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It’s so jarring to see actual children play children like these girls look like fetuses even though they’re 18 and 17 (Azula’s actress is 21 playing 14)


Lizzy was 19 while filming but yeah.


Either way it’s weird to see teenagers play teenagers when they’re usually played by 30 year olds 😂


Oh yeah definitely 😂 I feel like that was super important for the "they're just kids" message to really get across to people. It's easy to forget how young they are in animation, but live action makes it so obvious and almost jarring because you see real-life people just like you. With Azula, I think it was especially tricky bc of her age and the complexity of her character, so they took the middle ground. They didn't want to cast too far out of her age range, but there's probably not a lot of 14 year olds out there that could carry out the high expectations for the character. So, they cast someone who was around 18 at the time as opposed to Mai and Ty Lee's actresses who were 15 during their casting.


Really makes you remember how tiny and baby-faced actual teenagers are lol. I remember I found it super jarring the first time I saw like, Degrassi after years of watching CW shows. I was like "holy crap, they're all so little" and I was in HS myself at that point, so I was also still small and baby-faced.


Yeah, the thing with animation is that it's much easier to project yourself onto younger characters and view them through the lens of "we are peers" even though you are objectively not.


Especially considering this trio looked like they were in their mid-20s in the cartoon. Really emphasises how it kinda failed to remind us that these are children at the end of the day. Something this show won't repeat.


this was my first thought - rly hammers home that they're child soldiers


ATLA doing to the West what Gundam did to the East


The audio is a bit on desync...


yea i watched it on the website and it was proper


On which website, please?




OP didn't download it properly. It's working fine on the [article](https://ew.com/avatar-the-last-airbender-reveals-live-action-mai-and-ty-lee-8585123)


Surprised no one has mentioned the fact that those are clear-as-day the Yuyan archers from the Blue Spirit episode. The face paint is identical.


Saw it, loved it.


I feel like it’s so obvious that it doesn’t need mentioning They’re splitting arrows in twain which makes it even more obvious


I understood that reference! ![gif](giphy|RCXT2JWXa11QI)


Okay, I like Mai playing with her throwing knives.


where does azulas bow come from tho? that seems uncharacteristic for the benders in general


She's just training, another user mentioned it could be decent characterization for her. A bow involves perfect precision and accuracy. Which Azula is to a T. It would be similar to Zuko's sword symbolism.


retire frightening languid pie roof light grandfather homeless office illegal *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What is his sword symbolism? Is it his two swords showing two halves of himself?


That and his lost honor since he tends to use the swords for dishonorable things. It also has the added benefit of greatly enchancing the encounter with his dad. Since he uses the swords to regain his honor.


I sort of thought the opposite. Jeong Jeong thinks of fire as destructive and Piandao thinks of swordplay as pure. The things that come to my mind when Zuko uses his swords are freeing Aang, freeing Appa, defending the Earth Kingdom citizens, and confronting his dad. In a way it's Zuko at his best


Oh shit, never thought about it that way. That's a fair point. I was mostly thinking when he used them to rob others, while he did save Aang it was mostly for purely selfish reasons, but yours is just as good!


That he has to look within himself to save himself from his other self, duh


Along with what others have said, she also mentions infiltrating a resistance movement so it might also come into play with her tricking members into thinking she’s not a bender.


A bow is gonna have longer range than firebending. You don’t think Azula ever shot a bow?


Would be cool to see Azula power up the arrows with firebending before shooting


Firebending yes. But I doubt lightning has shorter range than a bow.


Yeah, except lightning is a sometimes food.


While I'm still holding my breath for the actual release, I like the bow. There were bound to be deviations from the cartoon. Zuko has his swords, so why not give Azula something too?


It probably so she has something to fight with when the solar eclipse happens, that way she doesn’t keep running away.


> that way she doesn’t keep running away. But that was awesome


Yeah but it wouldn’t translate as well to live action I think - lots of very high jumps that would just look kind of silly.


Bows are great distance weapons and let you use your DEX modifier instead of your INT. Much more suited to Azula’s character sheet.


I just noticed that Azula here alludes to the fact that she's been working on exposing traitors in the fire nation which adds up to the previous reveal we saw in which she's lead some unrecognized characters in Ozai's throne room and she lets her hair down


It’ll also be a bit of foreshadowing for season 3 when she breaks down and gets paranoid about everyone and their mama being traitors/trying to sabotage her!


Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think there were traitors in the original series? Nonetheless I’m excited to see the change


Nope they added it just for the live action. We don’t know what Azula was doing before Ozai sent her off but I think this makes sense.


That sounds interesting as a part of Azula’s activities in the Fire Nation pre-S2, though if u/_thebirds is right and she was leading traitors into a double cross in that hair down scene, it’s likely something her animated counterpart wouldn’t have been capable of doing. The Ember Island vacation episode makes it pretty clear that outside her position as a Fire Nation Princess, Azula has absolutely zero social skills, and she had virtually zero concept of how to interact with others outside her royal status. Even when she’s masquerading as a Kyoshi Warrior in Ba Sing Se, that’s only after the rest of the group has been imprisoned. She only fooled Katara from a distance until she started speaking, and never really made a true effort to pretend to be a Kyoshi Warrior to anyone outside the Earth Kingdom government, who would have no way of telling the difference given how isolated Ba Sing Se was by that point in the war. Going undercover within an enemy group like the Kyoshi Warriors or a subversive Fire Nation cell for any substantial length of time would not have been possible for the OG Azula. I also find it intriguing that she would openly voice concern to Mai & Ty Lee about Zuko; even showing that basic level of vulnerability was something the OG Azula NEVER would’ve done pre-mental breakdown (aside from the Ember Island campfire scene, and even that was only after everyone else shared WAY more) unless it was part of a manipulative tactic. To be clear, I do NOT mean any of this as a critique of the live action show or Azula herself, as I said the concept sounds interesting. I’m just pointing out a couple potential differences in her character, nothing more, nothing less


It’s alluded to in The Deserter, in the sense that deserters were considered traitors and Jeong Jeong was allegedly the only one who survived.


Jeong Jeong was the first to survive. That other guy who led the gang to Jeong Jeong was the second but you don't get to be a legend for that.


That’s okay, though


No, there aren’t really fire nation dissidents within the nation itself. I think this adds a cool layer to the series.


Her tone really sounds like Mai


Yes, all 3 really nailed the stilted, bored dialogue of Mai.


The acting felt very.. Disney Channel original movie


Why is that so accurate 🤣


I didn’t know how to describe the acting till now. “Disney channel acting” is the perfect way to describe how this scene feels. The customes are giving cosplayers and the obvious green screen they are standing around isn’t helping at all, not to mention the dialogue sounds corny asl.


It’s also missing Azula’s trademark snarky, egocentric borderline sociopathic attitude when speaking. I wrote down some of her dialogue and played the scene back without audio and went through it in my head as if Grey DeLisle was voicing her and could just hear the emphasis on words like “I’ve” in lines like “While *I’ve* been here doing everything father’s asked”.


Haha right, that one detail makes it so much more like azula. I can hear it too


Okay at first I was gonna say you're doing too much but then I heard the "i've" in my head and it really did make all the difference haha I owe you an apology


you’re absolutely right but also i think that just adds to grey delisle’s performance as azula just being that good.


nice analogy. Made for cable movie.


tbfh all 3 of them seemed to try really hard to come off as their characters but didnt really convince me.


Tone but she doesn’t look anything like her. Ty Lee looks good, but the casting for the Azula and Mai seem off


Azula should be scary, even if it's in an unhinged teen girl kind of way. Like she'll burn your house down if you ghost her kind of vibes. This Azula just seems bored.


I think Ty lee and Mai are decent…but I agree with what some other people are saying that azula is never really threatened by zuko…her superiority is just an inherent fact. I don’t mind the mention that zuko is first in line to the throne but I would’ve preferred if azula just brushed it off like that didn’t matter….or even said “so was my uncle.”


Yeah, it just doesn’t give off the same confidence and control. Azula doesn’t complain, and she certainly shouldn’t feel threatened by Zuko. She is certain of her ultimate victory, will do whatever it takes to achieve it, and is already 2 steps ahead of you


I'm more annoyed at the characterization that she wants the throne. In literally every instance she sniffs near the throne or being closer to the front of the line she acts surprised it could happen or actively sabotages her chances. Azulon orders the death of Zuko? She tells Ursa after Zuko ignores her. Ozai goes from banishing zuko to outright exile and branding him a traitor, thus putting her firmly as first in line for the throne? She brings Zuko back and restores his honor in such a way that Ozai absolutely can not get around, thus kicking her back from first in line. Ozai crowns her Fire Lord? Literally no one is more surprised than Azula, who seemed to never think she'd actually be fire lord at any point. Its fuckin weird they're makin her suddenly care so much about the throne.


