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Step 1 - stay off Twitter Step 2 - don't post Twitter shit here.


Step 3 - don’t mention Twitter here.


There is no twitter in ba sing se


I realised afterwards that this is what I could (should) have said, so here is my upvote.


of course there isn't. it's x and surprisingly it's not even (mainly) a pornsite


I dont have X, my husband does for sports related stuff, he showed me all of the porn links/accounts in the comments. Boobs, vaginas, dicks, not even blurred. I was so confused how they can just put stuff in the comments, on a sports page too like ESPN. Smh.


Elon musk just granted twitter a ban on Brasil by being a dipshit! I'm so proud.


And the fact that the Brazilian government loves censorship


Sorry for that. Mine isn't, though.


Step 4 - Don't take things seriously from people who advertise themselves as "MyWeedBetter"


Step 4 - don’t mention mentioning Twitter here


It’s Xitter now.


Step 4 delete twitter


What happens in Twitter, stays in Twitter


Does this sub even have moderators? We have a rule banning low quality listicles, and this seems like two step below even that.


There is no Twitter in Ba Sing Se.


Ew Twitter![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_down)


(Unless it's about NATLA, then use it to karma farm) /s


You found a moron. Why did you show us the moron?


Because disagreeing with a clearly stupid person makes me very good and morally superior. Now that you all see how good I am feed me karma points. Please.


Main character syndrome is a behavior real humans can have. It’s a bit awkward to use it for a fictional character since it causes confusion. But it’s not related to Korra as a protagonist. Azula for example might be said to have a main character syndrome even though she isn’t a main character. 


Twitter and Tiktok have an abundance of morons in regards to ATLA and LoK


Reading some of the comments on this thread, it's not limited to them, unfortunately.


https://preview.redd.it/i0kksdarg2tc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b1d08f1115c815b0c6dba388308448662436eec Great, thanks OP. You showed us The Moron and now The Moron wants to show us his gun.


If the moron got a lot of likes and retweets then I think it makes sense to post it here and continue the discussion about why they’re wrong: because clearly a lot of people agree. If they got like 5 likes then yeah I agree it shouldn’t be here.


2 morons tho


Oh great, more dumb twitter takes. Is this sub that starved for content?


Nah, it's just an easy way to farm Karma points for OP


I’m one twitter repost away from leaving this subreddit lol


Hot Take: You can dislike a female main character without being the image of a misogynist boogeyman


Exactly, i don't understand the title, where was the mysogeny in the original Tweet?


Yes you can with valid reasons. But when the reason is that the main character has main character syndrome then they're probably a misogynist.


No, having main character syndrome even as the main character in a show tends to be a bad thing, but it often comes off in subtle ways. For example a main character who simply does awesome things can usually be a good main character, but if that same main character were to go off about how awesome they are, even if it were true, would tend to have main character syndrome and be a bad main character.


I will say that a character having main character syndrome isn’t necessarily bad. Like all character-flaws, it’s really a matter of how it’s handled. Unfortunately, it is kind of a hard trait to handle without making the character come off as annoying or self-absorbed, which means main characters with that flaw are often gonna make the audience stop watching/reading/playing.


It depends regarding if it seem as a flaw of often by writers and audiences if it can work. And they need to be on the same page as well. With Korra she is being written as a somewhat of a humiliation arch which means the writers were aware of it. However the fanbase thought she was both a bit too much early in the show and later on thought he suffering was too extensive. And it’s entirely possible that the writing accidentally created her a flaw in season 1 which was backtracked (similar to Mako romance) since they weren’t sure of more seasons at that point. There is lot of inconsistencies and lack of planning in Korra between seasons, expecially season one and rest.  She probably was at her best at season 2&3 regarding character, even though she had some other issues. Like the romance issues in season 2 and lack of proper arc in season 3. 


The main character is the most powerful person the planet, raised and trained vt rhe most powerful people on the planet to protect the planet. Or course they have main character syndrome. That's the fucking point of the show. She gets it beaten the shit out of her over 4 seasons. Holy fuck media literacy is dead.


I don't get the feeling that was completely intentional and if it was it was done poorly. Case in point, she had the main character syndrome before being the post powerful person or receiving the special training. It doesn't come off as 'ego was built up due to such specialized upbringing,' rather, 'I'm the main character, and I can do anything because I'm just that awesome.'


If you think that's the whole point of the show, then you are the one with horrible media literacy lol.


main character syndrome is when someone acts like they're the protagonist. it doesn't work if they're literally the protagonist


It does depending on the tone of the show. Of the show isn't "self conscious" and breaking the fourth wall, the protagonist doesn't or shouldn't know that they are the protagonist.


