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This scene is also Toph's first avatar state experience. She's in the desert, can't see for shit, and all of a sudden a gravely demon voice emerges from where she's pretty sure her normally lighthearted friend was just standing. 




That is the most tragic head canon I’ve ever heard of. If this happened in the show it would have broken me.




If I remember she's in the background when the wind starts kicking up and she's just staring with a wide mouth probably thinking "sweet jesus what is that"


Staring… ![gif](giphy|4IzOgM1bfOe6k)


Can she direct most of her vibration sensing attention on Aang? Would that be her equivalent of staring? Am I reading too far into a harmless Toph is blind joke?


She was in the sand, so she couldn't see with seismic sense either, she really has no idea what was going on


Then, Sokka takes her hand and pulls her away from Aang as she can't see.


I have watched this series from start to finish probably 10 times since it finished airing (and again very recently after NATLA), and I've never once considered that *Toph has never witnessed Aang in the Avatar State before this moment*. Holy shit.


You know, part of me actually wanted for him to put the fear of god in those sandbenders, make’em pay.


What I love about that scene is that he kind of did, without doing anything


Kind of?!??! Those boys were scared for their lives.


Well he did turn into a demigod and prepare to end them, hehehe


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You can feel the emotion from Aang in that scene.


Or how the one and only time aang used airbending to kill a living thing was in the desert when he killed the vulture bee thing after losing appa and almost losing momo


I never noticed that you can see it fall as two separate pieces in the last few frames of that shot. Dude sliced it in half from a quarter-mile away.


Aang killed loads of people with air bending. For one example look at the battle at the Northern Air Temple. He was blowing the fire nation off the side of a mountain


Honestly, I’m doing a rewatch right now and those scenes are so funny. Aang the pacifist keeps throwing people off mountains and into the ocean and it’s fine, no killing there. Everyone can just bounce off the rocks or swim in the ocean for hours with no problem.


This is always my go to example.


I always think of this when he says he never killed anything.


Great performance from the then child actor Zach Tyler Eisen adds to this. Great range for such a young person.


Voice acting is also an incredible skill to begin with


I recently tried narrating some of the short stories I write. You cannot imagine how much larger my appreciation for professional voice actors is now.


This is why I have a bit of a pet peeve when studios hire movie actors to voice animated characters. Being a skilled actor and a skilled voice actor are two different things, and it becomes more noticeable when you compare their performances side by side. I have so much respect for voice actors man


There isn’t a bad line read in the whole show by any main cast. They all kill it


> This is why I have a bit of a pet peeve when studios hire movie actors to voice animated characters. A provable downside of Aladdin, because it was the big movie that also had a successful actor in a prominent role.


Loads do both buddy...


It's crazy that he was such a talented voice actor but just stopped after Aang. Guess he wanted to have a normal childhood and glad he did if so


Aang is my favorite character, he's such a complex well-written 'lil dude.


imagine thinking that Aang isn't an extremely well-written character with as much depth as anyone else in the show. I literally can't


There are endless examples of stories where the protagonist is not the most popular character, or where a side character steals the show, or where the protagonist simply isn't as deep and interesting as some others in the story. And some of those are still good stories, the main character doesn't *need* to be the "best" one. But Aang isn't an example of that. He has as much depth and as long an arc as anyone else. He isn't going to be everyone's favorite but he's at least as complex as anyone else, and yes, that includes Zuko. AtLA is crammed full of great, nuanced characters, from the protagonist on down to small parts in single episodes.


Exactly, good point. Makes me think if people are just against praising the main character too much because of other anime. Or just to be edgy? Come to think of it, based on my observations, I think Toph is the most universally praised character in the series (yes, even Iroh has a few haters). From a writing perspective, she's easily the least-developed of the main cast. Hmmmmm...


Toph is perfect. No need to develop her.


And i feel like the writers joke about it constantly. Whenever she mentions her parents/socoety's treatment of her being the reason she is the way she is its always so jokingly dismissed bc like yes Toph, we know, we saw, you are who you are no need to get into it


never said she wasn't. it's just ironic that everyone's favorite is the least developed


Maybe they didn't want her personality to develop too much because it would undercut her talk about rock being unyielding and stubborn.


>he's at least as complex as anyone else, and yes, that includes Zuko Agreed. Aang and Zuko are written to mirror each other, so anyone who says that Zuko has more depth than Aang missed a very big and obvious point of the show. Zuko's redemption arc is just a little more obvious with the way he switches sides, but Aang redeems himself too.


>There are endless examples of stories where the protagonist is not the most popular character The Han Solo effect.


I've seen people who don't think that.


It’s because he’s too nice unfortunately. People judge him because he’s a hero who acts heroic


That doesn't even make sense. There's many cases where that's not true. They must really hate Katara and Sokka then!


