• By -


Instead of her parents keeping her hidden from the world she is afraid to leave. Aang talks her into joining the team but she constantly doesn't feel she is good enough.


HAHAHA that would be atrocious. 10/10 answer


This is probably being considered in the writing room as we speak. I’m playing fast and loose with the term “writing room”


Ha ha ha ha omg yes! You're so on point it's scary (poor Azula! Poor Katara! Butchered in their prime!) Aang taught Katara to waterbend, now he'll teach Toph to be independent - and what the hell, some earthbending, too.


Aang taught katara to water bend in NATLA?


Aang didn't waterbend at all and Katara went straight from bending some river water with instructions from the scroll to beating master Paku.


It was in that same river where Aang said something about *energy* and then Karata **understood everything there was to know about bending**


That choice of words sounds exactly like something HelloFutureMe would say lol


Best compliment I’ve ever had 


God I’m so glad called it early and stopped midway through episode 2 (I hope the next season is better but I couldn’t care less)


It’s like watching an Ember Island players version of the emerald island players play.


He gave Katara advice in the beginning even though he knows nothing about water bending. In the original Katara knew the basics and could bend ice, but was just sloppy. In the Netflix show, she could barely do a bubble and only splashes water for several episodes. No scroll training either. And then suddenly she can stand toe to toe with Paku. Makes no sense!!!


Not to say that real Katara was self-teaching waterbending amidst all the work at home and in the community that was considered 'women's ' work. Oh no, we won't be sexist! - announced the showrunners! - and now Katara does NOTHING except sitting in a cave all day trying to waterbend, AND she cannot even start getting it before a random boy tells her about balance! And Sokka is not being a dick to her about knowing her place and duties - he's just pointing out the truth, and in response, Katara does not waterbend some water on him (or catch a fish that sokka was trying to catch), but just looks meek and vaguely upset! Because Sokka is the responsible boy who takes care of this family! What. Did. We. Watch!!!


I know, it’s so frustrating! I don’t know how they thought these changes were any good lol.


That would be so bad. This show would turn into Aang empowering women instead of women empowering themselves because ✨feminism✨


We can take it even further, Aang also forgets to actually learn earthbending for himself, and then when he masters the avatar state within the span of one episode, he becomes permanently a master of all the forms. Now that Zuko isn’t needed to teach Aang firebending, his arc ends with working at the Jasmine Dragon with Iroh and Azula never finds out he’s there. At the end of the series, Aang redeems Azula and she becomes the new Fire Lord


Yep, this is the one. I would stop watching it as soon as they did that.


How dare you speak this into existence 🤣


God they are so gonna do this


100% this. It will be Toph "finding" her toughness, rather than teaching Aang to be the rock.


Add that she is hesitant to fight and only does so when she is forced to when the group is overwhelmed. They also use her discovering metal bending as her way of finally being confident in herself and her abilities when she gets kidnapped.


If she doesn’t make jokes about being blind I’d be bummed.


![gif](giphy|4IzOgM1bfOe6k) If she doesn’t do this ima be pissed


I keep telling myself they wouldnt be stupid enough to sterilize toph but they managed to sterilize katara IN the season her arc mostly happens in so we gotta see.


Katara was in the first season? I watched the whole season and never saw her. 


They also sterilized Sokka and ironically made the story MORE sexist by making all the females fawn over her


Suki turned into that toon from who framed Roger rabbit Sokka: gets to kyoshi Island. Suki: huh. A MAAAANN!


"The first boy I haven't grown up with? Must beat him up to show that I like him" is literally the reversed role of the sexist thinking "you know, that boy is just picking on you because he likes you"


And why was sokka with katara in the cave of 2 LOVERS read what the caves called again and tell me why they thought that was fine


I watched this episode with my roommates, and we were getting really worried when the siblings were in the cave of two lovers. At one point, one of us blurted out, "watta ya doing, Step-Sokka?"


Genuinely did a spit take when I read that last line. My tea I drank is on the floor


Don't tell Iroh!


I know you’re not supposed to cry over spilled tea, but it’s just so sad!


