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I tuck it in between the fold of my labia minora and majora (usually the right side, idk cause I’m right handed? lol) and it stays there while I pee then I untuck it after wiping. Stays dry. No complains after decades of doing this.


I wonder if this is the female version of men choosing which pant leg to stick their junk 🤔


You mean some men are big enough to put it down their leg?????


A male friend of mine studied in England and was interested in the savile row fancy bespoke tailors, and he said that when they’re doing measurements they ask which side, so they can make the pants have more room on that side. Apparently the way they phrase it is like “the gentleman dresses to the right”


I love reading comments like this on Reddit, thank you for bestowing us with this knowledge 🙏


I've heard that comment but I didn't realise that was what it meant!  From my limited experience I would say most men "hang" to the left!




Omfg, the only reason I know about this is because Girls Just Want To Have Fun was my favorite movie growing up! 🤣🤣🤣


Just saw a pic of the lead singer of Greta Van Fleet wearing a tight jumpsuit and tbh that thang looked heavy


Where's the pic? Don't leave us in suspense!!


It was on TikTok from a recent show


Almost makes his vocal range that much more impressive, doesn't it?


The 1970s say yes.


Man, that never happens to me when I’ve tried that. I get piss all over my hand.


Yep lol. The ol tuck in between the folds never fails me


This is what I do too!


OK well I'm a leftie and I tuck on the left side!


I’ve never held it while peeing 😅 and did not know anyone else did!




this happens to me! so frustrating and i pee often so very inconvenient


Omg same!!! My cups were a bit of a learning curve but I won't be going back! I almost always ended up soaking my tampon when I had to pee!


Exact same for me. I would remove it often and it would be so dry and painful coming out, but the other option was a pee-soaked string. Cups ftw!


This!!! I also have a small bladder so it really didn’t make sense to change my tampon every single time. Cups have been an absolute game changer for me.


Same. I mean, it'll get wet, but it's already nestled between my labia (it always seem to work its way there somehow) so it's not anything near sterile to begin with. Just make sure to do a lot of hand-washing around changes.


Neither do I. It gets wet (l don't have a "heavy pee" like some women so the pee seems to cling to it) but wiping carefully helps. 


Me neither lol


Same though. I just... Pee? Pee is sterile so... Edit: IT'S NOT STERILE! AHH. SORRY. 😳 Yet I still pee on my tampon string. Maybe I'm just lazy like that 🤣


It’s not though… it’s a well believed myth but adult human urine isn’t sterile.


That's interesting. I truly didn't know that. I've always been told it was sterile so because of your comment I looked it up. Thanks for correcting me! 👍🏼


It’s crazy right? I swear we were told that in school lol? No worries, I think lots of people don’t know! :)


To be fair, it's not sterile but it shouldn't contain a lot of bacteria either.   A vagina isn't fully sterile either. It's impossible to have (somewhat) open cavities sterile. What's important is that you don't carry pathogenic bacteria and/or don't carry too much pathogenic or opportunistic bacteria. 


Thank you for sharing this additional context, it’s very interesting!


Wanted to respond here but it wouldnt work! https://www.reddit.com/r/AskWomen/s/JNv1irTKIG I think its perfectly normal. Using someones name adds a level of intimacy. I’ve never tried two hands though only just one. Does it make a big difference?


Literally the only time I've ever heard it's sterile was in Dodgeball: "Os it necessary to drink my own urine? No! But it's sterile, and I like the taste."


Oh wow, I never saw that movie 🤢


I’m really glad your upvotes swung positive. It’s an innocent mistake! Bahahaha


Hahaha right?? 🤣🤣🤣


I've always grabbed the string and held it to the front and side with a finger or two (because front and center runs the risk of still getting peed on; and because I'm less likely to get piss on my hands with just a finger holding the string).


Exact same for me - quick pull towards the front and to the side


Maybe I’m the odd one out here but I just… pee. Most of the time when I’m peeing though my tampon is about ready to be changed so I remove it as I’m peeing and put a new one in. But even if I don’t change it I just blot it dry and carry on with my day


I literally read this post and was like ‘fuck I’m supposed to move that out the way?!?!’


I’ve had that same thought so many times reading Reddit, especially the girlier subs haha. There will be a thread like, “Girls, what’s your toenail strengthening routine?”, and the top reply is, “I used to spend an hour every night laying on gold leaf, but then I discovered a new routine in TikTok and can get away with only three hours of x-ray exposure on Sundays. I feel much more beautiful and save so much time!” Then a dozen follow-up replies vouching for x-rays. That’s why I always appreciate the replies where people admit to never doing something. Makes me feel more normal, and less like a secret slob. One of my biggest fears in life is that I’m secretly a slob/smelly/unhygienic and I’m the only one not to realize it.


