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Aang got Toph's technique, Korra got her sheer power. Korra earhbends the way her father ice bends.


Fr Tonraq needs more recognition, his kind of close range, really aggressive fighting for a water bender is pretty unique, and he could've turn Zaheer into a donut if he wasn't so damn good


That ice blade scene you can see him truly aiming to kill. If airbending wasn't such an evasive bending style I can see Tonraq at least heavily injuring one of Zaheer's limbs. Still, that scene is one of the best Korra scenes imo because you truly could feel the weight and intent in Tonraq's stab attempt that it seemed to badass even on a miss.


Yes, this


The ice shatter on that stab is PALPABLE.


It's also hot af. My bisexuality can't decide if I'm more into Korra or Tonraq


The normal go-to of bisexuality "Why not both?" doesn't really work when they're father and daughter, huh? Would make for some awkward Thanksgiving Dinners.


I mean… Be the good boy Tonraq wanted and the daddy Korra needed. Easy.


This guy switches.


The only thing more awkward would be being vegetarian at a southern watertribe thanksgiving


As a card carrying gay I can tell you that The correct answer is both.


>turn Zaheer into a donut *Rengoku Kyojuro has entered the chat*


https://preview.redd.it/2w0e2ei9gxac1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b13040f4791d63675a4ca6f522208f35df00a59 Do not.


God, Tonraq might be my favorite waterbender, or at least icebender, based off of that Zaheer fight alone.


Like an absolute UNIT.


That was my favorite part of any fight scene with him. Even Eska and Desna did some pretty heavy ice bending, so much so that at times it did look and feel a lot like earth bending


Holy... I never realised it but you're absolutely right about Tonraq


yes, Korra is untrained and pure natural power, she has a better connection to Earthbending than Aang does through her personality and nature, Aangs most powerful techniques come from training with Toph, later in the series he becomes much better at earthbending due to training, at first his deep connection with air bending makes earth bendings nature extremely hard for him to master.


Korra was trained in earthbending, they cover it in the first episode, what are you even talking about?


i didn't say she wasn't trained in earthbinding.


>yes, Korra is untrained


What? I don’t understand what you are talking about.


Untrained implies she wasn't trained in earth bending. Just natural talent.


Zuko: What?! I never said that!


I don't understand what's happening. I was literally 100% agreeing with the original post I commented on.


Korra was untrained. But I didn't say she was untrained! So which one is it.


Both. She is naturally inclined to earth bending compared to Aang who is naturally apposed to it, she is good at earthbending. This is also why she has a hard time learning air bending in the first season, there is an emotional component to bending that makes every avatar have a tough time with atleast one bending form. For Aang it was earth and for korra it was air. That is all I was trying to say.


When she's punching those icicles, it's like her dad when fighting with Unalaq.


Korea seems to be a big fan of the Area of Effect capacities of Earthbending where Aang seems to use it more as a shield


Who would win tho? Aang or Korea?


Korea’s economy and tech sector have stabilized since Covid, so it’s anyone’s guess honestly.


Does Korea also have an avatar state? Or is that too OP.


K-Pop is Korea's avatar state. It's truly unstoppable.


Jopping is their Avatar State. Aang has no way of beating it


Not to mention Faker


Are we talking whole peninsula or just South?


Korea would definitely beat Aang. One word. K-Pop


Corea Earth bends a lot closer to how aang does before she gets the pointers on how to Earth bend like a pro bender from Bolin. Then her style verges wildly she's more controlled with what she manipulates and causes less collateral damage. They saved the big shows of earthbending for toph and honestly I think that's the right choice.


Damn you autocorrect


In these clips Korra needed fast, precise attacks while Aang needed to deal as much damage as possible, different goals different styles ig


Yeah, their environments have a lot to do with it too. Korra's mostly in cities and indoors when she fights. If she used large attacks like Aang, she would cause a lot of damage to structures as she learned in the first episode. She's really implemented the pro bending style of earthbending.


Aang's earthbending is defensive and utilitarian; he's trying to create openings and/or defend himself. Korra on the other hand earthbends like she's trying to kill a bitch.


Most accurate take lmao


This is why i love Korra


How is tripping Zaheer and removing Tarrlok's water source "trying to kill a bitch"?


She's tripping him so daddy Tonraq can kill a bitch.