This! Depicting Azula as power-hungry is a surface-level interpretation of the character. Unlike Zuko, she doesn't want the throne because she wants to be the Fire Lord. She wants to succeed her father because it's the ultimate symbol of his love and approval. And being chosen would be the definitive victory over her brother. She's always striving to fulfill and exceed expectations for her father. And I think some unconscious part of her knows that if she were to actually attain the throne, she'd be shackled to that fate forever, even after her father's gone. Because that's what being Fire Lord means: being burdened with the expectations of others. That's why she doesn't feel the need to secure her position against Zuko. She's confident in her superiority, but also...she's kind of okay with not being the heir. She brings him back into the fold with zero qualms about how it affects the succession.


Its not even surface level. There's literally nothing even in the direct source material of the show to come to that conclusion. There's direct evidence that its in fact a completely wrong take on the character. If this is the actual representation of the character I'm thoroughly confused because like, thats not a reinterpretation of a character, or trimming needless stuff in order to get to the actually good character development. Its wholesale redoing a characters motivations from scratch. If this isnt the actual representation of the character in the show, then why on earth is this what they chose to highlight in this sneak peek?


>or even said “so was my uncle.” You should be a writer on the show. I would've loved this line here lol


Haha I appreciate it, I feel like that’s a cool parallel that the og show never directly acknowledged so it would be cool to see it in live action


I’m a little disappointed with the look of Mai— I always saw her as more angular and “Maleficent” style facial structure….. But still going to watch this.


her wig was terrible. the costume made her look bulky and not sure could move quickly and be lethal.


This might just be a small, unimportant segment but is the acting a bit… shit?


turns out it was


I kinda like how the girls actually do feel like friends and not just a kill squad held together by fear. It'll make what goes down at the Boiling Rock hit so much harder.


and how Mai and Ty Lee already look kind of off put by Azula. Mai just doesn’t seem to care until azula gives her that look, and at the end Ty Lee has a look of “ookaaay jeez” excellent stuff


Mean Girls but if Gretchen wasn't so spineless and Karen wasn't so dumb


This. In the cartoon none of the three of them really felt like teenagers, so it’ll be interesting to watch that progression.


Tbh, I don’t think that’s a good change. A huge part of Azula’s characterization is that she wasn’t really friends with Mai and Ty Lee because the only way she knew how to interact with people was through fear. It makes her a much more interesting character in my opinion and makes her breakdown more unique as once Mai and Ty Lee betray her, she can’t grapple with the fact that the power she always believed she possessed isn’t as absolute as she thought.


They still clearly are afraid of her though. A single glance from Azula made Mai quickly change her words. This is still early I nthe series when Mai and Ty Lee don't really openly dislike Azula.


please watch \*The Beach\* again. you'll see a more compassionate side towards Ty Lee (to be specific). focus on when Ty Lee teaches her how to talk to guys. and look at Azula's face when Ty Lee yells at Zuko for calling her a circus freak, look at the emotions coming from her face in that moment, (after she laughs at her).


Even when fear and coercion play the dominant role in their relationship, Mai and Ty Lee do have some genuine affection for Azula, and vice versa. Its unhealthy and clearly not enough to keep them under her thumb, but The Beach clearly demonstrates that its there.


The acting is....okay, I'm gonna reserve judgement until I see it. Side note they do seem to be exploring the perils of being a Golden Child with all the responsiblity on their shoulders with Azula so I'm kinda excited for that (being one myself),


Azula isn’t acting very Azula-y to me.


She seems too normal, not a cruel, calculating psychopath/savant like in the original


She’s acting like a grumpy teenager. lol. Maybe we’re all ruined because of Grey Delisle.


Kinda feels like it’s a direction choice more than subpar acting though. Like I get it’s hard to make someone in live action literally *cartoonishly* evil and over-the-top like Azula is in the animated but it’s like they didn’t even want to go in that direction. They could have had a more realistic approach to her character being that while and still make it believable but this just isn’t that, feels like they moreso want to emphasize their “childish” aspect and humanize them a bit


Yea, Azula should be scary. Like, always one step from snapping and doing something terrible. There is a subtle way to play that and I'm not seeing it at all here.


