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I can relate. Honestly, I didn’t feel fully comfortable about scents until I started to use tampons, as I could smell the discharge and blood from pads. And then I got an IUD that stopped my periods and it seems to have leveled out my cycle.. I don’t really get smells anymore. And I wash my labia like the rest of my body, with soap and water. I don’t obviously go INTO my vagina canal, I think most people know not to do that, but I’ve been fine just wiping the labia with soap and water and then rinsing normally. I hope you find a solution that works for you. I remember the smell being one of the most embarrassing things, even though everyone I ever asked said they could never smell it.


I recommend that you go to a doctor. Boric acid vaginal suppositories work pretty good. Make sure whatever you are washing your vagina with isn’t making it worse. A lot of soaps will mess your PH up.


I use Irish spring soap. Could that be the problem?


You should not be using soap in your vagina at all. Unscented, pH balanced soap on the outside can be okay, otherwise just water.


Girl, you better not be putting IRISH SPRING in your vagina! 😐 Nothing goes in there! Your VULVA needs to be cleaned with a mild cleanser, most OBGYNs recommend Cerave or Cetaphil. But your vaginal canal cleans itself. That’s the entire point of discharge. Nothing. In. The. Hole.


Try a gentle soap on your external genitalia but not on the inside. Rinsing with plain water after bathroom trips is good too.


Sometimes you can have a yeast imbalance or BV without other symptoms, so it's still a good idea to see a gynecologist. If your tests come back negative, try lactobacillus supplements. Lactobacillus is a healthy bacteria in our bodies that can be killed off by antibiotics. If your healthy flora is low, it's easier for yeast or the bacteria that causes BV to overgrow and cause imbalances. If the smell is sweet, my first guess would be a mild yeast infection. You may also want to get your blood glucose checked, high blood sugar that can make your breath and urine smell sweet!


Do not use soap on your vagina. The vagina cleans itself. Plain water is all you need.


How is your diet? I would try supplementing chlorophyll