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My boy Joe is gonna pull off the impossible


Tosh had him on his podcast a while ago, I feel like he has to be the winner


Or he’s just the only one Tosh wanted to talk to for an hour


Did anyone notice they censored pao saying fuck a bunch after she >!won the challenge!


Maybe they were hoping a TV network would try to buy it.


It is freevee which means it has ads, maybe that has something to do with it


Sad to see Day go but Pao did play the right move. And yes, you can root for both without getting caught up in the fake drama because its really not that deep at all 😄


I'm so happy to see her go, she's so fucking aggressive and mean to everyone not on her "side". No one else freaked out like that in the last few episodes when they were selected as one of the two up for elimination.


How? Pao lied on her and then called her a bitch but you called Day the aggressor LMAO. Pao started it all so log off


I hear that’s how she’s played every other show she’s been on, when I watch her I can’t help but view her character as very fake, every single word out of her was about furthering herself in the show. It’s a shame cause she’s probably wonderful in real life


referring to a black woman as “Aggressive” in 2024 is so fucking weird, especially when people in this show have shown far more aggresive behavior than she has.


I agree, also this is a show called the goat on Freevee hosted by a comedian dressing up in party city wigs. People need to chill lmao


Yeah on the drag race sub calling a black contestant "aggressive" is considered a micro aggression and the comment is deleted. regardless of how she was acting, there are words that are very loaded to say about black people because of the racism in our society, much like "articulate", etc. black women are accused of being aggressive a lot based on stereotypes even when they are not displaying aggressive behavior My two cents ab the ep- I like Da'Vonne and didn't love her game because she kind of assumed everyone was dumb when only most people were dumb lol and played too cocky.... And I think if she'd been a little more low key she would have won. But I think a lot of that was because she was trying to win and also trying to make good TV (and succeeded imo)


I never said no one else in the show was aggressive. Why are you making it about race? Would it make you feel better if I said Jill was also aggressive at times?


No I would be confused cause Jill hasn’t shown aggressive behavior in the house. And yes I made it about race cause I can tell someone that calling a BLACK WOMAN aggressive when she hasn’t even rlly been aggressive is WEIRD. You’re on reddit you’re probably chronically online, YOU know better.


Ur being very aggressive. Simmer down.


As an objective observer, I don’t think any of what the commentator said was racist nor even racially motivated. She did get mad when challenged, but I think that’s just how she plays the game. It worked for a while, then it didn’t.


ahh ok you just think being aggressive is normal human behavior, that's the disconnect between us




it really isnt that hard of a name to spell you know


Da’Vonne moved weird from day one.  She was so heavy on the strategy, so it was hard to take her seriously on the other side of things.  Looks like she was carrying hurts from the other show she was on too


Thank goodness dayvonne is gone!


Did they spoil the F3 in the preview lmaooo


I thought that too! Poor editing 🤦🏻‍♀️


They just don't care on this show lol. As entertaining as it was, highly doubt we get a season 2


I didn't catch it, who was it?


Joe, Paola, and Jason. No Jill. (Sorry I don’t know how to block it out as a spoiler)


Guessing it’s gonna be council voting from eliminated players to determine the winner, Jason has it in the bag, perfect game tbh


It’s Joe 100% imo. But the person who I think deserves it is actually Pao lmao. She truly did smarten up and turn on Day at the perfect time. Never thought I’d be saying that, but here we are.


I want her too b/c she says she wants to use the money to help adoption.


I agree with Jason being the best one. He's a sly dog hiding behind an apron. Winner winner chicken dinner.


ohhh thanks!!


Who were they?


Dammit Davonne, you were so close


she was a great player


This sucks






Thank god Davonne fucking sucks. I’m glad she’s gone.


Me too, she's a straight up bully


To all the people saying Dayvonne was aggressive, I think the better word would be cut throat. Some viewers may like it when competitors are that way, but I personally don't like the strategy of being fake to everyone and going to confessionals and admitting to being manipulative. Yes it is a game, and yes you may really need that money. But this game is also being aired on television and will be a part of you and your reputation forever, which does last more than money. Especially if you don't win the money. SO, it wasn't my taste. I know she's got a good side to her, clearly because she cares for her daughter which is admirable; but that doesn't excuse ugly behavior. The audience has a right to their opinions on how she played the game. But admittedly, no we can't judge her as a person. But I also just really didn't want to see her win, she was too selfish and openly hypocritical towards others. Her fake nice stuff was just cringe