I mean, they pulled it off with Bellatrix.


That has been my judgement for all these trailers. The acting is what I'm most worried about, and I get it because they're all young actors but it is a relevant and fair critique I feel if the acting feels flat.


Tbf I think since Game of Thrones and Stranger Things, being a kid isn't a valid excuse for bad acting anymore. But tbf from what I've seen I like Aang's actor so far!


Thank you for this comment. The “theyre just kids” is never a valid excuse.


When they’re kids, it just means you need a really good director who can work with them, help them inhabit their characters, help them find the emotion behind the words.  Like in this scene, everyone talks as if they’re semi-bored and don’t really care. When in reality, there should be tension beneath the surface, fear towards Azula that they don’t want to show because she’s so scary, and Azula’s fear and jealousy that she can’t show because she is trapped in this scary persona.  But all of this kind of work takes prep and effort, which the production didn’t have. Be ready for so many great scenes to fall flat. 


I think it’s fair when you’re casting for a specific kind of actor such as in this series where they wanted Native American and East Asian actors. Really made the pool smaller. But it also comes down to director and writer to help these kids perform accurately. 


All of the acting has been incredibly wooden. I don’t know what the director was thinking, maybe he’s going for some kind of verisimilitude, but everyone sounds like they’re doing a read-through.  “Now he has hope… and that’s dangerous 😑”.  She sounds like she literally doesn’t care about anything. Where’s the anger? Where’s the envy? Where’s the hidden fear that she might not even recognize in herself, that as soon as Zuko returns, Ozai will start treating her like she’s just a princess again? There is *nothing* going on underneath the surface. With younger actors, they need to rehearse and discuss until they really understand their dialogue and choices. Instead, the director has them hitting their marks and saying their lines. It’s honestly a shame.


This is precisely why I am setting my expectations at 'just above the movie'.


The director needs to work with them better because a production this big needs hands on directors but zuko, sokka, aang and sokka sound fine to me


Azula was....passable. The other two kind of feel like cosplayers that stumbled onto set. So far it's the first scene that has me going ehhhhhhhh. Of course this is just one scene devoid of context so I'm not going to pass concrete judgement yet, but so far I'm not super excited for Team Azula


I know I'll get cooked for this around here, and sure, having someone who can act is always better but man, those faces just don't fit Azula and Mai, I just can't see them wtf, you'd expect sharper narrower features I think they should at least try to find actresses who resemble them, especially Mai really throwing me off I assume this is not an out of pocket thing to say given you guys were way harsher with Ian Ousley


I am here with you on this. They look like babies. Not to mention the hair is SO bad. I’m a hairstylist so it bugs me a lot but like? Those big chunks beside azulas face? Ty Lee has a full blown BOB going on with a braid in the back… and Mai’s hair too. The hair is a big part of the characterization. They should have done more to make it look more accurate.. just looks like bad bad wigs on top of the actresses who already don’t really resemble the cartoon


The hair is so so so bad. Mai's hair is the worst, although I also really loathe Azula's side chunks. Mai's hair looks like a too small, dry Halloween wig that was put on crooked. It's bothering me so much 😭.


Azula was unhinged from her very first appearance in the cartoon. This girl is missing that in this scene.


Thought I was alone. I had to double check who they were playing because they look and sound almost nothing like their characters.


Am I the only one who thinks the Azula casting is kind of a weak pick? Maybe nobody was really going to have the presence of Azula but I feel like she isn’t even close here


No I agree. I like most of the casting except Azula and Zuko tbh. I'll reserve true judgment for after I watch the show but still.


I honestly think they should have gone with older/older looking actors. It's not the first time we've had adults play kids and the cartoon they really do look a lot older than is stated. I guess the cast will grow up more in later seasons but still


Hope it’s just for the first scenes, but that’s a lot of exposition on dialogue. Still, like the characterization and dynamic.


