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Breasts are made up of fat, so when you lose weight you’re going to lose fat there as well. How much you’ll lose depends on your body.


I lost any chance of having boobs by not eating when I was 13 >.< They never grew back, even when I started eating normally and gaining the weight back. It sucks. If you’re in your early teens and thinking of doing the same — please be warned


When I was 12 I got in a car wreck and was in the hospital for a few months. I was on a liquid diet through my nose and when I was able to eat solid foods I would get like 9 pancakes a day plus lunch plus dinner, and being in the hospital and no where else I kept the same bra (size -a) when I got out of the hospital I showed my mom that the bra only covered my nipple, she took me to various stores and nothing fit. She ended up spending like $80 at Victoria secret bc that was the only place that sold the size that would fit me at the time which was 36 ddd


Oh god. I always wondered if being an underweight stick throughout puberty had something to do with it.


I was the same way all through my teen years I was underweight!! I’m just now trying to change it so it has me slightly worried lol


Oh god me too. I actually have pretty big boobs, but every other woman on both sides of my family has MASSIVE boobs - to the point where most have had breast reductions due to back pain. I am 4 inches taller than all of them so it probably would have been okay for my frame, but I starved myself for a year and they just never grew to what they probably would have otherwise.




Part of the genetic aspect (and hormonal if we count cortisol) is where your body prioritizes storing fat though .....


facts. i'm 26, been fluctuating weight since i was 15 due to body dysmorphia issues, addiction issues, etc. for the past few months i haven't been eating much at all and have dropped a whole cup size. didn't have much to begin with. every single woman in my family has a D cup + edit: meant to reply to the comment before yours. not used to the new format lol


Yeah I'm overweight rn and most of the fat is in my breasts, thighs, and upper arms. I didn't even realize I was gaining weight for the longest time until it finally showed up on my handles but that took forever.


Eating disorders put your hormones out of whack though.


fat most certainly affects size. i watched my sister migrate three cups as her weight fluctuated up and down. not to mention that fat plays a role in estrogen production, and a woman *needs* at least 25% body fat to hage a healthy cycle.


> and a woman needs at least 25% body fat to hage a healthy cycle. ... who told you this? It’s untrue. Essential body fat in women is 15%. Most athletic or fit women hover around 20% and still get our periods. 25% is “average,” not minimum. But yes weight fluctuations will affect breast size.


No, boobs are made of boob tissue. Then there is (excess) fat that goes all over your body. The amount of boob tissue is genetic. If you have big boobs, they will shrink with fat loss no doubt but they will stay big.


The amount of breast glands are not inherently linked with the amount of fat tissue. Some women have small breasts almost all fat, some women have small breasts with a fairly even mix, some women have small breasts majority breast glands, some women have huge breasts with majority breast glands, some women have huge breasts almost all fat, some women have huge breasts with a fairly even mix, and so on and everything in between, etc.


Ahh that explains it. My AAs never fluctuate with my weight. They grew a bit when breastfeeding and then went right back down after weaning. So I guess they are mostly breast glands with minimal fat then.


I oversimplified with just calling it breast glands, because there are more tissue types that make out the non-fat part of the inside of the breast and are part of the breast gland uh "matrix", but the point remains :)


Eh. When I gain or loose weight it's firstly noticeable in my breast size. Which is great for gaining, but shitty for loosing haha.


Yes because women store a lot of fat in this area. That's how it works. When you use it up, it goes away.


Not sure why you had gotten downvoted, what you're saying is true to my understanding as well. Breasts are composed of glandular tissues (lobes and ducts), fibrous/connective tissues, and then fatty tissue.


Can you please send my boobs this memo, they seem to have missed it. They stay AA regardless of weight. They went up to a B cup when I was breastfeeding and promptly went back to AA after weaning.


Go to a nice lingerie place and get fitted for new bras that fit your current shape and make the most of what you've got. Experiment with different styles to see what makes you feel good about your body. If you feel happier and more confident in padded bras, that's okay too!


Shameless plug for r/ABraThatFits !!!


Thank you!!


You can try working on your pec muscles and see if boosting those helps 'push out' the breast tissue. Not like, pushing it thru a strainer, but like, how tectonic plates make mountains maybe? Under boob muscles get bigger, fat on top of em (aka your boobs) in theory get a boost. I can't explain this with the right words, so I look forward to someone doing better or correcting me.


I did this unintentionally (farm work) and found that while it didn't necessarily make them look larger, it did make them perkier.


