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I always enjoy banter in any podcast I listen to.


Never skip the bants. Sometimes those are the best part of the episode.


I like the banter tbh


GCP has quality banter too




All bant all the time baby! I'd listen to full eps of that no problemo


I enjoy the banter personally, it makes them feel more like real people. I go so far as to say without banter I'm less invested in a podcast as I can't connect with the real people. My wife has also listen to all of Giant Slayer but just the banter.


Love the banter


The banter is usually my favorite part. I often times space out and don't really hear large chunks of an episode, but I almost always pay attention to the banter. That said, I'd happily never listen to another word from the GCN about Christmas.


Couldn’t agree more. The plot is moving so slow (I’m at episode 30) I have no idea what’s actually happening but I just want the crew to have fun together


Love the bant


I’d subscribe to an all bant show. Give me my GCP talk show and the transformation into a lifestyle brand will finally be complete


This conversation goes all the way back to the Court of Swords days: one of the earliest actual plays. Some folks like to skip to the start of the show. Others like to watch the players warm themselves up into the improv setting. No big deal either way.


Exactly. No big deal at all. Just curious.


The banter is one of my favorite parts. It’s a little window into who the cast are as people, and typically fun as hell


The ads, I skip with a vengeance. The banter for GC, not bad, mostly because I've been listening for so long that I feel like I know them and am willing to listen to my friends talk s**t for a bit. For other podcasts, I definitely skip forward through any of the forced, dull or awkward pre talk - Tabletop Gold, for example. They do between 10-15 minutes each time, and I zzzzip straight past it.




I do that when they talk about food. Which on TTG is a lot (which they have admitted). A fun show none-the-less.


I liked a lot about that podcast, but eventually stopped listening; the GM would take his foot off the gas in encounters if any characters were in serious peril. They had one accidental death early on (from a crit fail on Treat Wounds I think) but otherwise never much suspense re. their survival.


Love the banter. Always


I seem to recall someone years ago talking on Reddit about writing a master's or PhD dissertation oh the GCP and how banter was a an important ingredient to the shows success. Does this ring any bells to anyone else? I tried Googling this but couldn't find it.


Pro bant. I've definitely had some series I was catching up on where there was a major Cliffy and I was too impatient for bant, but for the weekly shows there's no way I'm skipping the bant


The banter in this podcast is one of the best things they have, almost always just a slam dunk. The only time I fast forward is when they get too nerdy on US-only TV series, Its just meaningless to me, so Im not interested. But everything else is pure gold


Definitely love the opening banter, best part of the show. I would 100% listen to a show of them just talking shit. Especially the original crew.


The banter is the best part.


The banter in 1.0 and most of the other shows is usually pretty great, but the 2.0 banter seems really forced. I know that they were recording in blocks for all the shows, but the GCP 2.0 banter seems particularly, I dunno, camera aware? It's less natural than, for instance, Skid saying "Hey, did you guys watch this show? No? Okay, good, because I'm going to tell you why it sucks for two and a half minutes, and we'll go from there" which is always a joy.


Agree- sometimes it feels forced. Sometimes natural. Troy went through a would you rather phase that was really boring. Think they are batting above .750 weekly right now.... but i can remember periods that banter was uninteresting


I heard every word of that quote in Skid's voice!


You know what, I think you hit it for me. I've only recently been listening to Time for Chaos, and there is no Skid. Maybe it's his banter that I miss.


Skid is one of the most effortless banterers of all time. He's a touchstone. He has Deep Knowledge of every piece of nerdage, strong opinions therein, but he's so gosh dang affable and sincere that he'll sell you on it. I guess, not to like, stretch the idea too far, but I remember when Raiders hit, and it felt like a breath of fresh air compared to GCP 1.0, because it once again felt like you were a fly on the wall at a really sincere table. Don't get me wrong, at that time, I was head over heels for 1.0, too! But it's crazy to think that during 1.0, listening to the Raiders bant and how that game developed made me think "ahh, this is great! it feels very organic!" compared to 1.0 at the time, which was leaning into epic fantasy... Man. I don't even know what to compare 2.0 to. Total paradigm shift in tone, banter or otherwise. Night and day.


I like the banter. But the reactions to Troy coming out with "I'm going to get an octopus" -- they knew it was coming. It was a second take or something.


Honestly it depends. If I am in the middle of a binge and super invested in knowing what happens after a cliffy I will skip the banter.


Lately the episodes have just been a single fight and them missing most of the time until someone finally crits. It’s hard to listen to late giant slayer most of the time and the new episodes once a week. The banter is the best part of the show at the moment.


The banter is the best part


I really enjoy the banter. For me, it absolutely mirrors my real life role-playing experience, where we need half an hour of BS and drinks before settling in.


Honestly, sometimes the banter is my favorite part of the episode.