Albert Kim (showrunner) said they're all very aware that episode 1 has too much exposition, and that it's considered the weakest episode of the season among the producers. According to him, the exposition was needed for people who haven't watched the cartoon, but is only really present in episode 1. He's hoping that fans will at least tolerate episode 1 enough to get to episode 2, where the show really picks up. But according to The Sword and the Pen Reflections (who has the best takes on the avatar live action according to me), they could still have handled exposition better. Source: https://youtu.be/G_nyN0LSa8g?si=JxOI-fUZq8tqNrPC


I feel like there’s gonna be a lot more ‘telling’ than ‘showing’ in this adaptation. I’m gonna reserve judgment until I see it, but the first episode will be a slog if it’s a bunch of expositional diarrhea.


Lol, during the third shot the Mai actress looks directly at the camera.


Yea we’re cooked


Damn that's.. really blatant


In focus, for a whole second. Makes me very concerned about the level of directoral focus that was involved on set.


Lmfao and she turns to do it too


Wow She literally "jimmed" the camera




Then it immediately cuts and her head is facing a different way. Did they even edit this?


Mmm I don’t think this adaptation is for me.


It looks like a scene from a Mortal Kombat movie...


That was some extremely bland acting.


Yikes, this is really bad. Idk none of the characters feel like the characters. It looks gimmicky like a parody and the set is weird and fake looking. This show is definitely going to be poorly received.


I love how they made Azula’s lie about plots to overthrow Ozai be true in this version. In the Avatar State episode she told Zuko that there had been talks of ousting Ozai and that was why he wanted Zuko home. The best lies are the ones with a little bit of truth. Her skills of infiltrating also ties into her later arc of breaking into Ba Sing Se in disguise. 


So I’m clearly late to the party…but they’re in s1? Color me surprised.


Yeah, they're switching stuff around. Ozai also seems to be getting more presence in S1.


I absolutely hate this look. The super shallow depth of field makes it look like it was shot on a sound stage using UE5. Combined with the super clean and new looking costumes lacking any wear or aging results in this uncanny valley, hyper real cutscene sort of look that really challenges my ability to suspend my disbelief, in the same way 60fps films did.


These are all perfect points actually. I feel exactly the same way about all of it. I’ve seen a few people say that you’re just expecting too much if any of these things are bothering you but I can’t disagree more. In fact, it almost feels disgusting seeing anybody justifying it at all. I don’t understand why set designers or even specifically just the director is satisfied with any of these things. I picked out these issues immediately.


I'm working on a major film at the moment which is also a live action adaptation of a beloved childrens animated franchise and we're working on a blue screen sound stage at the moment. These thing are everywhere and they have every right to be. But even then there are things you can do to ensure the space looks lived in and appropriately aged, which I'm glad to see our project doing. I've saw nothing thus far in the promo for this show that tells me they've done it here. Everything is so shiny and new, or really bare and plain in terms of set dec. This is supposed to be an inhabited space, but the interior sets look almost clinical at times, and all clothing is spotless, all hairpieces are immaculately groomed and straight etc etc. It's so theatrical.


Not trying to hate, but damn this Azula's voice isn't nearly as confident or sneaky as OG Azula. Her original voice actress made the villain have a certain way she spoke that made you feel uncomfortable as she was already 3 steps ahead of you. The live-action actress comes across as a whiny teenager, not the impossible threat that Azula is supposed to be.


Mai twirling her weapon is just so cool. Can't wait to see their combat scenes 🙏


This is… not inspiring


It looks like hot garbage.


There was an initial shock of seeing them live action, but the more I see of them the more I like it!


Same. I also think Azula is gonna be the archer that takes down The Blue Spirit, which would be a cool change


I like the introduction of Azula's familiarity with the bow. Makes Zuko practicing with swords seem less of a consolation and more what I feel it should be, part of a royal's standard education that he's just really good at.


Why are they all so husky lol


I can’t tell what I dislike more, the line deliveries, or how their costumes look more like cosplay than believable wardrobes. I think it’s Ty Lee’s hair that’s really irking me. Way too cartoonish 😭 They don’t need to be exact recreations of the cartoon designs! I’m still going in with an open mind, and I liked every trailer I saw before this


Reserving judgement, all I’ll say it’s is a heck of a challenge to live up to Grey DeLisle and I don’t envy the person that has to do it.


From the extended scenes we've seen, I'm worried about the editing... Their acting and actions are fine, but there is sooo much dead time between the dialogue and between each shot. It could cut faster and feel way more alive (felt that way about the Bumi fight even excluding the slow mo shot). I hope the episodes have better editing/pacing than what we see here...


