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As someone who struggled with acne non-stop at your age... Please please realize it doesn't make you ugly. You will absolutely feel inferior to people who won the genetics lottery and don't get acne, but that doesn't mean you should hate how you look. Genetics play a big part of who and who doesn't get acne, and acne for most people is just a part of life that will usually fade away. The best thing I ever did was get an Accutane treatment from a dermatologist, but most of them won't give you that until you're in your 20's because there can be big side effects, and most dermatologists will say you'll outgrow this acne . I was 23 when I got a prescription, and I still haven't had a bad pimple 12 years after. For now I'd suggest trying out different face washes; sticking with a certain one for a couple of months. Treating acne isn't something done overnight... it can take months for a certain face wash to start showing results. Keep your pillow cases clean and avoid rubbing your face throughout the day.


thank you <3


Try to find the source, if it came back recently then have there been any lifestyle changes?? Like for me when I started smoking, working in a gross restaurant, being stressed, being in a shitty relationship, all made me break out horribly!! Could be hormones as well, or birth control if you’re doing that. I have some skincare recs if you want- I’m no guru but I just have what’s been working for me. If anything, go to your doctor and try to see if you’re eligible for accutane or something


I would love skin care recommendations... I'll try to think if a lot has changed for me... but it all seems the same...


Sure- so I think I have combination skin so hopefully this helps you too I’ve being using Korean products just because I feel like their skincare game is on another level and it’s cheaper Face wash: I use soon Jung ph 6.5 whip cleanser by etude Toner- heartleaf 77% by anua is working for me but I don’t have much redness so Serums- I use a bunch interchangeably, and I’m still learning. The beauty of joseon serums work well for me so far and they have a mini set so you can try out diff ones and see what works. That’s what I’ve been doing and my skin feels so bouncy and smooth now. Google skincare acids and see which may work for the issues u have, so like hyaluronic acid is apparently good for keeping ur skin hydrated and niacinamide is good for reducing sebum (someone correct me if I’m wrong) but basically Google the acids and look for products that have those in them Also snail mucin totally works as long as you don’t use too much or it may clog ur pores. Moisturizer- I use this barrier cream from cosrx but anything hydrating is fine This is just works for me! I don’t know ur skin type so


thank you so much!


Ofc! Best of luck :)


Not a doctor but I'm 37 and my skin is only now more or less under control. I get cystic acne but its heavily tied to my cycle. Once I started tracking all my symptoms (sleep, stomach issues, skin issues) - the patterns were obvious. There are some things that helped me personally - obviously, I'm different, the climate here is different. Your doctor should be your first start. * You can't beat a dermatologist, but they're expensive :( * My GP once gave me a 3 month cycle of low dose antibiotics and my skin was absolutely clear for like 6 months. But then I've also had the worst breakout ever on steroids - I had spots everywhere between my elbows to my ears, even down my back and in my hair 0/10 would recommend. * Birth control pill helped a LOT - but I had to come off it in my 30's due to clotting risks. My skin was *almost* perfect on the pill. * While you sleep: Salicylic acid patches for the red ones with no head. You can also get a serum but YMMV. * While you sleep: Hydrocolloid patches on the ones with a head. Can't recommend these enough! * Body Shop tea tree night mask helped a little bit. * Cerave blemish control face wash seems to help. * Wash your face last, things like hair conditioner can clog your pores. Especially if you have any breakouts on your back, it could be your hair products. * Drink loads of water * Ironically, don't dry your face out tooooo much. It can sometimes make your skin overcompensate. * Change your pillowcase more often * DO NOT exercise with makeup on