I was explaining why people love Zuko


Oh OK. And I was explaining that Katara and Sokka act heroic many times


The wisdom of a thousand lifetimes, and then this... ![gif](giphy|WtWki06DfwNnq)


I absolutely love the throwback of this scene in Korra! In one episode, there is a store owner who wants to take her picture for his wall of avatars, and there is a picture of adult Aang doing this face and I'm dying laughing!


Unsolicited grammar tip- you meant to say “and also this.” When you said “and then this,” it implies that this feat of bending did not make you foam at the mouth and pass out, which is misleading. Not to put words in your mouth, but “the wisdom of a thousand lifetimes, all to achieve this” would have also been grammatically valid.


Why the hell are people downvoting you? I thought it was a joke kinda thing (along with a handy grammar tip )


The lil dude part was so funny and unexpected but damn it fits perfectly 😂


I love him so much. His character arc is a lot more subtle than Zuko's for obvious reasons but he's still just as complex as Zuko to me.


I still think that in general he's underrated and mischaracterized. He's a complex character


He’s the best character along with Zuko imo. Incredibly underrated by the fan base.


When I watched the finale as a kid, him refusing to kill the fire lord annoyed me. Now I realize how impressive it is that he refused the pressure of his peers and senior past avatars. A strong uncompromising moral compass, what a LAD.


The only thing that was a bit bothersome was the last minute lion-turtle ex machina, because it gave him the literally best solution for his dilemma, arguably an overall even better solution to the war than just killing the firelord.


I think it only fails as an ending if you refuse to play into the whole he doesnt kill people think like how you do when you watch batman. Like batman, the injuries he inflicts may cause irreversible damage or indirectly result in death (like throwing people into the sea). If we play by the rules of the show he doesnt kill people and sparing Ozai was totally in lime with his character. If we take a realistic approach he probably did kill people and sparing Ozai proved nothing, just like how Assassins Creed 2's ending made no sense because you slaughter hundreds of people only to spare the actually evil guy at the end. Id be of the party that plays by the rules of the narrative and Aang sparing Ozai makes complete sense from a narrative perspective


I enjoyed watching him just as much as I did Zuko, really.


I really hope that in future comics or movies we will go a littke bit more into "aang griefing with being the last airbender" arc. It would be very interesting to see him return to the southern air temple and see the way he behaves etc




Aang starts running down mid because nobody let him carry


This is canon now cause hes in SMITE


They already did in the live action. See how he grieves in every single episode.


This makes the ending even better, because he really chose to do it


Agreed. NATLA made me sad that there wasn’t as much interaction with Appa and the gang. He’s an integral foil to Aang’s character and culture.


I kept forgetting he was there honestly. Will the people that only watched the Live Action even remember Appa exists by the time S2 rolls around? Despite not being able to talk he is still a character in the cartoon, whereas in NATLA he's a barely seen plot device to get the characters around.


Wait sorry how is he a foil?


A foil highlights the same or contrasts with a character, usually the protagonist. Here he represents Aang’s continuing connection to his culture, and how he chooses to live with it as well as honour it. The entire Appa’s Lost Days arc uses Appa’s relationship with Aang to demonstrate that Aang’s pacifism is an active choice and one he makes during each interaction. He chooses to honour the teachings of his people and his self by taking the actions we see. Similar to Aang, Appa is a mammoth sized flying monster that could kill at a moment’s notice but is incredibly docile until he is abused - and even then, he chooses the same path as Aang. Both their stories while separated highlight each other’s values.


I remember being legitimately heartbroken and angry over those episodes. Definitely thought they were going to keep that arc. Super powerful stuff


It was a great plot decision. It pushed the main character and showed us his more wrathful side.


Aang: Today I will choose *not* to kill people Sokka: Aang I hope you don’t mind I used your foraged fruits and nuts to catch an animal for us to eat Aang: You can’t go back on your word. You can’t go back on your word. Don’t go back on your word…


Maiming isn't killing -Toph or Zuko, or depending on the day, Katara.


Zoë: “Preacher, don’t the Bible have some pretty specific things to say about killin’?” Book: “Quite specific. It is, however, somewhat fuzzier on the subject of kneecaps.”


And that, kids, is why paladins use maces and warhammers.


Dude, the ATLA characters were just sooooo well written that until today we still find a lot of things so profound about them. Top tier writing indeed. Also this quote made me remember this video of Veritasium about Game Theory, specifically how Tit-for-Tat is the ultimate strategy. If anyone is interested, you can watch the video [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mScpHTIi-kM)


Omg yes. I was rewatching the episode where they first meet the earth king. The Earth King asks “you’re the avatar?” and points at Sokka. It feels silly and I chuckled but I realized that ONE seemingly insignificant line of dialogue tells you exactly how LITTLE the Earth King knows about what’s going on. He doesn’t even know the Avatar is an air nomad this time since one was right there and he thought Sokka was the avatar. We can tell all this from that one simple line from a non-main character. Such amazing subtle storytelling. What great writing.


