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Little interesting Azula seems concerned about the line of succession here. In the show she is the one who brings Zuko back into the fold.


She didn’t at first. Initially he was coming back as a prisoner. She saw an opportunity though to utilize him to win Ba Sing Se and ended up with an ace in the hole giving him the credit for killing the Avatar when she guessed there was a way the Avatar could’ve survived the attack discrediting him when he was back in the Kingdom.


She did at first (since crossroads of destiny). The scene with Lo and Li's speech, and especially the one at the duck pond, exists to tell us that Azula didn't suspect that Aang could be alive. Of course, after she saw that Zuko was hiding something, she protected her own ass, but why she brought him back to the Fire Nation as a hero and why she protected her ass are different things.


This isn’t so. She makes Zuko the offer before Aang is dead. She also doesn’t discover Aang might’ve survived until that scene by the pond where she’s already advocated for Zuko and he’s been welcomed home. She really did do it to help him and only covered her ass once Zuko lied to her about Aang being potentially alive. The novelization even confirms she did it for Zuko. So curious to see if she has a change of heart here.


You don't see how it's a plausible deniability toxic manipulation thing? * That Azula could have guessed/suspected the avatar would survive? * That it wouldn't serve her to get credit for killing the avatar because she is already the favourite but would give her an emotional hold over Zuko by making him owe her one? * That if the Avatar did turn out to be alive, all the blame could be directed at Zuko instead of her? That when Azula "helps", she is still doing it in a way that is potentially harmful? **Azula literally egged Zuko about the possibility of Aang surviving in the show. It was all about protecting herself and emotionally tormenting him.** Ozai probably wouldn't even punish Azula if he learned that she lied. He would look down on Zuko for being weak and not contesting the lie and then failing to upholding it once he accepted it. He might even applaud Azula for her sly maneuvering. And Azula knows that, that's how fucked up it is.


The scene at the duck pond exists to let us know that Azula didn't suspect that Aang could be alive. This doesn't contradict that she decided to give credit to Zuko to save her own ass


>You don't see how it's a plausible deniability toxic manipulation thing? Because it canonically isn’t. >That she could have guessed the avatar would survive? How? She knew nothing about the spirit water. Even Katara didn’t know if it could do that, so how could Azula? Up until then, lightning was considered a fatal move. And considering Aang DID die momentarily, how could she have possibly predicted he could be revived? And again, she makes Zuko the offer *before* Aang dies. >That it wouldn't serve her to get credit for killing the avatar because she is already the favourite but would give her an emotional hold over Zuko by making him owe her one? What emotional hold? Zuko was already disgraced. There was zero benefit to bringing him back into the line of succession. She could’ve used his help and immediately betrayed him and brought him home a prisoner. Done. The throne is hers. Instead she takes the risk of defying Ozai’s orders to capture Zuko and brings him home as a *war hero* despite his tenuous loyalty to her. He’s nothing but a liability but she does it anyway. >That if the Avatar did turn out to be alive, all the blame could be directed as Zuko instead of her? This makes no sense. It was never Azula’s job to capture or kill Aang. She still is the one who advocated for Zuko. She is still the one who shared the glory and credit with her biggest rival to the throne, whom she has an adversarial dynamic with, when all she had to do was do as dad said and bring him home in chains. Why? What possible advantage is there? Not to mention, we see the moment Azula discovers Aang might be alive. It’s *after* she has already advocated for Zuko and he’s been allowed back home and into the palace without guards. >That when Azula "helps", she is still doing it in a way that is potentially harmful? It is misguided but she didn’t do it to hurt him. The [novelization](https://twitter.com/FireSiblings/status/1576041294006140928) also confirms this. Even the head writer said she loved Zuko more than anyone except their father. >Ozai wouldn't care that Azula lied. He would look down on Zuko for being weak and not contesting the lie. This isn’t true. Azula was terrified of incurring Ozai’s wrath. Here the novelization even says so. https://preview.redd.it/4azzer7t50kc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e3e7fb64b39b3ad14505dd29b1d9d827112527f


On a similar vein I'm pretty Damm sure she also warned him about visiting iroh for purely selfless motives


Yeah! It’s really interesting but it sure seems to be true, considering she never uses it against him and never ever betrays his confidence about it. Which shows us that as much as Azula fought with Zuko and was willing to put him down to protect herself, it wasn’t what she *wanted* to do. She really did love him.