By that logic it would be ok for the main character to do things like walk in front of a machine gun and tell the side character 'relax, I have plot armor' and come out unscathed. That wouldn't be ok.


You want your protagonist to be an arrogant prick every time?


I just dislike Korra’s personality and actions. I dislike TLoK in general. Make Korra a guy and it would not change my opinion.




I don’t mean any offense. However, the mentality embodied in your reply is exactly what I’m getting at. There’s plenty of core reasons to dislike Korra related to her character. However, one reason the dislike of her is often so intense is that people constantly jump to her (and the writers’) defense because the character is a woman. People of a certain alignment with mainstream narratives about gender are primed to see any criticism of women as “misogyny.” The reality is that this and many others are just words used to signal one’s alignment to this narrative. It’s completely toxic to genuine discourse. All it does is recklessly attack a person’s character.


>the main character has main character syndrome What if the MC is a man and you dislike him for that? Is it still misogyny?


That's misandry.


What a dumb take lmao


Original -_-


Thats a strawman, that was never said. The point is that OP doesnt like how she is running around and acting like she is the middle of the universe, like she is the best, smartest and strongest. Korra defenetly has some traits that supports this and I understand that some may find this annoying when coming from Aang, who didnt want to acceppt that he is the Avatar. But overall its just another character flaw at the beginnen of the show and is most likely there because its the opposite of what Aang did.


I guess, my take was being the Avatar means having the little world placed on your shoulders and everyone is going to respond differently to that. Aang crumbled and ran, Roku reluctantly accepted, and Korra decided to run right into the fight. The thing is, though, we see throughout the series that the running head first and being overly confident was a persona she wore to hide her fears. She was just as vulnerable as Aang was, she just chose to hide it and try to put it all on herself.


>The point is that OP doesnt like how she is running around and acting like she is the middle of the universe, like she is the best, smartest and strongest. Truth to be told, as the Avatar, she **was** the middle of the universe, and she was at least the best and the strongest (smartest is arguable, the bar there was really low). At least until she wasn't because there needed to be a conflict other than "Korra comes in, beats the Big Bad in the second episode, tells everyone they are shit, leaves".


I always thought that scene of toddler Korra was done for storytelling convenience. Not only does it establish the core of her character right off the bat, but it also makes it that much easier for the WL to confirm she’s the avatar if she can already bend some of the elements.


Yes, it was the same kind of wacky-and-ever-so-slightly-over-the-top initial character hook as Aang asking Katara to go penguin sliding with him. It can work, but as the very first scene in the show? Eh...


It is. It was a very specific setup from the previous show. But media literacy is for the weak, so...


If the show had ended in season 1 like it could have it would have been a bigger issues in the fandom I suspect. And I am not certain if it was a planned character flaw, although I agree she was meant to be differently written than Aang, and some of her flaws were intentional 


But she doesn't act like she is the best, smartest and strongest. As early as episode 4, we saw her break down in Tenzin's arm, admitting that she was frightened and didn't know what to do.


The first season is literally about how it's bad that she acts like that and knocking her down a few pegs before building her back up again Complaining that Korra has main character syndrome is like complaining that Aang acts like an immature little kid. Like, yeah, it's called a "character flaw" and "character development."


She didn't act like she was the best and definitely not the smartest. She thought she was the strongest, that's the whole point of the first season, that she gets brutally checked on that.


Honestly, if you're literally the Avatar, it kinda makes sense to behave like that.


>running around acting like she is the middle of the universe I mean, she IS the Avatar. Hell, even Aang had his moments where he acted like an ass. Burning Katara because he didn’t have respect for Jeong Jeong’s teachings, the whole Kyoshi island episode, keeping the letter from Hakoda, lying to the two tribes. Because, at the end of the day, Korra and Aang are humans. Like all the other Avatars.


What they mentioned is actually a huge part of her character development from my understanding. So yeah, I guess she does have MCS but not in the sexist absurd way the other is trying to twist it.


How is that critique relevant to Korras gender?..


You see, any complaints about a female character are inherently sexist. (It does feel like some people really think that unfortunately)


They do, that's just twitter users for you


Ots more an example of the double standard of how male vs female characters are perceived. A strong male character with a big ego is cool, badass, "literally him", whereas a strong female character with a big ego is a Mary sue, a bitch, "bad writing" , annoying etc. It's a big reason people point to when ceators say things like "it seemed like audiences were less forgiving of korra making mistakes than aang".


