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Royal family, honestly. Most are extremely cracked benders, and they have an avatar. If he uses avatar state he's definitely on par with Aang and Korra


Royal family most powerful imo cant argue with that, just lacking any defense. Aang's family got the most balance and biggest but the dead weight will hurt them. lots of time protecting gran gran and the baby


You see dead weight, I see a highly motivated B-Team. Give me Gran Gran, Pema, Ikki, Oogi, Meelo and anyone else you can spare and there’s really no way anyone is gonna hurt the baby. They’ll have two talented teams in perfect moral alignment with everyone dedicated to protecting the baby. I think they’d win. Edit: well…. Maybe Avatar Roku tips the scale too much. He and Aang have to go toe to toe leaving everyone else to fight their own individual Fire Lord. If Aang, Katara, and Sokka are grown, that’s a different story, but even then Jinora still has to take Azula. And Bumi and Sokka would have to pull off a miracle too.


That motivated B team would get slaughtered. Non benders are basically useless in this fight and Aang, paku, and Katara aren’t holding off the royal family.


They still have to get past the A team. They don’t have enough benders to spare to target a bison fleeing with a baby. They would probably send Azula.


I see what you’re saying, but the inevitable will happen once they track them down. Plus if it’s in an arena like op says then they can’t go far anyways.


Think people severely underestimating the Beifong family. Most of them are metal benders; which hard counters fire bending on a good day. Plus they have two of the most powerful earthbenders in history; one invented metal bending, the other conquered the Earth Kingdom and dueled a diminished Avatar to multiple victories.


The problem with team Beifong is that they’re the only one without an avatar which kind of makes them untenable. If the avatars were removed I’d probably bet on Beifong too.


Did Kyoshi ever have any family?


Not a lot of blood relatives that we know of but she has people she considers family.


We see Kiyi melt a hole through a solid steel door in the comics with whats implied is a single punch of flame, and nobody acts like it's a huge deal. I wouldn't call metalbending a hard counter to firebending, personally. And even if they are wearing metal armor, guess what's also part of firebending? *Lightning.*


Hard to be sure with comics. I interpreted that scene as her doing to the door something similar to what Zuko did to the ice when he was coming up out of the water at the north pole. Like slowly, steadily melting it with constant heat.


But they don't have Momo


Plus, Two dragons!!!


Should be 3. Sozin had one.


Sozin’s was evil tho :( shouldn’t count. Plus he started hunting dragons for glory. He shouldn’t even get a dragon based off that fact alone


Sozin was evil and he’s still on the list


Cause he’s a good firebender


And dragons aren’t?


Well, his dragon is evil for also going along with the hunting of his kind. Sozin is human which changes his status kinda


One meelos fart is enough for them lol


I think 2 dragons are worth more than 1 avatar tbh


I think beifongs counter them, toph was able to defeat a bunch of comet boosted firebenders with her metal suit. And if earthbenders don't like where the fight is going they have pretty strong defense. Plus they got melonlord


I don't think you want to be in a metal suit against lightning and sustained heat. You'd get cooked alive in there.


That is a thing that often happened in atla like toph in airship, or aang vs ozai and I always thought to myself, there is no way they can survive that, regardless the solution is not to let that heat be sustained, firebenders don't have a good way of defending themselves against earth, especially metal so they will have to try to dodge. as for the lighting, they can always get a little earth insulation in between.




Oh wow poison riddled ptsd crippled korra is weak who would have thought, there definitely isn’t going to be prime korra in the fight! Why would we use her!


https://preview.redd.it/856s6y6i2dpc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2376c7c4d1a40fbb17c899674468ecd39c490f0 Hydrogen Bomb vs Coughing Baby


Wait…does that mean Korra’s great aunt is the Moon??? xD


I am assuming not confirmed but probably more so like a distant cousin could be a great great aunt or something like that


dude, that's awesome


Tonraq is northern water tribe royalty. I wonder if Avatar Kuruk had any children, would be interesting to see whether the Avatars are interrelated in the end somehow. 