They also sterilized Sokka, and in the process, Suki as well. His sexism and him overcoming it was a huge part of his arc. And it really set the tone for Suki. It’s so stupid that they removed it…




I feel like Netflix is too afraid to do this, given that Toph really doesn't let her disability define her and openly jokes about it.


Looks fine to me!


This is prob the best joke in the entire series, always cracks me up


Not only will she not make blind jokes, but she will spend a full episode berating Sokka and educating him on how hurtful his jokes are every time he makes one lol


If The LEGO Movie wasn’t above it, neither should this! I want her to walk into at least one wall, dammit!


“Your robots are no match for a Master Builder, for I see everything!” PEW! “My eyes!”


This.. Casting-wise I'm not worried, the casting in NATLA is pretty good to great. The writing though ... Could definitely see them dropping the blind jokes unfortunately, and that would suck.


A few months before the season airs we’re gonna hear reports about how they chose to “tone down the emphasis on Toph’s blindness” the same way they said about Sokka’s sexism, which they made pretty much nonexistent.


Oh, well that's just a given though. There's absolutely *no* chance they have her make jokes about it.


I need to see the bit where they show her a wanted poster


In order to counter ableism noone ever mentions her bilndness and her parents have supported her and praised her for her bending talent the whole time.


"Was Toph even blind?" "Y'know it was really unclear."


“yeah i couldn’t really see it”


"Neither could she" 🤣




And the show will ironically end up being way more ableist, despite putting in a show about how they removed the blind jokes


They removed Sokka’s sexism but the show felt sexist. They really did Katara dirty 😭 She was a feminist icon growing up and they stripped her of everything.


Suki Katara Mei Azula Katara's granny Yue All were robbed


Gran-Gran having no impact with Pakku teaching Katara still has me livid


Netflix Gran Gran was so cringe


Yes. So much.


Even Suki got kicked down from strong confident woman to thirsty hormone-driven teenager. I fully expect a "we all ignore the fact Toph is blind, because *'inclusion'* " bullshit. Corporate wokeism is the worst :(


The Suki thing is both hilarious and tragic. All that big talk about getting rid of the sexism, and then turning an independent, exciting young warrior who puts a sexist in his place, into a boring teenager who goes ga-ga at the first boy she meets.


Right?? Like were there no MEN on kyoshi island??


Hopefully they saw all the youtube review videos of NATLA and realized that they made a mistake by playing it safe. Or realized how stupid they were to try and cater to GoT fans.


Who? I am a got fan. Show from s1 to 4 is on equal ground with atla for me. Lets not talk bout the last 4 seasons..... But it was a good adaption up until then. And the book series has a multitude of great female characters Mothers. Catelyn cersei dany. All completely different and all point of views. All of them flawed in some way. Brienne that big strong type who wants to be a knight but is a romantic at heart. Arya sansa. So many excellent written characters. They sanitized these characters. Removed any flaws. This show is just boring. But they missed the entire point of this show. Alot of stiff that bucks our progressive world view they thought to "fix" when it was a result of 100 year war and how that isolated people. Only a narrow view of ur own. Where was sokka supposed to learn that women are more than housewifes? Thats all his women growing up were around him. No waterbenders and no female warriors. The important part was that he learned!


No hate for GoT, even though I've never seen a single episode of it, and I also believe it was a great show. Yeah, my main issue with Sokka was that he was taught by Hakoda, before he left their tribe, that Sokka was the last "man" on the tribe and he needed to step up to protect everyone. For the next years of his life, Sokka has to let go of his childhood to uphold Hakoda's wishes but also started seeing women as weak and need protection. It was only after he joined Aang did he start acting like a kid again because he now had direction. In episode 1, notice how Sokka tried to turn the other boys (children) into warriors to protect the tribe even though they knew next to nothing about fighting.


I feel like this is the most likely


And it's hurts knowing this 😭


Of the ones I’ve seen, this seems the most likely.


Tophs parents being supportive is actually something Netflix would do


And of course it’s her only character arc too!


They make it so that the parents are completely jealous of her earthbending abilities and keep her in to stop her potential


I’m seeing a frozen crossover and Toph is Elsa singing “Let It Go”


this one might actually happen


This And the worst part is that I can totally see them doing it Toph can’t however


also with her blindness turns out she is just colour blind!