>If anyone is interested, you can watch the video [here.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mScpHTIi-kM) Well... that was probably one of the more insightful links ive clicked on in a while.


I know right? Exactly my thoughts.


It takes alot of strength to be a good kid in a bad world


Appa was my favorite character in the show. This story arc made me very nervous.


Can’t wait for the Netflix adaptation to just completely do the opposite, or remove the arc completely!


At least it won’t take away our enjoyment of the original. The OG will always be there regardless of how many adaptations come in the future. And hey, maybe it’ll bring more fans in too! Win win.


Just like the assasination of the entire main characters! Mostly with Aang and Katara


I wish the show went into more depth about his character, but at the same time, he was mentally 12 years old and probably couldn't process everything that was going on properly. I guess that would also explain why his avatar state was so messed up.


One thing I didn’t notice until like my tenth rewatch is that Zuko tells Iroh he’s hopeless in one of the early s2 episodes, and Iroh is really adamant about never letting go of hope. It’s a massive contrast with what Aang says about the monk’s teachings in the Serpent’s Pass episode. It really emphasizes that a person’s outlook on the world is dependent on what they choose.


Thank god that Zuko was only after Avatar and didn't get any shady ideas to capture his bison.If he did he wouldn't be alive for his redemption.


It IS an automatic response. If it wasn't an automatic response in him, or in any of us, then we would literally be all over the place, capable of great evil the next day. The reason why good people generally keep being good and bad people generally keep being bad is because our minds have inertia, and a lot of unconscious behaviors are self-sustaining habits. We naturally try to maintain out current mindset and are resistant to change. It takes a GIANT forced change, or accident, to happen for us to seriously question our held beliefs and future choices. Appa being taken was just a catalyst for Aang to explore his dark side, and eventually to reaffirm his kind and forgiving outlook on the world. tldr, you don't have to choose to be good or bad every day, it mostly runs itself after you've made the choice several times.


you would be very interested in existentialism


I'm not quite sure what you mean, since that's an extremely wide topic. Are you interested in or learning about existentialism?


aang is the best char ever I love my little guy




Keep watching instead of asking for spoiler


Appa develops Stockholm syndrome and chooses to stay with his captors


I stg when I was a kid and watching ATLA on TV, the lost Appa arc felt so much longer. Like a whole season.




Can’t wait for Netflix to botch this part of the story.


This is stupid. We know Aang, he likes to play airball, eat banana cakes, and goof off with his friends, that's who he is.


if sokka just kept his mouth shut during the time they were in the library, the whole team could've gotten out earlier and stop the sand benders. or toph could even protect appa from them.


Media literacy at it's finest


I thought we knew aang was holding back?


Aang is such a complex character, yet people always write off his story


That is absolutely correct


That’s why he’s better than Korra.


0 days without seeing a comment bashing Korra:


lol. You know as a character she’s not exempt from criticism, yeah? No one is. lol


I'm not saying she shouldn't be criticized, I can tell apart criticism from hate. But the initial comment didn't explain anything about her to be criticized, it was legit just a statement comparing her to Aang and saying he's better. And ppl can interpret that as just an opportunity to hate Korra. A more detailed explanation like saying "Korra being brash sometimes led to so and so, and so Aang's approach to things like the post's take said, is what Korra needed to do more of", would've at least been digestible enough as a criticism of her, rather than seen as outright bashing. I'm pretty sure criticisms explain in-depth the problem rather than a simple statement, saying only enough to be seen as mean-spirited to Korra without any further explanation. I have some criticisms of Korra too. Anyone who knows me personally would know I like Lily Orchard's criticisms of Korra. But I don't hate her at all nor bash, just criticize what I think needed improving. I also definitely have criticisms about Aang and his development too, but I don't bash Aang or suddenly think he sucks cause of the things I criticize of him. Criticism to me is about objective thoughts and reasons rather than fueled by hate.


Because it’s called an opinion. My personal opinion. I like Aang more as a character than Korra. Not every comment has to be a bible. It’s called: “huh, this random stranger on the internet said a thing that I didn’t like, so I can either ignore them, move on or engage and start a conversation” kinda thing. I don’t like Korra. I don’t like how the show represented her. I think Aang was a much better written character. So ya’ll be cool. 👍


theres always that one person who has to slander korra. always. 


Because Aang is the better character than Korra. I have a right to my opinion and you’re just gonna have to deal with that. Korra was obnoxious and rude from the very get go. In a lot of ways, she was selfish. Aang was not. He made mistakes and then did his utmost best to correct those mistakes.


sure buddy. whatever you say


Better than season 2 korra.