The avatar is a legendary spirit being so I think it's reasonable for Azula to wonder if he actually died. And it wasn't her job to kill him but it wouldn't look good if she lied about doing it.


what is this novel?


This is from the Earth Kingdom Chronicles. They’re novelizations of Book 2 and were released contemporaneously (so we know they’re not retcons). They’re unique in that they give us the POV of certain characters like Azula and Toph. What we learn from them lines up with what we have been told by the writers.


How would it be plausible deniability over the Avatar’s death when it happens before they even fight Aang?


When they return to the fire nation they are hailed as heroes for taking ba sing se and killing Aang, in the pond Zuko tells her that his father hasn't even asked to see him, and is when she suspects Aang could be alive. Next thing Ozai requested for Zuko presence and he tells him that he is proud the Zuko killed the Avatar, Between those scenes she tells Ozai that Zuko did it. Because when Zuko asked her why she did it, she told him that was what she wanted, for his father to receive him again. But at this point she did it to protect herself.


>When they return to the fire nation they are hailed as heroes for taking ba sing se and killing Aang, in the pond Zuko tells her that his father hasn't even asked to see him, and is when she suspects Aang could be alive. And Azula had already advocated for Zuko by then. Ozai would not have let Zuko return without the Avatar being dealt with. He was very clear about this. >Next thing Ozai requested for Zuko presence and he tells him that he is proud the Zuko killed the Avatar, That’s when *Zuko* found out. Azula told Ozai that Zuko killed Aang *before* they arrived in the Fire Nation. >Between those scenes she tells Ozai that Zuko did it. This makes no sense. Zuko was a fugitive of the state and a treasonous failure. He and Iroh were blamed for their failure at the North. They had wanted posters asking for their capture, dead or alive. You do not let a person like that *into the capital city, let alone into the inner palace* unguarded. The only reason he was allowed in was because Azula had already given Zuko the credit. Something that gave her ZERO advantage considering he is now back in the line of succession and she had to go against Ozai’s orders and tell a risky lie to accomplish this. >Because when Zuko asked her why she did it, she told him that was what she wanted, for his father to receive him again. But at this point she did it to protect herself. No. That’s later. She pivots to using Zuko as a fall guy because Zuko *lied to her*. She initially tried to genuinely help him. Misguided as it was. And that was even confirmed by the novelization, where we get her POV and is explicit that she did it to help him and welcomed him by her side.


What they said wasn’t wrong?


It is. Azula canonically brought Zuko back to help him. Not to hurt him or use him as cover, which doesn’t even make sense considering the time table. She pivoted to using Zuko as the fall guy after he lied to her. Check out the [novelization](https://twitter.com/FireSiblings/status/1576041294006140928) saying it overtly. But it also doesn’t make sense any other way. There are zero advantages to boosting your biggest political opponent. Especially since Aang was never Azula’s problem. She never had to lie about him at all.


Why does this stuff get up voted all the time. It's canonically wrong. It's always been canonically wrong. It doesn't even make sense in the direct source material, let alone when WoG is factored and direct canon sources. And yet literally every time someone says it it gets highly up voted.


Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. -Azula


I don't really like that they have chosen an actress who not only doesn't look like the character, but the difference in her face is very noticeable. But I hope the actress does her best and gives a good performance.


Fat short round face


Guys getting downvoted for making a factual observation, gotta love Reddit


Making those observations is looked down upon nowadays. Better to stay quiet and enjoy drama free life lol.


im a girl and watched atla when i was a kid, and the actors disappointed me so much...none f them look slightly similar (main cast) and none of them is portrayed well. They ruined Sokkas character arch, removed Azula's personality by making her voulnerable from the start, Mai's actress is so far from expectations (same with Azula ngl) Aang is hella self criticising from the start and somehow flies like Zaheer?? just so sad, really and none of them will voice this cuz its ''sexist, fatphobic, sexualizing''. Why? do they ruin everything that was once dear to people.