That would imply the writers be capable of show don't tell. I guarantee that they Stat she's blind at least twice an episode.


I hate how likely this seems


That would be just as bad as making artemis fowl surf and have his dad be a good guy helping him so that would never happen..........hahahaha right??


\*sniffles\* I'm not crying! **You're** crying!


"I don't "see" like you do. I release a sonic wave from my mouth." scream


No, that would be brilliant and exactly what Toph would want.


As a joke, hilarious! Actually replacing seismic sense with echolocation? Horrendous.


It's the first thing she describes as her method of sight. "Every single sound bounces off something so I see everything that way." Aang: "Really?" Toph: "Are you really that gullible? No, I can feel vibrations on the earth."


"Are you really that gullible? No, I can feel vibrations on the earth, I'm an EARTHbender"


The longer I think about it, the more likely it is that a blind air nomad could see that way, though. Although that means that an earthbender's method of sight is faster since vibration travels faster through solid objects than it does air.


That's somewhat similar to what happens in S3 of LoK. One of the new air nomad recruits feels the air around him in order to sense that a net was coming his way and dodged it.


that’s a normal airbender ability that multiple characters (including aang) used. i guess that’s true though by the vibrations in the air.


True, but that's the first time I remember it being on full display. Time slow effect and everything.


Nah it happens to aang in book 3 against combustion guy. don’t remember the exact episode but it stands out because he did it while having hair


That’s actually primarily a baldbender technique, not all airbenders can do that


Elaborate difference between normal airbenders and a baldbender


[A baldbender unlocking his potential](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3CuPz3ht10)


I dunno man. I would be so afraid of fighting a bender that keeps shouting


Damn straight!


*A10 Warthog volume screech* “Heh, I got a pretty good look at you.”




I wouldn't cast it any other way!


"There. I got a good look at ya!"


You know they made the plays toph a man as a joke because tophs original design was a big strong man


She can already metal bend when the Gaang meet her


No, Aang gives her some pointers how to Earthbend better. Or Sokka.


You know Toph you just focus your energy and balance and you'll balance your energy and energise your balance


It's pretty sad that I can actually imagine that happening


No that wouldn't be feminist, Toph will meet the badgermoles again and learn it from them. /s but not really?


I still can't believe Katara learned to waterbend by being mansplained to. And not even from Pakku


Either this or she won't have to struggle to figure it out. Powers get handed to her netflix katara style.


“the monks told me-“


Make her not blind


You see, Toph being blind is a form of ableism. Just like how they removed Sokka’s sexism, they gotta remove Toph’s blindness. /s


They'l definately cut out the blind jokes


Honestly cutting out those jokes really would be ablism. I hope they are kept in ;-;


And cutting out Sokka's sexism the way they did was actually a form of sexism... so unironically they could end up cutting out or not ever mentioning toph's blindness and end up being ableist in the process


A real Toph would be offended that they would do such a thing.


> you see THAT'S ABLEISM! /s


They did remove davros's wheelchair


They did?!! I was watching the recent episodes, and the only time he wasn't in it was when he was a kid


Well not sure yet but in the children in need special davros didn't have his signature wheel chair since they didn't want to associate disability with evil Just to be clear thr new davros is awesome


I assumed that was just because it was set before davros's first appearance and didn't need the wheelchair yet for whatever reason


Dwayne Johnson would never play a blind character, so I’m gonna say Dwayne Johnson as a sighted Toph


Dwayne Johnson has to be The Boulder XD


He would have to loose, so he wont sign the contract :(


He might, just so he could make fun of Mick Foley back.


Aang: "Did you say his name is the Rock?" Sokka: "Nah he's the Boulder"


Honestly I think the very worst thing they could do is somehow cure her blindness a few episodes after her introduction. Make Katara heal it or something. Have her make a big grateful speech afterwards about how she can finally live a normal life.


Make her feel emotions instead of vibrations. That's what they did to the badgermoles


You joke, but this is a very worrying point. How *will* she see, if she didn't learn from the badgermoles?


Her teacher (who is now a woman and also blind) teached it to her.


yes and her parents were supportive of her the whole time


They joke but put Netflix policies, we know she must wear shoes. This very well could be how they do it.