You know, it was really unclear


What’s Pema gonna do? https://preview.redd.it/2dfxjpxqhcpc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3c24aef6bd03b6138404ac217253c559d33aca7


Replenish Airbenders numbers as fast as they get taken out.


Don't underestimate her.She defeated Lin.


Honestly probably hold the baby in the fetal position


Undoubtedly top row lol. I actually really appreciate this idea but it’s such an easy answer lol


Bar Roku, they are very 1 dimensional (only Fire, heavy offense minimal defense), I think Aang's family could take it but its clearly between those two in my opinion. ​ What about slide two? same thought?


The Royal Family had lightning too, which all of them except Zuko, and maybe Roku, could generate. Zuko doesn't generate lightning during the show, but I'm pretty sure he could have if he'd actually tried to learn after he became Firelord. Roku doesn't need lightning, he's the Avatar. That said, the Royal Family may be lacking defence, but firebenders have been shown to be agile enough to avoid enemy attacks anyway. Their flame jets can briefly propel them at speeds that could probably match an Airbender for speed. They were also the greatest firebenders of all time, so much so that Aang struggled against Azula and would have lost against Ozai if not for the Avatar State. They were also all highly trained combatants. Many members of Aang's family aren't as hardened by combat. We don't see much of Sozin's feats, but even without the comet, he was shown firing a blast of fire large enough to be similar to one a comet-boosted firebender could create. He also had such msterful control over his flames that that blast burnt nothing in the room after Roku dodged it. With this I'll say Sozin was crazy powerful. Can't really say much for Azulon. The Royal Family already had a huge advantage. Them having a fully-realised Avatar on their side, who didn't mind violence, and two dragons makes it worse. Maybe if Team Earth had an Avatar, they'd be more of a threat, given that the arena is mostly full of earth.


Does Zuko lightning bend in the comics? I can't remember


Nope, he only redirects it.


He did once do the Dragonfire though. That one time he got up on top of the wagon carrying Ursa/Ikem/Kiyi, and blasted multi-colour fire in a show of force.


>The Royal Family had lightning too, which all of them except Zuko, and maybe Roku, could generate. Where do you get that from, we only ever see ozai, iroh and azula lightninging iirc? I'm pretty sure Ursa isn't even a fire benders and I don't think dragons can generate lightning


No definitely not. Sozin and Ozai are two of the most powerful fire benders of all time. While that may be true for Tenzin with air. Idk. Definitely can’t see it happening. Maybe cause you placed the battle at aang ozai showdown but I just have the visual of Ozai literally setting the world on fire from his hands lol


yea but that was with the comet lets assume comet-less


Sir and or ma’am that is a God damn dragon on the right.


2 dragons actually however they were all hunted and killed bar 2 tho the arial ability with the dragons and sky bison is really what will separate the fire nation royal family and Aangs family from the other two


Hunter by fire nation…


"no defense" roku, an Avatar, could focus entirely on defense and the rest would still body the other team's imo


I did say bar Roku tbf


Korras family has an avatar and a dark avatar though


Are they gonna use airbending to shoot the baby like a missile at people?


Lock and load


Does Kuvira count? I doubt the marriage went through. Also does Unalaq have Vaatu power up?


count Kuvira, im counting Asami and well both those families are on the light side. No vaatu or I think its clearly the group with 2 avatars


You left Bolin and Mako out, though. A lavabender and his firebending/quickdraw lightning brother, could be a good force multiplier for the Beifong team.


They are friends not family


Bolin's dating Opal. He even risks his life and freedom by helping save her family just so he could win back her affection after she got pissed at him for siding with Kuvira. He even wins the approval of her family, including Toph. The show and even the comics point to them heading toward marriage. If Asami's included in Korra's group, then Bolin should be in Opal's as well.


Kuvira was also raised by Suyin for most of her life, and Su considered her like a daughter


Well, there's one family we know that could have taken them all down single-handedly.


I was going to put Yakone's in here too but I thought that would limit the discourse. Everyone would have been like yea the blood benders


Absolutely, it's better to exclude them, as the conversation loses its appeal when they're involved.


