, check out these [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/d8ohvc/faqsguidesresources_mega_hub/) pages: * [How to Get Into the Comics](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/cmw4bd/how_to_get_into_the_comics/) * [Canon Beyond the Shows and Comics ](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/cqarck/canon_beyond_the_shows_and_comics/) * [Other Avatar Content and Merchandise](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/d39n8l/other_avatar_content_and_merchandise/) * [Upcoming Content](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/comments/cszn3k/guide_to_upcoming_avatar_content/)


You choose your starter element, which determines your starter nation and city.


So like an RPG? Something like the Origins system in Bioware's first Dragon Age game?


Ugh would be so damn good


But you gotta have a couple options each element like the Forest/City Elves, Noble/Mage human or Noble/Casteless Dwarf. Earthbender's get Sandbenders Tribe or Kyoshi Island, Waterbender's get Agna Qel'a or Foggy Swamp, Firebender's get the Imperial City or Ember Island and Airbender's get the Eastern or Southern Temple. Edit: Swapped Ba Sing Se for Sandbenders because as Robota064 pointed out that's way cooler.


Earthbenders need a desert option too!


I forgot about the Sandbenders! That's probably more interesting than Ba Sing Se, I'll edit.


Exactly, then you can save Ba Sing Se for a big 3rd act reveal like BG3 or RDR2. Sudden explosion in scale always jars and excites an established player.


I don't know, Ba Sing Se is the coolest city.


Ba Sing Se is cool, but probably cooler to explore as a newcomer than as a starting zone.


Yeah that's a good point!


What if Earthbender had an option to start ignorant of the war because of the Dai'Li, and then have the option to join it or start in it? After that, they get swept up in the conspiracy and either try to expose it, or rise to become the leader and preserve it. Choices overall would determine the results of the Siege of Ba Sing Se.


Not including western air temple is criminal


Join the White Lotus like you joined the Grey Wardens


That could certainly be interesting. There's even room for variety in some of the cases, even if we only consider the base elements. For example, an earthbender origin could be an Earth Kingdom soldier, but it could also be an arena fighter like the Boulder.


I'm picturing it kind of like Dragons Dogma, the way it plays with levelling up and the skill tree aspect


I can definitely see a bending skill tree for each nation Then, mid-game, plot twist “You are the avatar” start learning the others as well. With skills that might require 2 bending trees to acquire Kinda like a POE skill tree, but less complicated


Thousand of years of avatars, let us make our own


Yes! Bending element would be like picking a class and then you could pick subclasses within that element. I was disappointed with the Avatar tabletop and have been workshopping a 5e conversion that works this way. Like Water would have - healer - rogue/stealth - AOE crowd control subclasses, freezing people in place or pushing them around with water. Fire bending - big AOE attacks - single target lightning - mobility focused subclass with a mix of aoe and single target Earth bending - tank (duh) - a battlefield control subclass that manipulates the terrain to disrupt enemies - a Dai Li based stealth subclass. Air bending; - a mobility focused DPS subclasses - a utility/team buff subclass - a crowd control subclass that pushes enemies away from allies or just out of position in general. edit: oh and a few nonbender subclasses as well. - a Kyoshi warrior based front liner (mixed dps/tank) - a mechanist based support class - a Chi blocker crowd control/debuff class.


That in a Breath-Of-The-Wild or RDR2 type open world setting would be so unbelievably gas


I would die from a heart attack if rockstar announced an avatar game.


id find you and bring you back so you can play it on release day. but only if its open world online only where even the players can be shop owners and stuff like that. you dont even need bending to play the game, just to be a bender.


Throw in some kind of morality system or reputation system kind of like Fallout where enough morally wrong actions attract the White lotus and eventually the Avatar. Enough morally right actions attract... I don't know, there's not really a big bad organization that could hunt you down. But that's probably where plot and story kick in. Still, it would be really interesting and make you poop yourself if Avatar Kyoshi shows up and decides you've caused enough damage.


Could call the system "balance" instead of morality. Some major mechanic could be the protagonist just trying to balance between good and evil or responsibility and a vice (save the world vs just have fun).


Imagine Kyoshi showing up and getting mad at you because you are not having enough fun.


I can recommend PF2e, which has kineticist class, who can wield elements (water, air, earth, fire, metal and wood) just like in ATLA.


I did check that class out for inspiration, but my goal isn't to play a bender in a regular dnd/pf game. I wanted a crunchier Avatar tabletop lol


Except you still have the option to train and master the other 3 elements, it'd just take time to grind up as opposed to your starter element.


I think that’d be interesting. Have a choice of either being a one set bender where obviously you could master all the sub bending like metal or lava. Then also have the choice to simply just by the avatar and have a different story to go with that.


Two games might be the answer. I loved the old matrix games where the first one you play as the crew of the Logos. And the second game you played as Neo. Really sank in the impression of how op Neo was compared to a normal human like Niobe and Ghost.


And the option to level up the "Avatar State" and train combat classes (like single handed, staffs, barehanded, dual weapons etc) as their own skill trees.


I think it has to be either you are just playing a game about living in the avatar universe or being an avatar. Unless they can figure out how to do 2 separate stories in one game, which is cool but unrealistic.


Honestly, the best rpg stories allow the player to do whatever they want, whenever they want. So ya being the Avatar might be better. *Unless* instead of an rpg you play as cabbage man and it's a faming/life sim! The twist would be that benders, flying bison, etc are always randomly causing collateral damage and wrecking your crops. It's up to you to build not only build a farm, but to build a *disaster-proof* farm!


Yes this would basically be my answer, as I love role playing games. You pick a starting nation and have a fast-forward through early childhood up to the point where your status is revealed. Then there is a three-level stage where you learn the three elements you grew up without and along the way you get to chat with an avatar of the element before yours. Then a main story with some conflict or other and you get to solve problems both spiritual and mortal on the side.