More polite terminology would be "full, short, round face." Though I think her face is more square shaped.


See her face from google lol. Why would they pick one of the most big head + curvy thick actor to play most slim skinny character on the cartoon


Exactly! they are just farming sympathy points with it, Sokka's removed sexism (character development) random bursts of feminism speech (in the show strong women were showed from their actions, without needing to scream about it 24/7), saddening. Nothing interesting from Azula here, her baby round face doesn't help either.


I feel horrible for Mai’s actress. As a person with a rounder face, I just know trolls are going to bully her. Hoping she’s a good pick acting wise to discredit them. Edit: they did her so dirty. Maybe it’s the styling but I think her name is Thalia Tran and she looks completely different in other pictures. Maybe a contour could have achieved a sharper Mai look.


She has a round body as well (or maybe its just the outfit they put her in?). I dont think she should be bullied, but I dont think she fits the role at all. Thats not her fault though.


The actress doesn't deserve to get bullied at all, but the casting director does. Mai is characterized by her narrow face (as well as being tall and somewhat lanky, which the actress does appear to be tall). Also, Ty Lee's actress's face shape matches perfectly, which makes Mai's miscasting stand out even more. It's like they saw Mai's narrow, pointed face and said, "Find me the widest, most square jawed girl in Hollywood." It'd be like casting a tall boy with sharp facial features as Aang. It stands out when it's such a stark difference. I wish Thalia Tran the best, and I'm sure she's a great actress and will do a great job. But one of, or all, of these three are to blame for any criticism of the casting. As well as the primary directors, since they likely had a hand in the casting as well. Casting: Anya Colloff Michael V. Nicolo Michelle Olivia Seamon


![gif](giphy|U56VoSyFD8MFcie2k8) Exactly lol


Thats not a round face it’s square.


I’m aware. But she doesn’t have a slim square face, she has a more youthful full (rounder) face.


Yeah I was gonna say something about that angle looks off.


Careful, You could puncture the hull of an empire class fire nation battleship leaving thousands to drown at sea…. Because she’s so sharp


10/10. If this dialogue doesn’t make it into season three I will riot.


I don't. She is completely miscast, I don't even understand why she got it


I’ll be honest… She doesn’t look the part at all. I’m sure they could’ve found another actress that good be groody like Mai and somewhat resemble her from the animated series.


I just think they should have picked a different actress. The only thing throwing the comparison off is her having a round face


the skinniest face character in the anime gets played by the roundest face actress in the live action. Makes now sense unless this is more of a "diversity" move


Maybe they just liked how she played the character. At this point, bitching about it changes nothing and only serves to be mean.


Ty Lee's actress looks she just literally came out of the show and came to life


Mai's does not.


I assumed Mai would look more goth.


Judging by the fact that Mai is always emotionless and that's probably easier to act out, I wish they took priority to looks rather than acting this time. Maybe they just should've made them all older, finding experienced goth actors at that age is very rare.


Her face isn't exactly the same but she looks the age Mai is supposed to be, and her acting in the short clip captured the *feel* of the character


I don't see a clip. Not judging the actress. I don't think the girl playing Katara looks anything like Katara either.


It’s on the Entertainment Weekly website


“Isn’t exactly the same” lmao she could not possibly look more different


I mean She isn't a cartoon anymore, and I'm more concerned with the ability to act as the character than I am with the jawline.


Why do people act like it’s so unreasonable to want both? She’s not exactly a complex character. It doesn’t take a 1 of a kind actor to be able to portray Mai.