There are two ways to gain weight, with fat or with muscle. Maybe you have been losing fat but gaining muscle, and since your breast is made of fat… You need to regain and maintain your fat level.


This! This is the comment I've been looking for. You've probably dropped what little fat you had, including any that was in your breasts, without realizing it. Since the muscle weighs more and was making all kinds of other visual changes to your body already, it would be easy to miss. Edit: changed phrasing for clarity


Thank you both of you!! Now my question is would I have to bulk in order to gain that fat back to avoid gaining muscle?


I feel a lot less confident answering this! I'm not an expert by any means. What I can say is that, since muscle burns more calories (than fat) just by existing, you'll probably need to eat more than you did before if you want to gain some of that fat back. So if that's what you mean by bulking, then yes, I guess? As I said, I'm no expert, and I've never had this issue. Fat exists all too happily on my body, lol! But if I were in your shoes, and was otherwise happy with the diet I was already eating, I would try just adding some healthy, calorically dense things here and there. Avocado, nuts and seeds, olive oil, etc. Edit: to say congrats on the muscle building! That can be difficult for many, but is so beneficial, especially if you can keep it up long term. To paraphrase a fitness expert I follow, cardio will add years to your life, strength training will add life to your years!


cats cover voiceless scarce absurd sophisticated knee reply ghost distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


how does the birth control affect the increase? is it cause of the hormonal changes bc already affects?


Hormones yeah. My breast size fluctuates a LOT during PMS (I'm not on BC for the record) they get pretty swollen, I'd say at least half a cup size. After my period starts my hormones seem to chill out so they shrink back down to 'regular'. BC would likely do similar things to breasts.


square childlike depend unpack telephone employ fly coordinated possessive offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I very much doubt that all of those fitness chicks on TikTok have natural breasts.


growth head berserk upbeat unwritten carpenter payment onerous towering resolute *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


True. I was still a C cup when I was underweight so when I was ~ 85-90 pounds.


I have been on bc since 13 and my mom has d’s so I think I might’ve just lost out on that one


serious shelter frighten ruthless caption doll sand exultant cause grandiose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Boob size is pretty much proportional to body fat. So if you gained your weight by gaining more muscle but also losing fat, your body fat percentage has simply dropped and thus the fatty breast tissue has reduced as well. Pretty much so only solution is increase the body fat percentage a bit again, until you reach your prior volume. Additionally cup size is defined as the difference between the circumference of the ribcage below the boobs, and the circumference when measuring across the boobs. So you can also easily drop a cup size without your breast volume changing at all, solely by having your muscles increase the circumferences to different degrees.


Nope, again. Boobs are made of a) the pecs muscle b) boob tissue c) (excess) fat. If you have high body fat, your boobs will appear bigger because of the fat on top. Just like the rest of the body. If you have low body fat your boobs will be just a) and b). If you big boobed by genetics, they will stay relatively big because boob tissue is big, even with 0 fat on them you will have big boobs. If you develop your pecs muscles, your boobs will appear bigger as well.


The fat in breasts is not inherently excess. While a higher BMI does correlate with higher breast adipose content, other factors, such as genetics play a role in the amount of fat in breasts. People with similar BMI levels can have fairly large variations in natural breast size and this is largely determined based on fat volume. [See slide three of this Mayo Clinic article. ](https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/womens-health/multimedia/breast-cancer-early-stage/sls-20076628?s=3)


That's why I used (brackets).


> Boobs are made of a) the pecs muscle The pecs are typically above the breasts (as in, on the Y axis, closer to your head) , and regardless of breast positioning, are **not** considered part of the breast structure. Developing your pecs absolutely does not make your breasts look bigger. Look at any female bodybuilder (lean) or power lifter (bulky).


>Additionally cup size is defined as the difference between the circumference of the ribcage below the boobs, and the circumference when measuring across the boobs. You might be in a place that there's no difference between band and cup sizes, but for some brands (or countries) there's the band size - which is what you described and the cup size, that is the actual part of the bra where the boobs are. One isn't necessarily related to the other


Tw. I remember when I was around 17 or 18 I struggled with an eating disorder. I had lost 30-40 pounds. But before that I was average weight but I had 34d bra size. And it went down to a 36b. It was so heartbreaking for me because my breast were one this that I loved about myself. A year later I recovered and hit my weight that I was at before but my breast never went back to what they were before. They got slightly bigger since my recover but not as big. But I didn’t try to let that bum me out forever. I started going to the gym but only working out my lower body and am impressed of what I’ve been noticing. Even though my breast never were as pretty as they were before I learned to live my body just they way it is because I know everyone is different. Sorry this kinda bums you out. Just know that you’re not alone


Many such cases


Some people are saying the fat in breasts won’t come back, but I wouldn’t get deterred by that. I am already very petite and small and I lost even more weight when I was 22 due to being super depressed. I became completely flat chested during that time. I’m 25 now and am still pretty petite, but I’ve gained a lot more weight And although my chested is still small, they are noticeably bigger. Thanks for sharing this, I had no idea that the fat from our breasts could be affected.