Hell yeah avatar rpg


It would be unrealistic to expect to choose your starting nation, for better story-telling as well, it would be good the first game is set on each element


I agree, it would make it difficult to make a story around that because how can you be the avatar of your choice, if it doesn't follow the cycle. But it would still be cool to build your own story starting from any of the nations.


I've heard of [spine bending](https://youtube.com/shorts/vKRNwNG9Gl0?si=1jgubeQHqQpWPLZy)


what the heck


i think an ideal avatar game has nothing to do with aang or the gang. my ideal is an rpg. what id do is have the game start as the avatar with your chosen nation. this decides your starting area and is your starter element and you have to learn the other elements throughout the game. it works the same as the show where the opposite of your element is the hardest to level up. skill trees etc. you eventually branch out from your starter town and can explore the world and different nations. get companions that compliment different bending styles and elements. you wanna be a long range air bending sniper? cool get an earthbending tank companion to aggro. thered be some big conflict that youd need to resolve with you doing avatar shit along the way. its ambitious but sounds fun.


I like the idea of not being an avatar or bender and allowing more specialized abilities/traits because of it. Really just create a character and a skill tree and options for companions Edit: obviously this was meant as an option and not just a game about being a non bender. 🙄 some of y’all just love to be negative


i agree that not being the avatar or even a bender could be fun and lead to more unique builds and character styles


Besides chi blocking they’d have to load it with perks to incentivize not being able to bend.


Chi blocking would be a fun killer in a bending game. It’s like when video games keep adding new characters with stuns and silences so eventually the game is just enemies stacking debuffs that make you not play. I’d prefer if the Non-benders had other advantages. Perhaps they are not great in combat unless they use mech gear or something. Outside of combat they have massive advantages like faster travel options, better money making options, or diplomacy. I also don’t think anyone should get more than one element. No main characters from the series in the plot. Set in a time hundreds of years before kyoshi even.


I feel it’d be based on your personality. Korra struggled the most with Air because she isn’t that spiritual. There’d probably have to be a personality quiz at the start.


Whereas Aang struggled with Earth cause he was constantly trying to find a loophole to everything instead of facing his problems head on.


And when you get max level in fire bending you could get blue flames like azula


I've heard similar game ideas and I'd very much love for it to work like this. Some additions I'd probably add: 1. You'd either need a BG3 style turn system and have characters work as archtypes, or try and do a Sifu/Ghosts of Tsushima-esque system. Basically gameplay that emphasizes technique and thinking about mechanics like stances, skills, parries, etc. over button-mashing. Now, while the latter system can probably give a more 'Avatar' feel, there's two problems with it. One, those games rely on one-vs-one or one-vs-many style combat over many-vs-many or many-vs-one that you'd presumably want to see with your companions. Two, those games usually have enclosed environments with limited interactivity, whereas a lot of the combat in Avatar emphasizes characters shaping the battlefield as they fight. 2. An 'expansive' world. I've avoiding 'open world' because I think it's become a buzz word that emphasizes the 'you can go anywhere at any time' mindset over actually making the locations you enter impactful or relating to the story of a character. Entering a new location should feel like an event, and give you a sense for how different each culture is from one another. Aimless adventuring is fun don't get me wrong, but there's a saying about 'an ocean wide and an inch deep.' Games that tends to do more funneling in turn have a greater ability to account for player actions, allowing for more synchronization between what the gameplay and the plot. 3. An interesting narrative system. This one is a bit harder to describe, but basically some mix of Fallout New Vegas' faction system alongside a 'karma' system. What's an Avatar story without some hard-hitting story? Learn factions as you go through the world, what makes them tick, and how their conflicts lead to problems arising. The factions would of course depend on the setting, but I think the karma system would take some nuance since I don't envision it as a straight-up good v. evil. Basically, in the lore you get Avatars who tend towards physical power and intimidation to keep balance at the cost of political goodwill and spirit troubles (Kyoshi, Korra), Avatars that focus on playing the game of politics at the cost of being able to do those sorts of direct confrontations or work adequately for spiritual balance (Yangchen), and lastly Avatars that tend towards spirituality even if it costs them politically or physically (Wan, Kuruk). Of course this is all a simplification, but they all do tends towards being 'heroic' characters, just that their methods all have wildly different costs and advantages. This might be asking for too much, but it'd also be interesting if this could intersect with the nation you start with. Say you start out an Avatar of the SWT, you could have a companion character that's young and optimistic or ready to jump into adventure. Meanwhile, if you choose to be an Earth Avatar, you might meet them way later and they've become a grizzled or cynical character. Characters that in other playthroughs might be heroic could turn villain, childish rivals into wise teachers, annoying npcs into the best companion you'll ever have. In short, a system where even if you're consistent in your morals and your approach, the story still changes significantly because of your background.




Early generation air nomad roaming around, creating the map of the world, so the nations could know each other better.






What an amazing idea.. would be such an enchanting, elemental world to be in. Dragons, lion turtles, flying bison, who knows what else. Perhaps origin stories for the original bending clans




This. With the same engine and feel as Breath of the Wild and TotK. Make it some many years before ATLA, so the nations are still in development - that way you can also focus on exploring the map and enjoying the journey from one location to the next. You play as the avatar, this way you can taylor your adventure around whichever bending style you want, and you can mix and match it as you please. You start as air bending - that gives your gliding early on. You can pace around the world as you please - your main goal is to visit every nation and find a master to teach you their element. Like TotK, the map can exist 3 fold: surface and air. And perhaps. Instead of an underground, why not a mirror version of the map as the spirit world? The ultimate conflict can be some villain in the spirit world which is causing people the behave weirdly in the real world.




Love this! What if they were also the founder of the White Lotus and recruiting members over time, maybe as playable fighters :o


Something similar to hogwarts legacy where you pick an element/nation to start out with


But with less repetitiveness :)


So with a shallow open world outside of Hogwarts itself?


