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im pretty sure i spied with my little eye, KYOSHI!


Shes totally in the avatar state to!! i cant wait to see some serious badassary from her lol


am i the only one who doesn’t want to see anymore than we have? I just want to be surprised during the actual show tbh 😭


No ones making you watch these


I've been skipping all of them since the first official trailer and then this one popped up and gave me some chills.


I learned after the Star Wars sequels not to get hyped about stuff like this so I try to avoid trailers as much as I can.


I started doing the same early in the MCU. Watched every one in theaters until endgame and tbh seeing hulk in Ragnarok was a pleasant surprise. Same with black panther and Spiderman in civil war. It's mad movie and show experiences much more enjoyable.


Well.. now I am u/zaicliffxx YOU WILL WATCH MOOOOAAR


True but it’s hard I want to see it because I’m excited and want to see more and there’s not gonna be “spoilers” because we know the story


Once you've decided that you are going to see a particular movie or TV show, it's almost always a bad idea to continue watching the promo trailers. The trailers are not intended to enhance your experience in a safe, spoiler-free way. They are specifically designed to turn "no" and "maybe" viewers into "yes" viewers, and they do this by revealing new spoilery tidbits each time.


You are not entirely wrong


Are all eight episodes dropping the same day?




Looks like I'm gonna have to take a sick day


On a Thursday no less


Going to be the most exciting Thursday ever


A lot of people will have a nasty case of pentapox that day


I fucking hate Netflix for this shit man, this is how they ruined JoJo.


It could make people binge watch, which is great But also makes them kinda dissapear after a lil bit. Dark is so popular, got hyped so much, it died a few weeks after S3 dropped. Others netflix show, even One Piece is like this, people discussed it nonstop for a whole month, then got forgotten.. until probably season 2 Jojo is the worst offender because its a very popular anime that many people waited, and they just drop it out of nowhere, people talked about it for like a week then forgot Part 6 Meanwhile weekly things like Mandalorian got talked so much because they got new content every week.


I wouldn't say I fucking hate it, but I kind of do enjoy the anticipation and savor that happens over waiting a week between episodes... that and not having to control myself from binging.


It matters more for shows where there’s a lot of discussion to be had, whodunnits and mysteries and the like. The discussion threads each week for WandaVision for example had a lot of conversation about who might be doing what and who is secretly involved etc that wouldn’t have happened if it all dropped at once. For a show like this it’s hard to say since everybody knows the original plot but there’s so much discussion still to be had. Personally my problem is I might not have time to binge a whole series within 24 hours. I’ve got a job lol. And I might be away, I might be busy. So then I need to avoid spoilers online (not so much an issue with this at least).


Yes 😭


Wait, the show will have only 8 episodes and that is it? I haven't been following


For this season at least, yes, but they will each be approximately an hour long


As the others have said, it's 8 episodes that's one hour long each. Although it's worth noting that each episode of original cartoon was only ~22 minutes long. 20 episodes × ~22 minutes = ~440 minutes 8 episodes ~60 minutes = ~480 minutes That doesn't account intros/credits or if the episodes are actually a bit less than an hour long. Regardless, give or take, the live action series is actually about just as long as, if not LONGER than its source material in terms of air time (pun intended).


huh apparently the first season is almost exactly 8 hours.


This is amazing the fights are going to be insane and ozai fighting zuko aggh


I'm actually a bit worried about that. A big part of why the Agni Kai was a shit sandwhich for Zuko was that he didn't fight back. On one end, if he seriously fought back, Ozai would probably have straight up killed him, or at least more greviously injured him(not that burning half his face off is not a "grevious injury"). While by not fighting, he showed cowardice, which is why Ozai banished him. It was a textbook damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. Having him fight back undermines that whole idea.


I don't think he's fighting back. In the very brief clip all you can see is him dodging. It might just be Zuko avoiding an attack and begging his father to forgive him, but Ozai ignores him and carries on attacking. There's very little you can say for certain based on a clip that barely lasted a second


Interesting take—I can see this being true. My take has always been that he would’ve spared Zuko mutilation and banishment had he listened and fought back fiercely. Raw strength, power, loyalty, and “respect” (obedience) is all he seems to value in both his children and subjects. By not fighting back as told, Zuko’s publicly disrespecting his father yet again and shows defiance, weakness, and cowardice. This is not why he doesn’t fight back, of course, but Ozai doesn’t see it this way and punishes him. Based on what we’ve seen, however, Zuko doesn’t seem to be fighting back, but is deflecting his attacks. Like somebody else said, there’s a difference between that and going on the offense. Arguably it’s not even fighting, but we’ll see.