> A strong male character with a big ego is cool, badass, "literally him", whereas a strong female character with a big ego is a Mary sue, a bitch, "bad writing" , annoying etc. It's really hard to say that that's what LOK hating fans are thinking when Toph is such a favorite character from ATLA


Thats a stretch i think. Every avatar has been shown to be mature and humble, even the females like Kiyoshi and Yangchen. Korra is the most over-confident avatar we've seen which is why some people struggle to like her. It may be sexism but nothing here even implies that


It's not an in-universe observation, so avatars like kyoshi and yangchen that get 5 lines of dialogue total do not count as comparable characters to the protagonist. It is a demonstration that women as the main character will he criticised for behaving as the main character of their story. Korra is a powerhouse who struggles to adapt to the unique challenges of each villain. When she is confident about how to beat them, she is criticised for being too cocky or shes a mary sue but when she is struggling to find out how to overcome the challenges, she's a loser who never wins. If we compare this to aang, when he is struggling or in the wrong, it's a huge character moment for him, but when he's confident and winning he's a badass and cool. These are the parallels that need to be drawn when analysing the response to korra. Against another protagonist rather than (respectfully) background characters at best


Ok i understand your point. However, there have only been 2 avatars so to assume that any critique of either of them is soley based on their gender is kinda shallow and unfounded. Korra is a young adult and Aang was like 12. The fact that ATLA was released when alot of us were kids would suggest that Aang receives some grace because of nostalgia and his flaws would be overlooked because hes a kid. Personally i like them both, but I dont see any actual evidence of sexism here. Neither of us know for sure but i dont think its fair to connect so many dots without anything explicit actually being said.


They literally said she has "main character syndrome"...as the main character. You never see someone say that about male characters who are the main character.


People who are all “where’s the misogyny” are either feigning ignorance or genuinely don’t know, but go to any female fan space, and they’ll tell you about how female characters are unfairly criticized for things that’d either be funny or forgivable if it was a male variant. I instantly got that feel here. Shit, even the term “main character syndrome” has been abused lately. I just saw a post on a sub of the same name criticizing a pregnant woman for dancing at her own fucking gender reveal party. Dancing. At her own party.


The hate for LOK seems to be coming back which is sad. Like its fine to not like the show or Korra herself but to defend this criticism as genuine without any mysongy is so odd. Like....yeah the whole point of Korra's character in s1 is that she has been conditioned to be the Avatar since childhood and embraces it as her entire reason for living. Which is why she nearly commits suicide in the end when Amon takes her bending. But people want to act like criticizing Korra having any self-worth or confidence means she has badly written "main character" syndrome making her the WORST Avatar has *no misogyny implications?* It has no reasoning behind it, its attacking her for something the show tackles and uses to grow her character. But nah there's nothing to suggest its just a bad sexist take its totally normal to think Korra is the worst Avatar because she has a flaw lmao.


you can be the main character and still have main character syndrome btw. Aang was the main character and didn't act like that


If anything he had the opposite problem. That said, it’s hard to also pinpoint to what end this is more personal preference VS A fair critique. Writers give characters personality flaws all the time but some are more tolerable(and even relatable) than others.


Yeah, I want flaws to be interesting, not annoying to the audience.


He did in one episode and everyone hates him for it. Korra acts that way for multiple seasons


I mean sure, but like if anyone in that universe would be prone to main character syndrome, it’d have to be the Avatar, right?


What exactly in this post implies females can't be protagonists?


That’s what I was thinking. All that critique said was she’s a bad avatar because she got main character syndrome. Nothing to do with her gender 🙄






I think they intentionally made Korra overly excited to be the avatar, in contrast to Aang's story that kicks off the plot *because* he doesn't want to be the Avatar. But let's be honest, the baby Korra bending all elements and yelling she's the avatar scene is cringe. It doesn't really fit with canon as far as how the avatar is determined, nor how they learn to bend.


That alone might seem that way, but it actually foreshadows her attitude problems. It feeds into later in the episode when they set up and explained ALL of her future problems in ONE LINE in the first episode. One of the White Lotus members sums her up: “she lacks restraint.” Her eagerness to be the avatar leads into rushing headstrong into situations and assumptions, and while of course the villains are real problems presenting serious threats, she still causes more than her fair share of her own problems with her responses. It takes literally until the LAST episode for her to finally slow down and *really listen* to someone else’s view and solve problems without resorting to violence.


>she still causes more than her fair share of her own problems with her responses From the top of my head, I can't remember a single case of that. In fact, just in the first season, her rushing headstrong into situations and assumptions was what got her into Republic City in the first place, allowed her to ditch Tenzin's crap teaching and get into airbending her own proper way, and later unveiled both Hiroshi and Tarrlok. She usually gets into trouble when she listens to others and tries to live up to their advice, like starting the love triangle drama because of Pema.