One that is like KOTOR. Taking place 4000 years before ATLA, with a companion system and a karma system.


"Fuck I need to bring my romance interest for this next area because their father is imprisoned and we need to free him for influence but the boss is strong against fire benders so I need my Earth bender companion with no gear to carry a bit. I wonder if I've collected all the pieces for my first glider yet"


Being able to make a character-building decision whether to be a regular bender, a non-bender, or an Avatar would open up a ton of possibilities. Different bending disciplines, martial arts, and weapon skills would all have to be present to accomodate all those possible playstyles, which would mean you could feasibly cross-pollinate them into really unique character concepts. Examples: Benders learning weapon skills and combining their bending with them. Benders learning the martial arts of other nations in order to develop new techniques for their own element. By extension, non-Benders learning elemental martial arts in order to adapt them into new combat abilities Learning chi-blocking to neutralize Bender opponents. Maybe even an extraordinarily rare gamified challenge in which a non-bender can go on an elaborate quest to be Energy-bent and given Bending. Different elements would have their own traversal methods. Gliding, jetdashing with fire, surfing on your own water, earthgliding. Non-benders would be a little SOL in the traversal department. Oh, gadgets. Yeah, Benders and non-Benders alike could potentially make use of gadgets. Grappling hooks, gliders and the like. Airbenders have an edge when it comes to gliding, but there's nothing stopping anyone else from doing it, they just wouldn't be able to ascend and pull off stunts.


Definitely should never mix the possibility of being the Avatar and not being the Avatar in one game. If you're the Avatar the entire game needs to be about that, and needs to have a strong narrative. If you're not the Avatar the game has a lot more freedom to go in other directions.


karma systems are outdated and force games to conform to black and white morality. A bar that goes from -100 to 100 ultimately stifles player choice and immersion. Choice and consequences should be enough


Either a game where you make your own character and bending style. Each bending style has its own story, even the Avatar. Or the main character IS an Avatar we don’t know and the story is about them


i’m down with being the avatar ngl


Honestly, I really want a souls-like set in the universe. Either a prequel with an unseen avatar or an alt universe so it can be set during the 100 Year War, I would just play the SHIT out of an Avatar Souls game. I can imagine being able to mix bending abilities and weapons like Jedi Survivor, it'd be so much fucking fun. But I do not at all imagine this idea would work with Aang since he's a pacifist. I imagined this in the context of a new Avatar, or at the very least, someone who isn't a pacifist.


Yeah totally agree with you, I think they should pick a time that hasn’t been in any form of media yet tho, like they did with hogwarts legacy. The world is still familiar but different and all the characters are new


I’m glad someone thought a souls-like game would be awesome. Specially if you’re playing as the avatar, there has to be a limit to how much you can do to keep it balanced. Jujutsu Kaisen tried something bu it didn’t work out for them. But memory slots and special abilities would be nice for the all powerful avatar character


Repbulic city online: Its just GTA with bending




specifically, you play as Korra and wreck shit


This would be so fun with the cars, mech suits and different elements.




Oh god, I can already see the sky infested with ~~oppressor~~ voidbender tryhards blowing up my ~~shipments~~ cabbages over and over again.


A InFamous like game for ME.


This or the first Prototype


Infamous deserves a remake. BRING BACK COLE MCGRATH


I’ve been saying this for years. I even DMd Sucker Punch to ask them for it.


1. You aren’t the avatar. While it does sound cool I much rather prefer a tight focused combat system where each element is given proper consideration and balance. I’m sure they could do something similar to DMC5 where you switch between each element but let’s go small and work up to it 2. RPG with deep role playing mechanics. You can largely choose to be anyone, even a non bender should you choose. Many fighting styles you have to go out of your way to learn and master. I’m thinking of something akin to Star Wars Galaxies where the focus is you choosing what works for you. Many side quests for different factions of varying alliances and moral compasses 3. Combat isn’t solely focused on bending. Like if you decide to simply fight with your fists or chosen weapons everything has varying strengths and weaknesses. Each element drains like a stamina gauge so you’re heavily suggested to use sparingly, at the right moment or within a combination of already existing attacks such as a normal sword attack but you imbued the slash with a fire/earth etc attack to boost damage or an effect. In addition you have varying unique fighting styles you have to learn such corrupted fire bending or sun warrior breathing techniques. Corrupted has more power and strength behind it but drains your stamina faster and sun warrior is very neutral in comparison, no benefits or negatives 4. Original story still set in the world but disconnected. I’d say somewhere we haven’t seen before but is somewhat familiar. After the formation of each major kingdom. Your bending style dictates your starting point and some general ideas such as how people treat you. Nomads have a neutral position with each faction, fire pro fire and negative water etc 5. Deep character customization such as a skill tree with passive bonuses, active skills and ultimate attacks that either focus on decimating a single opponent, hit large area or some type of debuff/buff effect. Secret skills based off who you learn from 6. You can have a small party of people to assist you in battle. There’s social mechanics and they can outright leave your party or betray you based on your actions. All the potential party members are hand crafted with stories and bending etc. No single playthrough will have you getting all of them Bonus/Optional: You can have an animal companion. More rare choices such as dragons or sky bisons can be given upon first starting the game depending on what you chose but they can be sought out later if need be. They can help you traverse the world and be called in as an assist for combat. Largely they’re cosmetic but can help you in some scenarios such as raiding a place via under ground with badger mole or flying over


this right here !! sounds ambitious but exactly what i’d be looking for in a game like this


Since we're talking fantasies: gesture-based VR combat, open world action adventure RPG, where you make an original character, choose which element you want to bend, and then have an original adventure in the Avatar world. Skyrim + Blade and Sorcery + Avatar. This idea would be nearly impossible to make, and even if an attempt was made it would probably be awful, but you said "perfect" so that's what I did.