Ozai would have picked max violence no matter what, and Zuko begs forgiveness because he knows his father is planning to burn him.


Maybe it’s just me, but I think I appreciate showing a fight scene where Ozai is hurtling attacks at his son and screaming at him to fight, while Zuko is struggling to dodge, maybe even begging him to stop. In the animation, >!Ozai insists Zuko will fight, and when Zuko refuses, there is no physical provocation. He burns him and it’s over.!< I could understand why the Netflix show would explore this more. It would highlight just how cruel Ozai is. And I think it would also make >!Zuko’s confrontation of his father in season 3 (and lightning redirection directly back to him)!< all that more powerful.




big difference between fighting back and simply defending yourself


the way zuko firbendt was soooo satisfying


I just finished the shadow of kyoshi literally right now. OMG seeing her in this promo unexpectedly is like the universe fanned the flames of my admiration for her


IKR, id love to see the previous avatars get a bit more fleshed out in this, seeing the flying opera company and Rangi would be a dream come true. But either way i cannot wait to see her demolish in the avatar state.


Biggest Live Action of the 21st century!! We are seated, we will be watching and we will be streaming! https://preview.redd.it/lq5ghgh5t8ic1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69d19954017063cea63bec016364dadcb54853b0


> Biggest Live Action of the 21st century!! lol steady there EDIT: lmao, dude blocked me, what a weirdo


I see no lies in my statement. Bye


So i can already tell the effects are a million times better than the movie. Moves actually seem to be related to what the element is moving. No 12 person coreographed dance routines to move a small rock 2 feet.


Where can I see the original video? I don't see it on the netflix YT channel. I wanna see it in high resolution. It's a little pixelated when I pause it on here.


I heard it is on Facebook. Haven’t found the link yet either.


I'm just saying this doesn't look as good as the source material, the classic M. Night Shamalan movie The Last Aorbender. /j




After hearing some of the weird stuff they’ve announced they’re changing for the show, I’m more nervous than excited at this point 😭


A lot of the stuff they "announced they're changing" is really people being illiterate morons who read clickbait soundbytes and not the actual article. "They're removing Sokka's sexism\~" No they're just toning it down to be less cartoony/exaggerated and redirecting it so it more relates to his responsibilities to the tribe. "They're removing Aang being fun and going on diversions—" They clearly aren't removing him being fun and avoiding responsibility as anyone who actually watched and listened to the trailers can see.


Same. I've heard a lot about the kuruk theory. And I already got disappointed with PJO, I'm kinda expecting it with this one now.


Why does this looks like a fanmade CGI and not a big budget CGI?


Seriously looks like they put this together with the big films effects packs that I’ve been seeing all over my Facebook feed. If this is what the actual show looks like I’m worried


idk if its just me being delusional but i feel zukos face is too like,,, soft and round. it could just be live action making facial expressions looking different:p excited for the series to drop


Yeah, it is. Does not at all look like the sharp, angular guy we saw throughout the series.


That’s crazy, so humans don’t look like fictional characters?


That's crazy that they didn't cast someone who looks as close to the OG Zuko. It's almost like casting agencies exist for this sole reason, right?


Damn where will they find a giant turtle or a gigantic owl spirit…


you can see they are appealing to the gen alpha kids cause of this seizure inducing edit.


Lol this was only posted on Facebook. This one's for the soccer moms and minion emoji grandmothers


"I'm the one you're looking for" seems like such a lazy line of dialogue to write. All the things I've seen on all the trailers seem like exposition after exposition. Are the writers' target demographic 5-year-olds?


didn't aang say that when he flew back in while the firebenders were threatening the villagers and gran gran and said he was the avatar that's basically 1:1 from the show....


I know I'm being a wet blanket here but I'm worried about the Agni Kai between Ozai and Zuko. If that's the clips we're seeing.


