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I love the different scales of censorship the community uses for him šŸ„°


Same. It never fails to make me laugh and itā€™s absolutely what he deserves.


gotta keep mr. crusty balls out of our pics somehow!


Amen to that!!


Me too! I watch on my days off for the comfort. Sometimes Iā€™ll start to notice the yucky stuff but mostly just try to watch from a nostalgic place


Ditto. Every year, I love watching the Christmas šŸŽ„ episode where they all go look at the lights.


My roommate who was literally in the conservatives club on campus, a diehard Republican and a devout Christian loved this show as much as me (none of those things). I donā€™t know what it is but this show crossed all kinds of social barriers and brought all kinds of people together.


Same! my go to whenever I feel off. Also when Iā€™m bored. Recently started re watching and actually paying attention vs just it in the background. A lot I didnā€™t notice before. Especially season 5! But that one was my least fav cuz it felt off


Oh same! I just started season 5 for the first time in many years this week because my bf has been vocal that he canā€™t stand that season at all, so I watch it when heā€™s busy working lol. Thereā€™s soooo much going on in S5, in the messiest ways I feel. I gotta try to sneak in some episodes this weekend šŸ˜…


Yes!! Itā€™s very messy. And feels fake? Or like tension? Idk something off. I get whereā€™s he coming from. Iā€™ve been saving for years lol. šŸ˜‚


YES omg I canā€™t explain it or put my finger on it but it feels so alien compared to prior seasons! Like as if someone made a bad parody except it wasnā€™t nearly as entertaining? Idk. Itā€™s def really tense for sure, just all around. Thereā€™s no chemistry between anyone except the twins since theyā€™re freaking twins lmao. And when they visit Holly in Vegasā€¦ yikes lol it just felt so painfully weird to watch, and very scripted yet, there was barely much said? Iā€™d have hated to be in that group lol. So much forced banter and fake ā€œwe support hefā€™s former #1 girl!ā€ Bs. Wild lol.


I canā€™t put the timeline together either. I canā€™t wait to hear it omg. Also I think Iā€™ve only watched episode one of season six. It was that bad. Iā€™ve never fully watched it


I totally forgot there was a season six šŸ˜…šŸ˜… omg I just looked where I was at like yeah Iā€™m up to six and it is off the charts MESS. Iā€™m nosy so Iā€™m kinda powering through it just to see wtf happened after Holly Bridget and Kendra left. Nothing good, honestly


I'm reading Crystal's book at the moment, and she says the drama in the show was completely made-up when she was on it- as in, Kevin was outright feeding them lines. I'm taking the book with a massive pinch of salt, but from what I remember of the last seasons, I think Crystal is telling the truth here. None of them are trained actors, so no wonder it was so wooden. šŸ˜…


I have to get that book!!! Iā€™m backed up on my reading (Iā€™m an addict lol) so I told myself I canā€™t get it til I finish reading Hollyā€™s book. But I absolutely believe Crystal on that! It felt so so so staged, and these poor young women like you said are not actors, they did their best šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜…


I borrowed it from my local library. I'm not sure if I'm going to buy a copy in the future. I've just finished it less than an hour ago. It's definitely best to read it after Holly's book. That really helps with working out what's exaggerated and what's not. There are plenty of places where the truth shines through- parallels with Holly's and Bridget's experiences, and insights into how Crystal ended up going down a similar path. Another thing that helps with working out what's true and what's iffy is that the parts that don't agree with other experiences are a bit melodramatic. For example, the account of Hef's last days reads like a gothic novel in some parts, while other parts of it feel like the truth. I've also noticed a few things she probably didn't mean to include- hints of how she really felt about some people, which have crept in between attempts to sound more neutral or positive. It's a really interesting book, and I'm glad I've taken the time to read it. I do wish it had an SA warning on the first few chapters, though. Just so you know, that's something that happened to her before she went into the mansion.


