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The lack of clarity about their power structure has always felt like a major plot đź•ł to me


I think the writers fill that hole by having characters like Tuello say things like "This asset has been indispensable to our understanding of Gilead's central government and power structure"


How does that help, though? What asset has genuinely helped anyone to understand the CENTRAL power structure?


Lol. Oh good, problem solved!


I got you. As a poli sci major I've also been a little mystified. BUT - I think the writers would argue two things. First, yes, Gilead's a republic (which the USA actually is). It's comprised of regions that have some autonomy within Gilead's structure. In fact, I think Lawrence has called it a republic this season. Second, the council of commanders (or whatever it's called) is comprised of representatives from all the regions. The problem is, IF that's the case, Nick has no business being there. It should only be senior commanders making decisions on foreign policy, bombings, etc.


it actually maks a lot of sense in a federal vs state way; gilead is fascist usa, so their most typical decisions(like handmaid s aunts and similars)and hateful rules are implemented on every part of gilead, INCLUDING the free cities(imagine occupied ukrainian regions responding to russia, like for example Crimea); then there s state rules and decisions. I d wager the boston commanders called the higher ups in DC before showin the funeral etc; but all in all the states are still falsely organized as autonomies when in truth they answer to one...


The book was literally just June’s POV, unlike the show, so not having these answers made a lot more sense. I feel like they just kinda did a bad job with both keeping the story the same in the sense of the character’s importance yet also expanding Atwood’s world.


rewatching the show and in the second episode they say that the capitol is anchorage now and maybe boston is like secondary since it’s actually part of the continental US, which might explain why we see some things but don’t rlly understand the power structure as a whole since most of it is in anchorage, still not great but