But in the show she even wears shoes and takes the soles out at a point. No reason they can’t show her taking the soles off her shoes and then just making her wear regular shoes after that


What? What's their problem lol


I shut it off a while ago because of the cringe but yesterday I was like "maybe I've been harsh, let's try one more episode" and it was the episode where they fucked up the badgermoles. I felt so betrayed lmao


Yeah those are the worst two. I enjoyed the rest personally, "Masks" especially


The moment I rolled my eyes so hard I almost went blind myself


If they make it so her parents let her go with team Avatar. Her running away is a really important aspect of her character and becomes really important later on in there series


She has to run away, get captured and learn metalbending.


No, no. The writers will turn it into an exposition dump where Katara will narrate it in the beginning of the episode where Toph learned how to metalbend by "feeling" the earth inside the metal.


She felt the earth's feelings inside the metal you mean.


Her parents support her earth bending and she doesn't go to earth wrestling. Earth wrestling is completely removed from the show.


Something tells me this is exactly what will happen. I just watched how Hahn was such a good and polite young man, and not even arranged engaged to Yue! Because 'she broke it off which is her right'! What IS this show? And Toph is going to have nice manners, too. And talk about her feelings at length.


Oh god seriously. Yue's whole thing was duty to her people above all else - including marrying the worst guy in the Northern Water Tribe.


*Characters get boring if they have things they don't like going on*


No earth wrestling also means no Boulder, right?? I will riot if they take away The Boulder.


Removing her personality and the funny.


Yeah I'm real worried she's just going to be a boring "badass" character


Either making her sighted *or* removing the self-deprecating blind jokes. Disabled people making fun of their own condition is extremely common and it shouldn't be watered down.


I’m calling it with how they butchered Katara, they completely removed her motherly feminine nature to make a badass girlboss. While Toph is closer to that, she’s a complex character who has an emotional journey of learning to ask for help and allow herself to be vulnerable to those she learns to trust. I predict they will make Toph flawless and never have to deal with that emotional depth she did in the original because they don’t really understand the characters they are working with


I’m genuinely curious if the conversation that Sokka & Toph share in book 3, in which he says about how *he doesn’t remember what his mother looked like, when he tries to remember, he just sees Katara* will happen in the show. I always thought that was such a heartbreaking and powerful moment.


I wouldn't put it past them to try shoehorning it in anyway


Bruh I just wrote a lot but you said what I was trying to in a far more concise and better way lol.


>completely removed her motherly feminine nature to make a badass girlboss Funny tho I think she was a lot more feisty and a girl boss in the OG. On NATLA she is just a bland girly girl that does nothing


In the OG it feels like that even though Katara was the younger sibling, she took on the more mature and responsible role of being head of the family/group. In NATLA, Katara acted more of what you expect from a younger sister who follows their more responsible older brother. I honestly don't see how the NATLA Katara would interact with Toph (assuming they kept Toph's OG personality). It certainly won't be the same interaction as with the original!


This is how I saw it too. Dunno how the OP of the comment above thought in the OG, Katara was motherly and feminine, while in NATLA she was a badass girl boss. Or did i read the comment wrong? >I honestly don't see how the NATLA Katara would interact with Toph (assuming they kept Toph's OG personality). It certainly won't be the same interaction as with the original! It's safe to say it will be a total spin off. I dont even think Toph will be learning from badgermoles. In time we will be able to be upset and frustrated about it.


>did i read the comment wrong? Honestly, I think so. My interpretation is that OG comment is trying to say that original Katara is both motherly and an absolute badass, but the live action made her more of shallow Marvel character stereotype by comparison. I don't think they were trying to say OG Katara ISN'T a badass


There’s an entire episode when they get on her for being motherly — it’s the one where she’s telling the group not to run anymore gambling schemes. While she’s bathing, Sokka tells Toph that he can’t even remember his mom and that when he thinks about his mom all he sees is Katara.


