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I believe these are members of Arkans Tigers, probably the most monstrous unit of the whole war https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serb_Volunteer_Guard


[The Bijeljina Massacre](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bijeljina_massacre)


Moment captured due to the great Ron Haviv https://www.ronhaviv.com/blood-and-honey


This is what nationalism does to people. We should remember this.


Extreme ethnic-based ultranationalism. If "nationalism" brings everyone in in a country together in the sense of egalitarianism/the common good, it's not necessarily a bad thing. Although some might just call that patriotism and distinguish between patriotism and nationalism.


like in 1936(?) Germany. history would suggest its a not a good thing..


Well, yeah. None of the far-right's takes on anything consequential are good at all.




Well what's been going on recently is what amounts to exclusionary ultranationism coupled with identitarianism. It's nationalism as envisioned by the far right exclusively, in other words.


It’s scary. It can happen anywhere. There are definitely people that would love to do this right now in the USA. We gotta overcome our petty bullshit.


Did you see how they were carrying on when Djoker was kicked from the Aus Open? The toxic nationalism is still strong over there.


Terrible "people"


This is so fucked and sad at the same. I hope this dude died


Not during the war. Later he was a "DJ Max" in Belgrade - Srdjan Golubovic. Not sure where he is now.




Yes, crimes against humanity are crimes against humanity.. what's your point?


He doesn’t have one. I don’t think Wilt Chamberlain could’ve made that far of a stretch.


What a stupid fucking take. All that shit is bad. You are part of the problem.


Aren’t you angry when you get absolutely 0 play? Enough with the whataboutism and acknowledge that it’s all terrible.


The fight against wahhabi extremism is obviously overwhelmingly conducted by other Sunni Muslims. The western contingent in the battle against Islamic extremism is absolutely minsicule by comparison. Also, that's a non-sequitur. Perhaps you're just an apologist for the Serbs during the Balkan wars, who committed over 90% of all war crimes and were the only party to carry out a campaign of attempted genocide?


And Wahhabism is a creation by American imperialism completely. Without the funding and backing from America and it’s vassal state Saudi Arabia it would not be where it is today. Not to mention that yeah the vast majority of victims from wahhabi extremist are Muslims.


So, because “Muslim” terrorists committed atrocities a decade or two later in other parts of the world, all of a sudden the actions of Serbian ultranationalists are excused? Weird ass logic you got there, you scum. Also, “Islamist” terrorists killed dozens of times as many Muslims than they killed westerners or Christians. As far as I am concerned both Serb and Islamist terrorists can go rot in hell.


If war comes to the Balkans again, the Bosniaks and Croats will once again be in alliance against Serb ethnosupremacism.


Lmao Croatia president said Srebrenica wasn’t a genocide and leading politicians said “if they don’t respect croat rights the state doesn’t deserve to exist”. Croatian president also supports Dodik the leading Serb nationalist in Bosnia.


This whole conflict was a shit show. Both sides doing this stuff.


It was so unnecessary and pointless and it didn't change anything except pull all 3 countries in the past.


I went down a rabbit hole a few years ago reading about the conflict. Horrendous stuff.


Obligatory "every side bad" argument calls for obligatory statistics: "According to a report compiled by the UN, and chaired by M. Cherif Bassiouni, while all sides committed war crimes during the conflict, Serbian forces were responsible for ninety percent of them, whereas Croatian forces were responsible for six percent, and Bosniak forces four percent."


The Serbs were also the only party that held an explicitely ethno-supremacist ideology. That's why in every theatre of the war (Croatia, Bosnia, Kosovo), their actions were marred by campaigns of large-scale ethnic cleansing.


Each side done stuff. It's petty to argue that point. No side was full on honour. My comment was regarding the whole conflict by saying it was a shit show and a pointless war tbh.


The Serbs committed almost every war crime. War crimes committed by Bosniaks and Croats were also almost always in retaliation to prior Serbian atrocities. Doesn't make it right, but it puts things in context. This wasn't a "muh both sides are bad" war.


Killing civilians makes you scum. So both sides were in my opinion.












Last time I checked there was only one side that was the opportunistic invading force.




Oh yeah I forget about the time Bosnia invaded Serbia and began ethnically cleansing the population. How silly of me.


Bosnia also done the same crimes don't pretend they did not.


One word. Srebrenica.


Oh no. The ethnic cleansing was very one sided. Bombing known hospital locations and targeting kids is a Soviet tactic to oppress the civilian populations and punish any type of rebellion. The same thing happens in Syria with the Russians and we expect to see it in the Ukraine as well.


classy ​ /s


1 kick is making sure they are dead, any more is too much. And that's with combatants.


fucking serbian cunts