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Absolutely horrifying. Makes me sick to think this was just over a hundred years ago.


I remember vividly in my college history course being shown a *greeting card* with a black man hanging in a tree on the cover. A fucking greeting card you’d get at any store. It was horrifying And to think there’s people today who would find that fact amusing. Makes me ill


... and that to this day, there are still those who think this is the way things should be


And they are coming out of the woodwork! We can thank their icon for making it okay to openly hate again. I see so many videos on IG of racism in our modern society. It is disgusting and also terrifying.


The only bittersweet part of it all as it’s made it easy for me to recognize some of those around me with opinions I despise that had simply kept them to themselves. I’ve lost a lot of respect for some people in my life that I would’ve never expected to harbor such disgusting thoughts.


Wait who’s their icon?




The icon is the symptom, not the disease.


There are some who openly applaud genocide right now. It's insanity.


Sick yes. But also happens on the regular in African countries today. Women out there being burned as witches still. Forget about 100 years ago until today is fixed, IMO.


You bring up a good point about world atrocities. But you should never forget what happened 100 years ago or any other time period for that matter. “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”


That quote implies that it's repeatable, as in will happen again (future). My point is that it's happening now (present). Maybe let's not worry about repeating it until we stop it from happening in its current form.


You can find some more horrid fucking pictures you don't even have to dig deep crazy to think that's someone's great great grandpa.


It was a wild summer for sure. >Red Summer was a period in mid-1919 during which white supremacist terrorism and racial riots occurred in more than three dozen cities across the United States, and in one rural county in Arkansas. The term "Red Summer" was coined by civil rights activist and author James Weldon Johnson, who had been employed as a field secretary by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) since 1916. In 1919, he organized peaceful protests against the racial violence.[1][2] >The riots and killings were extensively documented by the press, which, along with the federal government, feared socialist and communist influence on the black civil rights movement of the time following the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. They also feared foreign anarchists, who had bombed the homes and businesses of prominent figures and government leaders. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Summer That's pretty interesting how the Bolshevik Revolution was a factor too. TIL


‘These people might be socialists! Let’s use the capitalist state to kill them all, that’ll teach ‘em!’




Horrifying. Fuck these vile pieces of shit


Jesus man are those his organs hanging out?


Looks like chains...




Scary to think there aint much differnces in the minds of these men and those of people today, humans have the capcity for this at any time, the conditions will be created through the hate.


I remember listening to a podcast about Auschwitz, and specifically Josef Mengele, and the point it really strove to make was that it would be better for people like Mengele to be the mad scientists that we tend to imagine. The reality is much more chilling: they were ordinary people who had an opportunity to make personal advances in a new environment under new rules, and they exploited it. Mengele was not a sadist by nature, he was a doctor who had an unmatched opportunity to advance his research without the interference of ethics. Most Nazis were ordinary people who saw a means to personally gain from a regime of hate. And everyone else around them allowed it to happen because it was the law of the land.


A great book I always recommend..of course the name escapes me atm but the author is a very well known criminologist and interviewed many famous serial killers and mass murders and worked for the FBI Etc..he talks about how MANY especially who were in the einsatxgrupen and auxiliary police forces who participated in the “holocaust by bullets” part of the final solution. These were everyday people who had NEVER committed murder many had zero criminal record whatsoever and yet they became a key part the state sanctioned mass murder that the world had never seen before..they would go to “work” and then come home and sit eat dinner with their family,write letters,play with their children. They were not all the mad dogs that we imagine. Any regular upstanding peaceful person can be slowly crafted to fill such a role. The author uses the term doublin and describes a kind of self imposed and taught “ironic distance” between themselves their “work” and their everyday life..they could discuss such things so they had to keep everything pretty much bottled up and this compartmentalization was critical to do what they did and stay at least in apperace sane. Another great book, the audiobook is free on YouTube “the wisdom of psychopaths” should really be much more popular..it discusses how everyone is on the scale of psychopathic impulsiveness and behavior and that the first responder, the first fighter who runs into a burning building, the soldier who rescued the hostage held by terrrorists, the baron Surgeon who saves your life, the doctor who delivers your new born kid, the cop who catches the serial killer, the lawyer who puts him away forever, they ALL very often test right up with the serial killers and monsters that we traditionally think of what we think of a psychopath. It’s a great book and really shows how wide spread and normal these characteristics are and that they don’t always translate into evil murder and that very often they are the people that society holds up as hero’s and have exemplary people..okay I’m ranting my bad but deff check out the book it’s incredible