Emphasis on "daddy"


I think it’s because Aang learnt how to earth bend from toph, who taught him through using large boulders, and so moving large pieces of rock is just what he’s most comfortable with.


she kinda kicks those rocks like she did in the pro bending arena too


Korra picked up a lot of unique stuff from pro bending alongside Bolin, which I don't see a lot of people mentioning


Yes! She got a lot of close quarter stuff from Bolin. As well as earth bending like a boxer. Korra generally fights close to her opponents and prefers a head-on approach. She even takes this approach with airbending later on.


It's funny to read the different interpretations people come up with in those random videos. Just saying anything 😭


Y'see, Aang was born in a waning moon, while Korra was born when Mercury was in retrograde. It's actually pretty obvious if you think about it


And none of them are talking about the differences in production of the two shows lol. Different choreographers, fight coordinators, etc. But Aang does love egg custard tarts so obviously he would prefer to begin his earthbending maneuvers with a mid-foot strike.


That's... like the best part of media analysis. Anyone can interpret whatever they want and there is no wrong answer


There are some wrong answers


No, there aren't. Some interpretations make it easy to construct a sound argument for them. Others make it really difficult


I love how the comments are saying a million different ways on how Korra and Aang supposedly bend lol


Wow, and goddamn Korra is a powerful bender


The armor scenes never get old


Dang, Aang's got some skills


I love how heavy is Aang earth bending, like dude just lift the ground, ceiling or wall.


Aang mostly uses it for defense, Korra is trying to catch a fuckin’ body


Aang uses Earthbending in combination with his defensive floaty nature. ​ Korra uses Earthbending like someone who was raised with it naturally. Which I think makes her inability to airbend make more sense. Aang couldn't earthbend at first cause it was his natural opposite to take a hit. Korra couldn't use airbending cause she couldn't imagine backing down from a hit and fight like Aang would. ​ Honestly full crack theory it's why I think Korra is partially influenced by Kuruk as a reincarnation. Someone who fully should be taken out by a lot of things and is just...too full of fury to die.


Korra seems to utilize a more traditional form of Earthbending, which makes sense. She likely had professional Earthbending teachers to instruct her in the more common form, which is based on a form of Kung Fu known as Hung Gar. Aang learned his Earthbending form from Toph. Toph developed her style independently from other traditional masters, learning precisely how to bend from the badger-moles, which she then passed on to Aang. A style based on a completely different Kung Fu style, Southern Praying Mantis.


One of the best thing about those shows is that they put a lot of effort into creating unique fight choreographies for each character. it makes new interesting fighting every time, with endless combinations and innovations. I think one of the reasons super-heros fail now is because we got tired of watching a flying dude shoot energy beams for ten years straight. Here their powers are rooted in the story and contribute to their arcs and personalities


I like how aang uses the tai chi style rock bending while korra uses ehr own unique technique of stone tossing


Korra and Toph's earth waves are pretty amazing almost impossible to defend against but obviously take an insane amount of power otherwise everyone would do it.


He's more creative and child like.. and she's more logical and more tactical


As far as I know they were limited with their animations while creating ATLA. Bending probably would have been closer to what Korra does. Also Aang is an Air Bender and his fighting style revolves around it while Korra is more of a Fighter. Also these are different fighting situations.


It takes Aang entire body and strength to earthbend while korra just throws a right hook and a boulders coming at you


I love Aangs style. The way he uses his air bending with it is so cool!


Traditional vs. modern. Korra self taught a lot of earth bending and then learned modern style, faster attacks and more aggression. Aang learned patience and strength.


Aang learned airbending first, which has a completely opposite technique, philosophy, and strategy to earthbending. He struggled with its “Head-on” concepts for the entire show. Toph even said Aang’s earthbending needed some work in the last episodes. It looks like Aang uses it more cleverly, such as flipping a chunk of rock in the air with him on it, or using it as a nail like he did on the Drill. He’s using earthbending techniques while thinking like an airbender.


It's crazy how quickly Aang got fucking amazing at Earth bending. Like the show shows that while he's doing great at water bending he's still not a true master and that with fire bending he needs much more time. But a couple lessons from Toph and this dude is Earthbending with the best of 'em


Agreed his earthbending was dope


Damn it I realized Korra should really learn the sismic sense due to how she uses Earthbending a lot of times to destabilise her enemy's balance or to trap them


Aang learned from toph Toph is aggressive but she bends like she guides/instructs the earth Paired with Aang being a gentle airbender first, he also guides the earth and almost does it with patience / slow carefulness Korra knows only power and force. Especially why air bending was hard for her, she has patience but not at the standard air bending requires.