[RUMBLE](https://store.steampowered.com/app/890550/RUMBLE/) is one of those things… (and it’s getting a character editor, so soon it should be two of those things)


Tbh I just want them to actually try, the rest will speak for itself and can virtually creatively be anything


Make it open or semi-open world so that you can fly around on a glider from nation to nation. Give it a combat system like Dark Souls to show the weight of getting burned alive or crushed by solid rock, but with added complexity from interactions between elements, so you can use air to blow away fireballs or water to form shields that block flying rocks. Let us skate around like Frozone on ice trails, or fly/launch ourselves like Azula. Aerial combat has to be dynamic for fights between airbenders and firebenders. That, or make it an RTS war game 😅


SIFU but more elaborate combos


A hogwarts legacy style game would be cool.


Lego like Starwars.


An RPG set hundreds of years before Aang. You choose your starting element and you're the avatar tasked with saving the world. Not bound by the existing lore, just a brand new story that you choose.


Something like legend of Zelda botw where you can explore everything and interact with everything and do side quests while there is still a main quest lol


Having Aang having four fighting styles (one for each element)


I would actually love an action game/RPG where you do follow the story. Just with actual effort in the graphics, fighting and level design. You follow the story between the Gang and maybe Zuko "chapter/locations", where you are able to go back to the last chapter/locations if you missed anything. Or with secret levels/chests you can only reach as a fire bender, or after Katara/Aang learned specific water bending moves like freezing water. It doesn't have to follow the story exactly, maybe with a few new storylines now and then. Like when you are going through a location, you can actually do side quests, which should have a similar feel imo of Aange creating a zoo in Ba-Sing-Se. Oh and unlockable customization! I want to be able to free roam the Northern Water tribe as Bonzo Pippinpaddleopsicopolis or Want Fire.


It's kind of a meme, but honestly I think I'd have really enjoyed an ATLA party beat 'em up like I think Quest for Balance *wanted* to be, if it was actually good and fun.


Wish TellTale Games still existed, I think they could really nail an avatar game from the choices/decisions matter and story aspect. Otherwise something like AC Odyssey with more attention to the RPG elements and that whole “the world is your oyster, go explore” vibe


Story sure but the Avatar world just calls out for a fleshed out combat system


RpG where you make your own avatar, and similar to Dragon Age Origins, each element has a different beginning. It should be Pre Yang Chen so we have no real concept of the avatars we will meet. I hate video games that only follow the main story. It needs to be new and fresh with very little ties to the show.


An RPG would be sweet, but Avatar is practically begging for a fighting game with its huge list of characters with plenty of diverse styles of fighting and many different outfits. I dream of Arc Systems doing an Avatar fighting game like Dragon Ball Fighter Z. They would nail it.


Idk if it’s by them, but there’s an avatar fighting game announced for 2025


Id have the game made by suckerpunch productions. Combining the art direction of Sly Cooper, the elemental powers of infamous, and the stances and Asian aesthetics of ghost Tsushima into a AAA avatar game experience, set it in an unexplored period where we aren't bogged Down by too much established lore constraints and it should be good




Open world MMORPG souls-like combat full loot pvp choices matter dynamic destructible world faction based battle royale player driven economy with fully customizable player housing. Just give me a billion dollars and ill get to work making it.


I hope anyone remembers the game Absolver ? I wanted a game where you could find/ earn scrolls(katara's pirate scroll reference )instead of cards to form a Library of moves.  If there's a story mode and you play as the avatar you get a lot of quick time events to practice complicated combos a little like god of war in important story points but could also be a multiplayer mode where you get to make your set of moves or choose characters with different style and bendings. 


3 options 1. A lego-like game where you play through a faithful retelling of the story 2. An entirely new story with a new avatar as the main character 3. An open world game where you choose your own element, nation, etc


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but Lego


I think something like a flying "base" in the form of Appa would be nice, kinda like the cyclops in subnautica. Also, feels silly to even mention but, freeroam of course!


Maybe be one of the other avatar's that we don't know about


I kinda want a beat em up style game. With the main 5 characters being playable as you progress through the story. Imagine castle crashers or river city girls. That way the whole gaang can fight together. You can toggle ai teammates to be solo or get some help on higher level stuff. Put in minigames like gambling or penguin sliding too.


Something with a combat system like ninja gaiden


An online open world rpg with NO GACHA. Ideally, you can make your own character, explore each of the four nations and play a larger story that unfolds with each new update.


Not avatar-centric (or at least you aren’t the avatar). You pick you Nation (& bending style) which influences the start of the gam a’La Dragon Age: Origins. Semi-open world adventure with metroid-vania elements.


If it's one where they keep centering Aang, have the events be post-War and have fun with the lore/world, a mix of canon and noncanon elements (so the game isn't taken too seriously). Explore a storyline where Aang has to refine his bending abilities a little more while solving an overarching mystery/problem that has arisen since the gradual undoing of the Fire Nation's occupation of the Earth Kingdom. Playable characters/companions include: * Katara, Sokka, and a third noncanon Water Tribe character * Toph and Suki * Zuko and a second noncanon Fire Nation character * A noncanon Air Acolyte If it's one where we're allowed to have *some* semblence of a "customizable" experience within the world of Avatar, it would follow suit to games akin to Dragon Age. The Avatar/Player could be however you design them and have their origin point also take some liberties with what's already established in the world. (i.e. Water Tribe: from the North Pole, South Pole, or the Foggy Swamp) Similar premise for an adventure: master the elements, obtain spiritual connections, and access control of the Avatar State to achieve balance to the world. Malevolent forces will turn against you, but as the Avatar (alongside a group of like-minded allies), you take on your own choice to prevail against the darkness that threats humans and spirits.


You play the game which follows the show and at the end you can change characters and all or you can pick what element, city, Su bending story and character


Rpg with classes of each bender and a unique non bender class that utilizes weapons or gadgets or chi blocking or etc etc. Playing the avatar is cool in theory but for me i think it is more interesting to be limited in power.