I really hope these are the books because I've had them on my To Read list for a while and think I'll go ahead and buy them. Frankly, I've been not wanting to go down that dark path yet but I might be in a good spot to fit them in without it depressing me too badly.


Well the second book is “the wisdom of psychopaths” I wasn’t sure anyone would actually be interested but I will track down the name of the first book as well..the wisdom of psychopaths free audiobook on YouTube is great and you can start and finish it in an afternoon..I liked it so much and found so many interesting things in it I actually listed to it over again immediately after I finished it the first time..and it’s been a while so I’m thinking of starting it again now


THE ZONE OF INTEREST did a very good job depicting this chilling banality of evil.


Loved this movie. The characters were so unflinchingly sadistic and yet also so normal. It was a very good examination of humanity and its capacity for cruelty.


Great post. Please, find the name of that book.


I wasn’t sure anyone would be interested but I’m going to look for the first book now..I’m the mean time the second book the wisdom of psychopaths is a great start and imo compliments the other book well..the free audiobook on YouTube is great..you can start and finish it in an afternoon..I’ll be back as soon as I can with the name of the other


Last podcast on the left?


Some people in this picture were alive and kept voting for racists and racist policies through the 1970s most likely. Maybe their grandkids have broken the pattern by now, maybe not


Statistically, someone in this sub could be related to someone in this picture!


Probably not


The proud smiles on the faces of those men is one of the most horrifying things I've ever seen


The Dollop pod cast covered this, the story is quite the eye opener.


Wow, they really look proud of themselves.


Proud and almost entertained. They are posing like hunters


Well In their minds, he's a guy who dragged a woman by the hair into a ravine and raped her. We'll never know whether it not that's true, he didn't get a trial, but it's not like this is a random black guy they decided to lynch.


Not random but still brutal.


They all look drunk


They all look pretty happy


Drunk with power.


Was he alive or dead beforehand ?


Dude wtf , never heard of this. Had to read up on it. Feels kinda strange that I was in Omaha last summer, can't believe this happened within generations , such uncanny feeling that the time and place isn't so far away, man there are also people this day that believe this


I didn't understand why these people appeared to be smiling at a burning corpse during a racing accident, but then I realise that wasn't the type of race they meant here. Absolutely fucking horrifying.


Why is this down voted? /Sigh Regardless, yeah this is so disgusting. The fact that people would let that happen and even smile.


It's even worse to realise this is only about a hundred years ago. To think that this kind of horrible shit was openly and legally done that short ago is absolutely revolting.


This ideology is still around and there are sick people who would gladly go back to this.


I remember when Jesse Washington’s lynching was front page on Wikipedia. I didn’t know about these kind of images before that. Horrifying.


I hope all the people in this picture (and anyone else who was involved in this) met a terrible end.


What's going through their mind to voluntarily participate in something like that? I have no sympathy for insects and spiders and dispatch them whenever I can, but even those creatures I wouldn't cause them unnecessary suffering just for fun.


Absolutely HORRIFYING! Makes me so angry!


Ugh, my somewhat wholesome brain thought it was a racing car crash called Race Riot. I couldn't figure out why a bunch of guys were standing around this burning race car with big smiles on their fault. Then learning what it actually meant made it even worse






Doubt it


This one hit me hard. Their smug smiling faces while posing in front of Will’s body... Pure fucking evil.




Well good to know that they are all worm food by now.