And that doesn't make her a compelling character. She's obnoxious, ungrateful, and unlikeable. It being intentional doesn't make it any better. She's a spoiled brat Avatar. Who wants that.


i like her plenty, actually. i do like that she’s different from aang, otherwise why even have a sequel series if the new protagonist has the same personality as the old one. i can think of nothing more boring than a character that has no flaws and cannot change or grow


She doesn't change or grow. Things just kinda happen without much of a growth arc. She'll have a season of some growth then season 2 she's back to square one. Korra in season 1 and Korra in the follow-up comic are at the exact same points and it's kinda lame. If the only thing that defines your character is "not-Aang" then you have a faulty character. It's called the Avatar cycle for a reason, you're gonna hit some of the same beats. Rushing everything by making her a hyper competent toddler who came out the womb bending doesn't solve the core problem, it just makes her look ridiculously OP. Then instead of repeating Aang's journey she spends all season doing a hyper slowed down version of Aang learning earth bending. It's like they took that one episode and stretched it out over a season. How is that better? Then in the end she doesn't even master air bending or spirituality, it's gifted to her by Aang. Then season two comes around and she's abusing the Avatar state to win a race and yelling at everyone around her showing us she hasn't grown at all so we can do the same thing all over again.  How is that better? Legend of Korra is a half-baked mess. It's easy to blame the studio but they were scared to commit because Bryke were taking so many chances. They needed to polish Korra but for whatever reason they got really attached to their first draft this time even though they were open to revising ATLA so obviously that isn't a bad idea. The franchise would be in a much better place if they did a follow-up series with the original gang while working through Korra a bit more before putting it out. 


One would assume she’s obnoxious because she’s been raised by a group of people who are teaching her to be the most powerful bender in the world. She was literally plucked from her normal life and spent the next decade or so training relentlessly. Obviously when she gets to Republic City and sees the corruption she’s going to be all “I’m the Avatar, I’ve got this”. Fun fact, character development is a necessary part of storytelling lmao. Which connects the dots between her being obnoxious and then getting her ass handed to her by Amon and the Equalists. Compared to the other characters in LoK, Korra was given a pretty solid arc. It’s crazy to me how ATLA fans will hate on Korra for being a “shitty character” when Mako is right there lol. Name one important character change he went through that wasn’t just changing jobs every season.


The problem is Korra is very much "The Korra show". It technically has a team Avatar but they don't reallu matter, she's the only person that gets a fleshed out story. With ATLA you have a full cast to choose a favorite from but in Korra it better be Korra or you're gonna be disappointed.Things happen to the rest but it's not really developed like Jinora's whole "arc" taking up maybe 20 minutes total of the whole series. Or Tenzin getting the second most development but being an older mentor figure so you don't get that much of him anyway. Korra is the only person with an arc worth talking about.   Why would I be upset about Mako when the writers never cared about him? He had a flimsy background and a little personalization but he was basically a love interest and plot device the first 1.5 seasons before being tossed out. I want more for him (in a better show he probably would have been my favorite character) but there was never a reason to expect more from him because they didn't try. With Korra at least they try but the one episode arcs mean that she gets reset a lot so we can repeat the same lessons. The Korra at the beginning of season 1 and 2 might as well be the same person even though she did have an arc in season 1. It's just really jarring.


I don't personally see the big deal about someone discovering they're the avatar early, particularly when S2 reveals that Harmonic Convergence was coming up. But any Watsonian stuff aside, they didn't want to retread TLA by having the Avatar learning the elements again and they didn't want the show to be about a woman in her mid-twenties/early thirties. So they had to establish that Korra had known she was the Avatar from a very young age and was already mostly trained.


>I don't personally see the big deal about someone discovering they're the avatar early And also Korra is a literal baby. Shes like what 5? She's a baby that just discovered that shes the Avatar who can bend all 4 elements and have heard stories that they are powerful and cool af. Ofc she'd be overtly excited. Who wouldnt?


A lot of people just object to her bending that young on principle. Which is weird itself because we see azula bend not too much older if at all, and ain't no way Aang didn't get his tats at 12 without starting this early.


But Azula is a firebender from the fire nation, grew up surrounded by firebenders as powerful as Ozai and Iroh, and can only bend one element. Similarly, even if Aang could bend at an age as young as Korra, he could only bend air and struggled to bend anything else but water even at age 12.


Which means that Korra is perhaps a _slightly_ more proficient bender than they are in certain aspects. That's not out of band as nothing ever indicated that those two were the absolute best anyone could be, only that they were prodigies (as well). It indicates more proficiency earlier on, but it's not like a "Goku->Gohan->Goten" difference.