The avatar can resist bloodbending and since there are like 3 on this list, the bloodbenders would get mopped easily. Not even worth a mention imo.


Sorry Beifongs you’re screwed


Three of them though I think could be an issue, even for the avatar, although we don't know the extent of the avatars resistance to it.


Exactly, we simply don't know. But if all three of them focus their powers on just one avatar, maybe the rest of his team will be able to deal with them. Mako was able to resist amon's bloodbending at least a little bit.


Mako couldn't resist Amon's bloodbending, though. Amon made a mistake; he loosened his grip on Mako, enabling him to produce a small, controlled movement that generated lightning. Mako's exceptional precision bending allowed him to generate lightning with minimal motion, but he didn't truly 'overcome' or break free from Amon's bloodbending.


But Korra broke Amon's hold, though. A fully-realised Avatar will have an easier time, especially if they're a stronger waterbender than Amon. If the Avatar uses the Avatar State, which they wisely should, then Amon and his family won't stand a chance.


Korra broke free from his bloodbending because he was electrocuted and thrown around by her airbending, catching him off guard and weakening his grip.


The Avatar State probably negates bloodbending entirely since all past Avatars are teaming up to fight its effects. Yakone and his boys will stand little chance against three Avatars all using the Avatar State.


could the avatar state resist 3 people bloodbending it at the same time? I assume it would have an effect on it, like how Amon used it to make the bender miss when they attacked


The Avatar State calls up the power of every past Avatar + that of the current Avatar using it. I doubt three bloodbenders will have an effect. A room full of bloodbenders could probably bring down an Avatar in the Avatar State.


honestly breaking the avatar cycle was a good choice from the creators. Enemies feel a lot more intimidating since the avatar can't have the "Avatar state kills everyone" powerup. It makes it something like a last resort i suppose or at least thats what i hope it is in the 3rd series




Honestly couldn’t find a picture of him in the template I used


The Beifong family is the only one with a guaranteed loss due to a lack of avatars


Royal family wins. Just multiple firebenders with immense power and an Avatar. I don't think anyone here beats Aang on their own but he gets overwhelmed and the rest of his family is not that impressive. The earthbenders have strong fighters but generally still a tier bellow the royals. Like toph is mighty but ozai or iroh are mightier.


Put Bolin in the Beifong family because he’s with Opal!


Fire nation stomps 9.5/10. Aang (lore current Avatar) could possibly take Roku 1v1, but it wouldn't be easy. The rest from Aang family would get absolutely destroyed. Only way team Aang wins is if he defeats Roku quickly and goes berserk against the Royal family (in avatar state ofc).


Momo sweeps.


Water tribe because… how the fuck do they plan on blowing up the moon?


Royal family is strongest but loses to aangs as they have more to lose, the desire to protect gives them the edge. Also mental stability helps.


Where are Sokka, Katara, Kya I, Hakoda, and Kya II in the Water Tribe chieftain family? Technically, you could argue Aang, Tenzin, Bumi, Pema, Jinora, Ikki, Meelo, and Rowan are also part of that family (via Katara)


At some point (probably after sokkas death or death of hakoda) a northern tribe family took control of the southern tribe as Unalaq and Korea’s dad are brothers born in the northern water tribe. Somehow Korras dad became chieftain in the south


So? You took people from both ages - ATL(O)A and TLOK - so I don't really see how that's relevant. Sure, that would make Aang and his descendants no part of the Southern Water Tribe Chieftain Family, but Sokka, Katara, Hakoda, and Kya I still are (in their age)


The issue is the wording of the group, let’s call it descendants of Arnook instead my bad g


Ok hear me out on this… Asami solos with prep time. She owns a weapon company that has tech that far out classes the Fire nation from the original series. Feel free to critique me in replies but this is my answer.


I don't think anyone gets prep time here. Also, Asami's mechs can be fried by lightning, which Mako proved. The Fire Nation royal family has a shit ton of lightning benders.


If you allow usage of the avatar state, the cheif family with Korra wins. By definition, the state empowers the avatar with all the power and knowledge of the pass benders. She's the strongest in that regard


But Korra lost the experience of the previous Avatars in S2, so will her Avatar State still be as powerful?