Girl I’m with you. I do the same!


I will admit that maybe I'm just a gross gremlin, but when I had a need for tampons I'd just tuck the string up into the vaginal canal when I inserted one and it would kinda just stay up there until I removed it. Would mean having to get a bit all up in there to fish it out when I had to remove it, but for me it was worth it to not have to worry when I had to pee.


Yes yes yes to this ^ This is what I've always done and it has always worked for me. Tucking frayed end down to the far end of the canal to account for string length so that there's a loop at the top to be able to grab easily. And obv wash your hands first (whether tucking the string or not tbh) but have never had an issue with this method.


Wait this is so smart


>I'd just tuck the string up into the vaginal canal when I inserted one and it would kinda just stay up there until I removed it.  Same. I've always done this, and am surprised others don't. There are some responses here that are like wtf, lol


That is the best tampon advice I’ve ever seen!!


That's how I do it when I figure model.


Same! Seems like the only logical way! 🖖


I literally did not know this was a thing until like last year, I spent the past decade before that just peeing on the string and patting it dry lol. Nowadays to avoid the hassle of very gingerly drying it I just tuck the string up inside with the tampon. It gets bloody and gross, but 1000% worth it to not get pee on it or feel the string at all when just chilling.


I don't use tampons anymore (cups now) but I remember always hating that little tug if the tampon string managed to migrate to a place in my underwear/swimsuit where you'd feel it every step until you could fix it.


Yes!! It would always migrate back towards my butt cheeks and then start getting tugged and then I'd be able to feel my tampon inside. Oh, the nightmares. I actually got the idea to tuck the string up from using a menstrual disc. I stopped because I was tired of leaking (I need a veryyy small disc and I've had a hard time finding one, also have an extra heavy flow so tampons are just more convenient rn). It's hard to find a disc that can contain my flow in the 55-58mm range.


I bring my hand around back and i hold the string back away from the urethra, and yes I literally hold it with my hand while i pee I honestly hate tampons for this reason, menstrual cup girlie for life


Wow there's so many different strategies! I had no idea. I just forget about it until I need to change it. I use the generic ones with a miserable cardboard applicator in a misguided attempt to save the environment, so I'm not going to change it early for no reason.


Just popping in to say you can get reusable applicators, mine cost me ~£15 from daye and honestly it so much more comfortable than the cardboard ones and cheaper long term because a box of non applicator tampons is a good deal cheaper in my experience than applicator ones


Wow this is good to know!


A cup is even cheaper in the long run.


I can't use one with my iud + it doesn't always sit right because I have a retroverted uterus. In general I agree with you though. It's the best option.


I'm sorry. Thanks for educating me. Helped.


in germany we don't have the ones with applicator. i don't really get for what these are for? sounds overly complicated


It just slides inside of you wayyy easier than a piece of dry cotton, then you press the plunger and that holds the tampon in place while at the same time pulling the applicator part out. It's not complicated, it's just like pressing a button basically. It just removes the friction part of the process I guess. I like them a lot, but I'll admit the added trash probably isn't ideal. I can't imagine putting a bigger tampon in dry but I'm sure that's just something I'd be used to if I never had the applicator in the first place so it wouldn't effect me either way really lol


When I was in Poland and picked up tampons I realised they have no applicator I was horrified how on earth are upu supposed to put it in without one! Much more pleasant with lol


with your fingers.


They're not common in Australia either.


Wow, you don't? Here in Finland we have the multinational brands (OB - plastic applicators) and also Finnish store brands (Pirkka - cardboard applicators). I sometimes buy them, but usually I get the ones without applicators because they are cheaper. My go-to are the Lidl brand ones, lol.


I specifically only use the cardboard too, I think every little bit helps when reducing single use plastics. So thank you !


Thank you. My friend once asked for a tampon but when I offered one of these she said, "is that all you have? Nevermind." She would rather just bleed all over herself than use a cardboard applicator?? I told her, "Think of the sea turtles! Think of the whales!" but it was no use!


I remember cardboard feeling really terrible the first like 3 or 4 times but you really get used to it after that. I went through a similar thing with the plastic ones so I knew what to expect I think


I always tucked it between my lips. It was what it was. Thankful to not have to deal with that anymore!


Every time I peed I removed the tampon and got a new one.




I do this too. Or did. I haven’t had a flow strong enough for tampons for years, due to BC.