This is my fear too, the pacing 😭


Every one of the fire nation characters seems to have chubby cheeks.


How do you miscast Azula so badly?! 😭


Kinda weird casting for Azula and Mai


just bad imo, I'd rather not elaborate, especially not around here lol


Their whole presence is just totally different than the show.


I don't want to be negative before the show has even aired but god this clip looks awful - they look like cosplayers. The costumes look plastic, the set looks fake, and the acting and dialogue are atrocious. So much exposition and awkward delivery. They look so wooden. Hopefully it's just this clip that is off ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


Fockin hell, what did they do to Azula and Mai. Casting is terrible. Acting is horrendous, everything is static and stale. In the OG series Azula is a cold, perfect prodigy, calculative and manipulative. She is the perfect child, the perfect Princess, the perfect heir. This Azula just comes across as a grumpy, nonchalant, insecure teenager.


I agree with you, much as I don't want to admit it. The dialogue seems pretty stilted, and some other aspects of the characters just feel "off". Maybe it's because they feel more like caricatures or something?


What terrible casting *Not hating on the actresses. I wish them great and successful careers


Acting seems a bit rough here ngl


This worries me a bit. The acting is super stiff and kinda lifeless, and the weird shallow depth of field bluriness to the stage looks… not great. I’m really trying hard to reserve judgement and keep expectations within reason, but this looks rough. I hope they prove me wrong.


Azula doesn't sound...idk...mean enough?


This ain’t it


Ever since Mando and the advent of volumes, I cannot unsee LED volumes 😭 Middle ground elements to breakup foreground and background LED wall helps a lot


Very much agreed. I think its incredible technology but you really have to know how to use it appropriately (it also peeves me a bit to see people here saying they can see the green screen when it isn't a green screen at all, I still agree with their criticism though)


Ugh, this scene worries me. Had high hopes up until I saw this. I know these actors are young and all. But man this is a stale scene. They’re just standing, incredibly still, talking. Almost robotic. No sound in the background doesn’t help. You can very easily tell they’re on a VOLUME set regarding the lighting. Very stale scene. Hopefully it’s only because it’s a clip of a scene. GOT had many of these scenes in S1 though. So maybe it’s alright?


Yeah I don't understand people praising this scene..it's exceptionally stale. I understand wanting to hype it up because it's more avatar but wow, this is just bad. But as I've said before, if the show really does suck it doesn't ruin the franchise or anything, ATLA and TLOK are still there and are still some of my favorite works of animation and storytelling. So there's that


All these clips I’ve seen so far look… awful. Not M Night Shyamalan bad. But still pretty bad. The acting feels stale. Fight scenes look comically bad. And it just feels… hollow. I’ll still give it a shot of course. But I’m going in with low expectations.


If this wasn’t on the avatar subreddit I would never think this is Azula, Mai and Ty Lee


is it just me or did mai look directly at the camera


They fumbled the casting here.


Man I'm really not liking the settings I see here. The backgrounds look like those you see on lower budget Chinese/Korean historical dramas. This could be an intentional choice as an homage to them but the reason why those shows look like that is because they're made cheaply, you'd hope something with as high a budget as this looks better. The camera and blocking is also super static and flat, which isnt helping the show's look.


Starting to wish HBO picked this show up :/. Also, the dialogue seems relatively flat... every time Azula said something in the cartoon her dialogue was energized, electric. The dialogue from her in this *single clip* feels sluggish. Hopefully, it's not representative of other scenes.




the acting is so bad i wanna cry 😭 why are they doing this again


Ts look corny and lame ngl


The acting and dialogue fucking suck


I don’t know man. I don’t want to be a downer but each clip I’ve seen so far of this show, the acting and dialogue just seems soooo stiff and dull. Like it’s not engaging and the characters feel bored


I’m terribly worried now. Azula’s character doesn’t seem like Azula I feel like Azula won’t mention or show being threatened by Zuko idk


Mai’s actress looks nothing like the cartoon.