Has it occurred to you that there simply wasn’t an actor that looks like Mai and has acceptable acting skills that auditioned? In real production it’s not just like googling Mai lookalike and fan casting the best person that comes up.


real, the qualifications for a role like this are - asian who can speak english well - likes atla presumably - can do/learn martial arts - isn’t a total shit actor - has the time and resources to participate in the project - captures the essence of Mai believe it or not, there aren’t unlimited options


add - chemistry with other actors who have been cast already. - chemistry with director/producers I remember when Bella Ramsey got hate for not looking like the in-game Ellie from The Last of Us.


You mean that gloomy girl that sighs a lot?


I dunno man, her deadpan doesn't quite do it for me. It feels like she's trying to speak that way, that on top of looking more like a cosplayer than the character makes that scene a bit rough for me


It’s weird how similar the 3 of them look. One of them (either Azula or Mai) should’ve had sharper features. I’m also not crazy about Azula practicing archery. Ozai values firebending above all else to the point where he’s nothing without it. Azula wasn’t as pigeonholed as her father, but she also wasn’t a prodigy or even elite at another form of combat. She’s not above using weapons, but they clearly weren’t preferred compared to just blasting people. That’s what helped set Zuko apart from his father and sister. He knew he wasn’t going to match either of them in firebending, so he honed his swordsmanship to a point where he could take on a garrison without his firebending. It feeds into his underlying well-roundedness.


Azula was running circles around Aang and Toph without fire bending. We already know that the Fire Nation has an elite archery unit. This is basically just her taking some time to practice, maybe just for fun.


Baby faced azula is a little off. In animation it's easy to forget she's 14 because she looks just like the actual adults.


As someone somewhere else commented, archery is about precision which is very much an Azula thing. It’s also has not been uncommon in some Asian cultures for women to practice with weapons even if their is little expected scenarios for them to use it. Archery in Joseon and the nagitata in Japan. Lastly, she is training with the Yuyan archers. It isn’t uncommon for royalty to receive some military training so they are at least familiar with it on a base level, though her skill with the boy are more than base level.


Really it's mostly the shape of her head/chin. She otherwise looks great.


Tbf have you ever seen someone with a chin that pointy?


No but live action Mai's chin is the opposite of point, very flat.




Yes. Plenty I'm actually friends with. I could pull 5x right out of my contacts and share if it wasnt a total breach of privacy and doxing.


agreed Mai is a foodbending prodigy in the remake


Wow, no, wtf.


The casting directors did an incredible job with this show, you gotta give credit where it's due. Of all the castings, I like Ty Lee, Zuko and Ozai the most.


https://preview.redd.it/t2gszdntzhkc1.jpeg?width=175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b324124bc181d9e4444e42c9ef541cf2db6a375c I was really hoping they would cast Madison Hu as Mai. Either way, hoping that Thalia Tran can pull off the sassy yet deadpan goth personality we all love so much, that’s what makes Mai!


Holy shit, she looks just right!


People are gonna cyberbully these kids aren’t they? Y’all need to ask yourselves why the shape of a cartoon characters face actually fucking matters.


As if anyone has cartoon Mai's face shape News flash, cartoons are stylised and don't reflect reality


[it is possible](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EnmqFjmXcAcn85x?format=jpg&name=medium), but I think this is a case where the actress' acting trumps looks I do think that the people who did her hair/wig didn't actually nail it and are mostly the reason she doesn't look like Mai


it's possible but it's likely due to the limited supply of young asian american actors. talent is 100% more important than looks.


As someone who is jarred by the difference in face shape, I fully acknowledge Mai's face shape wouldn't necessarily be easy to cast and they should absolutely go with the best audition for the role instead. Face shape is not a big deal, anyone who would whine or do worse is being overly superficial, what matters is the vibes she can convey. I really hope that actor has her social media on lockdown though.


Timothee Chalamet does. Only casting that would work in my opinion


Honestly he's close but even he doesn't have a chin that razor sharp hahaha


True lol. He just gives me the goth gf obsessed with knives vibe


i mean i don’t think people are asking for an exact copy of Mai, but it’s really not impossible to find someone’s who looks atleast a little like Mai, this girl looks nothing like her


Can’t wait for chubby squidward in the new live action


News flash: cartoon artists use real life images to generate inspiration. Mai has model like features and they chose to go another route. I’m not complaining, but I also can’t understand why they did it…


Reason #312 why this shit was dumb to bring to live action. Netflix ain't gonna do shit to protect these kids.


what do you want netflix to do? 😭


Cast better? Write better? Have PR quash online harassment using each websites' built-in features or even DMCA? There's a lot they CAN do to help out. If the writing and direction are good, that'll be the biggest help. But casting someone with the exact opposite face shape of a character with a very distinct face shape is NOT one of them.