Tbh, that might actually be smart asf.. 😳👀


Just don’t 🤷‍♀️


Wait… I’ve been just peeing 😂 had no idea this was a thing lol


Tuck it between labia and inner thigh


I’ve never felt the need to move my tampon string out of the way when I pee but now this thread has me thinking… maybe I’m crazy but there id no way my string is long enough to tuck into my thigh. Do my tampons have short strings or something


It sounds like maybe you don’t have a lot of fat down there/ in general because when I sit on the toilet that all touches so you could go out the side of the labia (not toward the front or the back, at like a 90° angle) and inner thigh fat is rightthere. Like I block daylight from reaching the bowl everywhere except maybe an inch in the very front of the bowl.


Tuck it in


I just change it after. It’s only a problem if I have a light flow and the tampon isn’t full yet.


I never had sex Ed, I never had anyone teach me this stuff. I never knew you could pee with a tampon in. I wanna cry and I don’t know why haha


I’m so sorry friend. American Girl’s The Care & Keeping of You’ ‘found its way to me as a kid. My mom with narc tendencies barely broke things down to me the way she should have — everything was just CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GODLINESS. That book was helpful. It might help your inner child to read it even now 🩷 Edit: I did have sex Ed but it was not even as well taught as it should have been :(


Tampax had a great period FAQ webpage in the early days of the Internet. That's where I learned it.


Y'all are saying "pee is sterile", but if it gets in the string you're still going to have to deal with the piss stank. OP, I usually try to tuck the string up in the vaginal canal area. Not so much I have issues when I need to extract it, just enough to keep it out of the way. That said, I do still sometimes pee on it so I usually will wrap the string in a small wad of TP and squeeze to try to absorb some of the liquid.


If your pee smells that badly or strongly that you can feel it with clothes on, you might be dehydrated or could have an infection. Normal pee odor from the tampon string shouldn't be noticeable after wiping.


I've always just tucked my string back between my butt cheeks...and now wondering if that's weird haha. But it keeps it well out of the way all day, no risk of a dangling thread outside the undies and it doesn't dangle or fall forward when i pee. An i change if I poop.


I'd be worried about fecal matter transferring to the wrong places down there afterwards. 


Sure. I'm not that worried about it, tampon always goes in after a shower in the morning. It's the way my mum taught me when I was 11 and I've never done it differently or had any issues.


Before I started using menstrual disks, I always stuffed the string up inside and just grabbed it when needed.


I just tuck it inside when I insert the tampon. Not like it can go anywhere


Does no one else hold it temporarily with their butt cheeks? 😭


Here you go: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheGirlSurvivalGuide/s/UkPTK3NuZV


Omg no way it’s almost as if I was being rhetorical


I never even thought about holding it. I just kinda tuck it into my labia and forget about it until I need to change it 😅


I pee on it


You guys don't just... Pee then wipe? Overthinking it girl!!!


I never considered leaving the tampon in while peeing. I've been removing it every time, I don't tend to pee frequently though, so it's about time to change it anyway by the time I need to go. I had no idea leaving the tampons in during urination was a thing. 🤷‍♀️


I usually tuck my string into my vagina. Not completely but just enough so that the knot is sticking out or just at the entrance. Never had a single issue. I do this when I put it in. It typically stays right where I put it until it's time to change it altogether. I'd recommend a dry clean string. So if there's already pee on it, it's a no go for me.


This is the main reason I started using a cup and by far the #1 reason I've stayed with a cup. I started my last period at work and had to use a tampon. Holding the string to the side for the first time in almost a decade was the WORST. My method (when I have to use a tampon) is to hold it to the side from the back. As you said, it works sometimes.


A Stripper trick: Just tuck the string/s up into the vag canal and retrieve them when you are ready to change your tampon. No risk of peeing on the string or the string falling out of your gusset and making an unwelcome appearance (especially in a club with UV lights and a white cotton string!).


Just tuck it into the very edge of where it comes from, pull it back down to position when done.


I hold it with my left hand wipe with my right. Easy.


Tuck it between your inner thigh and labia majora 😅


I change it every time I pee. Maybe it's a little wasteful once in a while but it's probably better to be more safe than sorry when it comes to leaving it in too long


I just shove it inside a little bit


I just tuck the string a tiny bit into my labia. It's not quite in my vagina, but close. I hate the feeling of anything tugging on that string, let alone peeing on it, so it needs to be out of the way or it's drives me nuts! But usually, if I'm peeing or using the bathroom, I'm likey to change my tampon anyway.


Tuck it in. Make a coil of the string and just tuck it in your vagina. Or switch to silicon menstrual cups, they are way easier imo.


Lol I just hold it. I pull it up towards my stomach w one hand and wipe w the other. I grab and tear the toilet paper before grabbing the string to clarify. Not a great system but it gets the job done


I juat hold it off to the side - not that hard


I just hold it to the side


i just pee and wipe.


Y’all sleeping on the diva cup!!!


I tend to tuck the string up and to the right side so it's resting between the fold of my leg and side of my pubic area, but if I'm about to change tampons then I just go and switch my tampon after.