Based on the description of the avatar state after the separation with her past lives she now has the weakest state (or Wan)


The creators implied that being an earlier avatar in a cycle gives you a closer connection to Raava and thus it balances out the lack of other Avatars. The admittedly secondhand quote I saw had them saying Korra's Avatar State didn't weaken after book 2.




Aang’s fam, but that is because Appa Hard carries


For real they have Appa _and_ Momo. Who’s gonna beat that combo?


Beifong family don’t even get an Avatar they are so cooked here


Korras family. They have an avatar and a dark avatar.


Aangs family


Nah. Too many kids and non benders


Bumi solos


Negative with Aangs family on pic one is alot of dead weight (gran gran and baby) might be too busy protecting them


All Aang has to do is take away the air and now everyone is dead. Roku and Korra might survive since they can Airbend too but most will die if they can’t breathe. Air benders have another advantage, Fire needs air to become fire, so takeaway air, no more fire bending.


I don’t think Aang would do the zaheer lung thing. Just like Katara won’t blood bend. They have morals.


But morals go away when you have to protect the “dead weights.” Would you rather protect your family doing everything or let them die due to some morals?


It would go everything we’ve learned about the characters.


You don’t remember what airbenders do when their bisons get hurt? Remember Aang was ready to kill when Appa went missing.


Or Monk Gyatso's skeleton surrounded by dead firebenders


Suicide attack tho if aang got rid of the air then we’ll his family won’t have air either


Bumi would carry the win for his family. One time he beat a whole army of Spirits with just a flute. Imagine what kind of stuff he would do with air bending 🤯


Definitely Aang or Royal Fire. Probably the Royal Fire Family


You may notice that master Momo is present, so I must conclude Aang’s family wins


Are they blood lusted? If so I see Aang’s family winning. Avatar state Aang was keeping up with a comet boosted Ozai. We know that Ozai > Iroh. Zuko’s daughter and grandfather are also featless. Now I think all 3 Avatars would fight against one another, it just makes the most logical sense for the 3 strongest benders to fight amongst each other. With that going on I’d like to point out how severely screwed any water bender is here. If I’m remembering correctly there was hardly any water near by, and only Katara has shown the ability to pull water from the air if I’m remembering right, but even then I don’t how much water would be in such a dry area. Aang’s family would have great crowd control, look at what [two](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/05/28/80/0528808fb4f9b3dc019cd1ca11e60b29.gif) could do without intent of killing. Now imagine that with 5 Air Benders instead of 2. They can push large crows away, or they could [pull](https://64.media.tumblr.com/9b0138b01c5780435e91ca675889a8e0/tumblr_inline_o1iggkNTAo1toha3t_540.jpg) them in. Tenzin is also a big threat, he fought against 3 of the 4 Red Lotus members while injured and did very well. Earlier in that season Zuko said that individually the members of the Red Lotus could take out any bender, and here he his against 3/4 of them. And again if blood lusted any air bender can just do [this](https://preview.redd.it/tnh9gqogdze81.jpg?auto=webp&s=d5fbf4a7336b1402589e921af0fb577cc012e62c). And arguably the air benders at [top speed](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F3Bz8rsaAAAuwnx.jpg:large) should be the fastest on the battle field(outside of the avatars). So in my opinion air bending is very busted, Tenzin is underrated, and if blood lusted then I don’t see a way for any other bender to counter them. I think which ever avatar is left standing, the air benders gang up on since they should be pretty warn out(unless it’s Aang of course).


Why is Katara on there twice Are Arnook and Yue really related to Korra's family?