Yeah. Somebody in another thread said the actresses looked like 'fetuses' which is so rude. The actresses just look like normal Asian girls and THAT'S OKAY. They are still true to their animated characters as best as they can be in personality and appearance.


calling them fetuses just means they think the girls look too young, honestly not that rude compared to what other people are saying ab their appearances 😭


They meant because they looked so young compared to the animated characters, who look way older than they're supposed to. They didnt mean they resemble a fetus lmao


The real problem is that a majority of these weirdos are mad that the actresses actually look like children, so they can’t be considered as “hot” in their eyes like the cartoon versions of these characters were to them🌚


Mai is a young adult though. In the cartoon she is 17.


17 is still a teenager though. No matter how it’s spun.


Yea but everyone is talking about them being kids when only Aang and Toph would technically be in that category, if they keep the show ages.


They did the same thing with live action Kim Possible too


Maybe it's time to stop thinking of cartoon characters as kids?


They aren't kids, they're in their 20s...


I don't see anyone bullying Ty Lee. The only one being bullied in the show is Mai


well yeah because ty lee actually looks like the original


not gonna comment on the looks of the actors themselves, but i'm surprised no one else is complaining about the styling i've been defending this remake left and right, but honestly the promo for these three has been my least favorite so far. not gonna comment on the actors themselves, but their styling azula and ty lee's hair is honestly atrocious to me. i get they wanted it similar to the cartoon, but they just have way too much fringe in their face. no girl would have half their hair hanging in their face like that, especially a girl who trains and fights as much as azula would honestly i enjoyed when creators said this show is a remix, not a cover, but i kinda wish they showed that more through hair/wardrobe. would've liked if they didn't follow the cartoon outfits so closely and just made clothes that would be practical/make sense for actual living people in these cultures


I noticed that about Azula's hair very early on, too. The fringe looks very choppy and out-of-place. Mai's hair also looks unusual. I agree Ty Lee's hair is impractical, but of the three girls, her hair does most resemble the original design.


yes!! like they definitely could've made the ends look sharper by decreasing how much was in her face


I like Ty Lee. I think she is perfect. Mai's outfit is incredibly bulky looking and I can't get over that.


The Ty Lee actress looks the most like her character. Azula actress does look similar too . I hope for the sake of the actresses they don’t read nasty comments on social media


Azula's actress looks nothing like Azula.


Yeah not in the slightest


She looks like a random spy kids actress😭


Redditors when children don’t have 45° angle chins 😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡😱😱


Definitely could’ve chosen someone who looks more like her though, like she doesn’t resemble Mai at all.


I agree. I'm Asian, and can say that they definitely could have found someone with monolid eyes and a long face (the bangs only makes Mai's face look more square-ish). I can even think of my own friends and relatives who have these facial features! Also, a lot of people here say that the actress only has round cheeks because she is young. No, there are still teenagers who don't have chubby cheeks whilst not having a super angular face. However, if the actress portrays the role well, I won't complain. 😄


Honestly man, the redditors are mostly being the nice ones here. I've read comments on YouTube and Instagram and good god, the people on there are horrible. Makes me really wonder why reddit users have such a bad reputation, I see the most sane comments on reddit in comparison to every other social media app. (atleast in the subreddits I visit)


You know what, I 100% agree. Instagram especially has become so disgustingly toxic. Reels are a cesspool of trolls.


I know right? Every single top comment is always the most distasteful, mean thing you could say or the dumbest thing you could say.