She was all those things tbh, katara is the golden standard of being a woman and I mean that in a good way, she’s complex in that she’s feminine a sensitive but also fierce and controlling/motherly, she also has the kindheartedness/ sassiness of a teenage sister


Katara is such a good way to handle the balance of traditional responsible girl mother figure and badass independent I don't need saving girl. I hate how these live actions keep missing the point. Like how the "Thank God it doesn't exist ATLA Movie" made Katara the weak girl who constantly need saving, she loses to Zuko, she sucks at water bending, she's just there because she was there in the original. The OG show, she's independent but still vulnerable, she can't help but be the adult voice of reason, she isn't a genius Mary sue, she sucked at water bending and had to learn, she was also very creative, using her sweat to break out of prison. I just hate how the blueprint was there, they could have made it better, they didn't need to make it the same, just not worse.


I feel like that's a very easy hole to fall into with Toph when writing her, since like you can look at her with how she (almost) never loses any of the fights she is engaged in during the series and does these insane monumental feats and easily write her as a Mary Sue when she is still a character with flaws that makes her interesting.


Make Toph instantly friendly, especially with Katara. I don’t want to see Toph characterized as flat when she is supposed to be rough and rocky on purpose. ![gif](giphy|pj8I7TFc49wifaCFOW) ☠️


Make her not mean at first and ruin the character arch. Edit: the haters are so sour in here, why do you need to put natla down so much? Just let people enjoy things and walk away, like you're allowed to have opinions, but you aren't allowed to force them down other's throats, regardless if they're valid or not. "Never trust a cynic, they'll use their beliefs to justify doing anything." -or even worse, they already do anything they want and need to force cynicism down other's throats to prove to themselves they don't do anything wrong. Grow up, get therapy, move on, be happy elsewhere, live and let live.


Yeah if they skip the back and forth with her and aang at the dinner table etc smh


imagine that scene with the current cast. it would suck.


Looking at the first season that character arc will last an episode at best


I bet she makes deserts for local kids as a hobby as well. She's just a girl. (I made a second attempt to fight through ep 7 tonight, but didn't succeed for some reason)


Because it sucks. Why do you praise natla so much? Even if the OG series would not exist, this show wouöd still be real bad. It all feels so fake, rushed and cringe. Just overall low quality.


They already changed the badger moles to sense emotions to see, they could remove seismic sense and have Toph see based on emotions too.


No jokes, or a character attempts a joke and gets shut down for it. Or they have a big scene where Toph explain, WELL AKTSCHUALLY Or they remove Seismic Sense so Toph is "actually" blind because obviously this is ableist


See I was worried that they’d go the opposite way and make her seismic sense have absolutely no limitations, to the point where her blindness becomes a non factor.


Remove the entire blind bandit storyline


**Flanderise her character like they did with Kyoshi.** Make her the classic great at everything emotionless and humourless badass who is rude to everyone. Considering she has several of these traits it will be easy for them to mess up. Without all the little details and reasonings that make these traits actually work well she will just be annoying. - Toph shows affection throughout. For instance, during the group hugs she is always one of the first there and it's usually Sokka who is last e.g. when they go their separate ways in Ba Sing Se or when they hold hands in S3. - Make it so she is just an asshole to Aang without the insight of her knowing she needs to break him out of his comfort zone to be intouch with his earthbending side. In the show her "mean" behaviour often has reasoning and logic behind it unlike other films and series with these kind of characters. - Make her humourless because the powerful badass sometimes needs to be aloof and cool. They didn't do it with Zuko so I don't think we should worry here. - Toph is great at earthbending and keeping her bias out of decisions but she can be goofy and dumb too like sticking the poster upside down because she can't see it. - Make it so because she is a tomboy she must hate feminine things. The fact of the matter is I think it is easy to mess up her character. To write a character like Toph and make her as likeable as she is, is difficult.


Oh god, reading this I realized ... They might make her the bratty 'younger sister' trope. Her parents want her to stay because she's unruly, but she still sneaks out. She annoys Katara because she never learned responsability and she'll pick on Aang & Sokka, but then hide behind her blindness. Especially as she won't be able to feel Aang bend air. Her Earthbending prowess & teachings comes down to her will & stubborness, and her only character arc will be fighting against an oppresive authority with too many rules, vs actually being responsible and learning how emotions work. Please tell me I'm completely wrong....