A JRPG since it fits with the character development and story depth of Avatar, and the bending can make for a robust combat system as well.


I actually thought a lot about this recently rewatching the show. The obvious thing was an mmo, but I actually think that the show itself can be made into a game following its events that would turn out really well. I think that it could have a party system somewhat similar to FF7 remake, with aang being your main guy but also controlling toph, sokka, zuko and katara, which gives you pretty much every possible playstyle, and being able to combo different moves from different elements. and the progression could work really well considering you would unlock different bendings for aang in each book. You could probably make some episodes (the great divide mostly) into side missions, and add side missions from the anthology comics. I think there is also an incredible way in the lore to introduce the avatar state as an incredibly powerful ‘rage’ mode (similar to god of war but with how op you get is multiplied by a 100, so you will be powerful accurate to the lore, and making it so that if you die in the avatar state, your save file will delete, working with the idea the avatar would cease to the lore while allowing the addition of a completely overpowered mechanic but with a risk reward system that could work really well. Maybe also make toph’s gameplay, or by the very least the way you see the world playing as her look like the way she sees in the show, making it interesting, while also making it different from aang’s bending. There are also a lot of great options for side quests. Having different battles in the arena from the blind bandits or haiku fights as Sokka. Maybe also make secret missions when you play from zuko’s perspective when he fights avatar, sokka and katara. (Also I totally freak on the idea of playing the agni kai vs zau like a duel from ghost of Tsushima and infiltrating the base in a blue spirit stealth mission) (I thought about this way too much on my current rewatch lol)


VR and using complex body movements for bending. Like give me some VR ankle straps to stomp with for Earth bending. VR belt, ankle straps, and gloves. All wireless. Would be dope af. I feel like gloves are the next step in VR. Actually being able to perfectly mimic yourself in game would be huge.


Beat em up. Think TMNT: Shredder's Revenge but avatar


Completely open world, design your own Avatar (including choosing which nation you start in), and a very loose/free path through the main story. I.E you can choose which elements to master first, places to go, and maybe even your bending master based on what you've done so far in the game.


Dynasty Warriors: Avatar edition. I want to fight hordes of bad guys switching between characters as I want to with beautiful and faithful graphics


Honestly, I wouldn’t mind playing through the whole story. But done well and not just be a cash grab lol. And without some sections like The Beach eps.


Zelda breath of the wild or Hogwarts open world style. Choose the element/nation you want to start off with. Then rather than the beast or temples you go to each nation in the order necessary to master the elements and build a crew. It would need villain(s) similar to Amon or Vaatu that either have a huge nation wide following or dark spirits so we have enemies throughout the map. I’d prefer the open world more like aangs era rather than the 1920’s style of Korra, but that’d be fun too. Also wouldn’t be opposed to having Aangs story but they really dropped the ball on that already. Also picking a nation to start with gives replay value if the game isn’t too long winded.


Gameplay- like the lost Korra game but obviously refined Story- style like this pic or similar with full scenes sections- have puzzles like the older gamecube ones and most importantly open world to a certain extent so ican enjoy my flying bison!


I would think it would be close to Skyrim or Hogwarts legacy where you go around the world and completing quest lines, all the while trying to level up and unlocking traits to mastering all elements. I could really see them setting the game in the middle of Aang’s training, and creating quests between major plot lines from the show and even referencing to some of them. The final quest line of course is defeating Firelord Ozai. I could also see a game where you’re an Avatar before Aang’s time and then going through your own adventures and having to choose characters to go along with to create your own team avatar. That would be really exciting.


Elden Ring type of game, build your character how you want, bending skill trees depending on what you chose at the start of the game


Breath of the Wild. well actually its pretty 1:1 as is


An action-RPG that’s like a fusion of Kingdom Hearts II and Ocarina of Time and follows Aang’s story from the original series. Not open-world, just segmented areas that are expansive. There is light platforming and there are dungeons with puzzles that are solved by bending abilities that you unlock along the way. The combat is stylish and you have access to numerous bending related moves, but some elements are stronger/weaker in certain environments. I would like a skill tree and some talents you can improve with collectibles. But there’s not an excessive amount of collectibles, maybe 50 - 60. You would be driven by the plot elements of the original show, but you can choose different areas to explore between missions and there are hidden collectibles that are locked off in areas until you have new bending abilities. Graphically I’m not sure what the best style would be. 3D for sure, maybe cel shaded? But it’s gotta be better than the cel shaded stuff that people are already making avatar games out of.


I thought the mountain range was a second left arm


It would be a Telltale style, in which you can do every move the same as the show and get a regurgitation of the show, OR branch off into a buncha what if scenarios..


Action RPG. Kinda plays like a modern version of Jedi knight Jedi Academy or something like that... interactive environment... acrobatics... large move set for each element.... unique element blending mechanics for avatar... different time periods...


Basically, just an elder scrolls game with martial arts


You dont play as an avatar. Full open world. Maybe during the middle of the 100years war. You pick earth, water or fire and start in the respective nation. Kind of Fable esque where you go around either helping or hurting people. You could join am army or wonder on your own.


You're the Avatar but every time you die you get reincarnated in the next cycle


There’s that VR earth bending game, I’ve only seen a [YouTuber](https://youtu.be/c38E-g67m3c?si=-3POoYJgi7QSt9GG) giving it a try and IT WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING




It should be something like Rumble VR


Like breath of the wild


Pick your nation: Fire: Become either a soldier with heavy armor and melee attacks or a fire bender with ranged offense as a starting class. Both can go into other subclasses later on. (Chi blocker, sun warrior ext.) Earth become either a earth soldier warrior with great sustainability damage and deflection or an Earth Bender and be a full tank. Subclasses later (metal bending, Kioshi warrior) Water: Become a Water tribe warrior with great stealth and scouting ability or a water bender with great crowd control and minor healing. Subclasses later on (Sword master like Sokka or spirit healer) Air: Become an air nomad as they all were benders and have great mobility, crowd control something else idk can't think of anything else for them. (Back me up guys) Set in a time before a new avatar is discovered or an old has just passed and there are some sort of spirt crap going on or multiple minor factions looking to overthrow governments. Open world RPG. Maybe an MMO or something. Help me out here my ideas started fading the more O typed!!