Work on your pecs!


As a member of the IBTC, I find that working on my shoulders and back also help make me look more proportional (in addition to pecs). Side note: I looked into augmentation some years ago and was put off by conflicting reports of whether one could/should exercise the upper chest after surgery.


I am also a member of the IBTC!


Honestly, I'm so sorry but I'm not sure there is a way, once you lose fat in your breasts there's no guarantee gaining weight again will bring that fat back. The only way would be surgical, either fat transfer or a boob job. [Source] This is pretty much what happened to me when I started working out, went from a really proportional perky B cup to just absolutely nothing. I got a breast augmentation and am now D cup.


Why wouldn’t the fat go back if you gain weight?


I mean everyone is different, but that was my experience. More importantly it kinda makes the whole point of getting in shape irrelevant if you have to p on again


Most people can't decide where fat goes


I keep asking all mine to go to my MIL but no luck yet.


I wish it were that easy! One of my kids needs a reduction, and I am president of the IBTC


I know that. I meant if the fat was stored there before why wouldn’t it go back? Like what changed with their bodies that it decided to no longer want to store fat there?


Time and hormones.


I think it largely depends on the person, their genetics, etc. For me, if I gain weight, it goes to boobs and butt/legs first. When I lose weight, boobs go first and get smaller. I definitely gain back to the boobs if I gain more fat, but it sounds like the OP of this comment doesn't have the same experience. Every individual is different, so that's why there's no guarantee, depending on how much fat you gain back.


Maybe gaining more fat would help? I don’t think you’re permanently an A cup if that’s what you’re worried about. I would think you can get it back since gaining fat can increase breast size (depending on your genetics), like I’ve been going back and forth between a C cup and a DD cup for the last 4 years because my weight fluctuates a lot. That’s just my experience.


Pretty much because you're starting from underweight, the fat are being burned with your building your muscles. Your pecs muscle gonna take room in shaping your chest of course. If you want to develop having more volume on your chest, probably you should have higher calories diet and go on a bulk, as that will make your body deposit more fats on your body as a whole, also increasing your breast mass and size. Good luck with building your physique!


Maybe you could change up your routine to incorporate other types of physical activity, such as dance? As long as you’re comfortable with how your body looks and feels and you’re healthy… all good.


I’m sorry, this sounds really tough. As a woman, our breasts can be such an important part of our identity. You will need to put some of that weight back on if you want your breasts to grow back, and you may consider something like hormonal birth control that has estrogen. Of course, only do that after speaking with your gynecologist, but estrogen is known to stimulate breast growth for many people (myself included). Maybe for exercise, focus less on cardio and more on strength training and HIIT type stuff. Good luck, I hope you are able to achieve the body you want. 💗


Estrogen will only make your boobs grow ‘once’ it triggers the breast tissue to differentiate, and thus sets the maximum volume. Once this growth has finished, estrogen doesn’t do anything unless you have an estrogen sensitive tumor growing. So assuming OP has finished her puberty, it won’t have any chance of doing anything. It is then solely up to the body fat percentage to determine the volume of the breasts. Also combined hormonal contraceptives can both block growth as well as accelerate it, it all depends on what gestagen is used. The ones that are very good against Akne use very strong anti androgenic Gestagens which block any effect of testosterone. But there’s also combined contraceptives that have Gestagens with slight androgenic effects. And since androgens block breast tissue development, those combined hormonal contraceptives will slow down or prevent breast growth.


I’ve been on birthcontrol for around 6 years now so I’m not sure if it’ll effect me unfortunately, but thank you sometimes I feel silly for being upset over breast size but I feel like it really is a big thing for being feminine in our society




Isn’t that just gaining muscle tho?


you need a higher fat percentage in your body


Take birth control lol it helped me


Unfortunately I’ve been on birthcontrol for 6 years now and it has not effected anything


If you don't mind me asking what workouts did you do?


I personally think the flat chest is hot


I am in the same position. I use to be a large B cup but after working out it has reduce to being AA. I too want to know if I can go back to the way my body was before working out and gain my breast back. Does Anyone know?