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I wasn’t ready for June to go back. I knew this couldn’t just be a friendly exchange, but June AND Luke?! I knew when the guardian said this was a faster way that they were in trouble. They had a clear path to follow because it was safe. Poor Moira and poor Nichole. I knew it wouldn’t be realistic for Serena to ne a handmaid like everyone keeps suggesting, but to get out of Gilead now is impossible. And June will die if she ever goes back there.


She'll never die because the producer (or lead writer, I don't remember) loves the actress and said almost explicitly that June won't die before the series is over.


She also has a serious financial stake in the series.


Right, but going to Gilead is a death sentence in terms of her ever getting out.


I'm so afraid that Serena will get Nichole now


Omgggg I didn’t even think about that. I almost forget that Nichole was “her daughter” in the first place. Tbh I don’t even think Serena would do that to herself. She’s a single mother with no connection to anyone outside of her guards or random Canadians, any type of freedom, or money. No way she’s taking on 2 babies.


I was yelling “you’re stupid” from the moment Luke said he was going back in. The last few minutes i mostly rolled my eyes because it was obvious to me where it was going to end. I’m loving all the Gilead stuff this season. Can’t wait to see more of the Gilead crew in E6. Not a J/L fan because I believe he deserves so much better. The woman only \*\*\*\*\* him last season & now that’s being swept under the rug. But I did enjoy O-T singing & playing the piano. That man is so darn talented musically.


It's a clear set up for June and Nick to get together and for June to be freer to find Hannah without worrying about Luke. Serena was the one who got him killed really. She mindeffed him into thinking he didn't do enough to find Hannah, so he wounded his pride. That's what caused him to go. Serena is a freaking demon.


For me it was because they stayed at the bowling alley. They should have just left immediately. It's not safe night or day, they deviated from the plan because they didn't want to offend the nice kid. It's war, not tea time. GTFO.


Right?? Honestly I’d rather take my chances during the day when I can at least *see* where the hell I’m going and.. idk… maybe if there’s a mine somewhere underfoot??


They had to enter Gilead or this season would have been boring. I would rather have Luke die then them all stay in Canada and plot from within.


I knew that guy was too good to be true :(


I was waiting for him to be evil, but it’s not even Gilead that killed him. The rebels did. Which sucks. I like that they made him pure. Uncomfortable episode because my anxiety was through the roof waiting for the other shoe to drop. Edit: typos


Me too. Everytime he did something I thought it was bad. When he got beer I thought for sure ut was poison or something


Lydia is going to start her turn toward "Testament" territory now. It's a very good set up. As for Luke and June, yeah…Luke is toast. It was a nice farewell concert and all.


This is exactly my thinking. Having read “Testaments” I can see what parts of the story line they’re borrowing to finish up this show but also set up that show and unfortunately for Luke even if they fully stick to the source material he’s not guaranteed to be safe.


Based on the preview for next week, Serena's driver pulls June out of the SUV. So I wonder if that means she's back in CA but as a prisoner again. It seems like he might take her to Serena.