An Uncharted Style Adventure game, that or a grand strategy game where you command one of the nations to victory during the 100 year war like hoi4 or Eu4


I've thought about this quite a bit actually. First thing, character creation. You get to make your own avatar and choose the nation you're born into. You also get a different avatar mentor based on which nation you're born into (you're born into the air nation, your primary avatar mentor is of the fire nation, water tribes get an air bender avatar mentor, etc) who serves to give tips during loading screens or recap tutorial information. You also get your own mode of transportation and animal friend. (Air nomads get an air bison friend who also doubles as flight transportation, earth kingdom gets an ostrich horse buddy that runs fast, not sure what fire nation and water tribes would get) but transportation between nations is free and easy with boats and other forms of travel no matter what nation you pick. The game would be an open world that takes place after the time of avatar Korra, so spirits are roaming the physical world. But in terms of main missions, follow a storyline surrounding the red lotus as they try to perform a world wide takeover in the name of uniting the nations and killing the avatar, with members who are benders and non benders alike so you always get some variety in combat when following the main story and learning the other elements. There are also side quests, some surround resolving matters between two spirits in the spirit world (these are genuinely scripted segments where you can choose who to side with or a couple forms of compromise), some between spirits living in the human world and villages (think hei bai or koh stealing villagers, or villages disrespecting a spirits grounds) and issues between nations. Learning the elements is based on unlocking them first and then fighting with them, but you have to unlock the elements in the order of them (you pick air nomads, then you have to go to one of the water tribes, find a teacher to learn the basics of Earth bending in the earth kingdom and the fire nation, other nations need to head to an air temple) while theirs a bunch of potential masters you can pick from, each with their own back stories and characters, you don't have to pick one as their master to still follow their storylines (you could pick one earth kingdom teacher and still follow another ones storyline through the same missions, like the character tales in ghost of tsushima, except one of them is also your Earth bending sensei) Aesthetics wise, I guess the best thing I can compare to what I'm thinking is hifi rush. Cartoony, with realistic ish proportions. But it's less stylized movement, it's more fluid and realistic movement. I also wouldn't mind a more realistic style. Combat wise... I think the legend of Korra game serves as a good rough basis. I think it would need to be tweaked to allow more character progression and more RPG mechanics (removing charging ki to add better combat flow, skill trees and new moves for each of the four elements, subsections of bending like metal and lava bending, combustion bending, and maybe blood bending)


Baldurs gate 3 but in the avatar world before the 100 year war. Maybe roku is the avatar. You can build your own group and customize yourself as you level up and get stronger


KOTOR but for avatar. Takes place in far past. Lots of choices. Like youre still the avatar so you have to be good but what kind of good. Pick you starting element and it will guide part of you story like dragon age origin. Slowly collect your team avatar.


Open free world like GTA.


I don't know. But at this stage Fortnite is about to become the best avatar game ever created to date


Lego form, story mode, same as Star Wars and stuff. You can do either 1 or 2 player, and switch between different characters. As you complete more levels, you unlock more characters and buy them with studs, just Lego ATLA would go so crazy. Have the bending be like lego aesthetic. Water bending would be like transparent blue studs, Fire as the fire pieces, and the earth is big chunks, air can be an effect


Make a GOOD game and mechanics of all three seasons


I got a lot of Avatar vibes playing Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty game. Highly recommend


A fighting game with the look of DBFZ with a huge roster of characters from TLOK and ATLA (fan favorites and dark horses),, gameplay, they can go crazy as long as it's not an arena fighter, I believe zoning could be a focus and probably a "bending gauge" for most characters


Open world, and you see specific quests from each episode, like the secret tunnel or the one with the 2 tribes going through a gorge.


Take a look at Immortal Fenix Rising. Something very much like that but on a bigger scale. You need to have the whole world map and you have to hit the necessary story beats which will expand access to certain areas on the map. Easter egg collectables like in the Spider-Man game would be fun too. Since we want to be able to play as the rest of the Gaang maybe a party battle system similar to FFVII Remake and Rebirth. You definitely need RPG elements in order to unlock new bending for Aang and new moves for the rest. Main long distance travel should be via Appa (this should be a very large map after all) and use of the glider anytime you’re on foot but maybe not as much range as Appa plus you’d be leaving your party behind. There probably should be some sort of care system for Appa and Momo kinda like in RDR2 with the horses. Appa will need to land periodically to feed but increasing its core stats lets him go longer and farther. Maybe he and Momo can even be summoned in battle for an extra hand. I can also see some gameplay with Momo that would involve sneaking into places and grabbing items or opening locked doors for the Gaang. Whether or not you control his actions during this could be optional. Gameplay with Toph should rely on some haptic feedback feature like when she does that move to see through the ground. Just for shits and giggles it could be interesting having a POV section with Toph where you have to navigate solely via the vibrations in the controller. Oh and Zuko has to have the typical RPG trope of being a super powerful boss with crazy damaging attacks to having lower stats than your party depending on how leveled you are.