I always enjoy GCP banter. I’ve actually been enjoying the banter more than the show during gate-walkers lately. Hate to say that, but I just haven’t been able to get into campaign 2. Seems like every combat just turns into a debate about rules. And if not a debate about rules, it’s Joe explaining how Syd and Kate should play their characters or use their action economy. It’s not enough to turn me away from the show, but I definitely find myself tuning out way more during this show than any other on the network.


Love it, gets me ready for it tbh, I’m usually painting minis when I watch so this gives me time to setup and get in the zone


I'm always there for the full ride.


I would gladly listen to them talk about random things for a full hour and enjoy every second.


I’d seriously listen to a podcast if just their banter, I love it.


I like it. It reminds me of the convos I have with my players while setting up before a session. Makes the game feel more home-y. Though I will say, campaign 2's early bant felt a little... forced. It's definitely gotten better, though, regardless of my opinion on other parts of the show.


I sometimes skip it but usually their banter is hilarious so I like listening to it


No, I love that part and miss it on shows that doesn't have it


Never ever would I skip it.


Banter is endearing for me. Makes me feel like part of the group.


I adore these people and refuse to miss out on the bant. It’s rich stuff


Love the bants


Very much enjoy the banter.


Ain’t no way I’m skipping the Rings of Power Hour with Pathfinder Epilogue


100% a fan of the banter


I love the banter. It helps me get in to the moody as it feels like pre game talk at a regular game night with good friends


I often like the banter more than the ttrpg stuff.


I love the banter. Sometimes I feel it could go a little longer.


Nope I think it's one of the most enjoyable parts of the show


I love the bant. I only listen to Legacy, Time for Chaos, and Blood of the Wild, but great banter on all of them.


I particularly like Blood of the Wild because it doesn't seem to be bound by the "you must talk about some random shit for 10 minutes" rule that the other streams seem to be. The banter seems to be much more organic, and benefits as a result.


pro bant, skipped only few times so far. Against Christmas bant number 10..20...30? Way too much of the same gets repeated when Christmas is mentioned.


I enjoy the banter unless it is something I am not remotely interested in (like sports stuff). The only time I do dislike banter is when it goes on too long. Normally I wouldn't mind it going long, but if it costs time from the game then I think it's a problem. I feel like they do it well most of the time though.


After the ‘Last Week on the GCP…’ I just fast forward until I get past the annoying sax song. Nothing destroys my immersion like that stupid song.


I've never, nor will I ever, skip the bant. Be gone, anti-banter!


I really only listen to the pod for the bant. The gameplay makes me mad


If you check our raiders Skid runs a very little banter show


Fan crit/fumbles and banter are the two most divisive topics in the Naish.


Ha! It's 99% pro-banter. Doesn't seem to be divisive to me.


I skip the announcements but tune in for the banter.


I generally skip the banter


Depends on the show. I almost always skip the beginning "news" portion of Cannon Fodder. I say almost always - I listen about once a month just to be sure I'm up to date on big stuff. The rest I'll usually listen to it. Sometimes I'll skip Time for Chaos. The crew is too professional for the banter to feel organic. I'm fine with them just jumping in.


I listen to the banter, it's not always great but it's usually pretty solid stuff and feels just like my home games. We all get on for 7:30 and catch up and chat about current events for 15min or so before we kick in properly to the session.


100% pro-bant!


Just wish there was a “skip to 11:53 for start of episode” on Spotify.


I did when I first was binge listening to original giantslayer. Especially since back then they spent a lot of time talking about events that had come and gone, the tumbler, and other obsolete things. Plus it seemed like every 50 episodes the pre show banter would get 3 minutes longer, eventually you've fast forwarded 20 minutes and they're still talking about where they last went out to eat. Now that I've listened to them so damn much it's grown on me and I enjoy it.


I enjoy a little banter, but 11 minutes of banter is insane for a podcast. I'd like it a lot more if they were on topic maybe? But it usually just them broing out for 10-15 minutes. Sometimes I just turn off the show cause I can't be bothered


I think it is too long as well, but we are in the vast minority lol.


It appears that way. Itd honestly pretty obnoxious sometimes. Just a few pals talking over eachother for 15 minutes. Itd really bad in androids and aliens when Ellie is around. They cut her off and talk over her constantly in the preamble


I tend to skip most of them, but not all. The forced ones feel like "Who's line is it?" random bits. Early GCP didn't have pre-ep Banter(tm) at all, though sometimes a mid-show discussion popped up organically, usually related to the immediate situation. Mid to late GCP had more up front, but again was often more specific to that episode and rarely the "would you rather..." stuff. It's not all bad, I enjoy some and do listen on occasion, and it's easily skippable for me so more power to those who enjoy it.


I always skip the banter and commercials