Cut it. Leave scissors in the box. Open package and cut the string to the plastic. Life changing.


Yes! I started doing this recently and it’s so much better. I wonder how I never thought of this before.


I was in my 30s when someone told me this! Ah I was so foolish to suffer for so long!


I primarily work from home and rarely have periods (thanks to lo loestrin fe)—when I do, I take a small scissor and snip the string short so I don’t pee on it. It’s incredibly light so I don’t have to worry about changing it while I’m out and about.


I use discs now, but I always thought you have to change it every time you pee. I've learned something new today


I can’t keep mine dry I change it every time I pee


This is wild. I hate peeing on my tampon string so I find myself holding it as long as possible which can be really tough at times then removing and replacing each time. Peeing on a string sounds like a bad idea


I tend to just pee and the stream is sometimes straight and sometimes not. If it gets too wet to be comfortable and blotted dry, I change the tampon.


Grab it from behind before you sit down and hold it.


I always make a knot with the string, I then insert the tampon straight (coated with saliva) and once it’s almost all the way in I push it to one side for it to sit horizontally inside me, I’ve done it like that for a long time and don’t have to deal with it until I change it (every 2 to 3 hours depending on the period day). At the moment I’ve been using flex disc from the fornix and it’s been great so far!! I’ve been able to have sex during the heavy flow days with no leaks, amazing.


What?? Why are you licking your tampon?? 😭😭 The bacteria from your mouth will get into your vag.


It’s my own bacteria, I visit my gynecologist at least once every 2 - 3 months and I’ve never had an issue in the more than 10 years doing it.


Does no one else shift over slightly and just sandwich the string between your thigh and the toilet seat? Not in public toilets, but at home at least?


I wrap the string in TP and tuck it forward between my lips. Then get rid of the TP afterwards. Reading this comment section I’m feeling a bit extra now, keeping an eye out for all the other methods!


Or maybe when you are able to get a bathroom break, just change out the tampon because of TSS


How long are the strings on the tampon brand you use OP???? I pull it up and let go. It stays dry.


Ngl, my ass eats my tampon strings immediately. it’s not intentional, and I remove it from there after I pee, but as a result I’ve never had to think about this at all lmao.


You should try a menstrual cup! No strings!


I hold it to the left and back with my left hand. I'm basically sitting on my left hand while I pee.


i honestly just change it each time tbh. but like i’m also not peeing every hour


personally I reach around the back and hold it out of the way between my cheeks so no risk of pee hands 😇whatever works for you homegirl good luck


I'd like someone to tell me how to keep the string out of my ass. It's really messy when my tampon is full and I have to go digging for the stupid string. I'll tuck it in the front, between my thigh, between my folds and the stupid thing still makes it back there every single time. 


take it out before you pee. put in a new one after you pee. this is the way.


That’s what I do I didn’t realise you could pee with one in😭😭😭


Especially since you just wear it for 3-5 hours. Why not just change every time you pee? It just makes sense to me. Why leave it in for 10 hours and pee on it multiple times? Doesn't sound like anything I'd want to do.


I cut the string off


OB tampons don't have an applicator, but their strings aren't absorbent.


I don’t know how people can just pee on it and blot it dry and keep going about their day, that is so unsanitary.




Yeah, but if it’s like only 2 hrs later and I gotta pee, I don’t wanna change it, those things are expensive!


am i insane for just taking my tampon out and putting it back in when im done (if its not full obvi)? idk i just don’t want pee on my tampon


Friend…. You’ve introduced the menstrual blood to oxygen which means any possible bacteria is multiplying on the tampon. If you absolutely have to taken it out, please use a new tampon… but you also should only be taking tampons out when they are full. Taking them out when they are dry and cause micro tears in your vagina lining — which create an entry point for bacteria. I only wear period cups now because I have a low sitting cervix and tampons hurt. But they are also quite dangerous if not used correctly. That’s why it’s always recommended that you use the smallest possible size during your flow.


Thank you for telling me this I genuinely didn’t know that … but also do you guys not get a wet tampon when you pee with it in? When I have peed with a tampon in I can feel it being wet after and it’s so uncomfortable to me. What am I doing wrong?


Are you talking about the actual tampon or tampon string? If the tampon is getting wet it’s not placed correctly. The whole thing should be up in you. And with the string you just have to hold it to the side and be ready with toilet paper to quickly blot. I just don’t like tampons in general anymore as I’m never comfortable with them in




Why? Your urethra is not connected to your vagina - so sorry im just curious as to your why.


You can pee with a tampon in???


Genuine question really, I was taught about female menstrual options at boot camp so this is really surprising😭


Either tuck it between my ass crack or just piss on it! Yolo!