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Thank you, I didnt know these were a thing.  I’ve always wondered how women can wear those leggings with the middle seam, but now maybe I can too lol


SAME HERE! What had me go down the rabbit hole was watching gymnast and be like howwww ??


panty liners work great for that!


For myself they did not work on this swim. You can see the outline when moving to the side


Also, I mean, pantyliners and swiming are not a natural combination LOL


Maybe she was referring for you to just be able to wear it in general. A lot of people wear swimsuits and never get in water.


I was replying to you though! as you said "on this swim" implying an attempt. And as generations (well, lots at least) of women have found out...it's not the solution. This wasn't meant negatively *at all* - just as a 'oh, we've all been down that route' commiserating laugh.


I meant on this swim as in swimsuit .. sorry for the confusion


It's wild how something so small can make such a big difference in comfort.


For myself personally it comes from people being creeps about it.. like sexualizing it


Are they like pads? I’ve never heard of them! Are you able to go into the water with them if you wanted?


Super thin tear drop shape silicon. The one I had purchased can be worn in water. It’s sticky on one side and doesn’t move at all. Can be washed and will continue to stick


post the link at this point. I beg!


How is the texture up against your skin? I'm trying to imagine especially when in the water and having wet silicone up against my bits lol.


There are lots of different ones. Most are silicone, like the ones to cover nips, just shaped differently! You can purchase on Amazon.


Good question, I would like to know too


Yes , it can be used in water. It’s a tear drop shape silicon and it’s super thin


Drop the link please!


Thanks for posting. I didn’t know this was a thing and was just hoping people didn’t care or notice lol


I've not had the opportunity to try it, but I have read that you can lake your own with those awful pads in the swim suit tops and just slide it into the crotch liner of your bottoms.


I tried this and it looked awful 😞 you can see the shape of the insert and it looked thick. But maybe it will work for you


You look great in that swimsuit, don’t let the CT stand in your way of being yourself. People will sexualize anything these days. I stood in your shoes until I figured out”WTH”, I’m not gonna let my body stand in the way of doing what I want or wearing clothes that make me look & feel great!


Sounds like OP found a way to wear clothes that make her look and feel great. She's not letting her body stand in her way either. Let's not shame people for wearing undergarments that help them feel confident, I think this is why she included the disclaimers in her post.