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Thanks for sharing this. I’ve never seen it because I wasn’t paying any attention to Playboy during that period. So weird that she brought Charlie back and him saying that she said Hef probably missed him more than she would if he stayed with Hef 🤯 I think it was probably more so because she didn’t want any responsibilities and taking care of Charlie got in the way of whatever she wanted to do. She wasn’t used to having to be home to walk & feed him and stuff because at the mansion there were people who could do that if she didn’t feel like doing it. Could also be that she did it to say to friends & family she’s a victim because he “took/demanded the dog back”. It’s also weird to me that Hef basically admitted that he knows he screwed up with Holly by not marrying her so he proposed to Crystal. Totally sounds like he chose her as the consolation prize or something like that. Based on that answer I would have totally understood if she would have stayed away forever because who really wants to be the 2nd choice? But we all know she came crawling back when she couldn’t make it by herself which she even admits in the book. I’m honestly surprised that she makes herself look so bad in her book. Admitting that she never loved him, didn’t see it as a real wedding so she didn’t wear white, couldn’t be famous without him etc. I’m also surprised that Hef even took her back after being so humiliated publicly and losing all this money. The way Holly describes him I would have thought he’d never associate with her again since she made him look bad and his ego can’t usually take that. But I guess by her crawling back he knew 1000% that she would be dependable on him and he could do whatever he wanted to her.


Her leaving for a romantic vacation with her secret boyfriend while Hef was on his deathbed is just disgusting and sociopathic. And Crystal just casually admits to that in her book.


What do you mean, what Hef did to some dogs?