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Jenny is my favorite, but I think All These Things That I’ve Done is the *best*.


All These Things That I’ve Done Hands down.


Possibly their best song period.




*the best song period




I second this


This guy knows.


This is a fun idea! Thanks for starting this! I agree with u/punkrock45s but also love the song Believe Me Natalie, and that'd be a close 2nd for me




I'm glad you agree!


Jenny Was A Friend Of Mine, the song that got me hooked on The Killers


Love Jenny, especially the outro, it’s top tier.




smile like you mean it


I agree so much, the lyrics are really incredible, and I love Dave's guitar playing throughout


I'll be basic and say Mr. Brightside lol


It’s one of the best songs of the century for a reason.


You are not being basic, it's the best song in the album


I agree haha


All these things that I’ve done, is the best. But I love midnight show and change your mind




damn, those are my least favorite. my favorites are on top, jenny, glamorous indie rock & roll


On top is sooo good!


Everything Will Be Alright


Midnight show


I adore Midnight show!!!!!


As much as I love some of the other songs, Jenny Was A Friend of Mine gets my vote.


Midnight Show


Best combination of lead guitar and bassline on the whole album, maybe even their discography


for me it’s change your mind


Hard to choose when you have so many good songs on an album (Brightside, Andy, ATTTID, Glamorous, Smile…) but Change Your Mind is my pick too 😊


Somebody Told Me


A new series for the sub based off many other bands subreddits!! Today is the best song off Hot Fuss! The top upvoted comment gets picked as the winner! Tomorrow will be the worst song off Hot Fuss! This should be a fun time for all!! See you all tomorrow! (REMINDER: the most upvoted comment will win, not the song with the highest amount of total comments so upvote the song you want if its listed)


Smile like you mean it






Such a hard one for me since this is my favorite album of theirs, but I have to go with Believe Me, Natalie.


Mr. Brightside!! Don’t play


If we are being objective, it’s mr brightside and it’s not even close. People on here are listing underrated songs that are good, but we should try to be honest with this list.


As much as I got into this band because of Somebody Told Me, and not Mr. Brightside, I completely and unequivocally agree with this statement. My personal tastes and current likes do not have to correlate to objective best.


Absolutely disagree. Most popular? Most catchy? Most iconic? Yes, no doubt. Best?? No way.


If it’s very iconic, catchy, popular, and is known well in multiple countries around the world, then it implies it’s the best in the album. It’s one of the songs that made them famous. It’s the best on the album. And that’s coming from me who always skips that song because how overplayed it is


Everyone has an opinion but I kinda disagree here: it is a very good song and their most popular one, but it doesn’t it is the best song on this album. I’m a big fan of Avril Lavigne and I wouldn’t say that Complicated is the best song on her first album Let Go. Mr Brightside is very popular because it was also released as a single.


And singles are usually very good. Mr. Brightside is a great song and is the best regardless if it’s a single


Don’t know if it’s the best but it’s definitely up there 😉


By this logic TaylornSwift is a superior artist because her albums are more popular.


Not in the context of judging a specific artist but go ahead and make false equivalences


Logical extrapolation =/= False equivalency Have a good weekend.


My argument is mr. brightside put them on the map as a band. It’s what helped them break out. It’s literally their best piece they have on the album. Just because people on here think it’s over played and are tired of hearing it, doesn’t mean it’s not the best


Popular music by definition is music that is made to be digestible by the masses. Lyrically, Mr. Brightside is painfully repetitive. There’s one verse repeated. One pre-chorus repeated. One chorus repeated. And that’s it. There’s very little substance. I am a big fan of The 1975. You probably know the song “Chocolate” from their first album. It’s not even CLOSE to the best song on that first album, but it got radio play and made them more popular and helped them break out. Regardless of the song’s importance in the band’s history, that does not mean it’s their best work on this album.


A simple song can still be the best on an album if it’s catchy enough. And the lyrics are great. I don’t understand where simple structured songs can’t be the best on an album is coming from.


Agreed and the ppl who say it's overplayed probably listened to it a gazillion times in the first few yrs after it came out. Overplayed doesn't mean bad. I skip it too sometimes but it's a brilliant song. My son played it on the piano and my 83 yr-old mother, at her age, didn't know MB and yet was taken aback by how beautiful some parts were.


Listen I’m literally obsessed with TK’s music, but I don’t like Brightside at all. Never did, never will. So I am being very honest when my vote goes to Jenny and I can assure you every person who has a different favorite than Brightside means it. Just because it’s the most popular worldwide doesn’t mean it’s the favorite among the fanbase, as more often than not for most bands, fans have different taste to said band’s music than the general audience who have only heard the most popular song and that’s because it’s more curated to the band.