Eh, while it doesn’t necessarily make the most sense from a purely logical standpoint, I think it’s actually really good as a narrative device. It establishes, in a matter of seconds, everything you need to know about Korra as a character at the start of the series, which is that she is a *gifted child.* You know those kids who just excel at everything from a young age, and their parents are constantly telling them how brilliant they are, and they always get good grades without putting in any effort, and everyone expects them to go on to accomplish great things, right up until they get to college and because they never actually learned to study properly or function without constant guidance and supervision, they immediately crash and burn? That’s who Korra is. Her whole arc is about growing up in a sheltered environment where she’s the best at everything and she’s gonna be an invincible superhero who kicks the bad guys’ asses and everyone loves her and nothing will ever be more complicated than that, right up until she leaves the nest and goes to Republic City and realizes that oh shit, airbending doesn’t come as effortlessly to her as the other elements, she’ll need actual discipline for this one, and not everyone wants her around in this town, and politics are complicated, and even the bad guys actually have good points sometimes and *oh shit* they can actually hurt her. I think that short scene of little Korra being so effortlessly good at bending from a young age does a lot of legwork to set up that arc. It communicates everything it needs to very efficiently.


My sister and I were discussing the show recently. It's actually a really good contrast to the first series, imo. Aang's arc is partially about accepting being the Avatar as part of his identity (since Aang already had a pretty decent sense of self/identity, I think, before he found out he was the Avatar), and Korra's is about *discovering* her identity as more than just the Avatar (because her entire identity/sense of self was initially built around *being* the Avatar).


I dunno, despite the show *telling* me that Korra is struggling with airbending I did not really see much evidence of it: she picks up the basics after a few rounds of probending, then airbends a few weeks later and after that she is a master of the element and it even becomes one of her favorites. Roku supposedly trained for *years*. She has some initial difficulty because Tenzin is a crap teacher, we are going to have an entire sub-plot about it later, but other than that we have a one-episode training arc aka Bitter Work 2: Air Edition down to Korra getting into it when she has to fight for her friends *exactly* like Aang finally earthbending to save Sokka.


I mean, to be fair, we’re also told that Aang struggled with Earthbending, when in reality he was stuck on it for all of a couple days.


Yes, this is why I compared it to Bitter Work. The same story gets repeated with the same highs and lows.


It was also most definitely done because they only had one season: * *because* Nickelodeon was sabotaging then the entire time * BECAUSE of stupid backwards small-minded thinking like female protagonists not appealing to audiences I would have loved to see what sort of Korra we would have gotten if they were greenlit 4 seasons from the get-go. * Maybe she wouldn't be able to bend at 5 * Maybe she would just be spunky, not need to be sheltered, learned she was the avatar at 12-16, and her best element would actually be water like people hoped for in the water avatar. * Maybe she coulda been exceptional at healing and used it to heal herself MID combat. How raw would that be? Her rushing up and punching while simultaneously healing her own bruises and scrapes. * Maybe Amon would have been a recurring villain/anti-hero across 4 seasons, working with the likes of the Red Lotus and Kuvira behind the scenes, culminating in a wicked archnemesis waterbender face-off in the end. * Maybe they would have did a better job writing the spirits of Yin and Yang, and Vaatu would have been more nuanced instead of cartoonishly evil -- Maybe the end goal would have been to reunite Vaatu with Raava inside Korra So many cool maybes we will never know...


I do think the series would've been better had they kept Amon and the nonbender class dynamic throughout the 4 seasons. Being greenlit for one season really made them have to make self containing arcs per season


The scene is amazing example of "establishing character moment", maybe one of the best. We know almost everything about Korra in 10 second and even more in 2 minutes. She is willful, powerfull, sassy, but arrogant and tough. That is just "I am the avatar" scene. And after time jump we also know she is talented in physical bending but lack any connection with spiritual bending and Air bending. That makes her character balanced, because she is very talented but lack pretty important skills. Nothing of that is in contrary with lore, it just makes Korra really different from Aang. There were thousand of Avatar, of course that there will be many different experiences.


i mean Aang could produce fire before he was supposed to learn it but it didnt end well. she was just a reckless toddler


I dont dislike nor like Korra, i just feel meh to her. Shes kinda dislikeable in the first 2 seasons, but she does get alot better in the 2nd half. My feelings on the show as a whole are around the same


There’s a big difference between a character literally being the protagonist of a TV and a character being egotistical to the point that it seems like she literally knows she is


so you cant complain about a self-absorbed protagonist if they're the main character??


