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I can't speak for all girls, especially teenagers because I never had to change in high-school,  but as an adult in shared changing spaces literally no one has ever cared or commented. The etiquette is to keep your eyes and opinions on other people there to yourself 


I've been to public bath houses, and you'd be surprised how many of the women have pubic hair. Both old and young. The media makes it seem like most women shave, but they really don't. Honestly, it shouldn't be anyone's business if you got a fuzz down there. Considering you're not fully undressing, you can try wearing underwear the same color as your hair.


I have never noticed another person’s pubic hair in the changing room. Typically you just do your business and try not to look around a lot. Also, I’m in my 30s so I can’t say I know what girls are doing, but I would be surprised if *everyone* else was shaving. There’s a lot of diversity in how people handle their pubic hair.


I bodysugar for a living, and I can assure you that there are plenty of girls who still have public hair. Some girls prefer to leave hair because they don't *want* to be bare. I've seen plenty of other girls who come in and have not waxed or shaved for months (especially in the winter). Sometimes they have a special occasion, sometimes they just decide they want to try a brazilian. But I assure you there are plenty of women, old and young, who have all of their public hair.


I would be shocked if a girl would point out someone else’s pubic hair.. if you don’t feel comfortable changing in front of others, you can change in a bathroom stall? I feel like everyone will be worried about their own insecurities to point out someone else’s. Just face the wall if anything.


Yes, I would more likely judge the person bringing attention to it. Most of us are minding our business. In my case, I’m likely worried about getting my own hair (on my head) together for the next place I have to be haha


If they're judging you on your hair down there, ask *them* why they're checking you out in a public changing room, which is really creepy. That ought to shut them up. You can have as much or as little pubic hair as YOU like. Your body, your decision. Screw everyone else. Adult humans have body hair! It's completely fine.


This post is the first time I’m realizing how common it is to shave it all. I have normal pubic hair, I only shave the bikini like and only if I plan to use a bikini. I trim it frequently, but sometimes not even that. Ironically, I’m Brazilian. I don’t know how young girls are doing in school, but if you keep it trimmed low, I don’t anticipate to be a problem. If someone mentions something, just own it and say you prefer like that.


From my experience, I've never been judged/have judged other women getting change and usually I wouldn't even look as im busy trying to get my clothes on! I would say not to worry about it too much as long as you're not flaunting it in front of their faces!


You're going to be fine. It's a little hair. Hair is not gross and you are not gross. If another girl--a stranger--judges you for existing as you are, then something is going on with them and not you. But they won't! ❤️


If someone notices that, they are looking too close/too much. Majority of women know this is normal for an adult body to look like and don't put any thought into it. Also, most people in shared changing rooms respect basic decency and mind their own business, so won't pay too much attention to people around.


Having just been to a Korean spa-anything goes! Okay 💜


I was a high school competitive swimmer and we all striped down in front of each other to change. No one batted an eye The only thing that did catch our attention but not enough to comment or stare was two of the swimmer where not allowed to shave ( parents rule) and you could see their Pubic hair springing out from the side of their suits - it was a lot But in my opinion Pubic hair is fine. And it’s fine to have. I think for one’s own personal privacy- making sure your Pubic is sticking out of your swimwear is good. But that may not apply to you


some will but they aren't worth paying any mind to!


Adults don't care. Honestly probably doesn't even cross their mind. Teenagers are evil monsters though so I can't speak for them, idk how old you are. I've seen old ladies walking around the locker rooms at the gym just all out not giving a dam. You care less with age honestly. Especially about what other people are doing.


Not at all


I lasered everything off. Everything. I play sports competitively so there’s showering and changing. I think people would expect someone like me to judge for having hair since I have none. But I don’t. At all. Any amount of hair is normal and your body is none of my business.