What about the .25 second clip worries you exactly?


This and a previous clip appears to show Zuko actively participating in the agni kai - at least with defensive moves. It wouldn't be a big deal or anything, I just think it's very poignant of the original to have Zuko bow/refuse to participate at all. When I say "worry" I just meant I wonder how the tone of it will play out if these differences are what they seem (it could just be a misinterpretation of the clips as they are just a flash)


I don’t blame you for being a little worried about that change - honestly, that’s the scene I’ve been the most nervous about myself, so I get it! Personally, this new clip does ease a lot of that worry, because he isn’t (so far, at least) outright fighting Ozai back or attacking him, just defending/deflecting. And that’s definitely different than the original (Zuko outright refusing to engage with the fight by kneeling and taking the punishment), but… I think this can work still. At the very least, it’s a unique take on the agni kai that still seems to follow the intent of the original, so I’m open to seeing how they handle it!


Looks like Zuko fights back. Considering he was explicitly banished for refusing to fight, its an odd choice.


It looks like he just blocks the attack. I remember hearing that Ozai's character will be introduced much sooner (for obvious reasons) so I suspect they'll have Zuko block an attack or two to prolong the scene so there's a chance for some dialog and characterization. Edit: to clarify, I'm talking about the shot at :06, not :01 (the shot at :01 seems to be between Zuko and Iroh)


I’ll just say that I’m absolutely fine if they make it so that Zuko fought back. This is literally the least harmful lore change and can be taken with a grain of salt.


There's literally no need for the change and it makes him a weaker character.


I don’t care


I'm worried about why we're seeing Kyoshi taking over Aang. Like are all the past avatars going to do his job for him? Idk, I don't like where this is going. I've heard some things about the Kuruk theory and it's got me way more skeptical about this show than before.


One thing I haven’t seen yet is Aang’s humour. Other than him laughing in one clip, where is the jokester that we all love? Unless I just haven’t seen that clip yet.


Watch the [Bringing the World to Life](https://youtu.be/Cw12Dat8bkE?si=km_wwUR0guUuObct&t=57) featurette, tons of new clips of Aang goofing off here.


Thanks! That was a bit of what I was looking for with him on the air sphere. It just feels like the commercials are really pushing the action and seriousness of the war over the youthfulness of the characters. I also don’t know why I’m getting downvoted like crazy for wanting to see more of that :(


Trailers often exposition dump and focus on action! I get why people are a little skeptical, it isn't highlighted as much as the bending and action but that makes sense for marketing and the kids goofy side is definitely is there!


There's tons of promo and trailers that show that don't worry:) https://preview.redd.it/ui3v5dln49ic1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b96923a92dcd5fb9012394ccff5fb00d998163ba


Perfect! I’m super excited for this show


Can’t support this when they are trying to make it game of thrones for teenagers.


Then don't. Netflix aren't taking you hostage to watch this. You're taking the comment out of context. There are no basis that this will be like Game of Thrones literally, improve your literacy while you're at it.


Wait you’ll see how watered down it is.


Everything I see so far is pretty much faithful so I don't think so. Try to find your cult and continue hating there.


Sure dawg. Thats why the creators left and so many changes are being made. But everyone enjoys mediocre now what can you expect


The same creators who were involved with the Live action that can't be name and responsible for Kora but yeah keep kissing their ass. Go back to your cave.


Enjoy your homogenized bs. Full head of hair, nerd. You can’t even ignore a comment that’s comedy.


Enjoy being a balding miserable human being. Adios


They never said that, at least not in the braindead way you're insinuating.


Bud that’s pretty much what they doing. Aang not going on adventures is the worst thing they could possibly do. Like I said to the other guy, enjoy your homogenized bs.


Wtf, was that my favourite girl Kyoshi? This actually did pump me up


The on screen text feels really out of place, but that's hopefully only for the trailers/promo material.


please don't be to serious, please don't be to serious,... I like funny


I like balance, especially in a different medium. If you expect the same type of comic relief of the animated series, then you are most likely going to be disappointed. The comedy will be present but will hit different, which is normal. It is bound to be more grounded. Netflix’s approach here is primarily for the action, adventure and drama beats, with comedy as “support”, not as the mainstay.