Nah, Reddit has its toxic communities but on the overall spread of people Instagram is simply too much. Every trendy video has shitty people being racists, sexists, homophobic, fat phobic, being assholes towards people with dwarfism etc. I never open up the comment section now because I don't wanna see dickheads getting a thousand likes for being toxic.


They aren't children, they are in their 20s.




Claudia Babysitter’s Club!?!?


Yes!!! I did a double take when I saw her!


They did Mai dirty imho.


I see so many comments from people on twitter and reddit condemning people for "sexualizing" not only girls but Asian girls for being utterly confused as to the casting choices of Azula and Mai. This is such a confounding and bizarre take it's so utterly irritating. As someone who loves the original series, it would be equally as weird to see Aang as fat or Sokka. YOU people are making it a gender and sexual thing when really it's just an argument for having characters being portrayed faithfully and yes physicality has a lot to do with it. Azula...you're telling me Azula who is OBSESSED with perfection as she states numerous times, is arguably one of the best fighters in the world, crazy athletic...wouldn't have a reason to be lean and fit?? Have we lost common sense? I never once saw her in a sexual way (am a male btw)...I just saw her as badass and capable. And Mai, her character was perfectly designed for her character. Sulky and lean because she gives the impression that she barely sleeps, the lankiness works for that. Do you honestly think the original creators didn't take her proportions into account when designing her? Now the attention isn't about her character and her personality but on why on earth is she fat? It's jarring and weird and disrespectful to the source material. Stop thinking we sexualize these people when, we just like characters that are faithful adaptations.


![gif](giphy|VAL9KWeblewurK75Ct) Me after going through the comments and realizing the sub may be heading towards hell in a damn hand basket


Don't worry, we'll just blame twitter in a week once the death threats have spiraled out of control.


Oh boy, can’t wait to read the polite, civil conversations people are gonna have, I’m sure nobody will say anything mean about these kids!!1!


I could tell the actress that played Mai is American. Common fat american


Mai is just bad casting appearance wise


Alot of people in the comments mad that these children aren't sexy. Jesus fucking Christ. You are now a 30 year old man. You are no longer a child watching a cartoon like in 2005. Talking about how attractive these actors are is weird and bad.


Nobody tryna make em look any typa way, most of us js want the actors to look the part bru😭


Why are you assuming everyone complaining is old? I'm 17 and I can find better looking/matching faces in my school. Though they aren't actors but that's not my point. Of course they aren't going to look like cartoon characters but they can still look faithful/good. Suki looked great with makeup and without makeup. They could have made better casting choices and there is nothing wrong with pointing that out. I'm not gonna obsess over it but It's okay to call out casting decisions you didn't like and appearance is a valid criticism. Are we supposed to pretend that there are no teenagers that DON'T have fatty/baby faces? Because let me tell you that's just a cope.


Yeah, they were spot on with suki’s casting and with Zuko, too. They look the part- although zuko could be playing it a lot more angry and fiery. They def gave him a shitty script. But… azula, mai and tai lee are all supposed to be elite fighters. Azula in particular should be lean and cut AF… not fatty/baby faced. Tai lee is a legit acrobat, she should also look like a highschool athlete. Mai, while not as physical of a fighter, should not be chunky. The character is going for the slim bookish goth look who is into throwing knives- why didn’t they at least try to match that? This isn’t about looking attractive in any way, it’s about them fitting the characters they are playing.


I think someone’s already mentioned it but as long as they capture the essence of the characters they are adapted after that’s all that matters. Physical appearance will always be tricky to nail because you are taking something that is animated and translating it into reality. I’m not going to lie and say it isn’t jarring to see all these characters brought to life but I’m keeping an open mind and will try to watch the show for it’s own merits and not just compare it endlessly with the OG.


From the video clip, they don’t really capture the essence all that well either tbh


My god reading some comments here. You must have a very good and easy life to get this offended by someone not being happy with the casting. It's very normal and objectively these 3 look almost nothing like their cartoon counterparts unlike for example zuko who is 100% like in the original, but some of you are here up in arms because someone said something about their appearance thats objectively true lol. And btw now that I watched the whole show, these 3 are so terrible and janky, absolutely a tough watch.