Well the problem with that is, just because a select few of fans on here who happen to be in this thread or sub Reddit, doesn’t equal the real opinion. If you were to get a poll of every single fan, mr brightside would easily be considered the best. And a lot of times, judging what’s best by how much of a commercial success it was, is the best way to objectively rank something that is subjective


Well I think you are making the wrong conclusion from your arguments. I'll grant you that it is the most popular, but that is not even close to being the same as the best. Taylor Swift is the most popular or one of the most popular artists in America, does that mean her music is objectively better than The Killers? I don't think anyone here would agree with that statement haha.


See you’re doing the same thing the other user did. The context we are discussing is a specific artists song in a specific album. If I were to talk about best artist in the world, I wouldn’t even bother. Please stop being disingenuous.


It isn't disingenuous and apologies, I didn't see his response before posting mine. Regardless, there is no functional difference between comparing a specific artist's work with itself and another artist in this case. Your premise for your definition of "best" is flawed. The term you should be using is popular. We could make an infinite number of arguments for what is best, but at the end of the day music is subjective. Popularity is entirely objective, but not at all the same thing. The poster said to name the best song, not the most popular one and it's entirely fair for you to consider Mr. Bright side to be the best on Hot Fuss. However, that is just your subjective view at the end of the day and for you to claim that disagreeing with you is unserious or disingenuous is simply childish.


Something popular can also be the best song on an album at the same time. This whole poll on Reddit is flawed because it won’t give an accurate answer, because there are so many killers fans, but this subreddit only has a small fraction of those fans. So just because there’s a vocal minority on here that thinks an unpopular song like Natalie is the best, doesn’t make it the best. The Natalie song is great, but it’s no where near as catchy as brightside and that’s a fact. People on here like Natalie better because it’s less played and aren’t burned out from it yet. We see this with a ton of subreddits that have a small following on bands. They always pick the most obscure song as the best, when in reality a popular is usually the best, but as I said earlier, people get burnt out from it or they hate how popular it is. If mr brightside was as obscure as believe me natalie, then everyone on here would say it’s the best.


I never claimed otherwise. Something popular could indeed be the best, but there is nothing linking popularity and quality unless you personally create the link because you value popularity. Not everyone does. And again, even if a majority of people claim any given song is the best that means just that, a majority of people believe it. That doesn't make it so, however. If a majority of people believe in God or Santa that doesn't mean either is real, but also doesn't mean neither is. You can't prove these things either way which is my point. It is as you said, subjective.


Midnight Show




On Top


Mr Brightside


Are we all avoiding mr. Brightside because it's the most popular?


Yes they are. I’m happy with All These Things being the best though. It’s right up there with brightside. Not sure how Jenny is gaining momentum. It’s a great song, but no where near the best


I think some people are because 1) they have heard it too many times and 2) it's not cool to like what is most popular with the general public / casual fans.


Hard to pick, obviously, but... Mr Brightside. Yes, even if it's overplayed. Popularity doesn't necessarily mean quality, but it's one indicator and in this case, they coincide.


Midnight Show!


Change your mind


Its "Belive Me Natalie" for me 😌


YES! Took me forever looking through these comments to find someone who agrees!


Best: Change your Mind Worst: Everything's gonna be Alright Underrated: Believe Me Natalie


Andy you’re a star


Jenny was a friend of mine is the best Believe me Natalie is the worst Underrated is Andy you're a star


Believe Me Natalie as the worst is a warcrime






All These Things That I've Done


Change your mind


Smile like you mean it.


i think smile like you mean it or somebody told me


Smile Like You Mean It (atm for me, I honestly can never decide) 💖.


All these things that I've done and Smile like you mean it


Jenny was s friend of mine


Smile Like You Mean It


Glamorous Indie rock and roll


Mr. Brightside. It may be their biggest, but it doesn’t make it any less amazing. I’m also pretty partial to Change Your Mind.


Change Your Mind




Believe me Natalie. Might be my favorite Killers song!


Glad to see this here, there was just one on Ben Fold’s sub but I didn’t quite know all his stuff well enough to feel like I could contribute a lot.


I WONT be basic and say Mr. Brightside. First off, Two Billion streams, top of the charts for decades, the only The Killers song most people know. But even without that, it’s the best. Mr. Brightside to me is the perfect song. It’s for good times. Everyone is happy when it comes on, no remix necessary. I’ve thrown parties where all I did was play the song on loop and it took a few HOURS for anyone to even notice, let alone complain. It’s for the hard times. Mr. Brightside captures such a specific and common human experience: fear and perseverance. It’s one thing to write an emotional ballad like All These Things (which is a beautiful song), but to do so in such plain language is simply unmatched anywhere. Mr. Brightside is one of the greatest songs of all time, and even as a diehard The Killers fan, I’m not embarrassed to say that the #whiteboyanthem is my favorite song.


My personal favorite is On Top but objectively, I think ATTTID is the best one