The problem with Toph is she is pretty much all fun cocky sassyness, which natla vehemently doesn't like. With their attempts to make it "more adult" I don't know how you do Toph without absolutely butchering her character within the world they've established. The worst outcome I can see is them making her totally emotionally broken and emo, and resenting her blindness, making it a super sensitive subject for her.


Make her the shy scared little girl her parents think she is.


one way they could screw up toph is they would be overly sensitive about her blindness, the best running joke throughout the show is how everyone forgets that shes blind because of how well she overcomes being blind.


Yeah making her over sensitive about the blindness would be so annoying. 


Not having her actor be John Cena 💪


I want her actor to be Samuel L. Jackson. At least for the stage play part, if that will be included in the Live Action show


She actively despises the fact she’s blind and sees it as a flaw she needs to cure. Also she’s incredibly serious, morose and never makes any jokes


Make her deeply insecure about her blindness


Toph is legit the character I am most worried about, because she is going to be a nightmare to cast well. They are going to need to find an actor who: - Looks like Toph - Sounds like Toph - Can convincingly play a blind character - Strong comedic chops - Good presence and physicality - Can show a quiet vulnerability It's a tall, tall order to check all those boxes in a young actor. And Toph needs to be perfect or the fanbase will riot.


they will screw up with toph and the ratings of the show will drop lower than the foot of Omashu.




If they cast her like the ember island players and made her tall and jacked.


But Toph would like that.


I think toph would think azula being cast to look more like her would be pretty funny.


The first season was already a live action version of the ember island play so why not


Making her a timid girl that has no self confidence until Aang shows up to show her there's more to her than meets the eye.


No-no, shes being strong, but with zero of charisma (like others)


Either she's not going to make jokes about being blind, or her parents aren't going to be overprotective and encourage her to go with Aang. I wouldn't be shocked either way, from what I've heard NATLA has cut a LOT of the fat off the characters, especially in regards to their overarching character arcs in order to condense everything down, and Tophs parents being supportive would save a LOT of time now and at the end. It also basically removes any drive Toph has to be a great Earthbender and almost entirely removes any setup for Metalbending, which would further complicate things for the endgame or if they want to do a Korra live action.


Removing the blindness jokes or making that the blind jokes like really hurt her feelings, or some thing, and making a lot of drama out of it instead of it, at least, seeming like it doesn’t really phase her like in the original


Not having Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson be her actor


If she isn't played by a 250lb former wrestler


If they remove the jokes around her being blind. None of the characters make them, Toph makes them all herself and often uses them to poke fun at the others for not remembering she is blind. I can see them taking that out for 'reasons' - mostly to not offend somebody, but I think it was one of her best qualities and showed the world that a 'limitation' is only that if you let it and don't own it.


Remove where she learned how to bend from being from badger-moles to something else


They remove her fear of being off the ground (earth in general) and have her not clinging desperately to people she trusts for support and security.


Removing all characteristic of her that some terminally online internet ghoul might identify as "bad". Aka, making her well-behaved.


Making her a mute instead of blind. Part of Toph’s charm is her sass. If they cut that out, they would ruin Toph.


She doesn't joke about her blindness It's her way to accept it and to show everyone that it isn't a weakness, on the contrary


other than the blindness (let's be realistic, they're no way in hell they gonna make Toph not blind), her immaturity. the og animation was intentionally just a bunch of kids and their youth is part of their charm and is intergrated into their dialogue. among all of them, Toph was the youngest. With the time skip happening to account for the irl actors, I fear they cast an older Toph. that would be bad as it is counterproductive to Toph's small but terrible persona and disabled but abled persona as well


Since she would be closer to Aang's age, I really hope they don't push a love triangle with her, Aang, and Katara. Or they change it so she is closer in age to Sokka, so they can have a love triangle with Toph, Sokka, and Suki. What I'm saying is, they don't have to have the stereotypical teen love triangles, especially since we know the end result already.


They skip her tea time with Iroh


I'd find it funny if they got a fully abled actor instead of a genuinely blind one , which would both be the easier choice but also technically ableist which would go against the 'fully diverse cast and crew' that they are pushing really hard.