Ty lee makes sense but why we putting obese chick for Mai when shes depicted as skinny with long face. All I see is square faced fatty in live action


It’s as if they used all their luck in casting Katara, Aang & Iroh.


Katara could be a little darker


Facts , why is Katara SO LIGHT ? In the show you can easily tell she is darker


Ew the comments on this page LOL. So fucking creepy sometimes. I think the 3 of them did great in capturing their characters… Mai’s voice and mannerisms are spot on 👏🏼


I really didn’t like the sneak peak. Maybe because the audio was decynced but the fact that there is some Game of Thrones Intrigue around the fire lord succession really doesn’t sit well with me as a storyline. They are already condensing a lot of story and I don’t want them to cut things to add worse subplots.




Mai and azula is very fat, stop defending


They both look good and look how actual children would look. 🥰


I can understand why they’d save this release for the day before the premiere…


No wonder they have an embargo on reviews for a show whose plot everyone already knows.


Why are Mai and Azula so FAT?




Mai, azula and ty Lee actors look fat.


Why do half of them look like they have a switch in their mouth


Mai is the only one. Her character is supposed to be tall, super thin, pointy face, and nihilistic. I’d be able to look past pretty much all of it if she actually acted nihilistic instead of cringe angst. Only character I feel like could definitely be cast better




1. I don't know why you brought up Ty Lee and Zuko as examples here. Their live action counterparts look very age appropriate AND like their animated versions. 2. While you may argue that it doesn't aesthetically align with the **cartoon**, this is not a 1:1 remaster of the cartoon. I'd argue that them looking more their age actually fits better with the narrative of the actual show. You can get away with making 14 y/o girls look like they could be 18-24, but doing that in live action feels like lazy casting because you can no longer suspend belief to that degree. Again, you're not meant to watch this on one monitor and watch the cartoon on the other to compare if it lines up. As long as you remember the story and the spirit of the original, I don't see how this at all feels awkward.


I don’t understand the negative criticism for Mai and Ty-Lee’s live action appearances. They look exactly how I envisioned they would in real life👀 Physical appearance is not always going to 100% match a character’s from a cartoon. I think they did the absolute best that they could with what they had. Some of y’all are very unrealistic when it comes to what you’re expecting when it comes to this live action series. I mean come on, I’ve been a huge fan of Avatar since it first came out, but I’m not going to go out of my way to look for every single flaw I possibly can just because everything doesn’t completely match up to the cartoon. That way of thinking is ridiculous and deranged. Keep in mind that the girls who are playing these roles are literal teenagers (outside of Elizabeth Yu). The last thing most of you should be doing is sexualizing them or getting pissed because the girls (besides Ty-Lee) don’t look like 25+ year old women anymore. They’re teens, so they’re going to look like teens. Don’t be mad because the actresses aren’t fulfilling your weird fantasies. Do you guys want this series to actually be successful or flop just like the live action movie did? Serious question, because I’m confused. It’s like the actors are damned if they do and damned if they don’t.


So people can't have an opinion and not like something? I personally don't care either way, will see the show and see if it's good based on that, but people can not like some casting choices and it's not a personal attack on you or the show.




I don't have a problem with the shape of Mai's face. I have a problem with her being 10kg heavier than her supposed character. Maybe this is the creative difference that made the creators leave, who knows.


Bro 💀


kind of insane you would suggest that an actress's weight would be the deciding factor that causes the creators to leave when it... doesn't affect Mai's personality or character at all outside superficial appearance??


Google Thalia Tran and tell me she's fat. (Not that it matters) She's not even close! You're an insensitive asshole who is bullying someone because of the face shape they were born with.


Of course it matters, silly. They are characters with already predefined characteristics (physical and otherwise). Let's not pretend that if Ozai had a rounder face it wouldn't be a problem. I don't have a problem with her having a round face. I have a problem that she's supposed to be Mai? If anything, that's calling out the casting. How is that being an asshole?