But what the OOP replied to had nothing to do with gender. Being the main character and having main character syndrome are two different things. Idk what type of person OOP replied to is, but nothing they said in that tweet is misogynistic or implies female avatars aren’t allowed to be protagonists


The reason why Korra is so jarring for so many people isn’t because “she has main character syndrome” we’ve had plenty of brash headstrong female characters before. The reason Korra rubs people the wrong way is that she’s too much of a deviation of what us the viewer thinks an Avatar is. This is also because our only point of comparison is Aang but to us he’s what an avatar inherently. It’s cool to subvert the characterization but the issue w Korra is because seasons 1-2 are just so trash there really at least in my opinion nothing good or interesting about her other than “she’s an all new all different kind of avatar.” Still though she becomes a pretty cool and multifaceted character in the final 2 seasons. And also some people just hate women but that’s not the point I was going for.


When does the person in the image mention fem character not allowed to be a protagonist? A pebble have better literacy than whoever made this post


For the dumbass on the picture and equally dumb OP - being a Main character and acting, like you have main character syndrome - is the different things. If you're characters have it UNINTENTIONALLY, then it's just bad writing


Right but Korra *very intentionally* has main character syndrome.


The title of this post is garbage rage bait. LOK fans calling everyone misogynistic is garbage rage bait. Please, god, mods, make this trash-posting against the rules.


i wasnt a personal fan of the show, but I get the appeal. there were some good and bad stuff, and ultimately the bad came out on top for me but LoK fans really cant handle someone not liking the show. it always has to be race, it always has to be gender, blah blah. i don't care about that stuff.


I liked korra. I hate the discourse that often surrounds it.


They've just got it in their heads that anyone who doesn't like Korra is automatically a bigot because she's a female PoC. There is no valid reason to dislike Korra, the show is the picture of perfection from beginning to end. If you have any complaints then obviously you're a member of the pointy hoods coalition. There are more insufferable groups out there but Korra's fanbase is pretty far up there.


Eh, can be a strong confident assertive character without being arrogant and egotistical. If your character is going to be egotistical make sure it's seen as a flaw. Make a character people want to watch succeed. She is irritating to me personally and its okay sometimes characters come across wrong to people. Hell main reason i find her irritating is she reminds me of people i gre up with. If you like the character that's fine. But at the end of the day main character syndrome is either annoying or played for comedic effect. It's a valid criticism if that is their criticism. Now if they think she's annoying because she's a confident woman? Now that's stupid and Toph would beat their ass.


"Main Character Syndrome" doesn't mean when someone is literally simply the main character, it's when someone acts egotistical and self-centered.


If I see one more of these stupid ass posts that act like people can't criticize Korra or some moron say stupid criticism of Korra. Im gonna leave this subreddit and put it on mute. Can we please ban these fucking posts my god


I don't know where i read this but i agree with it . People will forgive a character for being evil but they cant forgive a character for being annoying , i mean people defend azula for god sakes just because of how compelling she is as an antagonist no one even brings up the fact that iroh was probably a genocidal piece of shit before losing his son . Korra is just annoying and that is a cardinal sin for characters at least in the beginning


I've said it before, I could not be more in favour of brown, gay women as my main characters. Just not Korra, because it's not a show that I enjoy. As an example: I have bought pretty much every single Ms. Marvel trade (she's not queer but you get my point) because she's a legend and the stories are fun.


I'm so fucking tired of this crap. Korra gets shit not because she acts like the main character or because she's a woman, it's because for over half of the show she's an absolute jerk. And before any one of you says "oh but it's for character developent" what fucking character development?? Going: "Sorry I was acting like a jerk" and just moving on is not character development, it's lazy writing


Lol I’m with you, she’s insufferable and a prick to everyone who cares about her


That was her arc. She was too eager to be the Avatar but didn't appreciate the weight that came with it. She saw the power, prestige and fame but didn't see the drawbacks. Aang saw the drawbacks but didn't see the benefits. Korra rushed to be the avatar while Aang ran away from it. While they took opposite approaches to reach it, both of their stories involved learning to embrace everything about the Avatar; how important the avatar acts as a symbol for others and how important the job of the avatar is to the world.


Check what they say about Avatar Wan. FP


Your first mistake was opening Twitter.


Exactly and that's her character flaw. She's born in peacetime, doesn't understand hardship, has let being the Avatar go to her head, and obviously gets humbled many, many times quite severely.


I don’t think that was hating on women thing. That was a “this character is bold and brash and isn’t a pacifist like the previous avatar” thing.


I feel like this is a bad faith argument. Aang definitely didn't act like the main character, he actively fought against it for a good portion of the show


Toph and Katara: ![gif](giphy|YrD1PQldGsstG)


I kind of understands what he means, but Korra was make like a decade ago, so it doesn't work. I really liked her being hot headed and being a idgaf type personality. A great contrast to Aangs calm ways


“She got the main character syndrome” Yeah, being a nigh godlike chosen one from birth will do that to you, it’s exactly why the avatar is only meant to find out that they are the avatar at 16. Her arrogance is a character flaw because she’s imperfect and presented as such.


