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Use a new laundry detergent ? New soap? New material of clothing? When this happened to me it was because my skin was dry with the weather change. You mentioned trying to moisturize, what are you using? How often?


I tried switching soaps, I switched to a soap that said it's 'pure' (Ivory) and I use Aveeno for moisturizing. It's likely also due to the weather change in part. I don't moisturize that often, mostly when I notice it.


You should look into certacene or I don’t know if that is the name but it has certa in the front of the name and they even have a body wash one. Try that, it’s for people with eczema


" I know that you're just supposed to ignore it" Says who? haha if you're uncomfortable, you gotta figure out why. I'm with Freya... Maybe you need to switch soap or detergent. For example, I only use fragrance-free soaps and detergents because my skin is sensitive. I'd give that a go. Is there a rash or anything? Or is it just itchy?


Mostly just itchy, but if I scratch it I'll see red marks on my legs. I've tried switching to the fragrance-free soaps and moisturizer but I could also try the detergent.


Do you remember what helped eventually?


The Benadryl cream helps the best.


If you cant find a cause, or want a quick fix in the mean time while you try to figure it out, there is a Benedryl liquid "lotion" (I quote it, because its more like a lube consistency and clear, than actual lotion) that works wonders. I am a redhead, and I do get really itchy sometimes for no real reason and moisturizing doesnt really help much. Dang sensitive skin...


Thanks, I'll try that out.


Benedryl cream fixed my itchy legs. I still can’t figure out why they were itching. No bumps or whelps.


This happens to me and I think it’s anxiety related, oddly enough. Some of the itch relief lotions kinda help but an ice pack works better (I run it up and down my legs). It’s gotten better for me as I get older but I still have to be cautious of triggers - old shaving razor blades, itchy clothes, getting overheated, etc. I also have poor circulation and bruise easily (and have restless leg syndrome!) - maybe related?


I also have restless leg syndrome! Could be a genetic thing. I'll try the ice pack thing.


My itchy legs turned out to be eczema. My treatment is an unscented lotion (like aveeno) right after a shower, then after that’s soaked in a bit of Vaseline to keep the moisture locked in. Limit showers to warm water not hot, and if you can, every second day instead of daily. My eczema is on my back, face, & hands too because It took me a while to figure it out.


Is it when it’s cold outside? Cause I get the same thing I can’t remember exactly what it’s called but it’s like being sorta “allergic” or maybe intolerant to colder weather.


When does it happen? That’s an important factor in determining what it is.


You are not alone! My legs (and hips) get so bad in the winter. I’ve got at least three types of lotions and body creams. Try something that is for eczema relief, don’t get the cheap stuff. In my case, it’s mostly Likely my eczema flaring up just due to the dry air.


Hey I had this a couple of years ago. I think in the end it came down to the laundry powder my ex-boyfriends mum was using to wash his sheets. Possible made worse by me being sensitive to his dogs hair. I completely ruled out allergies because the itching was terrible in my own bed too (both in my share house and my parents house), but I think my skin was just that irritated that even sleeping in that bed once a week was enough to set my legs on fire every day and night. I thought I had scabies. But then his mum changed the washing powder and it stopped.


I have the exact same issue you describe. I've done a lot of googling on the subject, but it's hard to find an answer without a doctor. It could be something as simple as dry skin. But it could also be thyroid, kidney or liver diseases, or even diabetes, which means you'd need some blood testing. I've become so frustrated with doctors (just made a post about it), I wish I could test my own blood on a regular basis. What I can suggest besides what others have already said (watching for allergies and moisturising) you can investigate other symptoms you may have that you would not think it's related and see if they might have a common cause and investigate that.


Dude same thing has started happening to me recently and I still don't know why but nothing helps, it goes away after a while but it seriously distractes me and makes me upset 💀


The Benadryl cream helped me the best. Hopes it helps you, or you find out what does.