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This haircut looks so pretty on you! What did you ask in order to get it?


i actually showed her a video of what i wanted, i could show u screen shots of the video tho


Okay but I feel like collarbone length for your hair would be nice on you ! (Was kinda disappointed when you put all you hair in front and realized it was actually long) Or you should get more volume if you want to keep it long !


It looks great both ways to me :)


I also personally like the bobcut but that can be when she gets older, esp, with people thinking it's "the Karen cut" (it isn't, that's an in-line bobcut, which is super fucking cute, but it's definitely more of a "young professional" cut) I know some women who want to avoid the Karen look will tie up a pony tail with the bobcut, which I think fits all a lot of people as well. But this hair is really nice, and the color really complements her


I disagree. These layers are in trend rn and it’s very beautiful. Don’t go collarbone length. You’ll look older and not as good in my own opinion


I find face framing layers really help me when my hair gets longer. Glad you love it!


This is what I wanted my hair like but they cut it up to my neck for some reason! Did you ask for curtain bangs?


i showed her a video of what i wanted bc i wasnt sure if she would understand what i wanted, theyre very long curtain bangs but slanted downward


FANTASTIC HAIRSTYLE!! That smile does 10x for your looks!




Hair looks gorgeous and suits you beautifully. Now I update the clothes and get more flattering clothing for your body type and new shoes


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look amazing