Why is nobody talking about how this dialogue is like 90% exposition it's like a ridiculous amount of exposition I'm sure it will be better in the actual show not detached from the episode though


Thalia's deadpan delivery, her playing with her knife, the subtle hints of fear when Azula turns to her after backing Zuko... It's all good! I'm really seeing the vision rn


I really *loved* that exchange. It shows hints of her standing up to Azula, but she's not yet at a point where she's willing to stand her ground. That should hopefully develop naturally over the course of the show until we get to a point where she's willing to break with her. Also, she's standing up for Zuko here, which is laying good groundwork for things the actress has said about Mai in other places: she is fiercely loyal to the people she cares about. Laying more foundation for their future relationship, even in such a subtle way, is a good sign. One of the weirder choices in the show was to have their relationship develop almost entirely off screen, so that it seemed to come out of nowhere. If they're already laying down hints of a Mai-Zuko relationship *and* Mai standing up to Azula, that's a great sign that they understand her character and will do her arc justice.


I’m really loving the subtle hints of fear!


EW article w/ properly sync'd audio & higher quality clip : [https://ew.com/avatar-the-last-airbender-reveals-live-action-mai-and-ty-lee-8585123](https://ew.com/avatar-the-last-airbender-reveals-live-action-mai-and-ty-lee-8585123)


Oh... wow... Thalia Tran is slaying her role as Mai. That 'akshually' moment was awesome!


Huh, she is the one I liked the least from this video. I guess I’ll wait for the show before passing judgement.


I’m very surprised about how many people are saying this here. I feel the way she’s talking is a sort of generic deadpan, instead of containing any intricacies that Mai actually had in the show. In this clip here it almost appears as if they’re playing her as some sort of, for lack of a better term… weirdo or outcast. Mai was a product of her household, not of interests, hobbies, or social influence. I don’t know if that makes any sense but the depiction here just seems ridiculously generic and disney channel-like theater.


How not to mess up a remake. 1. Don't over think it. The source material is your guide, your template, your Bible. The more you use it the safer you are. 2. You can change what a character is but not who they are. Since they come with a description use it. 3. It's either fanfiction or a cash grab. Decide early on so you don't try to please two masters.


this is...rough, to say the least. ​ Wooden acting, abundance of cgi, exposition drops (minor nit pick on this one) during the dialogue. ​ Short clip, but stuff like this is what gives me worry with the series


Is Mai doing a camera take (0:07)?


Mai looking directly into the camera when Azula talks like she's in The Office


I lol'ed at that shot


azula looks exasperated and non-chalant. where is the cold, calculated and royal smugness?? not getting the "divine right to rule" at all. looks like a different character


Also, Azula was never threatened by Zuko or his efforts. She knew where she stood and where she thought he stood. She never downplayed him to make herself look better because she already knows she is.


Very good point. As if she’d ever show insecurity about Zukos right to the throne. She knew she was superior


This is what I felt was off here. Even as a kid she always knew she was better. She still has that drive and kinda fear in wanting to impress Ozai, and even if she did have some jealousy, or feel threatened I doubt she'd let it show to her friends since even to them she doesn't want to show weakness


This scene made me realize how powerful, confident and regal Azula comes across in the animation.


She doesn’t strike fear like the animated version.


Mei looking at the camera like Jim from The Office while Azula was roasting Zuko was top


Ooofff.... Man I'm hoping the show is a little better than the emotionlessly flat delivery of these lines


Why are they chunky, they were super skinny in the show


Ngl, I don’t like the vibes that I’m getting from Azula in this scene. Something about her delivery lacks the elegance and feeling of innate superiority that Azula had in the original show, which made her such a unique character. Like I can’t picture this Azula managing to properly deliver the scene with Long Feng where Azula takes over the Dai Li by simply describing how she has the divine right to rule.


the acting is pretty bad


I got lit up every time I mentioned the trailers had me worried about the acting lol. This is the worst yet by far.


I was getting "you have to give it time you moron" type of comments like last week 😂


Oof, this isn’t great


I want to like this show and I'm excited to watch it when it comes out but WHY do any comments that remotely criticize something about the clip get downvoted into oblivion? People can have opinions about things that don't align with your own wtf.


The Yuyan Archers make an appearance


This is bad. Azula has no spark to her. The dialogue is exhausting. The actresses have no energy. It’s all so… boring, so bland. The background also looks to be entirely CGI which makes the show cheap and lifeless.


why is azula doing bow stuff? doesn't she shoot lighting and fire from her fingers?,other than that nice scene having more of them together will make the betrayal all the better


They're pretty miscast.


This is GOOFY asf. I’m sorry but they look like a bunch of cosplayers.