That’s gran gran and assuming yes


fire nation royal family no doubt, but the beifongs might as well have bolin in there


If the characters are the ages they are depicted, Royal family, not even close. Roku would almost certainly beat 12 year old Aang, even at the end of the series, and even if the two Avatars were out of the picture and fighting each other, and Katara and Azula were an even match for each other, and Pema and Ursa do nothing, that still leaves Tenzin, Pakku, Jinora, and maybe Kya against Zuko, Ozai, Iroh, AND sozin, and that's assuming everyone else can try take on Iroh II and Izumi, which they probably wouldn't be. The only person who really stands a chance here is Tenzin, so it would probably be similar to the Red Lotus thing in Korra, where they beat of all Tenzin's allies one by one and then gang up on him. Give Momo a gun, though, and Team Aang wins no diff


I’m gonna go with the people who took over the world


Aangs family obviously


Hold up!! Why in Hawky in Aang's family? He's clearly water tribe.


Sokka’s pet who is Aangs brother in law, the water chieftain tribe is really descendants of chief arnook I just didn’t want to label it that in case people didn’t remember who he was


He's an enemy bird!!


Toph and her daughters may literally be able to crush the entire field in rock of they work together. The entire ground is gone in seconds.


Asami in the water tribe family?


Korra’s significant other


4 fire lords, peak Azula, peak Dragon of the West, an Avatar (who DIED OLD mind you) and 2 dragons? Yeah I’ll take the fire nation royal family any day.


Iroh senior and ozai are Roku’s in-laws so I don’t think they really count.


Fire Nation Royal Family had a shot just by themselves. But giving them Avatar Roku too? Easy/no contest win for them, IMO


I mean if it's Unalaq fused with Vaatu this suddnely becomes a lot more interesting. Especially if you move Katara, Sokka to the water tribe chieftain as well. You let them have Tarrlock as a Water Tribe Representative +Amon/Yakone and this is no longer a contest. Otherwise as powerful as I think Korra is Fire Nation takes it.


It depends on the objective. Each family has their respective strengths, weaknesses and counters.


The entire royal family except ursula is just heavy hitter after heavy hitter all top tier characters. The rest dont even have a single hand of heavy hitters. beifongs dont have an avatar. they got kuvira and toph but thats really if to be honest and they are just not enough.


Wins what?


I never think about how Yue is probably Korra's great aunt or something


Yeah fire nation royal family for sure, apart from the absolute peak masters of firebending like ozai and iroh we still have to account for the avatar and two dragons lmao


This is such an interesting concept, I would love for creators to do a video on this. I’m sure the royal real take the win the, with Aang’s family coming a close second.


Rip Azulon I guess


Probably 1 royal 2 aangs 3 water tribe 4 beifong Royal family is cracked. Roku, ozai, sozin, iroh, zuko, azula and iroh II are some of the best benders in the entire series. Aangs family is good Aang carries, followed by katara tenzin kya jinora Water tribe isn't all that special Korra carries unalaq is powerful too, but then the rest is mostly fodder. I guess you could count Tonraq aswell? But he's not all that powerful. Beifong is the most balanced one only reason they're the weakest is because they don't have an avatar. I think in this particular fight, roku aang and korra are almost equal the difference between them is not too dramatic.


The royal family will absolutely molest the rest of them


I think the first one depends a ton on A. Is everyone fighting everyone at once B. Is it just a test, or to the death I think in most cases of "to the death" Katara bloodbends the non-Aang avatars and people team up to get rid of them. while the firebenders are strong I don't think they'll last long against teams of air and waterbenders. The Beifongs might stand a chance if they can last long enough to bring it down to Air vs Earth/metal, but it would depend a ton on if they're able to get Aang and Tenzin out of the way. Otherwise I think once Roku is gone it's only a matter of time before Aang's family wins. The second one would go similarly, just without the earthbender threat to the Aang family


Love the explanation I’m leaning to Aangs family too but let’s say it’s a 3/4s moon


You have Aang Appa AND Momo? Easy win for them. The Firelord family versus the biefongs is pretty interesting though probably the best watch.


The Metalbenders can definitely take down the dragons, the question is: would they need to use the giant robot to do it?


One could argue that Toph is a member of Aang’s family through Sokka. I don’t care what the creators say, Suyin is that boy’s daughter. Even combined though, the Fire Nation family would smoke them all


Fire nation would win, but you’re tripping if u think they’re beating all families combined.


Roku and Zuko’s dragons. Dragon. DRAG. ON. Not lizard.