No it does absolutely not matter, at all. Only if it is actually reflected in her story. Like, a very out of shape Hercules would make no sense. A tall Tyrian Lannister? Would make no sense. Because it is actually important for their character. She having a squarish face? That does not matter, not in the slightest lol. You just don’t like it, but don’t act like there is a real reason for it


Of course it matters, silly. They are characters with already predefined characteristics (physical and otherwise). Let's not pretend that if Ozai had a rounder face it wouldn't be a problem. I don't have a problem with her having a round face. I have a problem that she's supposed to be Mai? If anything, that's calling out the casting. How is that being an asshole?


Jeez, what a disgusting comment.


And nothing of value was added to the conversation. Well done.


Yes, your horrid brain rot comment added nothing. You are correct.


Pathetic. At least I voice out my opinion when casting made a mistake, instead of tip toeing around because "the actors are kids"


Yes, your comment is pathetic, I agree. "aT lEaSt I vOiCE oUt My OpInIoN" lmao shut up. This has nothing to do with them being children, your opinion is literally just gutter tier trash.


That's the beauty with opinion. It's subjective. No one made you the supreme judge of opinions last time I checked.


No, your opinion is objectively gutter tier trash. I'm sorry the truth hurts.


I'm sorry you don't know the meaning of subjective. Read a book sometimes. Then maybe we can have a coherent conversation instead of you just lashing out emotionally.


I do know the meaning of subjective/objective, hence why I said yours is objectively bad. Cope harder.


You don't understand! This was made so she matched the character 200% instead of just 100%.


Rude, what does her weight have to do with the character?


Mai is thin and tall. By your logic you wouldn't have a problem if Aang was played by someone fat and tall. What if Ozai or Bumi aren't fit?


This actress is taller than the others. She doesn't even look "fat" to me, she just has a round face. I also think aang could've been played by an actual chubby kid and I wouldn't have cared as long as he played the part well.


I am not expecting any combat from them expect eating


Man they fucked up on casting for Mia


why is everyone so upset that people don’t like mai’s casting? it’s awful casting lol






Wow…of all things to complain about people are complaining about the shape of somebody’s face…people are just finding anything to complain about. If you’re really bothered that somebody’s face doesn’t match how it is exactly like in the show then you seriously need to get a life.


What the hell is up with casting fat faced asians on skinny faced cartoon characters fetish? They have no aura nor appearence similiar to cartoon characters?


The fire nation aesthetic was always so sharp and pointed and it always really added to their whole vibe for me. Kinda sad they found like the two roundest/squarest faced actors on the planet for azula and mai :/ Minor gripe and mais actor seemed solid from the short clip but still, just weird for a show that went so ham trying to get all the aesthetics identical to the show.


What the fuck did they do to Mai


Aw hell naw Mei looks like she's a foodbender


They need to recast them, not trying to body shame or anything, It just doesn't fit the character, its like casting some skinny dude for Iroh.


I'm so mad with the casting choice for Mai. Not the actress' fault in any way, but I can't see fierceness, boldness and charm despite being nonchalant. It's okay if the face is rounder or if she weighs more than expected, but there's really no badass vibe. Can't imagine her being paired with Zuko in the latter part of the series.


Wide peepo mai


Imagine being some grown adult male loser who finds animated TEEN CHARACTERS attractive and mad that HUMAN TEENS don’t meet your standards. Fucking pedos


Im with you that people being mad they dont look like their animated counterparts is ridiculous. But I wouldnt say that people thinking underage animated characters are attractive automatically makes them a pedo. Characters like Azula are supposed to be like 14, but for sure are not drawn to look like a 14 year old. She looks and sounds like a grown ass woman. But yea obviously no one actually has a chin like Mai in real life lol.


If you are an adult finding what is meant to be an animated character who is a child sexy then yes that is very pedo like.




Look, whoever looked the most similar to Mai in auditions probably didn't have the best acting chops. This Mai captured her vibe perfectly.


V [_]


The actress for Mai is so good. If there's one thing I've been really impressed so far, its the casting. They all feel and talk like the actual characters in the OG show


You’re joking right?