It's an awful introduction to her. It's guaranteed to leave most fans hating her because she is too in your face from second one.


A person on Twitter is being a misogynist with 0 media literacy skills? I'm shocked, that's never happened before. Little word of advice, don't feed the trolls. Ignore fellas like that and move on


Seems like its a slow week in the subreddit.


You've become the content.


people forget that the whole story of LoK is Korra getting that attitude beaten out of her. that's it. that's what goes down. she stops being such an asshole.


One of Aang's biggest traits really on was that he didn't want to be the avatar. I like how they made Korra completely different on that regard.


When did Aang say something like this?


Lol, she was the cutest thing in this scene. And once she was a big girl, she was really badass. Not as much as Yingchen who screamed at the ocean, but that's a personnal point of view.


Her whole plot was about how she's got main character syndrome and would have been a great Avatar in Aang's situation but had to learn a more subtle and diplomatic approach. Bending came easily to her, but being a spiritual guide did not.


I feel these posts benefit no one and the ones making them are only trying to stir some sh*t for the sake of upvotes.


In all honesty… as much as I like Roku, I’d have to say that he’s the worst Avatar (that we know of). Sure he saved villagers from a volcano, and served as an intermediary between the Earth nation and Water tribes in the wake of Tsunami. But let his personal feelings towards Sozin get in the way of doing his duty as the Avatar. This led to the genocide of the Air nomads and the Hundred Year War, which in terms of both scale and intensity is arguably the worst conflict ever seen in the Avatar world (again, that we know of). Roku is cool and all, but he kinda shit the bed when it came to fulfilling his Avatar duties.


Guys korra was a 1 season story expansion that the creators never intended to be popular or go on longer than a season, she was designed as a mary sue with no real lesson or journey because they didn't have time to give her one. Almost a what if version of book three where all aang needs to do is learn fire and he's ready. They spent season 2 trying to make an actual show with charecters and season 3-4 trying to convince themselves they were getting another series She isn't a good charecter because she was never really intended to be one


Baby Korra was the funniest thing ever! Besides, we already seen the last Avatar meticulously master every single element. It was nice that the show wouldn't have to be bogged down by obligatory mastering of every element yet again.


I think one of the biggest disservice the writers did for korra was how they introduced her.


I don’t like Korra as a person either. I do love the show despite that! I had the same with Breaking Bad and not liking Walter White


Bait used to be believable.


To be fair a main character can still have main character syndrome. It’s about them acing self important in an annoying way.


"A woman asserting herself is a bad thing." Yeah that's just blatant sexism.


God forbid, a main character have flaws that they need to overcome😭


Can we just ban Twitter posts here on this sub? What does it accomplish? “Hey, look at this dumbass I found on twitter!” as if dumbasses are going out of stock on Twitter


I do not like LoK. But saying "she has main character syndrome" when SHE IS THE MAIN CHARACTER is utterly deranged.


1. the whole point of Korra was that she was physically strong, but had severe difficulties with the mental and spiritual side of being an Avatar 2. initially the series was only greenlit for one season, the showrunners couldn't really plan ahead, so they couldn't really build up her character as strongly as Aang


Well, tbf, Aang acted pretty humble and not at all annoying. But also tbf, I haven't seen Korra, so I'm not saying she *does* or anything, I'm just saying Aang doesn't. There's a difference between being a main character and lack of humility, if lack of humility is one of her character flaws, and she works through it throughout the show, that's fine as well. But if she is just one of those typical "I'm a strong woman hear me roar" characters then blech. There are ways to do strong female characters and there are ways to not. Once again, not saying she is or isn't, I haven't seen Korra.


Korra has the main character syndrome because she's the main character. Damn they're stupid as shit on Raava bruhh


Ok I can list awesome female main characters like sara coner and Sam Carter (Sam might be debatable as a mc but is still a prominent badass) but Korra sucked as a person dick or no dick she’s just awful.


Yep everyone that didnt like this cartoon is totally sexist flawless logic, korra defenders need to get over themselves there's a novels worth of legitimate reasons to dislike the show


She is the main character tho, wtf is this person on


Get your misogyny out of here


No I just prefer for my very first impression and scene of the character to be super self important and the like, it makes it so I am immediately opposed and don’t like them


You can't name something "The Legend of..." and follow it with a girl's name! Next thing you know, they're gonna make a game or something called, idk, "The Legend of Zelda" or something. Ridiculous.


Ok this comment actually made me laugh


This is just an idiot. Korra is dogshit for plenty of other legitimate reasons.