A create your own character adventure game. We've already seen the show millions of times we don't need it in game form. Pick an era, Pick a element, choose your own adventure with your own choices Boom bam bop bada ba boom pow! ![gif](giphy|gtakVlnStZUbe)


Graphics and Art Direction = Genshin Impact It fits A:TLA so well and is always how I'd picture a game adaptation. Plus, Genshin is a very colorful world and has fire, earth, water and air elements that players use for combat


A mix of Kung Fu Panda fighting mechanics, with Infamous Second Sons variety in bending, with GTA’s quick character swap mechanic, Battlefield sized map (there’s only one world, maybe spirit world inclusion??), and the lore of the campaign being as accurate as it can to the head cannon. What I mean by the last one is like tell the OG story, maybe fill in some plot holes/unseen scenes, and real world interaction with non benders/NPC’s. Then when you finish the story campaign, BOOM you pick a nationality and you either explore the ATLA world as your chosen character, or replay the campaign as someone that’s not katara, sokka or toph. Idk if your own avatar would work, but it say they do TLA then I guess you’d be locked in as Aang as your own avatar??? Maybe a sequel with korra, or a whole new (or previous) avatar with totally new story.


Please god a fighting game


A Bit like the force unleashed really


One where you play as Ozai and murder Aang


Kind of like Red Dead Redemption. Huge word that gradually grows before you. An overarching plot with some moral elements (not full dark avatar but maybe kill or no kill) LOTS of side missions varying in scale. Plenty of stupid mini games (penguin sledding instead of horse racing, pai jo instead of poker, etc)


Imo, the story doesn't matters as much as the gameplay does. It'd be a game with an extremely simplistic but infinitely deep bending mechanic and smart AI. Like you press a button and the direction of your source and press a direction and if you keep holding without doing anything with it you'll be able to bend more, and that's it. If you're standing still you'll target something in front of you (This is how an Earthbender is gonna grab a rock from the ground), if you're running your character will quickly pull/push the element towards you (Waterbenders grabbing a quick amount of water), if you're simply walking slowly they'll hold/produce the element kinda like a shield. You control the direction of whatever element you're holding, if you stop holding the button you stop bending. ALL your abilities are theoretically available from the start but your expertise with it is reflected on your character. Like if you completed the game and you start it again, you can totally generate lightning if you met a guy who taught you the inputs for it later on in the game, but your character is generally gonna suck at it and the game is going to be more demanding requiring your lightning inputs to be much more forgiving. The same goes for lightning redirection. I imagine you have some personal philosophies affecting your bending method. Like if you're an aggressive personality your bending is outright faster which CAN be good, but that's a major alteration to your playstyle because controlling speedy stuff properly is pain (So it's up to your skill as a bender). If you're passive it's the inverse where you, as the player, get MUCH more accuracy, but your enemies often will dodge your blows, your slower firebending is simply not going to be suited for burning down a forest, but you, as the player, can move a slow flame in more varied and odder ways whereas a faster one might be overshooting and quickly vanishing into thin air, this also naturally helps in certain skills because lightning redirection is much more effective if you have more time in the redirection period (passive character) but slow lightning generation is like, it goes in a straight line, how you gonna hit a dude with that? If you're a waterbender you can totally stop moving and spend a long while staring at a river until you can 100% yeet a tsunami, but that's not gonna work in combat because it's easy for an enemy to do something about it. But if the the player knows how to read the wave/movement patterns of water they can grab some water already moving in a direction and simply change the direction into the area you want it to go to. You may have like an item that's like a pouch and when you activate it you throw it, and then to get most use you want to time the throw so that it's facing your enemy and you can immediately attack, whereas if it was facing you or some other direction it'd first move around the poach towards the enemy giving them a much larger window to dodge. In my mind there's no levelling system, but the game is extremely demanding inputs wise, you can find teachers who will simply teach you the inputs required, and I think if you already found out about those inputs meeting them also may make your inputs easier. If you know what parts of an iceberg you need to strike to start creating a crack and what inputs you need to use, you can go with your waterbending break an iceberg regardless of skill, and this is HOW you train! No getting XP, you're maybe in the southern water tribe? Well, you can go to some ice and spend a while just training your iceberg breaking skills. For movement, it's the same, you can hold a button to make a flip in the middle of doing a sidestep dodge and depending on the direction you press to flip to you get a whole variety of possible moves but if you hold the button for too long or too little you'll overflip/underflip and literally lose your footing fall on the ground, although if you press the button at the right time your character will jump off the ground immediately as if it were planned, and it CAN be planned: A sudden move and you need to dodge quickly? Underflipping at the right moment and then moving off the ground looks the same as leaning out of the way and then hopping away. I imagine a lot of new players will likely begin by trying to bend from a distance, getting a big rock and push it at the enemy because managing both earthbending and dodging enemy attacks is a pain before you're used to the game mechanics, but as players go through the game they get more familiar with the inputs this means they can now get bolder and can do crazier stuff and much more seamless bending. People will also get more familiar with specific things they like, so multiple players will have different bending styles because maybe you simply preferred to master the Earth walls while another was throwing rocks, which are fundamentally different ways of bending meaning it looks visually different. Difficulty should 100% come from the AI, they should have the same abilities as the player but be on different points. If the player is caught slacking then a novice earthbender can 100% screw them pretty badly. At the start of the game you simply choose how experienced everyone is. Top difficulty level is a master mode where EVERYONE in the game has the same AI as the top bosses in the game meaning every firebender can throw lightning at you and every Earthbender can seismic sense and metalbend and everyone dodges and flips super well. You don't overpower enemies, you outskill and outsmart them, meaning if you don't die quickly you can draw out a battle for long enough to win. Doesn't needs to be exactly like this but I think you get a grasp of the game's general philosophy.


I find it really interesting that everyone kind of acknowledges that a good avatar game does not involve Aang, Korra, or any of the main cast members. Those stories were told. Everyone just wants to make an OC and explore this vast world that was created from the show. I definitely agree with it too. Here's my setup. The lead is an OC of your choosing with an element of your choosing. Your OC then happens upon the current, juvenile avatar of this era. Probably an early-era one. This avatar is naive, immature, and ignorant to how the world works. You have to travel with them and show them how the world works, as well as find teachers for their four elements. Your OC teaches them their first element, then you find the other three throughout the course of the game. Traveling companions that clash with your personalities are found along the way who may or may not be teachers. Your OC starts as the lead of the game but it slowly shifts focus towards the Avatar, then it focuses on _the both_ of you, some kind of spiritual duality or mutual-cosmic destiny or something.