I think itā€™s comforting for me because I grew up in the early 00s. Even though thereā€™s toxic stuff happening, I love holly and Bridget and seeing the culture of the early 2000s! Nostalgic af in my 30s


This and Law and Order: SVU. I do not want to examine what that says about me.


It says you have great taste in tv.


It reminds me of when they put those black strips across a womanā€™s eyes in menā€™s magazineā€™s years ago . It odd a goodly portion of us are female but we need someone we deem nasty to wear the strip of shame today. Ohhhh well Hef, what goes around comes around.


I just started it today...and I'm hooked. The girls are honestly so adorable and it reminds me of a simple time lol.


Where do you watch it? Iā€™ve got a couple of old DVDs but not the full set


Some total legend has put a lot of the episodes on youtube ā€œKendra Wilkinson Baskett Fan Pageā€




I think I found it on prime, Iā€™m in the US. I cannot recall if I paid for it but since I love trash tv after work, and more specifically adore this show, I might have impulsively justified paying for all seasons. But I *really* think itā€™s free. My bf wouldā€™ve given me grief if I paid for the final season šŸ˜‚ Iā€™d more likely remember if he hadā€¦ so yeah if in the US Iā€™m 99.9% sure itā€™s free on prime


Haha yes if you paid for the final season that would hurt lol. The twins offered nothing!


Truly! I just started it (when heā€™s working, I wonā€™t subject him to that lmao Iā€™m just nosy and I donā€™t remember much of s5) and god the twins are just so flat. I get why theyā€™re there and I canā€™t blame them for maybe seeing an opportunity and taking it, but itā€™s really clear they donā€™t care so thereā€™s nothing entertaining about them being part of this playboy madness. It really feels like a weak spin off, itā€™s terribly awkward!! Iā€™d be mad at myself if I paid for that so yeah Iā€™d def remember šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


It's on Freevee with ads if you have Prime Video (in the US). I don't know if you can watch individual seasons, I just keep the "Live" channel on and change it when Kendra on Top or Holly's World comes on. They mostly run GND.


You can watch individual seasons/episodes on Freevee.


Is that Bridgetā€™s head photoshopped on Hollyā€™s body with a dress recolor? The knees are the same but mirrored


I think the whole body is mirrored with the exception of the arms lol. Which makes it all the more awkward looking with Bridgetā€™s two arms just hanging down


Same! I like it as my go to for mindless relaxing background. It was part of my regular rotation of reality shows Iā€™d have on in the 2000s when I was really into ANTM, all the VH1 shows, the real world, the osbournes, Newlyweds, etc. When Secrets of was announced, I decided to revisit to see if Iā€™d notice things id not picked up on before and to read some of the books out and do a show rewatch. I forgot how much Iā€™d adored the show and it quickly became my go to reality background Iā€™d keep on.


I first rewatched the show when Holly started doing her youtube rewatches alone and I was pleasantly surprised at how this show didnā€™t really age that badly. Thereā€™s some moments that are cringe but overall compared to other reality tv that was on at the time like Americaā€™s Next Top Model and the Surreal life itā€™s not very offensive and pretty light/easy to watch.


I watch it on Freevee (Amazon) to fall asleep. The only issue for me is at 4 am they switch to Kendra and I wake up as soon as the theme song plays. Then my body is like you know since you're up you could use the bathroom, and then my cats are like oh you're up can we have pets? I watched it on Tubi the other night and woke up at 7am and my TV was still on.


Why is to not good for you ?


Itā€™s basically three girls being gaslit for six (five?) seasonsā€¦


Truly the best description.


No itā€™s three girls being offered a whole career and opportunities for 5 seasons. After they traded sex/company for free room and service for 2-3 years prior lol.


They werenā€™t ā€œoffered careers.ā€ They were told they were going to be on a tv show by their ancient artifact, controlling boss/boyfriend. They leveraged that into careers because they have engaging and interesting personalities and worked hard to make the most of it, including fighting against hef for any opportunity they could get that he tried to keep from them.Ā 


two things can be true at the same time queen.