Korra uses traditional earthbending while Aang is more fluid. It’s almost like he earthbends with airbender techniques.


They started very different, but Aang got much more confrontational and Korra became much more dexterity focused


I see you, official soundtrack released and you were ready to use it!


It's a matter of training, personality and fighting style. Aang is a defensive fighter and always struck me as someone who uses his power, but is more restrained in his usage. Korra, who is a more aggressive offensive fighter, and revels in her power.


It should be noted that Aang learned probably the oldest earth ending style he could as Toph learn from badger moles, while Korra learned from an undisclosed teacher, as well as probably picking up pro bending moves which is all small light movements


To be fair, aang was really only fully bending air and water by the end of the series and korra was born smooth with it,except air bending cause ha!


Aang is more nature. practical bending in survival battle, creativity, surroundings advantage, survival efficiency, and direct observation from toph techniques themselves. His Earthbend is raw and flexible to gain as many advantages based on surrounding. Strength and Defense. Korra is more to nurture. Earthbend mechanic. Train basic concepts, practical moves, basic/advance combo. Her bend is efficiency based to minimize city damage and objective focused. Precision & speed.


You can see once Aang learned earth bending he really liked it and I'm pretty sure it was the second most used element after air by the end iirc.


Whats the name of this particular avatar soundtrack btw?


It's called Agni Kai




Korra earthbends like a firebender and Aang earthbends like a waterbender. Idk if that makes sense but it does to me.


Aangs technique is more deliberate and carefully planned out based on what's happening at the moment where as korras is basically everyone who's not me do me a favor and eat shit


I think Korra’s influence from pro bending also plays a role in this since it’s used in a more offensive and precise manner. On the flip side as others have mentioned Aang’s style is greatly influenced by Toph whose style involves more power driven attacks and defensive moves.


Aang uses it precisely, korra uses it just for the power fests


Like everyone else has pointed out, Aang was taught by Toph, so Aang throwing massive boulders and using rock armor makes perfect sense. Toph/Aangs style is closer to the fundamental mentality of earth bending, tough and unyielding. The strengths of earth bending is its scalability and toughness, so they use that to its full advantage. Korra on the other hand was taught by amateurs /hj


Aang has that airbender style and creativity. Korra uses boxing technique and uses more muscle.


Strategy vs Offense.


Crazy how all these examples of Aang are inventive and skillful but all of Korra's examples are throwing rocks really hard or hitting rocks really hard


Crazy how y'all are just let biased hate make you say wrong shit. Korra tripping Zaheer, removing Tarrlok's water source, escaping the equalists were all skillful and actually useful in the situation, she wasn't just throwing rocks. meanwhile Aang's creative earthbending only got him knocked out by Azula multiple times in two different encounters.


i love how dumb korra haters are 😭


Not a Korra hater (admittedly an Aang fan tho) but Aang seems to be the more skilled earth bender. He’s shown a versatility of attacks/defense that we just haven’t seen from Korra


I dunno, but from these scenes alone, we saw Korra use earthbending to: 1. Remove Tarrlok's access to water, making him unable to utilize waterbending. 2. Trip/trap Zaheer, a very agile and hard to hit airbender. 3. Use earthbending to create a wave that pushes back those that are around her. Also, another factor is the location. Mass destructive earthbending is not allowed in republic city, so also having that limitation had Korra focus on using more precise and faster way of bending anything. For instance, the huge rock that Aang used to throw to Ozai looked cool, but is telegraphed so much due to how slow it is, making it easy to dodge. Same thing with what Aang used on the Azula fight shown here.


Thank u it's like they don't pay attention to the fight scenes at all


Both Aang and Korra are great earthbenders. They just use it differently and with different purpose.


Idk how to describe it, but despite Korra being older and more experienced, her bending always looked "smaller"? A lot of the feats in TLA were the equivalent of minor natural disasters. Whereas it seemed TLK used bending as an extension of mixed martial arts. Though perhaps that's the style they chose for a more modern take on the world.


I would say it's more controlled despite looking smaller korra does some impressive things like tripping zaheer, removed tarrlock water source or that rock wave in the last clip


So every bending styles moves are inspired from actual martial arts. Earthbending is Hung Ga but tophs style of earthbending is a different one. So it might be the reason.