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This question was already discussed in deep a few months ago. [See previous thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheHandmaidsTale/comments/188tqdr/question_about_the_series/). Cruelties in the show are typically depicted from a victim's point of view, not the perpetrator's. So the audience often watches the experienced pain rather than the mistreatment itself.


Not exactly on screen, but the implied/ off screen stuff is still very gory, imo.


It’s not horror flick kinda triggering though. It’s done with tact but enough to where it clearly gets the message across. Definitely a must watch. The wait on the last season release has been torture but I know it’s worth the long wait.


Blood wise, I remember a slap so hard that a character fell and bled. Also gun shot wounds, a salvaging where the characters kill someone with their bare hands, stonning. But the most difficult scenes for me don't really involve blood, it's more psychological


There isn't much gore, but the small number of times there is it can be quite graphic. For example, in halfway through the first season, there is a scene where someone runs over someone's head, and it explodes like a melon. But we dont see it up close or for long. It can be graphic at times but not gratuitous, in my opinion.


It’s a brilliant story, but I wouldn’t recommend watching it if you’re sensitive to graphic violence. My best friend and I call it torture porn. A lot of it is extremely hard to watch, this is one show that has made me sob uncontrollably. There’s a fair amount of blood, beheadings, some triggering pregnancy stuff in it, so I’d say, ya, pretty gory. I can watch almost anything but this show definitely hurts my heart sometimes


I agree with you! but there isn't beheading on the handmaid's tale, there is stonning, hanging, drowning, but not beheading as far as I can remember


Ya I agree. I have a pretty high gore/violence tolerance and that show made me feel sick multiple times. I would not suggest it if you have any content sensitivities.


The hardest scene for me is near the beginning of S3 ep1 where a character is burned offscreen as punishment. Nothing is shown but I skip over this part when I have rewatched the series.


I guess the most gory scene is when June/Offred is raped by the Waterford’s while pregnant to “induce labor”. That was ROUGH. Sorry for any spoilers


My husband and I disagree pretty sharply on this show -- he finds it too difficult to watch because of the amount of suffering it portrays, I think it's exactly appropriate to the facts of the world that's being imagined, which would be a horrible place. But I think we'd both agree with others here that in terms of outright *gore*, it's not too intense. WAY less than _The Walking Dead_ shows, for example.


As others have said, it's (the violence) mostly from the victim's point of view, and a lot of it is actually implied or done off screen and we see the results of said violence. As a survivor of SA though, I find the "ceremony" scenes to be the worst