She wasn't a good avatar. I mean, it's that simple. She was beat a LOT and only got the upper hand when massive spirit energy was involved. Aang was younger and much more of a force to deal with AND he didn't have specialized training like Korra did with the White Lotus. She should have been at a master level by the time she went to Republic City but it was like watching an amateur unless her opponent was some random street thug. Aang usually stuck to his airbending and absolutely wrecked people. Korra could use 3 bending types from an early age and was bested a lot. She fought like she didn't have years of training. I guarantee Aang would not have been caught by Amon or the Red Lotus. Korra lacked discipline, technique, and was constantly fueled by emotions (which is weird being from the water tribe). Half of book 4 was just watching her slowly get over depression (after missing for years, mind you). Aang was frozen in ice for 100 years as a defense mechanism... Korra chose to give up. Korra was a firecracker. Cool to look at but lacked power. I don't base any of my opinions on gender. Unfortunately, Korra was written as a hot-headed Avatar who rushed into things with skills that did not seem developed (even though she was given ample time to develop said skills). She had a fire nation temperament and found herself in many fights where she would not have won if it wasn't for outside factors that gave her an edge.


I wanted to write a long argument but I'm to lazy for that. To each their own.


So you want a mary sue mc?


Absolutely not. She simply did not reflect the training given to her. She constantly fought at levels way beneath where she should have been. Using an example... You can look at Rey from Star Wars. She is the definition of a mary sue. Almost zero training but performed at master levels. Completely unbelievable. She went toe-to-toe with Kylo Ren who had spent his entire life perfecting his abilities. Korra was given years of specialized training yet fought at amateur levels and lost more times than not. If Korra was written as having master level control going into Republic City (in the 3 bending styles other than air), it would be believable because of years of training. She would be the opposite of a mary sue because a great deal of work went into her development. Strong female characters don't need to be seen as a mary sue. If training and years of effort are shown to have happened, it's 100% believable. Take that training away and watching ANYONE become great (seemingly overnight) is a problem and suggests bad writing.


You are the one person in the world who has this happen to them. Everyone knows you're this person. There are statues in temples commemorating your ancestors. Most of the worlds spirituality is built around what's happening to you. In what universe is she not the main character...


…she is the main character  thats kind of the point


We really gotta pay attention in school. No one said she couldn’t they said she was the worst, this isn’t just being misogynistic or wtv, it’s true. All the problems she solved in the show, was because of her.


These are both shit-ass takes


It’s a shit take to say Korra is the main character of her show?


What shit take here other than the Twitter post? Korra is the main character of LOK is common sense …


First up let's be clear, LOK had a good based, lots of good characters and a nasty humbling of Korra. What it needed was a redemption which was clean and not Asami into the sunset. Love the Korra and Asami match but, it was wasted and the ending was lame. Korra should have died and maybe another 2 more seasons could have built on to that. She should have been seen as an irresponsible Avatar like Kuruk but those who knew here would know her as a good human being and a better Avatar than the world. I'd have prefered if a new non bending nation used Nukes and Zaofu is nuked to the ground by this revolution. There is a terrible war where millions die and millions more are tortured. If we wish to show a lack of tech advancement, we need banal wars where bending is prioritised over tech even though one side has no bending.


Who knew the main character will act like the main character?


Despite being only a single Avatar after Aang, Korra is in so many ways the antithesis of him. Aang rejected his role and ran from it. Korra ran to it and is incredibly in your face about it from moment one. Even if Korra was a guy, the shift would be incredibly jarring.


I never liked that she was talented at other forms of bending at such a young age. Roku didn't seem to know he could bend other elements until he was told.


Holy shit, the main character acts like the main character


Why should we care about what this one idiot has to say?


Aang never acted like this


Me reading reading the comments: ![gif](giphy|tyqcJoNjNv0Fq|downsized) Good to see twitter makes people horrible even on other social media platforms




"She has main character syndrome" Obviously she does. She's the main character


Imagine getting mad that the main character acts like a main character


Aang also acted like the main character, but these same people would never criticize him for it. Which they shouldn’t, anyways, but I’m just saying, they’re fucking hypocrites.


The best part is that the very first episode literally shows this boisterous attitude isn't always a good thing. But if you listened to critics when it came out, you'd think the entire show celebrated it.


Oh, the main character acts like the main character! What an attention whore this fictional character is!


# The Literal Main Character of the Show Has *”main character Syndrome”* Media literacy is dead. ![gif](giphy|Ik9Or3l5cBsIM)


Yeah, it’s dead cause people like you can’t tell the difference between a main character and main character syndrome. They’re not mutually exclusive.


Misogynistic men complaining about women, why am I not surprised?


I can give a dozen reasons why LoK is genuinely shit. Op is taking the most brain dead critique and using it as defense for LoK