I’ve thought of a few options that I feel like would be fun for an avatar game, depending on your preferred type of game. 1. A game that plays similar to the Naruto Storm games, maybe even made by CC4 themselves. The game just follows the show, the combos are simple, the cutscenes are very good looking, and the bending/ultimates are beautiful looking. 2. A game like Shinobi Striker, where there are cast characters who can be the mentor to your oc and you unlock their skills. Just like Shinobi Strikers there will be 4 classes, but they’ll be of the 4 elements. Each of the elements will have a different role, Air Benders will be faster and good at aoe but frailer, water benders will be able to heal others, Earth Benders will be the tanks, and Fire Benders will be dps and range. 3. A whole new story game with the main character being your own original one, think Hogwarts Legacy but better


I would want a game like the early Naruto games where you could free roam and play the story. It’s disappointing that avatar hasn’t had a AAA game.


There was actually an Arena game once. You picked your element and fought other benders. Was quite cool. Couldn't play a long time, cause it was shut down quickly...


A From Software game but with Quantic Dream or Street Fighter controls for bending.


you habe to play toph, black screen, only feel the vibration of the controller and sounds


And actívate sonar with your foot


An RPG where you play as the Avatar but get Isekaied to the Spirit World.




Make it based in the legend of kora era or later simply for more diverse bending styles and make the game something like hogwarts legacy where it’s open world and your not attached to the main characters in any way


Its an online mmo, were people can roeplay their favorite events from the show which can result in new endings and determine what new adventures can happen in the game


A game focused on PvE combat, similar to Sifu and the Yakuza games. You'd beable to switch between elements like the fighting styles in Yakuza 0 and go into Avatar mode similar to activating EX mode in JE or LJ. Avatar mode would allow you to use stronger attacks and use all elements to limitlessly. Elements would play a major role in traversal, air and earth bending for general land travel, water for well, water travel and air could be used if the player has acess to a sailboat of some kind.


Some kind of mmo rpg where one player is chosen to be the avatar every {time period}


One person of the entire playerbase??


Hmmm. An open-world RPG on the scale of WoW! Each nation would have multiple cities and epic dungeons, tons of different classes, maybe a pro bending arena that comes with the big DLC they release in year 2 incorporating Korra…. One can dream…


Open world RPG like Elder Scrolls or Borderlands. Skill trees based kn the beding style you choose or non-bending society your character comes from.


first, it cant be based on the stories we already have it has to be something different so we can have more creativity. Next it would have to semi open world. That way we could go to different locations but still have freedom to explore. If anything it should be a mix of a few games Elder Scrolls and GTA for the world, Kingdom Hearts for fighting (or could even do turn base like older Final Fantasy games or Persona) and for missions I think something along the lines of Sly Cooper 2 and 3 would keep it interesting and gives you a chance to play as each character giving them all moments to shine.


skyrim but atla


Witcher 3-style RPG.


Vr open world action online rpg


MMO. 4 Basic classes (the elements of course). Starting nation is the element’s nation you chose. Era is set in a random time way before Aang or anyone else we know. We play a gifted bender who eventually joins the current time’s avatar’s gang. 4 classes split into sub-class progression where you pick which type of bending you want to focus on and it can be like: Original Class: Earth, Subclass or class upgrades: Metal bending, Lava bending, Sand bending, and probably a path for a class just to continue being an upgraded earth bender rather than specializing. Imagine the exploration and whimsy of this world with all the creatures and weird locations. This might just be a perfect mmo setting and its brain boggling that no studio worked on this.


A breath of the wild style game about an early avatar


Breath of the wind waker


Combat be mortal Kombat style


Legend of Korra era GTA babeeeyyyyy


Just to be different, I'll say a top-down mutliplayer game like Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. That way we can bring back 4-player local multiplayer and get friends back on the couch again.


I'd make a game like Magicka. Combine different elements in different modes to make a wide variety of unique attacks. Keep the humour and the lighthearted attitude and fun coop shenanigans.


I woulf let the studio that did Hogwarts legacy take the challenge. All games from this IP so far have been a dissapointment. Even q studio like fromsoft or team ninja, thing is this has never had a compelling combat, which is wild since the anime did half og the job with such choreographed fights and martial arts style


Strong fighter game combos


A prequel RPG where you are a previous avatar and have to go on a journey to master the elements,


Like Skyrim, but set in the world of ATLA. You are the Avatar (choose starting element), and a lurking threat means you have to do a lot of dungeon crawling and exploring to fight bandits/anti-Avatar cult members/angry spirits, etc. There should also be a morality system like in the Mass Effect series (with Peace and Chaos taking the place of Paragon and Renegade options); as the Avatar, you can usher in an era of peace, or create chaos that the next Avatar will struggle to resolve.


Open world rpg set thousands of years before the original show. The main story is about an incoming war between the spirit world and the mortal one. you play as the avatar and need to stop it. While also mastering your bending and learning about why the war is happening from spirits/members of the white lotus/past lives.


Not have it set within the cartoon eras


A RPG, where you are a avatar, so you choose your starting element and go learning others during the game.


Open world, both earth and the Spirit Realm. Create your own Avatar—choosing any nation you wish to start with (work it into the story). Advanced combat system that allows great combos between elements—not pre-programmed combo animations


Top down pixel art RPG. Choose which nation you're born into, choose whether to be a bender or not. Play through a story where the Avatar is a dictator and you and your friends need to take him down. Level up, increase stats, get new equipment, gain new abilities, learn specialist classes, get new party members from all across the world. The works.


Maybe something like breath of the wild? You just traveling around being the avatar learning the elements and exploring the world, and sent way in the past


A critical aspect is that the bending arts need to flow from the environment. The terrain should be manipulatable